2013 Magscholar Conference, Dubai - Call for Papers

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2013 MAG Scholar Global Business, Marketing and Tourism Conference Dubai, United Arabs Emirates November 11-14, 2013 Venue


Conference Objectives The annual MAG Scholar Conference is intended to bring scholars from all walks of academia to come together and share their knowledge and experiences, and foster research cooperation. For 2013, the conference theme is “Building Bridges to the Middle East: Challenges and Business Strategies�. Members are encouraged to attend the forthcoming conference to network and interact with fellow researchers who share a similar interest in learning the business of Asian business and also the challenges and strategies to build bridges to the Middle East.


Call for Papers Submission Deadline: July 15, 2013 The Organizing Team of the 2013 MAG Scholar Conference would like to invite you to attend this meeting of minds on Building Bridges to the Middle East. The conference will feature competitive papers, plenary sessions, doctorial colloquium, and panel sessions. Submissions will be subjected to a double blind review process. All accepted papers (abstracts and full papers) will be published in the proceedings CD or memory stick with an ISBN number. A selection of the best full papers will also be considered for publication in the following journals: Asian Journal of Business Research International Journal of Consumer Research International Journal of Excellence in Tourism, Hospitality and Catering

Suggested Topics Papers on any topics relating to business management, consumer behaviors and services (tourism, retailing, banking, etc) are welcome. Suggested topics of interest (not exhaustive) include:                            

Agricultural/Rural Marketing CRM and Relationship Marketing Consumer Marketing in Africa Cross-Cultural Marketing Contemporary Marketing and Business Issues in Middle East E-Marketing Environmental/Green Marketing International Consumer Behavior International Business International Management and Organizational Behaviour International Marketing Communications Islamic Business/Marketing Marketing in Asia Marketing in Transition Economies Marketing in the Middle East Marketing of Education Qualitative Marketing Research Retail Marketing Sales and Sales Management Services Marketing Social Marketing Strategic Marketing Management Supply Chain Management Tourism Marketing E-Business Quality Management HRM Issues in Global Business Financial Environment of Business


How to submit your paper and format Submission of a research paper for review indicates that it or a similar version has not been previously published or is not under simultaneous review elsewhere. The paper must be prepared using Microsoft Word and in English. It must be typewritten, singled-spaced on A4 paper (210 x 297mm) in Times New Roman size (12 font) and each page be numbered consecutively. The FIRST part of your paper should begin with a title page that contains the following information: (i) Full title of your paper; (ii) Names and affiliations with email addresses of all authors; (iii) An abstract, and (iv) Full address (including email, telephone and fax) of the corresponding author. Nominate not more than THREE tracks for your paper. Please do not use footnotes for references. The SECOND part of your research paper should not contain your name and affiliation. Upon acceptance of the paper, authors are allowed to decide whether to publish the full paper OR an abstract (1-2 pages, excluding references) in the Conference Proceedings. If you decide to publish the full paper, you must agree to the following Terms and Conditions: (a) release the copyright to MAG Scholar, (b) make the necessary corrections as suggested by the reviewers, and (c) return the full paper in correct format (via email) to the Conference Directors as soon as possible. Additionally, at least one author must register to present the paper at the conference. Approximately 20-25 minutes will be available for presentation of a paper. Please send your full paper or abstract to this address: (kimfam@magscholar.com)

Special Session Conference participants who are interested in organizing a special session are invited to send a one page proposal directly to Professor Ernest de Run at drernest@feb.unimas.my . Proposals should include (a) a description of the proposed session, (b) list of participants, and (c) names and addresses of chairperson and discussants. Each session will be approximately 90 minutes and all participants must register and pay the registration fee.

Research Methodology Workshop This workshop is suitable for doctoral students and faculty members who would like to brush up on their research methodology. We encourage all participants to submit their research work prior to attending the 2013 MAG Scholar Research Methodology Workshop to be held on November 11. Each participant’s proposal will be reviewed by two professors within their field and receive feedback from them during their presentation. Additionally, the workshops will also include advice on publishing, thesis writing, and how to land your first academic career from a panel of Deans and Heads of School/Department. For further information on the Workshop programme, please contact or send your proposal to Professor Forrest Yang at mkzyang@cityu.edu.hk


Recognizing Educator Excellence All accepted full papers, track chairs, reviewers and presenters will automatically be considered for one of the following awards:    

MAG Scholar Distinguished Reviewer MAG Scholar Distinguished Track Chair MAG Scholar Best Doctoral Proposal MAG Scholar Best Conference Paper

Technical Committee         

Professor A. Parasuraman, University of Miami School of Business, USA Professor Valerie Priscilla Goby, College of Business Sciences, Zayed University, UAE Professor Len-Tiu Wright, Huddersfield University, UK Professor M. Sadiq Sohail, King Fahad University of Petroleum and Minerals, Saudi Arabia Professor Kara Chan, Hong Kong Baptist University, Hong Kong Professor Norman Wright, Dean, Woodbury School of Business, Utah Valley University, USA Professor Tariq Malik, Dongbei University of Finance and Economics, Dalian, China Professor Zuohao Hu, Tsinghua University, Beijing, China Professor Siva Muthaly, RMIT University, Australia

MAG Scholar Conference. Great Networking. It is an Experience.


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