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Little Tikes Commercial
Creating Calm in the Grove
Playgrounds can inspire a child’s imagination, as well as help them develop crucial life skills. For some kids, though, playgrounds can quickly become overwhelming. Voices shout from the slide to the swings, and then there’s a burst of laughter on the climber, all while music playing from across the park has birds squawking out of rhythm. So many kids have run past that it’s impossible to keep track of who went where or what is happening up on the deck. For these moments of overstimulation, Little Tikes Commercial invites children and their parents or caretakers to step into a calming space called the Quiet Grove.
Little Tikes Commercial, together with Unlimited Play®, a nonprofit organization that creates universally accessible playgrounds, developed a retreat for kids who get overwhelmed by everything going on around them. When effectively placed away from the hustle and bustle of other playground equipment, this semi-enclosed structure fosters a welcoming environment to help soothe anyone in need. Then, when they’re ready, they can rejoin the fun on the playground.
Inspired by the calming effects of nature, Quiet Grove features translucent bamboo panels, a leaf-patterned roof, and a wood-like bench to dampen the sights and sounds that may be impacting a loved one. Sensory activities located on either side offer further help to ease an upset mind. Push where the handprints indicate for therapeutic engagement in the arms, and slide objects along established patterns to help alleviate stress. Click the buttons for soft, repetitive responses, or give the fidget spinner a whirl to restore a point of focus. Though the Quiet Grove color palette can be customized, we recommend neutral or nature-inspired choices to encourage a calm atmosphere.
At Little Tikes Commercial, we pride ourselves on creating unique, inclusive experiences that enable everyone to benefit from themed and imaginative play. Our consistency in producing thoughtful experiences has forged Little Tikes Commercial into a familiar name that parks, parents and caretakers know they can rely on.
For details on how Quiet Grove can help make your park more inclusive, visit our website LittleTikesCommercial. com/Quiet-Grove.
littletikescommercial.com 800.325.8828
A Soothing Space
Playgrounds are a busy place—legs swinging from ladders overhead, voices yelling through tunnels. There’s a lot going on that could cause a child to become overstimulated, and cease having fun. For these instances, Little Tikes Commercial collaborated with Unlimited Play® to create the Quiet Grove. Featuring sensory activities that offer therapeutic physical engagement and repetitive, stress relieving tasks, this nature-inspired structure offers a respite to anyone in need of a break from play. Kids can click, spin, push, move objects, or rest on the bench in order to relax and establish focus. That way, they can join back in on the fun when they’re ready.

To see our Quiet Grove video, scan the QR code with any smart device. To learn more visit, LittleTikesCommercial.com/Quiet-Grove