Corona Business News September/October 2022

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CORONA Chamber Addresses Labor Shortage



The CORONA Chamber in partnership with over fifty businesses pro vided the largest Job Fair

in Corona’s history. Fo cused on our Chamber’s 2022 theme: “Creating

CORONA Chamber Helps Preserve Hundreds of Manufacturing Jobs

On June 30, your CORO NA Chamber helped turn out the largest group of local advocates to stop legislation in the California State Senate that would have immediately jeopar dized hundreds of manu facturing jobs in Corona and tens of thousands of jobs across San Bernardi no and Riverside counties. The bill would have im mediately forced many of the businesses we have spent a generation at tracting to Corona, smart

manufacturers with flex ible facilities and skilled workers, to end major portions of their business es or face a shutdown. In testimony before the State Senate, the bill’s author stated it wasn’t her intent to have anyone lose their job. We were glad to have her pull the bill from con sideration because the bill would have that effect.

By requiring nearly every large facility in Corona that receives or sends packag es in an organized manner outside of nearly every city in the Inland Empire, the

bill would have had a tre mendously negative im pact on local businesses already reeling from infla tion being at a 42-year high, near-record increases in the

New Development Brings Economic Growth

Corona’s newest com munity, Bedford South Corona, has kicked off its second phase of homes, part of the eventual almost 1600-unit development. Construction on the bridge to the bluff (just to the south of the project, overlook ing the 15 freeway), will be completed in the next few months. These new resi dents are looking forward to Corona’s newest neigh borhood shopping experi ence, Bedford Marketplace.

Bedford Marketplace’s ar chitectural style, American Farmhouse, matches the existing Bedford develop ment; it’s simple yet beauti ful and timeless. South Co rona’s open-air style and its biking and hiking trails have been integrated into the de sign of the center. Outdoor patios and walking paths are featured throughout the center and reach each and every property.

Bedford Marketplace

... Continued on page 6

In our efforts to hold true to those famous two words: NEVER FORGET, the CORONA Chamber will take the lead role on our 9-11 Commemora tion Ceremony in 2022. Focused on honoring the lives of those innocent victims, the Chamber working with the City of Corona, ABC Hopes and numerous volunteers plan to bring a larger presence to this year’s event. Mark ing it’s 21 anniversary of that tragedy, President / CEO for the CORONA Chamber Bobby Spiegel

CORONA BUSINESS NEWS VOL 8 | #5 SEPTEMBER/OCTOBER 2022 In This Issue CEO Article – Page 3 Entrepreneurs Share – Page 4 Milestone Members –Page 6 Paying it Forward –page 7 Good Business Ethics – Page 8 Welcome MARB Leadership – Page 9 New members –page 10 Remembering Mukund Kavia –Page 13 Local Author –Page 15 ... Continued on page 11 ... Continued on page 12 Corona is Set to Remember 9/11 EVENT EXPANDS TO 6-DAYS COMMEMORATING 21ST ANNIVERSARY
... Continued on page 4 Scan for Weekly Update Calls GUARDIAN
Image from 2021 event, visit for updates on 2022 event! PHOTO BY LAVAY PHOTOGRAPHY

Dr. Tim Gramling , LP.D.

California Baptist University

Dr. Monica Green, Ed.D. Norco College

Bobby Spiegel President/CEO

Dr. Prabh Grewal

Corona Oral Surgery

Barry E Knight BEK Impact Co.

Jeff Miller Jeff Miller Insurance Agency

Eugene Montanez ZAP Marketing

Linda Pearson Corona Regional Medical Center

Lea Petersen Southern California Gas Company


Deserie Ramirez Vice President of Operations

Stephanie Shapiro Vice President, Communications & Events

Sandee Christensen

Director of Event Management

Robert Yanez

Membership Development Coordinator

Lily Quiroa Waste Management

Mike Quraishi

Aladdin Cleaning Services, Inc.

Anne St.Germain Level Advisors

Janet Steiner MakeDust

John Weyhgandt

Western States Financial Mark Widder Veg-Fresh Farms

Corry Shedd Liaison for NAVSEA, Corona Division

Alejandra Escoto

Member Engagement Specialist

Nathan Yanez Communications Coordinator

Trisha Yontz

Member Services Representative Assistant to the President/CEO

Anthony Maldonado Programs Coordinator

Betty Sherin

Member Services Representative

Welcome Our New Team Members

Aswith most businesses, the CORONA Chamber has had the signage of “Now Hiring” post ed for a while. We are pleased to introduce three new associates who have joined our Chamber Family!

Coordinator, Nathan Yanez. “I have a passion for marketing and communications. I am current ly enrolled as a full-time student at Cal Baptist University’s online program, majoring in communi cations and management. I will be managing the Chamber’s so cial media platforms, the weekly newsletter, and this publication (CBN, CORONA Business News). I have work experience as a social media manager. I look forward to collaborating with you as we pur sue this chamber journey! If there is anything I can do to help you, please email me at nathan@my”

Serving our members as the Member Engagement Specialist is Alejandra Escoto. “I am excited to join the Corona Chamber team! Having been a Social Welfare and Legal Studies major at UC Berke ley, the community, especially its most vulnerable populations, has always tugged at my heart strings. I am honored and humbled to step into the role and look forward to connecting with our local busi nesses and non-profits to ensure that they are making the most of their membership benefits! You can reach me at Alejandra@My I look forward to collaborating with our members.”

Our newest team associate is the Director of Event Manage ment. Please welcome Sandee Christensen. She has been in the Southern CA area for numerous years and has tremendous event planning experience. “I am so ex cited to be part of the CORONA Chamber team. There are many events this chamber produces, and I am ready to take the lead on them, collaborating with a dy namic team of volunteers and professional staff. I look forward to meeting many of you at the var ious events. If you need anything or have questions, please email me at”

All our professional staff is eager to assist the business community and we welcome your emails or calls (951-CHAMBER).


Anthony Maldonado, Stephanie Shapiro and Bobby Spiegel Proofreading Joan Jacobs

Kim Mabon/Creative By Design


Since 1910, the Corona Chamber has been providing ‘resources for prosperity’ for the businesses and community of Corona, CA. This Chamber represents the interest of business in the greater Corona service area by providing its members networking opportunities, promoting the community, and engaging federal, state, and local officials in order to improve the economic prosperity of the Inland

2 CORONA Business News CORONA CHAMBER www. My September/October 2022
Communication is a key element with our Chamber. Please wel come our new Communications
CORONA Chamber of Commerce
E. 6th Street, CORONA, CA 92879
CompAccess Chairman of Finance Chad Miller Agiliti
Chair of Finance Sam
District Immediate
Chairman Kim
Design Member
Large Ruth
President/CEO/Corporate Secretary Bobby
Akes Grimes-Akes Family
Home Kathy Armstrong Do It
Company, LLC David Brambila Creative Marketing Marta Cortez Eduardo’s
Restaurant Jim Gore Vulcan
Employment Professionals
Allstar Collision
Anthony Pirritano
Medical Center of Corona
Buenrostro, Ed.D. Corona-Norco Unified School
American MFG
Graphic Design
Jim Dorsey/Jim Dorsey Commercial Photography (951) 751-7441 For advertising information, contact the Chamber at (951) CHAMBER

CEO’S CORNER Bobby Spiegel

Benchmarking Our Way to Continued Growth

Ioften reply to the question ‘How are you?’ with the response, ‘Near perfect!’ My logic is twofold: 1) even if I’m having a bad day, I can use my words to change my mindset (and knowing when someone hears a positive, it could change their mindset as well), and 2) there is always room for im provement. In striving for contin ued excellence, we regularly seek ways to improve at the CORONA Chamber, especially in member/ customer service.

