D E TOX YO U R HOME Our room-by-room guide to breathing easier, literally and figuratively was conducted by the Silent Spring Institute, a scientific research organization studying the link between endocrinedisrupting chemicals and breast cancer. You can take action in other ways too, but eliminating all potentially problematic contaminants is impossible to do all at once. Some of the tips here are easy to incorporate into your life starting today; others take a little time or money. Go slowly, and know that any change you make for your health is a good one.
Kitchen: Mike Garten. This page: Annie Schlechter. Opposite page: David Tsay.
Our bodies are naturally detoxifying machines, but our homes are an entirely different operation. So until the bathroom and kitchen can clean themselves, what can you do to limit the grime and the chemicals you are exposed to? As with many areas of wellness, a healthier home starts with awareness. One study found that people who read product labels to help reduce exposure to potentially harmful chemicals had lower levels of them in their bodies. The study
G O O D H O U S E K E E P I N G .C O M