6 minute read



Everything around us floats in energy. The problem is, people are usually not aware of the presence of the huge ocean of bioenergy that lies so close, and even if they are, they have to spend some time until they learn how to absorb the energy from it. By absorbing the energy from this huge ocean that lies in the etheric plane, we do not take the energy from somebody else. After the absorbing process, a tiny loss of energy will appear in the global Earth bio-field, but almost instantly, that loss will be filled up with the energy that comes from space. So, everything is moved by energy. Energy flows everywhere, in everyone and in everything. We are all part of it. It flows through us and connects us in a special way. The more energy we possess, the stronger we are and more capable of dealing with all the hard tasks that life brings. A method of meditation that is created for energy absorption from the environmental bioenergy field could be described as follows: It is for the best if you practice this meditation method at night and in complete darkness. The absence of light will provide you with the best visualization ability, which is the most important thing about this exercise. The best time for it is 04:00AM because the prana is the strongest in that period of the day and the environmental disturbances are greatly reduced. You will achieve best results with this exercise if you sit in the lotus position. Calm your mind and body for at least half an hour of meditation, described in the previous method. When you reach the state of deep inner peace, you need to become aware of your natural bioenergy that runs in your etheric body. Keep your eyes closed and focus on your hands. Feel the charging of a bio-power in them. Stretch your arms forward then start moving them slowly and in identical movements in the direction where your hands should intercept each other. When the distance of 10 centimeters between the two hands has been reached, stop. Feel the two-way energy circuit between the hands and follow the energy that flows from your left hand to the right hand, and opposite. Concentrate the best you can to find the middle point where those two energies meet. Now include your


inner eye in that middle point and visualize a creation of a little bluewhite energy ball. The bigger the amount of bioenergy that flows from both hands guided to the point where the intercept of the two energies will occur, the bigger the ball will grow.

When the shiny energy ball reaches the size of 7 centimeters, just increase the distance between the two hands and allow more space for further growing. When the psi-ball reaches the size of 10 centimeters put the other energy barrier around it. This energy should rotate around the surface of the ball, and its color should be green-white. As soon as you have created the protective barrier, the blue-white bioenergy is sealed and protected from vaporizing into the natural bio-field. Then, remove your hands and let the psi-ball levitate close to your body. If you have done everything right, you should feel the strong pulsating energy that comes from the etheric ball and it should be very easy for you to control it without your hands. Give the mental command and push the energy ball away from you. Send it about 3 meters away from you and then stop it there. Then release the psi-ball from your control and let it levitate on

its own. The moment you have set the energy ball free, you will feel a strange change in your room.

Note: Sometimes when the energy in the psi-ball is too strong, it can be felt like gentle magnetism in the hair or on the skin. There is also a possibility that some of you will experience strong zooming sound in your ears. The effect of the zooming sound is because you have made a change in the energy level of the natural bio-field which has spontaneously triggered a minimal amount of Kundalini rising. In other words, the connection that you have established with the natural bio-field has tickled the asleep and latent energy in your etheric body, and when that happens, almost always it is followed by strong zooming sound. If that effect appears, do not be afraid, it is completely normal and will pass in ten to twenty seconds. The energy will hit the energy centers in your etheric body and starting there it will leave your energy system by joining the natural bio-field. As soon as that happens, the zooming sound will disappear.

The next thing you should do is to lock your mind again on the energy ball. Using your hands, start to pull the psi-ball back to you. When you have pulled the etheric ball to a meter distance from your physical body, stop and give it strong magnetic power. Take off the protective green-white shield and allow the absorption to follow. Visualize as the psi-ball starts to pull and absorb more energy from all around you and becomes bigger. When it reaches above 2 meters in diameter, cut off the magnetic force of the psi-ball. Put the protective shield on again, and do not allow the loss of the bioenergy. When you have done that, simply visualize yourself walking into it, with your etheric body. If that happens to be difficult for you, just concentrate and imagine you are walking into the psi-ball physically, which will produce the same effect. Put yourself into it 100 %. If you have successfully projected your etheric double in the energy ball, the first thing that you should experience is a levitating effect along with the feeling of no weight. It will feel like floating in the liquid of pure energy. Perhaps, in the beginning, you will experience the effect of biolocation of your consciousness, but in time and with practice, you will sure master it. When you find yourself floating in the energy ball, open

yourself completely and allow the full penetration of the bioenergy directly into every single atom of your etheric body. That way, all the energy centers will absorb the maximum level of prana energy. When you are absolutely positive you have managed to absorb all the energy from the psi-ball, just step out of it and return to your physical body. With your eyes still closed, use your inner eye to push the energy ball as far as possible. Then just release the green-white protective shield and shut down the psi-ball. After completing this meditation method, you will feel relaxed, fresh and filled with energy. Once in a week energy absorption from the natural bioenergy field is enough and it will enable you to feel more vital, healthier and more in the mood that will help you in all the things every day brings. In time, your bioenergy will be increased to the level that will allow you to help someone by making healing changes. Use your bio-potential wisely and only for everybody’s well being.

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