Khim 's resume

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re sum e * Pana dda Khrueasri* G ra ph i c De si g n e r khimpana (+ 66) 092 796 8835

O b je c t ive* To obtain a challen gin g position that enhan ces my skills an d allows for a dvan cem ent .

Te chni ca l Skills*

Educ a t io n*

Adobe Illustrator Adobe Ph otosh op Adobe In design

Printin g an d Pa cka gin g Design Fa cul ty Techn ology In dustrial Suan Sunan dha Rajabhut University

Des i gn Skills*

Wo rk Exp e rie n ce*

Onllin e Bran din g Printin g Design Onilln e Content Presentaion Design Graphic Desi gn Grid & L ayout Infogrophic Editorial Design Ratail Design


Train ee Graphic Design er Ch eeze Ma gazin e Letterin g Co., Ltd.


Junior Graphic Design er ARTDNA Thamma da Ban gkok Co. Ltd.

H o b b ie s & I n te re st s* Infographic / Fin e Ar t / Fashion / Cat Matcha Tea / Nexf ilx / K-Drama / Food Jewelr y / Design / Lifestyle / Interior

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