The CORONA Chamber Board of Directors recently approved my recommendation to hire an out side company, The Loyalty Zone, to survey our membership. A ran dom selection of members across a variety of industries were called and asked to participate in a brief conversation about their experi ence. Our goal was simple: to find out where we stand with our mem bers, and what they’d like to see more or less of. By understanding individual levels of satisfaction (or dissatisfaction), we would also be able to ascertain what percentage of our members were champion ing us in the community, what per centage felt neutral about our ser vices, and what percentage could

be (sub)consciously detracting us from our goals.

Over 100 current members and 30 past members were success fully surveyed. Each was given the opportunity to share comments openly, while having the ability to remain anonymous. Insights like we received from this survey are “business GOLD”. While we regu larly analyze our digital footprint, there is no substitute to being able to hear directly from businesses.

2022 CORONA Chamber Board Chair Palbinder Badesha said, “Knowing our members would receive a personal call really im pressed me. We often get inundat ed with emails, so it was refreshing to find a company that would take the time to get to know our team, what we hoped to gain from the data, and then represent us well on our behalf.”

If we want more members recom mending us to their friends and ven dors, then we need to know what makes them continue to reinvest with the Chamber. By conducting this research, we were able to iden tify what detractors exist and how we can tweak what we do to raise the experience across the board.

This is something ALL business

Getting Money into the Hands of Small Business


The CORONA Chamber is pleased to announce its partnership with California Paid Family Leave Grant (CPFLG). CP FLG allows eligible small busi nesses in California with 1-100 employees with at least one (1) employee utilizing California’s Paid Family Leave program to apply for grants up to $2,000 per employee to offset the increased costs associated with the em ployee out on leave.

California’s Paid Family Leave program allows California workers to take paid leave to bond with a new child (through birth, adop tion, or foster care) or to care for a seriously ill family member. Begin ning July 1, 2020, this paid leave expanded from six (6) to eight (8)

weeks. Additionally, California’s Paid Family Leave program also expanded the twelve (12) week non-paid protected leave to all businesses, regardless of busi ness size.

Businesses impacted by Califor nia’s Paid Family Leave program will have increased costs such as training and upskilling existing staff to cover the duties of the em ployee on California’s Paid Family Leave; hiring and training addi tional staff to cover the duties of the employee on California’s Paid Family Leave; and marketing, re cruitment, and other reasonably foreseeable training costs.

For more information, eligibility details, and to apply, visit Califor or call (818)989-0300.

owners should keep a pulse on, and there are many ways to go about it that don’t involve hiring a market research firm. Are you paying atten tion to your conversion rates? Un subscribes? Client engagement? Quantity of quality referrals? Some times we learn more from what’s not being said. It all depends on what is (or isn’t) happening in/for your busi ness and what your goals are, but that’s where we can help.

If you’re looking for ideas or ways to learn more about YOUR cus tomer base, contact us and we’ll set up a meeting, or we can refer you to our partner, SCORE, for free one-time or ongoing mentoring. SCORE (Service Corps of Retired

Executives) is not just for startups!

So, what’s next for the CORONA Chamber? We are reviewing the data now, identifying key areas for improvement, and putting togeth er a plan for taking those steps to better serve our members. We want to leave our mark, challenge ourselves to strive for more, and continue to provide excellence for our members. We’ll be sharing more over the next few months as we adopt some changes.

In case you haven’t been told yet, today is YOUR day. It’s near perfect, and I know YOU are ready to take on the world. If you need help, the CORONA Chamber is just a call away, at 951-CHAMBER.

CORONA Business News 3 CORONA CHAMBER www. My September/October 2022
Metrics from our survey by The Loyalty Zone were shared as a net score, calculated from three categories of member attributes: promoters, passives, and detractors.

Serving with Passion


The CORONA Chamber in part nership with the City of Coro na hosts various Entrepreneurs to share their stories with a live au dience. During the pandemic, we continued our efforts with technol ogy and now, we have amazing speakers on our Chamber YouTube Channel. We invite you to attend the first Thursday of each EVEN month (October 6; December 1) for that IN-PERSON great feel. The CO RONA Chamber is located at 904 E. 6th Street, Corona, CA 92879. We begin at 8:00 AM and typically the session goes for 75 – 90 minutes.

“There is a common thread,” states Palbinder Badesha, CO RONA Chamber Board Chair for 2022, “Each Entrepreneur has a passion which leads them to do great things. I enjoy coming to hear each one as they share their experiences, the pitfalls, and how they managed to keep going. En trepreneurship is a special talent!”

Our August speaker was Dr. Ma reena Miller. She is a board-certified Nurse Practitioner with advanced training and experience in Cosmet ic Procedures, Pain Management and Regenerative Medicine.

She shared her story during

states, “This local event will hope fully educate our community on an important part of our history, it was 21 years ago that our nation was attacked on our soil, our land and innocent people were victim ized.” He further explains, “this is not about those terrorists or the nation they hailed from, as we re alize their homeland for the most part is not evil, but evil does exist in every nation.”

Part of this year’s program is a partnership with ABC Hopes, a local non-profit that works with people with intellectual disabili ties. Their partnership has played a huge role in preparation for our event. We can use more help

the presentation which is quite amazing. (It can be viewed on our Chamber YouTube channel). Born in Kerala, India, Mareena has a love and respect for natural beauty. She immigrated to Cali fornia at the age of eleven, where her intelligence and competitive spirit allowed her to thrive aca demically. Inspired by the trage dy of 9/11 (2001), at age 17 she joined the U.S. Army and served for nine years including a tour in Iraq for Operation Iraqi Freedom. Dr. Miller earned multiple awards and medals during her service. Afterward, she continued to work hard in her academics and earned her Doctorate. Mareena took her passion for helping others and her years of experience and founded

M Health and Beauty.

“I was unable to attend in person and watched the presentation from my office. Dr. Miller provided such amazing tips, it was like a full series of success points. I will be rewatching this segment several times over and over, as her business tips were excel lent for anyone starting, expanding, or maintaining a business,” shares Chad Miller with Agiliti.

M Health and Beauty (located at 818 Magnolia Avenue, Suite 202, Corona, CA 92879) is a renowned Medical Spa and Regenerative Health Center which focuses on enhancing beauty from the in side out, utilizing state-of-the-art practices to subtlety enhance your natural beauty. The experts at M Health and Beauty use their training in various backgrounds of medicine to provide safe non-sur gical procedures that are effective and budget friendly. Products in clude Bioidentical Hormone Re placement Therapy, Sexual Dys function Treatment, IV infusion Therapy, Botox, Dysport; Dermal Fillers; Micro needling; Laser Hair Removal, Hair Restoration, and PDO Thread Lift.

