More for Lunch!

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Unit Title: What’s for Lunch? KLA’s:

♦ English Stage 1 – Year 1 - 2 Unit Duration: 3 weeks ♦ Science ♦ Visual Art Outcomes: English: TS1.2 Interacts in more extended ways with less teacher intervention, makes increasingly confident oral presentations and generally listens attentively. Indicators: • Follows instructions on how to complete an activity • Listens and contributes frequently to small-group interaction • Attempts to involve others in a discussion • Listens and contributes to class discussions on various topics • Speaks clearly and conveys meaning to peers • As a speaker, makes eye contact, if culturally appropriate, with audience. TS1.4 Recognises that different types of predictable spoken texts have different organisational patterns and features. Indicators: • Talks about the sequence of ideas in speech • Talks about turn-taking in conversations • Plans delivery of presentations and role-plays WS1.10 Produces texts using the basic grammatical features and punctuation conventions of the text type Indicators: • Uses adjectives to provide more information about nouns • Uses relating verbs to describe and classify in information reports • Uses most common punctuation marks, eg spaces between words, lower-case and capital letters, full stops. WS1.13 Identifies how own texts differ according to their purpose, audience and subject matter Indicators: • Examines stages of a text and discusses their functions • Discusses some of the different purposes of visual texts such as charts, maps, diagrams, illustrations Science and Technology INVS1.7 Conducts guided investigations by observing, questioning, prediction, collecting and recording data and suggesting possible

explanations Indicator: • Observes, record and classifies plant growth • Observes, asks questions and records what happens to plants when they are deprived of a requirement, eg water, air, sunlight, nutrients Visual Art VAS1.1 Makes artworks in a particular way about experiences of real and imaginary things. Indicators: • Investigates details of objects, places and spaces and other living things. • Talks about significant features and relationships within their artworks, referring to such things as size, scale, proportion, colour. VAS1.2 Uses the forms to make artworks according to varying requirements. (Painting, Collage, Print Making) Indicators: • Thinks about how they can interpret the teacher’s or others’ requirements for artmaking (eg use of materials, investigation of subject matter, scale and purpose of the work. • Explores various printmaking techniques eg vegetable prints.

Approx 7x 40 min lessons/week

WEEK ONE Content

Teaching and Learning Activities

♦ Students present news each day using a News Plan for a recount – when, who, where, what, why (Appendix A). Modelled Reading ♦ Introduce Topic – Guessing Game – What is something that we all need? What is something that we do each day? – Eat Food ♦ Read Big book “Food, Food, I like it I do!” together ♦ Ask questions relating to the text and encourage students to respond Science ♦ Display a growing plant in a pot. Introduce lesson by explaining that we need food to grow and survive – just like a plant Class discussion ♦ Brainstorm needs of a plant – Plants need water, soil, light, air, heat to survive and grow ♦ Students to suggest ways to see if predictions are correct – Students will conduct an experiment and chart observations ♦ Explain to students that they will each be growing their own food plant Compile list of needs (bean) and investigate what it needs to grow. of a plant ♦ Extension or if time permits - prepare chart for next lesson. (See Appendix B) Visual Arts ♦ Display food pyramid on a poster (See Appendix C) ♦ Introduce purpose of Visual Arts lessons – construct a 3D sculpture of a food pyramid using collage and hand-made 3D foods. Small group painting ♦ Divide class into 4 groups (class layout already has students in 4 activity groups) ♦ Paint panels in 6 colours to represent the 6 food groups (see Appendix D) ♦ While students are painting encourage students to discuss the components of the food pyramid ♦ Extension – colour in food pyramid handout Modelled Writing ♦ Introduce “Explanation News Plan” (see Appendix K) and explain Explanation text purpose – For each student to present an individual Explanation during “News Plan news time in week 3 ♦ Model explanation of ‘How a plant grows’. Display Explanation posters in the class.(Appendix E) ♦ Draw explanation proforma on the board and using explanation poster, fill in the parts encouraging student involvement.

