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Vermont Systems
Collecting payments — there is a better way
With unmatched experience and insight, Vermont Systems brings solutions that fit any size department to project a professional image, increase efficiency and provide extensive reporting. An important consideration is the ability to accept and process payments and reporting of all transactions. PayTrac provides park and recreation departments with a single source for all of their payment needs.
Are Your Devices Up to Date?
Make sure that you have an EMV solution that is PCI compliant and allows for chip processing to build trust.
Do You Offer Contactless Options?
The desire for that ease and convenience isn’t going away. The good news is the technology is readily accessible.
How Long Do Refunds Take?
Refunds are an inevitable part of life. Being able to return payments as quickly as possible is key to customer satisfaction.
Can You Report and Project Activity?
An integrated payment system provides numerous advantages. It’s much simpler to manage and track all transactions and adds interaction data for improved patron insights. This enables you to tailor offerings to your community, simplify support and maintain the trust of your community.
Hear what customers say about Vermont Systems’ PayTrac: go.vermont systems.com/innovation.
vermontsystems.com 877.883.8757
Make Payment Processing a Walk in the Park
Vermont Systems is now a Payment Facilitator.* What that means for you and your community is secure and reliable processes, the latest devices and technology, and consolidated reporting views.
Level 1 PCI compliant & secure Advanced reporting Modern user experience
Hear what customers say and download an
infographic at go.vermontsystems.com/innovation.
“PayTrac was the best option for us to have better communication, more fluid operations between our credit card processing and RecTrac”
KELSY MAXIE Frisco Adventure Park, Colorado