Life was not always comfortable

though. We encourage you to visit: for a current update on our event plans. Slated to launch our public dis play, will be Thursday, Septem ber 8, at 7:00PM we will gather at the Corona’s Historic Civic Center (815 W. 6th Street, Corona, CA 92882). Corona Mayor Wes Speake will provide a brief open ing followed by the Chamber’s Board Chair, Palbinder Badesha to thank the many volunteers… and then we begin placing our 2,977 American Flags. There is a task for everyone who can make it. Once the flags are placed, we will have volunteers ‘stand watch’ from September 8 through September 13. “Last year, we saw many fam ilies come visit the display of flags, and comments received by many encouraged our enhancements for this years’ program,” Spiegel cited. “Every night, we will have ‘docents’ (volunteers) who will be there honoring those who died, and we encourage peo ple to come visit throughout the 6 days we will have the flags on display.” Each flag will have one victim’s name, age, national or igin, and location of where they perished. Early (approximately 5AM) on Sunday morning, Sep tember 11, we will begin reading names of each of the 2,977 peo ple. “Attending a recent memo rial for Gold Star Families, it was

for Dr. Miller, she shares some amazing tips on what to consider, and hurdles to overcome during her talk. Her presentation was amazing, and we are grateful for having this patriotic businessper son in our community.

On October 6, our featured Entre preneurs will be the Scotts, Lonnie, and Mary. They are local beekeep ers who stumbled across entrepre neurial opportunities when they purchased acreage in South Coro na. Their company, Bobcat Farms, is well known throughout South ern California, and their honey has been in award-winning categories over the prior years.

Their ranch was homesteaded in 1885 and they are the second owner since 2003. This is a family operation, Lonnie and Mary are partners with Lonnie’s sisters. They grow avocados, grapefruit, lem ons, and oranges in the foothills of South Corona. 909-241-4618

We invite you to join us on Octo ber 6 – and as always, these are re corded for later viewing, however, in-person attendance enables you to get the information immediate ly, ask questions and build busi ness relationships!

shared how important it is to the families that the names are said, it also puts into perspective, these flags donning the names of inno cent victims, this is more than just a flag with a name – it represents a person.” We will pause reading the names at 8AM as we begin our formal 45-minute ceremony, then conclude with reading the rest of the names. During the various readings and official program, we will pause for 21 seconds at the ex act times a plane crashed on that fateful day that forever changed our lives.

Everyone is invited to attend, and we are seeking volunteers in many areas. Please visit our web site

4 CORONA Business News CORONA CHAMBER www. My September/October 2022
Remembering 9/11 cont’d from page 1

We know that personalized care can make a huge difference in patient outcomes. That’s why at City of Hope, we focus on providing leading-edge cancer treatments through all stages. Because no matter who you are or where you’re from, we believe everyone deserves world-class cancer care. Find Hope closer to home.

©2022 City of Hope
Get world-class cancer care without leaving Corona.
Kristina Antonio,
Corona 320 W. 6th St. 951-898-2828


Thank you to our members who recently renewed their membership with us. The businesses featured below are celebrating Chamber milestone anniversaries. Your partnership in our organization makes a difference in our community. Join us in celebrating these members for their ongoing investment in our community.

15 years

PrimeCare of Corona (951) 371-8440

2275 Sampson Ave. Ste. 111 Corona, CA 92879

We put members first. PrimeCare is part of OptumCare®, a care delivery organization that improves patient health and helps make health care work better. OptumCare is reinventing health care to help keep people healthier and feeling their best. We’re led by physicians who understand the needs of patients and providers. We’re committed to make the health care system work better for you. We believe that improving quality will create an efficient health care delivery system and that we have a social responsibility to utilize health care resources appropriately.

10 years

Bear Alignment & Brake Service (951) 737-8820

927 W. 6th St. Corona, CA 92882

Ash W. Shenouda, CPA

(951) 739-4688

Newport Beach, CA

Ash W. Shenouda C.P.A. is a verified accounting firm, offering accounting and tax preparation services to customers and small business owners located in and around Newport Beach, California. Ash W. Shenouda C.P.A. is a CPAdirectory verified accounting firm, licensed to practice in the state of California. The requirements for licensure in California ensure that Ash W. Shenouda C.P.A. maintains the highest standard of knowledge and ethics when operating as an accounting firm. We can help you with tax preparation services, consulting, business planning and auditing.

Whether your car is making a funny noise, or you want to keep it running like new, Bear Alignment and Brake is your one-stop complete car care shop! Bear Alignment and Brake is dedicated to vehicle safety and customer service. Located in Corona, CA, we have everything for your brakes, steering, suspension and more.

Developlus, Inc. (951) 738-8595

1575 Magnolia Ave. Corona, CA 92879

features over 130,000 square feet of retail, shopping, a gas station, and a hotel to serve all of Eagle Glen and South Corona. It is an chored by an exciting new super market and a Hampton Inn and Suites. To date, Kiddie Academy, Starbucks, Bedford Modern Den tistry, School’s First Credit Union, and Quick Quack Car Wash have opened with many more to come!

Below is a complete list.

• Starbucks Coffee

• Kiddie Academy

• Bedford Modern Dentistry

• Carbon Health

• Newest Unique Fresh Grocer Everbowl

• Chase Bank

• Bedford Nail Salon

• Roll Em Up Taquitos

• School’s First Credit Union

Cappuccine, Inc. (951) 880-9200

375 Klug Cir. Corona, CA 92878

Cappuccine is the innovator of award-winning gourmet beverage mixes and is the perfect solution for any busy specialty beverage environment. Extremely simple to make, our famous powdered frappe mix can be used to prepare frozen, over ice, or hot beverages and is unmatched for flexibility, efficiency, and taste. We are international experts with over 20 years’ experience in exporting to over 40 countries. We believe that quality and flavor span all languages.

• Shell Gas

• Quick Quack Carwash

• Crumbl Cookies

• Spin 22

• Tannery B&H

• Hampton Inn and Suites

Wes Speake is Corona Mayor, elected as City Council Member by District 5, serving the entire city of Corona. His term as mayor ends December 2022.

Developlus, Inc. is a 3rd generation, family-owned hair care company based in Southern California. Founded in 1991 by Ann and Dave Agrey, Developlus commits to providing salon quality hair products to customers worldwide. All our products are proudly made in the USA and are vegan and cruelty free. Developlus manufactures brands that are created for beauty professionals and consumers who demand innovation at an affordable price. We are a certified Women’s Business Enterprise (WBENC).

Western States Financial & Investments (951) 371-7608

2275 S. Main St. Ste. 101C Corona, CA 92882

At Western States Financial & Investments, we’ve been helping families with their finances and investments for 28 years. As an independent, privately-owned financial advisory firm, we have a wide range of products and services available to individuals, families and business owners. We’re committed to helping our clients pursue their dreams and retirement goals by providing them a plan that best fulfills their purpose. Based on our values of faith and family, we are dedicated to our clients’ financial stability. Come on by or give us a call for a free consultation.

