PRODUCTS Wheelchair-Accessible Picnic Tables Wheelchair-accessible picnic tables can be more than just functional — they can be colorful, attractive and durable. Pilot Rock’s Americans with Disabilities Act-compliant tables offer 18 designs with material and color choices for thousands of combinations, allowing you to pick the features that fit your facility’s design. Pilot Rock’s model SQTB3-4 includes three contour seats with the top extended on one side for compliant wheelchair access. The perforated steel top and seats are thermoplastics coated in your choice of 10 colors. PILOT ROCK/R.J. THOMAS MFG. CO. INC., PILOTROCK.COM, 800.762.5002
Splash Pad Packages Discover AquaSmart™ Packages that save energy, water and space. These packages by Aquatix® and powered by HydroLogix™ eliminate the need for costly electrical installation and operate with just a push of a button. This low-flow, low-water option greatly reduces water consumption, while still providing plenty of opportunities for “splashtastic” play. Choose from several ready-to-install splash pad packages! AQUATIX BY LANDSCAPE STRUCTURES, AQUATIX.PLAYLSI.COM, 877.632.0503
No-Transfer Inclusive Swing Landscape Structures always has designed for inclusive play. Now, the company introduces a whole new way to play for all. The We-Go-Swing™ is the first no-transfer inclusive swing that can be integrated into the playground setting and invites kids of all abilities to get in on the fun. LANDSCAPE STRUCTURES INC., PLAYLSI.COM, 888.438.6574
Temporary Chain Link Fencing Temporary chain link fencing is a reliable and cost-effective solution for city work projects. Available in post-driven or panel fence options, each can be installed on a variety of surfaces and can include swing or slide gates and a windscreen for privacy, to reduce blowing debris, or to add an aesthetic touch. These fences comply with American Society for Testing and Materials A392-06 standards. NATIONAL RENT-A-FENCE, RENTNATIONAL.COM, 800.352.5675
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Parks & Recreation