Assessment Strategies

Talking & Listening

Students can predict the topic. Students read and relate to text. Involvement in class discussion Students make suggestions for experiments. Students are able to contribute to the construction of the chart.

Panels are painted Students are involved in discussion

Student participation.

Setting up science experiment

Plant seeds Chart predictions Visual Arts Collecting pictures Classifying according to food group Pasting Writing Sequence features of Explanation Text


♦ Small group predictions – provide each group with an established seedling and predict the outcomes of each plant placed in various conditions 1. no water, 2. No light 3. No heat, 4. no soil. 5. Control group for whole class to record. ♦ Set up plant growing experiment with 5 plants. 1 control plant (soil, water, warmth, light), 1 plant in marbles (no soil), 1 plant in fridge (no warmth), 1 plant in cupboard (no light), 1 plant with no water. ♦ Take students outside and plant a bean in a clear plastic cup with potting mix for each child. ♦ Chart predictions for each group ♦ Extension activity or if time permits – sequence stages of plant growth from seed to shop (Appendix F) ♦ Collage – provide each group with magazines and scissors and have students find pictures that represent each food group. Cut out pictures and classify according to pyramid template. ♦ Students may use the internet to find pictures of foods that may not be in the magazines

Students predict the outcome of the plants

Students sequence stages of growth Students were able to identify food groups and foods that fit within the groups

♦ Guided Writing – whole class to construct “Explanation Plan” on ‘How a tomato grows’. ♦ Provide visual texts to assist students eg flow chart of plant growth ♦ Floorstorming – have pre-prepared template of explanation proforma Students can identify features of an on large cardboard (see Appendix H) explanation proforma with ♦ Have students sequence the components of the explanation text by assistance. pasting components onto the blank template. ♦ Display completed “Explanation Poster” in the classroom. Big Book – “Food” Plants Food Pyramid poster Explanation text proforma Equipment for experiment – seeds, potting mix, small spade, gloves, plastic cups, labels, observation chart Magazines, scissors Explanation text proforma on cardboard, pens


Approx 7x 40 min lessons/week

Content Talking and Listening

Assessment Strategies

Teaching and Learning Activities ♦ Game – Talking signposts. 4-5 students will be given (by the teacher) an explanation of various topics relating to food and the ‘Talking Signposts’ food pyramid – How a plant grows – How to make butter – Where do eggs come from? – How bread is made. ♦ Other students will visit the “signposts” and be given information about the above topics. ♦ Students will need to use listening skills and talking skills to complete this activity. ♦ If time permits allow other students to be the ‘signpost’ Science ♦ Observation of plants in experiment – guide students to reflect on what a plant needs to survive and grow. Observing ♦ Record observations of each plant and ask students to reflect on Recording predictions that were made. Are the group predictions correct? Do Revising Predictions the need to be changed? Sketching and Labelling ♦ Sketch and Label parts of a plant using correct language. Eg, roots, stem, leaves etc (see Appendix I) Visual Art ♦ If necessary continue finding pictures of foods to past onto food pyramid. Construction of 3D foods ♦ Construction of 3D foods. – Using template for each group, paint Colour and construct a 3D model of a food from each of the food groups to Scale/Proportion attach to food pyramid eg, bread/cereal, fruit/veg, dairy, fats/oils, meat. 3D foods will be painted and cut out and stuffed with newspaper or tissues (Appendix G) Writing an ‘Explanation ♦ Continue guided small group construction of explanation text. News Plan’ ♦ Distribute individual proforma for Explanation News Plan. Instruct students that this will become the first draft for their individual news presentation on ‘explanation’ ♦ Lucky Dip – Students will be randomly provided with the topic of their presentation via a lucky dip. Students will be asked to find information with the help of parents or carers or during the week at school through reading explanation texts about food.

Students were able to provide accurate information according to their topic

Student observations reflect the needs of a plants growth Students label parts of a plant

Students replicate food using colour, scale, proportion.