6 CORONA Business News CORONA CHAMBER www. My September/October 2022
Bedford Canyon cont’d from page 1

Paying it Forward for Years

experienced many challenges, including immobility, receiving nourishment through a surgically implanted feeding tube and daily struggles to reach a normal qual ity of life.

Though always fiscally respon sible, Robert has incurred un manageable medical expenses while being unable to work at the restaurant. This situation has forced him to hire more staff and to increase overtime pay for exist ing employees work weeks. Sadly, an additional expense drained the family resources as a new sewer line needed to be installed.

Robert is a Corona native whose family has served our community for many decades. His grandfa ther, Cipriano Hernandez, was the first Mexican-American member of the Corona (later Corona-Norco) Unified School District.

The Silver Dollar Pancake House at 710 East 6th has been serving meals longer than any other restaurant in Corona.

Robert Hernandez, who will turn 60 soon, began working there as a teenager and eventually became the owner. For decades, diners could see Robert through the win dow dividing the kitchen and din ing room, most days.

Robert and his wife Diana have worked very hard to make the business a success with responsi ble stewardship in a building that saw its first restaurant 86 years ago. Robert has always generous ly supported people, organiza tions and charities while provid ing good jobs to area residents.

Last December, Robert began experiencing muscle weakness. The muscle weakness became so bad, that Robert could not lift his arms. On December 13th, he went in for surgery for a hernia. After the surgery, there was even more muscle fatigue and pain through out his entire body.

Robert finally experienced com plete paralysis and was hospital ized during the Christmas and New Year’s holidays. Without any diagnosis, he was eventually sent home and became frustrated as his condition continued to worsen.

When he could no longer swal low, Robert returned to the hospital and learned his throat muscles had collapsed. Additionally, he was on the verge of complete organ fail ure. It took a week for Robert to finally be diagnosed with dermato myositis (an inflammatory muscle disease that deteriorates the mus cles and causes skin rashes).

Robert has had intensive physi cal and speech therapies. He has

A proud man and not wanting to ask for help, a group of friends organized a “Go Fund Me” cam paign to help shoulder the finan cial burdens the Hernandez’s are currently experiencing. To date, over $11,000 has been raised through this effort.

Robert and Diana’s daughter, Jennifer Antonopoulos is filling in as restaurant manager, while the expenses for Robert contin ue. Any assistance that you can provide would appreciated and welcomed. This is the link to the “Go Fund Me” campaign: https:// or connect with Jennifer at the Silver Dollar Pancake House.

For years this business has sup ported so many non-profits, char ities, and youth organizations throughout our region. They have fed the less fortunate and have donated to many causes. Now is the time for others to step up and give something back.

Don Williamson was the CORONA Chamber Board Chair in 2020, and is founder of the Corona History As sociation

CORONA Business News 7 CORONA CHAMBER www. My September/October 2022
Robert & Diana Hernandez Don Williamson presented over $11,000 raised from Go Fund Me to Jennfer Antonopoulos JIM DORSEY PHOTOGRAPHY

Corona’s Homeless Strategic Plan Decreases Homelessness by 33%

On August 3, 2022, the City of Corona was highlighted by the League of California Cities for its collaborative approach to re ducing homelessness in partner ship with the City of Norco. Both cities share a single staff person to manage their homeless programs, a set of strategies and a support ive services provider to provide a systems-oriented approach to ad dressing homelessness.


This reduction is due to a drastic shift in the way the City responds to homelessness. Examples of the City’s efforts to address homeless ness include:

• Increasing the number of available emergency beds and City Net case managers

• Providing move-in kits and other home furnishings to shelter graduates through the Make It Cozy Warehouse partnership

• Finalizing partnerships that will provide 25 units of permanent

supportive housing and 110 units of multifamily affordable housing

• Approving an expansion to the Harrison Emergency Shelter/ Navigation Center, which will be equipped to provide comprehensive supportive services and an onsite clinic for medical, dental, and behavioral health services

• Working with Riverside County to convert a hotel into 53 units of supportive permanent housing

• Converting 12 units of transitional housing into permanent supportive housing According to the article from the League of California Cities, an other key factor in the program’s success is the City’s efforts to pro vide a clear path to, and between, emergency services, shelter, sup portive services, and eventual ly, housing. Please click here for a link to the full article from the League of California Cities. To view a summary of the City’s ac complishments to date, please click Dashboard.

Karen Roper is the Homeless Solu tions Manager for Corona-Norco Region and can be reached by call ing 951-739-4949 or email: Karen.

The Importance of Exercising Good Business Ethics

Whatis it that we all want as business owners and lead ers within our communities? Most of us, if we care about the peo ple we serve, desire to be known as a person with a good reputa tion, which means having a good name. A good name means that you have integrity, and your inter est is not only about making mon ey but taking care of the people who work in your business, along with those customers who patron ize your business.

What exactly does taking care of the people mean? Well, it starts with the following three points that we all should exercise daily. 1) Always maintain honest dialogue even when you or your company have dropped the ball. According to Small Business, “2022 … the greatest measure of our character and tenacity is how we deal when things go wrong”. 2) Always show empathy when people complain about any part of your company’s service to the public. Research has shown that when it comes to empathy in customer service, it is not enough to offer it situationally (Sottrup, 2022). Instead, it needs to be the common thread that is woven into the fabric of every

customer service interaction (Ibid, Sottrup, 2022). 3) Create an atmo sphere where your employees feel safe, welcomed, and appreciated. High levels of trust and support, effective communication, encour agement, and compassion are hallmarks of a good and positive workplace (Cullen, 2022).

In closing, exercising good busi ness ethics is “par for the course” if business owners desire to be in busi ness for the long haul. It may mean staying up a little longer at night to figure things out or even investing in some needed training for your team. Whatever the cost, it will mean the longevity of your life’s work, and very much worth it in the end.

8 CORONA Business News CORONA CHAMBER www. My September/October 2022
Dr. James E. Owens, Dare to Dream Leadership Consulting Firm

Tell Your Story


The CORONA Chamber is gathering various stories about busi nesses to publish in its award-win ning publica tion CORONA The Guide (The Guide). The publi cation will be both in print and online. With over 53,000 monthly readers, you will want to be included in this publication.

“Planning has just started for the different sections and highlights of our community,” shares Dean Seif, 2023 Board Chair for the CORONA Chamber. The CORONA Chamber launched its new look and produc tion in 2022 of CORONA The Guide. The Chamber received awards ac knowledging our communication efforts and this publication was part of that top award recognition.

During the month of September 2022, our team will be working with those establishments interested in sharing information about their business. The beginning part of the publication will feature different seg ments from an overview of our city’s progress to various construction plans, future growth, community events, manufacturing, education, healthcare, travel and recreation,

and perspectives from contributing participants. To wards the back part of The Guide, the Chamber will include a list of member firms with contact information and advertising.

“Having a print ed and an online version featuring interesting stories of dynamic companies throughout our com munity is a great read for every one,” Palbinder Badesha, 2022 Board Chair for the CORONA Chamber shared. “We have so many amazing companies, each with a story to tell, I know this an nual publication will be welcomed by its readers.”

