Water Odyssey by Fountain People Water Odyssey™ by Fountain People designs and manufactures high-quality interactive water features with superior design support to help the park and recreation industry budget, plan and fulfill its water play-area plans. Our design team collaborates with architects, landscape architects, aquatic consultants, artists and end users around the world to develop innovative aquatic play environments and equipment. Water Odyssey specializes in creating unique, project-specific products to turn the customer’s vision into a reality. Water Odyssey provides a wide range of aquatic play solutions for toddlers to teens, including ground sprays, interactive features that spin and spray, dumping buckets, themed slides, slide
structures, controls and filtration systems. Our website provides a gallery (waterodyssey.com/project-galleries) of products that includes everything from architecturally inspired structures to highly themed spray features and installed projects, as well as pre-planned, proven spray park designs to quickly make your water play area a reality. From 3D renderings, animations, budget analysis and bid documentation, to piping and electrical drawings, Water Odyssey creates compelling aquatic play experiences with ongoing customer support for the life of the project. Inquire about our cooperative purchasing options. With more than 25 years of proven performance, Fountain People is a world leader in the manufacturing of
Creating fun ways to spray & play! From contemporary designs to fun themes, we work with you to develop innovative aquatic play equipment and environments. CONTACT US FOR YOUR NEXT AQUATIC PLAY EXPERIENCE. 512.392.1155 | www.waterodyssey.com 12
Parks & Recreation
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modular pumping and water-treatment systems, designed specifically for water features and aquatic play. Water Odyssey products are installed in commercial and municipal facilities all over the world. All Water Odyssey products are made in the USA and fabricated at our facilities in San Marcos, Texas. Get Inspired. Get Support. Work With Water Odyssey. www.water odyssey.com 512.392.1155