First draft of ‘Explanation’


♦ Explain to students that they will be planning and participating in a healthy picnic in Week 3. Begin planning a healthy picnic, based on Planning healthy picnic ithe food pyramid. lunch ♦ Class discussion on the types of foods eaten at a picnic and where they fit into the food pyramid. ♦ Construct a list using an empty food pyramid template on large cardboard. Examples may include cheese sandwich (bread, dairy), apple (fruit), carrot sticks (vegetable) chocolate cake (fats & oils) ♦ Students will each be bringing in some food to share for a class picnic in Week 3. (note to go home) Visual Art ♦ Continue construction of 3D foods to attach to food pyramid. ♦ All students should have completed pasting pictures onto food Construction of 3D foods group panels. Colour ♦ Begin attaching 3D foods to panels and discuss how the completed Scale/Proportion product will come together Joint construction of a ♦ Jointly construct a flow chart or life cycle of a plant (using labels). flow chart Encourage students to use these diagrams when independently writing an explanation on the life cycle of a plant. Labelling ♦ Guided small group construction of explanation text – students to complete 2nd draft of explanation text using visual aids and Guided writing diagrams/flow charts. Resources: Talking signpost information Scissors, glue Paints, brushes, aprons, paper, newspaper Lucky dip bag with topics cut up on individual pieces of paper Healthy picnic lunch note to parents/carers

Students can identify healthy foods and participate in planning a healthy picnic lunch. Students can identify foods from the food pyramid and relate these foods to the foods they eat at lunchtime.

Participation in flow chart Second draft of explanation text

Approx 7x 40 min lessons/week

WEEK THREE Content Talking and Listening

Science Classifying

Visual Art Printmaking Shapes, colour, texture Oral presentation.

Science Healthy lunch Game – Celebrity Head Topic: Food from the food pyramid Visual Art Printmaking Construction of 3D sculpture.

Teaching and Learning Activities ♦ Listen to sections of an explanation text being read aloud (Big Book on Explanation “Living Things” or “Life Cycles”) ♦ Ask students to identify which stage of the explanation has been heard, eg, It’s the opening or identifying statement because it tells what the explanation is about ♦ Classify plant food groups – eg, leaves, stems, roots – What parts do we eat of the plant? (see Appendix J) ♦ Chart on the baord the different parts of plants that people can eat eg, seeds, stalks, stems, flowers, leaves etc) ♦ Imagine a world without plants – What would we eat? What would happen? How would we feel with no trees, grass, flowers. What would farmers grow? ♦ Food prints – use a variety of different vegetables to do printmaking for the 3D food pyramid. ♦ Explore shapes and patters of different fruits and vegetables – eg, orange, apple, potato, ♦ Students to begin presentations of oral Explanation ♦ Allow 3 minutes per presentation and question time in between

Assessment Strategies Able to identify ‘stage’ of explanation.

Understanding of every living things need for plants Printmaking completed to requirements. Presentation of Oral Explanation

♦ Healthy picnic – take students outside if weather permits and whole class enjoy a picnic lunch ♦ During healthy lunch play ‘Celebrity Head’ using food from the food Enjoyment of healthy lunch and pyramid as the topic. participation in game. ♦ If possible ask students to predict the approximate daily requirements of each of the foods guessed. Eg, How many pieces of fruit should we eat each day? Would we eat the same amount of cake as fruit or vegetables? ♦ From printamking from previous lesson, ask students to cut out 1 or Finished product. 2 of their shapes to add to the food pyramid. ♦ Attach all 3D foods to food pyramid and join panels together ♦ Display food pyramid and have each group discuss their foods that they have completed and where they fit into the food pyramid ♦ Allow discussion of how many serves of each food are to be eaten

Oral presentation

each day, using the food pyramid as a guide. ♦ If time allows construct labels of the appropriate servings of each food group to the food pyramid ♦ Continue presentation of oral explanation ♦ If all students have not completed their presentation, allow time during morning news or throughout the day when appropriate.

Resources: Big books – “Living Things” and “Life Cycles” Vegetables for printing Paints, brushes, aprons, paper, newspaper, scissors, glue Healthy food for class picnic Celebrity Head game

Sascha Lynch

Presentation of Oral Explanation Listening and questioning by audience members.

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