“We shared our story in The Guide and our business received some great leads,” Linda Nona co-owner of ELCI Cabinets & Floors stated.

With a Chamber that has members within Corona and most surround ing areas, we are happy to share that we have some businesses reaching all over the United States.

“I find the Directory section to be one of the vital tools to my mem bership. I am always looking to my Chamber Directory first when services are needed within our

Mortuary and Crematorium. “The entire booklet is a Resource Guide!”

We are meeting with those who advertised and marketed their businesses in prior issues, and if you are interested in joining this group of folks, please outreach to the CORONA Chamber by calling 951-CHAMBER.

CORONA Business News 9 CORONA CHAMBER www. My September/October 2022
local communities. I know I have the comfort that the businesses in it will have the same business val ues as I do. By using the Business Directory section (and online direc tory), you are helping promote local business and build relationships amongst our membership,” shares Chris Miller, owner of Thomas Miller
M D H g d d 35 y d p f 8 d f b ph h p d d b d k d g d p e bega h d g ca ee ka a he age o d o nd ana a age 5 o p e h ca ee a d h h d h h d h h d d g h S C Ch p h p C p d h C J S p J p d S p B D g p g d dg d h y b g h d e Rook e o the Year fo both pr t ca s and h H h d d USAC N M dg T H d d h t T h W d by g p f 46 45 p d y p d y d h pp D h b d b G C d h h d d h h B t B y A h G C p D H g pp d by g ph h h d g p d f h d d h d p d y h h d by he grace o God he wa g ven mo e t me on h h d h f h G d h b h d h h d d d D p d by F d M p y h pp p d d h h g b p p d p q d h p p et ed rom ac ng w h 7 nat ona t h d b h b d RACING | MANUFACTUR NG | RETAIL H p g h D f K g h p h d d k d h p d h d b p D ad E h Th p h Ha h h be L 0 3 d St ke C 92 30 (95 ) 47 855 d D t F S B t d GMP d y g b d d g b t d gy d k d b g h p p k g h h gh d p g h d p h pe sona at g ound eve He doe n get ng up on he f h h d f h h d b h th h p g h H G When came to America as an immigrant, never thought that would be living the “American me if you told me that when started Reliable Renovation Inc., that it would become this successful. Opening our cabinet manufacturing facility in the city of Corona, we grew to do business all over Southern California from Los Angeles to San Diego and everywhere inbetween. was so grateful at how fast business grew. When thought things couldn’t get any better, one day received a call from a property management in Northern California that we were recommended to them by another property management that we had been working with for years. They have given us 3 complete apartment buildings to do throughout Sacramento and Turlock. Wow talk about living the American Dream, right? While all of this was going on, my amazing wife, wonderful daughters and decided to grow our business even more by opening the ELCI Cabinets & Floors (Ed, Linda, Christina & Isabella) residential showroom where we help home owners, contractors and project managers design their homes & projects. Our company specializes in renovating multifamily apartment homes, hotels large selection of renovating kitchens and bathrooms from cabinets, countertops, flooring, plumbing, electrical and even custom shower doors. met a lot of wonderful people throughout the 20 years that we have been in business. am very grateful to have come to the land of opportunity and creating a successful business that am very proud of. –Ed Nona, Co-Owner of Elci Cabinets & Floors and Reliable Renovation, Inc. (951) 278-8000 | 3075 PALISADES DR., CORONA CA 92880 Living the American Dream SAMPLE ADVERTOIRALS Enhanced Specialty Services Corona Regional is proud to provide nationally recognized services, as well as new programs for Advanced Heart Attack Care with PCI For heart-related emergencies, the hospital is approved and licensed as a PCI (percutaneous coronary intervention) facility by the California Department of Public Health for specialized cardiac care. In addition, Corona Regional earned the American Heart Association /American Stroke Association 2020 Get With the Guidelines Stroke Gold Plus Quality Achievement Award. Medical Director Sumit Khandhar, DO Interventional Cardiologist Advanced Primary Stroke Center Corona Regional earned this designation from The American Stroke Association for prompt, quality stroke care when minutes matter. Stroke Program Manager Christine McKinzie, BSN, RN Baby-Friendly™ Hospital Since 2005, Corona Regional has participated in the Baby-Friendly Hospital Initiative from the World Health Organization and the United Nations Children’s Fund, which recognizes hospitals that offer the prime level of care and technique for feeding and mother/child bonding. The hospital is also Blue Distinction Center Center for Maternity Care for the 6th year in a row, administered by Maternity Hospital 2021 by Newsweek. Lawrence Koning, MD OB/GYN Gastroenterology Individuals with GERD can choose a minimally invasive, outpatient procedure with the BRAVO™ device, small capsule-shaped device. Inserted through an endoscope, the device is attached to the wall of the esophagus. For the next 48 hours, as patients go about daily activities, BRAVO monitors and reports acid levels to the physician. This helps to determine the severity of the patient’s GERD symptoms. M. Mazen Jamal, MD Gastroenterologist Corona Regional Medical Center has come a long way since was established in 1965 as Corona Community Hospital. In the years since, the hospital evolved into a comprehensive facility offering wide variety of healthcare services to the community. Corona Community Hospital merged with Circle City Medical Center in 1992, becoming Corona Regional Medical Center. In 2004, Corona Regional became one of the hospitals owned and operated by a subsidiary of Universal Health Services, Inc. Today, the hospital provides healthcare services on two campuses and is fully accredited by The Joint Commission. As the population of Corona, Norco and Eastvale expanded, the community’s healthcare needs — and Corona Regional — grew as well. Robot-assisted Surgery Surgical System, surgeons perform minimally invasive procedures with robotic technology. Smaller incisions may lead to less pain and blood loss, as well as shorter hospital stays and recoveries for patients. Massimo Arcerito, MD General Surgeon Spine Center The Spine Institute offers comprehensive services to diagnose and treat acute and chronic conditions. Treatments are designed to help reduce pain and improve quality of life. The Spine Institute focuses on minimally invasive spinal surgery, spinal degenerative disorders/ deformities, spinal stenosis and microdecompression. Medical Directors Dennis Cramer, DO Neurosurgeon Babak Khamsi, MD Orthopedic Spine Surgeon Weight-loss Surgery Corona Regional recently debuted its bariatric program, designed for those for whom diet and exercise alone do not rid them of excess weight. Obesity can led to other chronic conditions, including diabetes, heart disease and more. Medical Director Stephen Dada, MD General Surgeon About Corona Regional It is a 259-bed community hospital network, comprising a 160-bed acute care hospital and a 99-bed rehabilitation campus. It serves approximately 588,000 individuals. Corona Regional houses a secure behavioral health unit; emergency services in a new and upgraded facility; general sub-acute care; and one of the region’s first hyperbaric oxygen therapy programs. Meet Our CEO Sam Itani, Chief Executive Officer (CEO) at Corona Regional Medical Center joined the leadership team this past year. Prior to CRMC, Sam was with Adventist Health in Bakersfield for more than 23 years, most recently as the Senior Vice President of Operations. As part of Sam’s commitment to the healthcare of our communities, he moved his family from Bakersfield to Corona and is looking forward to becoming more involved in the communities we serve. Do you have a question for Sam? You can reach out at Sam Itani CEO/Managing Director Corona Regional Medical Center Corona Regional continually takes proactive steps to keep our patients and team members safe, while serving the needs of our community, including during the COVID-19 health crisis. The hospital is very grateful to the community for your support during the pandemic. From donations of personal protective equipment (PPE), food for our Healthcare Heroes to all of the well wishes you’ve sent — we are truly touched. Thank you for your generosity! Your Partner
Individual results may vary. There are risks associated with any surgical procedure. Talk with your doctor about these risks to find out bariatric or robot-assisted surgery is right for you. Physicians are independent practitioners who are not employees or agents of Corona Regional Medical Center. The hospital shall not be liable for actions or treatments provided by physicians. For language assistance, disability accommodations and the non-discrimination notice, visit our website. Learn about all hospital services at SAMPLE ADVERTOIRALS
and Healing

