Kinetic view - Fuel's five trends for 2014

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kinetic view fuel’s five trends for 2014 2013 saw an explosion of colour and creativity within the OOH industry. All around the world brands engaged consumers in surprising and captivating ways. From giant astronauts with digital technology embedded within, to live data streams and mobile-linked, geo-fenced posters - the breadth of creativity was inspiring and at times breath-taking.

Immersion You’ve no doubt heard that participation is seen as the new form of consumption, or perhaps you’ve read an article that references the ‘experience economy’ in some way. Well there is good reason for that – in reaction to an increasingly digital and fast-paced life, the majority of us now place a higher value on experiences rather than goods. For younger people in particular, participation is their consumption. ‘Doing’ and ‘being there’ are all a form of social currency with the where and what being shared socially for bragging rights. This need to do and feel something real and tangible is driving our first trend for 2014 - Immersion. The inclusion of sound, scent, touch and other stimuli layered on top of the usual OOH visual experience is more impactful and memorable and we predict a huge increase in truly immersive brand experiences delivered through installations that delight the consumer’s senses.

As technology continues to evolve and augment our surroundings and consumers’ confidence using mobile technology grows, you can expect to see more and more brands experiment with unusual ways of engaging audiences and telling their story. Kinetic’s Fuel team are the creative planners that help elevate our campaigns from the standard to the special and they have identified five key trends you can expect to see taking over the streets around you in 2014.


Fuel’s five trends for 2014

fuel’s five trends for 2014 Personalisation OOH is still frequently referred to as the last broadcast medium and while it does perform spectacularly well delivering huge coverage, quickly, it’s recently developed a new set of skills - the ability to tightly target discrete audiences according to age, gender and facial expressions (even yawning!). Camera and sensor technology enables digital screens to serve up tailored messages based on who is in near-proximity and we expect to see more campaigns make an impact in this way. A second strand to the Personalisation trend is enabling consumers to personalise content and have their moment of fame through the use of touchscreens, mobile triggers or social media tie-ins.

Crowdsourcing Tapping into user generated content is nothing new but the frequency and types of content we share is increasing astronomically - and so you can expect campaigns using UGC to grow significantly in 2014. The emergence of technology such as Grand Visual’s Open Loop platform makes it easier than ever to curate digital content, almost instantly, and display to a wider audience in the offline world. Expect to see more and more brands encourage consumers to get involved via online and social platforms and then collate the content to display on OOH sites.

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fuel’s five trends for 2014 Microtargeting Smart technology now enables us to deliver relevant contextual messages in a variety of different ways depending on the communication need. New features and platforms such as Apple’s ibeacons mean brands are now able to target consumers whenever they are in a relevant location. For example, sensors fitted to a 6 sheet could share content via low-energy Bluetooth when someone is in close proximity to the site. Combining the power of mobile with OOH opens up vast microtargeting possibilities - geo-fencing the space around an OOH site can serve mobile ads to consumers in the vicinity of an OOH ad to create a multi-channel campaign that captures a consumer in the right context. We are only just starting to tap into the potential mobile and OOH have when used in conjunction with each other, but expect 2014 to be the year the industry starts to really deliver measurable ROI to clients in this area.

Spectacle Tapping again into consumers’ increasing desire for more real-world experiences, we predict that high-impact, entertaining displays will be popular in 2014 with brands looking to achieve cut-through and stature. These captivating displays can include physical structures, lighting, technology and multi-sensory elements. Some recent examples include Nike’s live knitting on a giant banner in Shanghai to promote the fly-knit running shoe and Fuel’s own giant Astronaut suspended from Westfield London’s ceiling for Lynx Apollo. Urban consumers appreciate when brands enrich their surroundings and if done well, spectacular OOH installations can drive brand efficacy and stimulate earned media as consumers are eager to share what they see.

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