Lighting Design Portfolio

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ArchitecturAl lighting Design Portfolio KimiA AsgAri
Kimia Asgari Master of architectural lighting design Bachelor of Interior Architecture +49 176 3633 7142 1


Neuruppin Workshop .... 4

Google Expand .... 10

Projects Church Facade

Lichtcampus 2019 (Polylux + Broken Glasses) .... 20

Kloster Bad Doberan .... 22

Lighting Design
Marriott courtyard freiburg .... 28 Internship Projects at Licht01.... 32 Projects with LAdiges Team .... 33 3
Residential Facade Lighting .... 18

Neuruppin Workshop

| Nov 2018

This year’s international light workshop focused on the Predigerwitwenhaus, the former residence of both Theodor Fontane and Karl Friedrich Schinkel that has two courtyards, along with new lighting for the Klappgraben. It was group work and the duration was 5 days.

The entrance was designed considering the relation of the in front of the building. Evaluating the approaching points, people to the event. Up lighting of trees was used to battery powered LED lights were placed among the cobblestones entrance while creating a feeling of walking among the stars. notable inhabitants Fontane and Schinkel, the façade was of the past“. By using light and shadow, the facade gained The traditional timber construction on the facade that bricks had become unrecognizable. However, by using light mapping technique, the timber construction became recognisable building was the brought back to life. A door to the house’s history corridor which was lit up by candles visitors were led to the courtyards

Klapgrabben im neuem licht

Predigerwitwenhaus Facade

the Predigerwitwenhaus facade with the square points, landscape elements were used to invite grab the attention from the distance. Tiny cobblestones of the street to direct people to the stars. Since this was the former home of two designed according to the concept of “lights gained back the view when it was first built. had been painted in the same colour as the light and shadow and creating a contrast with the recognisable again and the original architecture of the history was opened with the facade, and by passing the courtyards where they found the traces of Schinkel.

Second Entrance

In memory of Schinkel and his famous stage design of Mozart’s “The Magic Flute“, the event’s second entrance baths the walls of the house in a deep blue starry sky. Large floodlights covered with blue filters,mirror balls and highperformance projectors are used to reflect white stars onto the blue tinted walls. All of which not only servers as a farewell to the guests, but also as a greeting from Schinkel himself.


Neuruppin Workshop | Nov 2018

The idea for the lighting design of the first courtyard was to represent Schinkel’s career and the style of his art.

First courtyard

ased on his career as a stage designer and his dreamy style, tried to represent the atmosphere of one of his most famous designs, “The Magic Flute” by projecting stars on the wall along artificial clouds and some blue lights to emphasize the sentiment. Some of the elements of the building such as chimney old brick walls are lit with grazing light as well lighting to represent his career as an architect. Then placed small LEDs in the old railway, which was once for the soap factory, to invite people to go the big room located in the back part of the courtyard.


style, we famous stage along with sentiment. chimney and as up Then we once used inside courtyard.

For the second part, we focused on his career as a romantic painter of nature and also as a classical architect. For this we used white canvases and we lit up the plants, bushes and trees that were located in front or behind them to cast shadows onto the white surfaces.

Inside of the room on one side, we had a reflection installation with cool and warm light and mirrors. On the other side, there was old stuff from this house. So we placed luminaires between them to light them up in a strange way!



Workshop | Nov 2018

The second courtyard, formerly part of a soap factory, was connected to the back entrance via a path that has a water canal passing through it. The canal was unfor tunately running dry due to rising temperatures and low rainfall.

Second courtyard

Symbolising the soap factory, we decided to bring back it’s using abstracted versions of bubbles. Thesebubbles, ranging to 1m high, were geometric and constructed using transparent sheets and iridescent film mimicking the actual bubble itself. bubbles were lit with a low wattage garden luminaire inside. reminiscing over playful memories from one’s childhood, we introduce “fireflies”, as an interactive installation that entire garden. 950 fireflies made from thin wires, plastic balloon and battery powered low watt LEDs were spread out from the entrance to the main garden. These ranged in colours, from the canal, to white closer to the garden and to warm white inside the garden.


it’s memories ranging from 15cm transparent plastic itself. The inside. Also decided to filled the balloon cups the secondary blue near and yellow

As the fireflies lead one towards the back entrance, one notices the trees highlighted using spotlights covered with gel filters. The path itself was also strayed with the low watt LEDs. As one neared the canal, one could hear, a water stream. The sound com ing from multiple hidden speakers. The canal was flooded with blue light inside and blue cellophane foil to remind the residents of the once thriving water stream that flowed there.


In this Project, we had 2 main Concepts based on the site of the pro ject which was a herit age building and the personality of the client. It was group work and we offered light solutions for more than 8 different areas such as lobby and reception, corridors and staircases,offic es, meeting rooms and, event areas. Here you can see the summery of the project.

History & Concept

The building constructed by Martin and Heino and was the building of women’s hospital. The building altered in 1933 bWalter In 2014, the all complex refurbished an extension completed Chipperfi eld. building is protected

Google is known for using the “Third Space” within the Offices. These spaces are essentially alterna tive workplaces that aren’t your desk.