Help Us Welcome Our New Members

Aquatic Solutions Pool & Spa Service LLC

(951) 255-1541

Riverside, CA 92504

We offer a wide range of pool and spa services to keep your water in pristine condition. We serve both residential and commercial properties. We’re licensed and bonded, and our team of service men are CPO certified.

Chino Commercial Bank (909) 230-7600

1551 S. Grove Ave. Ontario, CA 91761

evidence-based ABA practices for all individuals with special needs.

J.M. Stitt Construction, Inc. (951) 271-3440

3165 Palisades Dr. Corona, CA 92878

JM Stitt Construction, Inc. is a commercial general contractor established in 1985. Our offices are located in Southern California; however, we are licensed and actively work throughout the western United States. We specialize in commercial new builds and tenant improvements.

Affluence Executive Transport

(800) 737-6173

12672 Limonite Ave. Eastvale, CA 92880

Affluence Executive Transportation provides transportation services for corporate executives and their staff throughout Riverside and Orange County. Our professional chauffeurs will ensure that you are picked up and dropped off on time so that you can stress less about getting around town and focus more on accomplishing your business goals.

Aloha Photo Booth and Events

(714) 787-6950

Corona, CA 92883

Aloha Photo Booth and Events is an Open Air photobooth. We provide custom digital designs and prints for all occasions, as well as backdrops and custom props.

Amazon Corona, CA 92883

Amazon is an American multinational technology company with the world’s largest online retailer, allowing individuals and businesses to sell and display products on their platform. Amazon is also a prominent cloud service provider.

As a community-oriented bank, the Bank offers a wide array of personal, consumer and commercial services generally offered by a locally managed, independently operated bank. The Bank also provides a wide variety of lending products for both businesses and consumers.

Creative Solutions Marketing & Printing (951) 315-8840

Riverside, CA 92508

As Printers and Marketing specialists, we combine creativity, credentials, and experience to develop great strategies for your marketing success. Look to us for printing, promotionals & apparel, integrated marketing, graphic design, branding, and professional consultation.

ETC Sushi & Thai Bites

(951) 268-6181

160 W. Foothill Pkwy. Ste. 103 Corona, CA 92882

We are a Sushi and Thai restaurant with a full bar and great ambiance. Come check out our specialty Sushi rolls, eclectic Thai bites, and Japanese and Thai cuisine.

Gold Coast Dental (714) 410-2776

2150 California Ave. Ste. 107 Corona, CA 92881

As a comprehensive dental care practice, our entire team focuses on maintaining a patient-centered focus across a wide range of services, including general dentistry, cosmetic enhancement, orthodontic treatment, oral surgery, and much more!

Institute for Behavioral Health (909) 435-0212

1905 Business Center Dr. S. Ste. 100

San Bernardino, CA 92408

Institute for Behavioral Health (IBH) is a provider of

Lateral Solutions, LLC (419) 306-1101

4701 Sangamore, Rd. Ste. 100N #2017 North Bethesda, MD 20816

We specialize in the launch and management of internal operations, including accounting and HR.

Next Level Staffing (951) 547-4700

1216 Magnolia Ave. Ste. 104 Corona, CA 92881

Next Level Staffing is dedicated to providing you and your business the staffing support you deserve.

Oakmont Chino Hills (909) 606-3010

14837 Peyton Dr. Chino Hills, CA 91709

Oakmont of Chino Hills provides luxury Senior assisted living and memory care. We are located on a green campus with beautiful views, industry-renowned restaurants, and an abundance of amenities.

Quick Quack Car WashBedford Canyon (806) 670-6496

3911 Bedford Canyon Rd. Corona, CA 92883

Quick Quack Car Wash is a growing chain of exterior-only

express car washes. Developed in 2004, Quick Quack has grown from a local car wash in Sacramento, CA to the fourth largest car wash in the nation.

Safe Family Justice Centers (951) 955-6100

3900 Orange St. Riverside, CA 92501

The SAFE Family Justice Centers are a safe place for victims of abuse to get help.

SAFE Family Justice Centers provide advocacy and support services to individuals who have experienced domestic violence, sexual assault, human trafficking, child/elder abuse and services for youth who are at risk.

Sassy Do’s (951) 505-1384

351 Magnolia Ave. Ste. 104 Corona, CA 92879

We are an upscale and affordable salon. Walk-ins are accepted. For our new clients, we are offering a free haircut with any color service.

Side Action Apparel (909) 687-7019

3350 E. Philadelphia St. Ste. 180 Ontario, CA 91761

Inspired by those who protect, we specialize in Law Enforcement memorabilia, shirts, hats, blankets, and more.

10 CORONA Business News CORONA CHAMBER www. My September/October 2022
Listed on these pages are our newest members. For a complete member listing, visit Our members invest in our organization for numerous reasons. Many find the resources provided, the advocacy efforts and the economic profiles as viable assets driven by our five Core Competencies: Sustaining and Creating a Strong Local Economy; Representing the Interest of Business with Government; Promoting the Community; Promoting Political Action; and Providing Networking Opportunities and Business Referrals for our member firms. If you are not currently a member, please contact the Corona Chamber at 951-CHAMBER (242-6237) or

The Plastics Doc

(951) 268-6168

4226 Green River Rd. Ste. 101 Corona, CA 92878

Treat your body like a temple at our plastic and reconstructive surgery facility in Corona, CA. We offer countless procedures designed to leave our patients looking and feeling better than they ever have before.

Sometimes, all it takes to enhance your everyday life is a cosmetic treatment performed by Dr. Samuel E. Salcedo.

Job Fair cont’d from page 1

The Transportation Corridor Agencies

(949) 754-3458

125 Pacifica Ste. 120 Irvine, CA 92618

The Transportation Corridor Agencies operate and maintain The Toll Roads in Orange County. The Toll Roads (SR73, SR241, SR261, and SR133) are 51 miles of public roadway in Orange County that were planned, financed, built and operated without taxpayer dollars

Think Together

(951) 571-9944

6296 Rivercrest Dr. Ste. K Riverside, CA 92507

Founded in 1997, Think Together partners with schools to change the odds for kids. Think Together delivers nationally recognized expanded learning programs and school improvement, offered through affiliate partner Orenda Education.

