Kine Hearts Magazine FEBRUARY 2019 | I SSUE #7
Cannabis & Ar t : Psychedelic Exper ience
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Cannabis, Ar t s & Music ?Mary Jane? by Rick Jam es "I?m in love with Mary Jane. She?s my main thing. She makes me feel alright. She makes my heart sing. And when I?m feeling low, She comes as no surprise. Turns me on with her love. Takes me to paradise."
Cannabis & Art: Psychedelic Experience Written by Charlotte Sun
- How do w e k now th at cannabi s and art correl ate w i th one anoth er?
Scientific Studies have shown that cannabis has inherent neurological relationships with both art & creativity. Cannabis increases the frontal lobe and with the right dosage it can stimulate an artist mind to open up. Cannabis users who are artist usually have the personality trait to enhance their creativity are called ?openness to experience? They are prone to explore physical and inner personal planes. However, everyone doesn?t get the psychedelic experience and theirs can be relatively different. Some Artists suffer from anxiety and use Indicas what has been called a ?body high? to calm them. Yet, Sativas ?mind high? can boost your level to stay focus. Cannabis has memory loss issues so while on that psychedelic train you may lose focus. The THC in cannabis can hinder the transformation of short term memories into long-term. So if you want to keep those creative ideas you should write down or record them.
Photo by Charlotte Sun
"I am a creative per son who wr ites poems and shor t stor ies. I wanted to see if my ar tistic side would be able to come out while smoking cannabis."
I am a creative person who writes poems and short stories. I wanted to see if my artistic side would be able to come out while smoking cannabis. Here are two drawings one is Indica strain and the other was Sativa. The Indica strain I was not able to concentrate in fact I was more interested in eating ice cream and brownies.
Although, the next day I tried the Sativa strain I was alert and wanted to concentrate on drawing. I felt quite focus and enlightened to draw. It in fact heightened my creativity. You can be the judge the two drawings were quite intriguing to say the least. This was a social experiment just to see how the affects would be and each individual has a different Photo by Charlotte Sun
Cannabis & Ar t : Psychedelic Exper ience & Cr eat ivit y Written by Charlotte Sun
Cr eat ive Ar t ist s There are major influential artist ranging from painters, sculptors, musicians, and photographers who use cannabis. Here are some famous cannabis users and as a result there is a diversity of creative community of artists. I find it fascinating the vast range of famous artists. Here is an astonishing list & some of their quotes of their thoughts of cannabis:
William Sh ak espear eFamous playwright consumed cannabis Pablo PicassoUsed to create his abstract paintings Lou ie Ar m st r on g Famous trumpet player was one of the first musicians to openly admit his admiration for the plant, and he stated in his autobiography that gage (as he used to call pot), was ?a thousand times better than whiskey ? it?s an assistant ? a friend?. Br ian Wilson (of Beach Boys) ?Marijuana helped me write Pet Sounds.? (which is #2 best album of all times on the list of Rolling Stone magazine) Bob M ar ley ?Music and herb go together. It?s been a long time now I smoke herb. From the 1960s, when I first start singing.?
Bill Hick s ?See, I think drugs have done some good things for us, I really do. And if you don?t believe drugs have done good things for us, do me a favor: go home tonight and take all your albums, all your tapes, and all your CDs and burn ?em. ?Cause you know what? The musicians who made all that great music that?s enhanced your lives throughout the years? Real f* * * high on drugs.?
St eve Jobs ?The best way I would describe the effect of the marijuana and the hashish is that it would make me relaxed and creative.? Although Steve Jobs wasn?t an artist, he is a sweet spot to the list of creative people. It can be safe to say, if you?re looking for a substance to enlighten your thought process and make you think of something original and inspiring cannabis is an herb to elevate ones psychedelic experience and creativity. Creative Places to Experience Art and Cannabis is Paint n Puff in Nevada founder Tabitha Thompson who was diagnose with multiple sclerosis. She decided to open up a vape shop in which has CBD oil derived by cannabis and does not have the THC. An ot h er cr eat ive ou t let is High Ar t in w h ich w as cr eat ed by Don a Fr an k an d Th e Nat u r al Can n abis Com pan y in 2014 as a cr ow d sou r cin g solu t ion t o pack agin g design . High Ar t becam e an in t er n at ion ally-k n ow n ar t com pet it ion w it h t h ou san ds of en t r ies an n u ally f r om 60+ cou n t r ies all over t h e w or ld. Each year pr of ession al an d am at eu r ar t ist s cr eat e t h em ed w or k s t h r ou gh a var iet y of m ediu m s t o com pet e f or $50,000 in pr ize m on ey an d t o see t h eir w or k f eat u r ed on pack agin g, social m edia. High Ar t galler y is locat ed in San t a Rosa, CA an d displayed at pr est igiou s ar t even t s, in t h e Un it ed St at es an d abr oad. 9
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Born in 1985, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania- Quentin ? C.B.Perry? has been quietly pursuing a career in the arts his entire life . Growing up, Perry was member of all the art clubs in elementary, middle and high school. He graduated from Brashear High School in 2004 with a diploma in Applied Technology, from which we was taught the basics of graphic design and computer programing. From there he attended the University of Pittsburgh and majored in graphic design. After his first year Quentin felt irresolute about pursuing a career in the arts so he decided to change his major and pursue other ventures. After a few years he bounced around in various career fields, until he arrived to the age of 30 and decided to pursue art once again. Within the past few years his art career has grown tremendously as he has sold artwork all across the nation and does live painting performances thought the city of Pittsburgh . I n addition to the canvas paintings , C.B.Perry?s craft has even expanded into the body painting field as well . C.B.Perry is known for his unconventional and often unfiltered humor which is translated throughout his art work. Quentin Perry aka " C.B.Perry " takes a unconventional view of social, political and cultural topics . Perry deconstructs pop culture that visually represents the randomness present in daily life and promotes thinking outside of the box. 23
? My Art isn?t for the safe, level - headed, boring, single mined person. I t?s not for the practical, I t?s not for the rational person. I t?s not for the calm, businesslike, no- nonsense crowd. I want my art to speak to the wild, creative open minds who dare to express themselves. T he minds who aren?t afraid of fun , I want to excite the untamed and untapped creative parts of the mind ? - C.B.Perry