Respecting history building

Considering the character of Google

Google Expand Oct 2018 | Jan 2019

building was constructed in 1883 Gropius Schmieden the main of the hospital. building was in 1927bWalter Wolff. the over complex was refurbished and extension was by David eld. The is a monument.

For general illumi nation of facade we were inspired by the nature. Light coming from above and presents a smooth gradient through the ground refers to act of sun beams.


the history of the building

Light pollution was tried to be reduced to minimum level by masking the unused light going in to space. While the whole facade is illuminated by a visibly adequate illumination level, important facade elements are high lighted; like window frames, columns and floor lines. Finally, at the entrance people are welcomed with the Google colors and peacful indi rect lighting.

Considering character Google


Google Expand

Oct 2018 | Jan 2019

Lobby and Reception 1

In this case, we have decided to use some different and elegant luminairesto create a special atmosphere in entrance. Also this linear luminaire guide people to the main desk. We have chosen glass bricks as the material of the main desk and we put defuse lights based on the Google colours behind of some of the bricks.

Lobby and Reception 2

Our initial intention was to emphasize the linear construction by using metal panels and placing luminaires between them to supply general lighting in horizontal and vertical directions. The position of hori zontal luminaires is irregular in order to create an interesting architectural composition.


Main Corridor

For Corridors, indi rect lighting was used to create a calm atmos phere but, we also add ed some cross linesto make it more active. Morever, there are some wall-mountedluminaires to make additional light mood.


Google Expand

Oct 2018 | Jan 2019

Two barrisols were planned to ensure a general lighting sit uation. On the other hand for different type of events track lighting was added to increase light levels of certain areas. Finally, using linear luminaires at the top point of the sitting area, corridor lighting wasprovided indirectly.

The Forum Track spots ON
Track spots OFF


We have designed the ceiling by wooden panels and we have put linear luminaires between these panels to provide the required illumi nance level as in the standards also, glare condition was checked to ensure a healthy working environment.In addition to general lighting, desk luminaires were added to allow work erscontrol their light level individually.


Church Facade

Lighting | Dec 2018

The task was to turn a daytime exterior picture of a real project to a night mood with artificial lights based on our own style!

Daytime The process


Artificial light

A soft wall washer is used to light up whole the facade. Grazing light is used to focus on classical elements .

Linear light is added to show the different levels of the building.


Residential Facade

Lighting | Nov 2018

The task was to turn a daytime render to a night one and to add artificial light sources for the facade and surroundings, using photoshop.


The process


Artificial light


Lihtcampus 2019

Polylux Production

23-25 March 2019

The “Polylux” was an overhead projector produced in the German Democratic Republic. It also functioned as a generic name for overhead projectors in the GDR _ 1. For LICHTCAMPUS produc tion, Hartung | Trenz offered to work with overhead projectors and broken glasses. It was a group work in st.Nikolai church in Wismar, Germany.

Head of Production: Hartung | Trenz Participants: Kimia Asgari, Tatiana Shanina, Arturo Jonas Mercado Reyes, Joel Eliseo Laurino, John Allan Turner, Anja Schwenzer, Julia Wiesinger, Hannah Stanzel.


Kloster Bad Doberan

March I June 2019

The outer shell of the medieval farm building, which was destroyed by a fire in 1979, will be re stored in the Bad Doberan Monastery over the next few years. It is one of the oldest secular build ings in northern Germany. The historic watermill has been restored in re cent years.

For the remaining 1000 to 2500 square meters there are a number of usage ideas that require differ ent construction stand ards and requirements for the indoor climate.

The lighting design focuses on the influence of artificial and natu ral light. The aim of the study is to examine which lighting technologies are required to enable provi sional use until the final expansion. Together with 2 other of my classmates, we worked on the project.

Warm Color Temperature Task Oriented Light Bringing Light to The Eye Level 23

Hotel Event hall and Lobby


Proposal Facade


Praxis Project

Jan 2020

As a Praxis Project

I offered and developed a lighting concept for the entrance of hotel Marriott in Freiburg. Interior architects wanted to induce the sense of Freiburg’s nature in the hotel. Therefore, the lighting concept also supports that idea. I have tried to represent the lighting scenarios based on daylight evidence in nature. Furthermore, to have a cosy atmosphere, the chosen color temperature is 2700K.

Marriott courtyard
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Internship Projects - Mariott Courtyard Hotel Freiburg - Otto Hamburg Kantine - HSBA School of Business - Private Villa

During my Internship at Licht01 , I have partic ipated in all the design phases of the following projects. For more info please visit


Team and individual designs at LAdiges

Since March 2021, I am working at Ladiges GmbH in Hamburg where I work on hundreds of govern mental and private pro jects.

Some of these projects are mentioned here.

- Philoro in Düsseldorf

- Philoro in Berlin

- Bartholomäus Therme

- Elbphilarmonie-Nebenbereiche

- Hockey Shop (PECO Sport) in Hamburg

- Tabea Hospital

- Different Segments of UKE

- Johann Kontor

- Several schools

- Several governmental offices

- Private Villa




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