United Staffing Associates, LLC

(951) 268-6936

623 N. Main St. Ste. D-3 Corona, CA 92878

We provide staffing and career resources and offer expert help and services in HR consulting, safety training, recruiting, payroll and more.

VisitingHome, LLC

(888) 269-0135

321 E. 6th St. Ste. 205 Corona, CA 92879

We provide superior, compassionate, and quality homecare to the elderly and disabled in our community.


(714) 940-6300

2401 E. Katella Ave. Ste. 300 Anaheim, CA 92806

We believe in helping organizations and their communities evolve and thrive as resources and infrastructure change. Willdan is a leading, nationwide provider of trusted, comprehensive solutions that are supported by our talented team of experts and advanced software applications.

Jobs, Building A Stronger Commu nity”, the Job Fair accomplished many goals! Our member firms identified the workforce shortages as their number one concern and the Chamber Board took swift ac tion to support this unscheduled event as a top priority.

I am pleased to report that some jobs were immediately filled, and personally having a booth for my office, we found the applicants focused and determined to seek local employment. A steady mix of job seekers visited various booths

of well-known local businesses as well as some very specialized local companies. Available jobs numbered over 2,500, ranging from entry-level to engineering to medical professionals.

In surveying our participating members, they acknowledged we more than covered all expec tations. Some booths saw a larg er number of applications, while others were in single digits, yet those were top-quality candi dates. Often stated on the survey, the individuals who came to our

booth seemed eager to gain em ployment locally and were ready to WORK!

A huge thank you to the Shops at Dos Lagos for partnering with the CORONA Chamber for this outdoor venue. Our sponsors aFe Power (Advanced Flow En gineering, Inc.), JABS School of Business at Cal Baptist Universi ty, Larry H. Miller Toyota Corona, Riverside County Workforce De velopment, and Riverside Coun ty Department of Social Services assisted in covering many of our

A Huge thank You to Our Job Fair Sponsors:

costs. The City of Corona provid ed permits and the weather pro vided the perfect day.

We are looking at dates for our next Job Fair and encourage you to text the word: JOBFAIR to the number 71441 as you will be updated on local Job Fairs in the future.

Palbinder Badesha is the CORO NA Chamber’s 2022 Board Chair; she owns and operates the local Express Employment Profession als (staffing) agency.

CORONA Business News 11 CORONA CHAMBER www. My September/October 2022

interest rate, and challenges from gas prices to labor shortages. The CORONA Chamber organized one of the largest groups to advocate during the Senate hearings on the bill, formally known as AB 2840.

“Of the sixty or so people to tes tify before the committee in oppo sition to the bill, over ten of them were from the Corona Chamber of Commerce. It is gratifying that our balanced approach of driving down emissions and environmen tal harms by bringing great jobs to Corona and eliminating commutes has proven so successful that we can turn out leaders from across the community to defend it,” said Palbinder Badesha, 2022 Board chair for the CORONA Chamber.

While the bill is currently stalled in the State Senate Committee on Governance and Finance, the CORONA Chamber is continuing to track the bill as its contents or goals could still be amended into other legislation.

The Legislative session runs through the end of August and any bill continuing under consider ation can be amended. As a result of comments made in the commit tee, we are continuing to work to make sure that this threat to Coro na’s jobs, manufacturers, and the supply chain all of us rely on does not return. That said, if it does, we will be ready to advocate again.

The Legislative Action Committee meets by Zoom every Wednesday morning at 10:00 AM to discuss pro posals for legislation and regulation at the local, state, and national levels. Its work last year helped advocate for policy decisions that saved employ ers like you on average over $50,000 per employee through the defeat of proposals that included bureau cratically controlled health care, in creased property and income taxes, and a large expansion of mandatory paid leave. In addition, the Legisla tive Advocacy and Action Commit tee organizes annual summits with state leaders in Sacramento and national leaders in Washington, D.C. with the next summit coming up September 19-21 in Washington, where the CORONA Chamber will advocate for energy independence, lower gas prices, and strengthening the supply chain.

Assemblymember Jeff Miller (Corona – Retired), is the former Mayor and Council Member for the City of Corona and owns the in surance brokerage firm: Jeff Miller Insurance with Farmers Insurance. He volunteers his time to serve as the Legislative Advocacy and Action Committee Chair for the CORONA Chamber.

The Next Recession Is Coming…But Not Yet

OnFriday July 15th, Chris Thornberg, an expert in eco nomic and revenue forecasting, regional economics, economic policy, and labor/real estate mar kets, gave a captivating presen tation on the current state of the economy, and what it will look like going forward. Speaking to a packed room of business leaders representing three counties and four chambers, Dr. Thornberg provided excellent data and infor mation. Dr. Thornberg became na tionally known for forecasting the subprime mortgage market crash that began in 2007 and was one of the few economists on record to predict the global econom ic recession that followed. This time he came armed with another

prediction that “the next recession is coming…but not yet.”

This year’s Economic Forecast was booming, but today’s econ omy certainly isn’t. Dr. Thornberg highlighted that in 2020, 3.1 mil lion people retired from the work force, and now there isn’t enough entry level workers to fill the void. Naturally, the state and federal re sponse has been to pour stimulus into the economy, but according to Dr. Thornberg “when you use too much stimulus you overheat the economy.” Stimulus isn’t sus tainable because it’s a matter of facing minimal pain now or push ing it off until the economy faces much more pain later. The solu tion isn’t stimulus, it’s housing. If you build it, they will come; and

bringing in more workers means building a stronger economy from the bottom up.

In the meantime, while stimulus has been oversaturating the econ omy, local chambers have been working to fix it. The Corona, Brea, Chino Valley, and Yorba Linda Chambers of Commerce collabo rated to recognize four individuals as Business Advocates of the Year. In conjunction with the Economic Forecast, Ashley Cole (Business Successes Services), Chad Mill er (Agiliti), Lea Petersen (So CAL Gas Co.) and Frank Stefano (Stefa no’s Baked Hams and Restaurant) were honored for their contribu tions and insights specific to busi ness advocacy in our economy. During these times, business ad vocates are more important than ever because like Chris Thornberg forecasted: “the next recession is coming”, it’s just a matter of when.

12 CORONA Business News CORONA CHAMBER www. My September/October 2022
page 1
Advocacy cont’d from

Remembering Mukund Kavia

Whenever one of our own is challenged, the CORONA Chamber rallies to help aid wher ever is needed. Combustion Asso ciates Inc. (CAI), a globally known manufacturer, located in Corona, CA has lost its founder, Mukund Kavia, on July 20. Mukund’s wife and business partner, co-founder Kusum Kavia has always been the public face of CAI. She is focused and committed to continue to lead CAI as they forge ahead with cur rent projects for the US Air Force in the far east, renewable power projects in California and a nucle ar power plant in Canada.

We want to share this amazing story about Mukund, who truly has lived the American Dream. Mukund Kavia was born on Feb ruary 24, 1957, in Nairobi, Repub lic of Kenya. He was the fourth of six children. During his teen years, most of his weekends and sum mer holidays were spent work ing at his dad’s metal fabrication shop. He learned design, fabri cation, and welding skills. This enabled him to develop the work ethic and entrepreneurship skills of his blacksmith forefathers.

When he turned 18, his dream of going overseas came true. He arrived in London to study engi neering. In 1979, he met Kusum, and together they came to Califor nia. Mukund fell in love with the warm-hearted people of sunny California. He moved his studies

to LA where he graduated with a B.S. degree in Mechanical Engi neering. His first job out of school was with Mafi Trench Co. in West lake Village. Later this company became one of his good custom ers at CAI.

In 1989, Mukund established Combustion Associates, Inc. (CAI) in Corona. At that time, CAI was an environmental engineering company specializing in air pol lution control systems to reduce NOx and CO emissions from the atmosphere. In 2000, Mukund designed, engineered, and pack aged his first GE LM1500 Aerod erivative Gas Turbine to provide electrical power generation on a continuous 24/7 basis. His dream of opening a manufacturing com pany had been realized!

In 2002, he single-handedly de signed and built CAI Spirit 1MW Power Generation System utiliz ing an overhauled T53 Avco-Ly coming helicopter engine and sold multiple units around the world.

In 2007, Mukund signed the big gest contract that the company had ever received with the Gov ernment of Benin, West Africa for an 80 MW Power Plant.

In 2014, at the US-Africa Lead ers’ Summit in Washington DC, President Barack Obama recog

Summit was attended by all 56 Af rican heads of state. Mukund won numerous Federal, State, and Lo cal awards and accolades for his innovation and outreach to the far corners of Sub-Saharan Africa and his “Proudly Made in California, USA” export legacy.

In 2009, Mukund and Kusum won the prestigious Spirit of the Entrepreneur Award. In 2016, CAI was awarded the “E” Star Award for Excellence in Exporting for the second time by the Department of Commerce. A great innovator and pioneer, Mukund holds multiple US patents, but he will be remem bered most for the love of family, faith, and the strong relationships he built over his 40-year career.

Mukund came to this country with only the clothes on his back and built a company that spans the globe. He honored the promise he made to his father and brought all his brothers and their families from Kenya to the US. He support ed them generously while they settled in their new land of hope and promise. His role was that of a pioneer and patriarch who dis liked publicity. Always working in the background, he was a great negotiator and brilliant engineer. In short, Mukund is an American

Mukund had two huge abilities - to connect people in a deep and positive way, and spot talent in people and give them opportu nities to pursue their aspirations.

CORONA Business News 13 CORONA CHAMBER www. My September/October 2022
immigrant success story!
Stay Connected, Corona. 91 Refresh 71/91 Interchange 15/91 Express Lanes Connector Sign up for construction updates for these projects to stay informed. Visit
14 CORONA Business News CORONA CHAMBER www. My September/October 2022 Chamber Marketplace JOIN THE CHAMBER OR REFER A MEMBER AND HAVE YOUR AD PLACED HERE! (951) CHAMBER | INFO@MYCHAMBER.ORG Advertising Opportunities Available (951) CHAMBER | INFO@MYCHAMBER.ORG

Local Authors Investigate Strange Cold Case

Instead of the socialite life her parents wanted, Marcia Moore devoted her life to writing about astrology, yoga, reincarnation and psychic phenomena.

On a cold winter’s night in 1979, Moore vanished without a trace. Three decades later, Joseph & Ma rina began investigating the un solved case. “It started with Marina inheriting some of Marcia Moore’s books, then discovering the strange case of her disappearance,” Joseph explained. “The more we learned, the more irresistible it became to write about. Psychics, astrologers, seances, psychedelic drugs…it’s a mystery like no other.”

Want to read a good mystery?

Corona residents Joseph & Mari na DiSomma recently published Dematerialized: The Mysterious Disappearance of Marcia Moore. Their nonfiction book covers the fascinating true story of the heir ess to the Sheraton Hotel fortune.

Some believe Moore’s disap pearance was a tragic accident involving the drug ketamine or a suicide, but Joseph & Marina inter viewed new sources and uncov ered some shocking revelations. “We present the case for some thing more sinister,” Joseph said.

The DiSommas have been

residents of Corona for twelve years. “Corona is a special place,” Joseph said. “We live and work here. We’re raising two children, and some of the exhaustive re search into Marcia Moore’s case was done right here in the Corona Public Library.”

Dematerialized is their first pub lished work. “There are so many books and entertainment choices out there. So it’s hard to get people’s

attention, but we’re very grateful for the encouragement and positive feedback from the community.”

If you’re interested in an intriguing mystery and would like to support Joseph & Marina, you can buy De materialized online at Amazon and Barnes & Noble. Visit them on Insta gram @ marciamoorestory or learn more on their website: www.marcia Reviews are cru cial, so please leave them one!

CORONA Chamber is Seeking Nominations for Chamber Board / Year End Awards SUBMIT

The CORONA Cham ber is seeking nom inations for members who wish to serve on the volunteer Board of Directors. Com prised of 26 business leaders, the Board of Directors works to de velop a plan of action for the professional staff to fulfil. The Board regularly meets each

month, and occa sionally for special meetings. Each Board Member is expected to support the Chamber’s effort by the three T’s: Time, Talent and Trea sures. If you are willing to commit your three T’s to the Chamber, we encourage you to apply.

The Chamber is looking for


businesses to honor for the year end awards (which will be at the Annual Installation in 2023). Deadline for submission is Septem ber 15, 2022. Awards presented include Cit izen of the Year, Life time Achievement, Community Service, Award of Excellence, Rising Star, Making a

Difference. For a com plete list of awards, please scan the QR code for AWARDS. Send completed forms to The CORO NA Chamber of Com merce, 904 E 6th St., Corona, CA 92879 or email Deserie@ Questions, call 951-CHAMBER (951-242-6237)

CORONA Business News 15 CORONA CHAMBER www. My September/October 2022
The CORONA Chamber’s Executive Leadership Roundtable class of 2022 graduated in June. The group selected a tremendous project specific to Fentanyl Awareness and Reflection. ELR is an exclusive program for leaders to apply and interview for being part of the program. If you are interested in being in the 2023-2024 program, contact Anthony Maldonado at
Scan for Awards Nomination Form Scan for Board Application
Faster Recovery Individual results may vary. There are risks associated with any surgical procedure. Talk with your doctor about these risks to find out if MAKO is right for you. Physicians are independent practitioners who are not employees or agents of Corona Regional Medical Center. The hospital shall not be liable for actions or treatments provided by physicians. For language assistance, disability accommodations and the
notice, visit our website.
Visit for more information.
21538302-542663 7/22
Omar M. Kadri, MD Orthopedic Surgeon Michael H. French, DO Orthopedic Surgeon
To schedule a consultation with a MAKO-trained surgeon, please call our physician referral line at 800-882-4362. Corona Regional Medical Center is pleased to offer Mako® robotic-arm assisted surgery. Mako-trained orthopedic surgeons (shown below) utilize this innovative technology to perform various joint replacement procedures: • Hip replacements • Partial knee replacements • Total knee replacements Are you a candidate for joint-replacement surgery? Visit to complete a health risk assessment to help determine if this is right for you.
Ronald B. Crater, MD Orthopedic Surgeon

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