People present: Ben, Ellie, Bronte, Imogen and Olivia How it went: Due to Ben having to leave at 4:30pm we were unable to film. We also had no props ready or the shot list at hand therefore we were unorganised and not prepared to film.
People present: Ben, Ellie and Bronte Props: Petrol can, blood/make-up, knife. Equipment: Shoulder cam, Tripod and Camera. Time: 5pm - 6:30pm. Actors: Ellie and Ben. Camerawoman: Bronte. Scenes: Most of Ben’s death scene, shots of gore (arm and blood, blood covered tissues, blood on knife).
WEDNESDAY 11TH MARCH 2015 People present: Ben, Ellie, Bronte, Imogen and Olivia Props: Petrol can, blood, knife. Equipment: Shoulder cam, Tripod, and Camera. Time: 4:30pm - 6pm. Camerawoman: Bronte. Scenes: Ben and Imogen’s death. How it went: Unsuccessful. The shot list and storyboard was forgotten therefore the shots were unorganised. Imogen’s death was partly filmed but due to the shot list not being present we were confused as to what we were filming. We began to film Ben’s death scene but Olivia had to leave and it was getting too dark to film.
THURSDAY 12TH MARCH 2015 How it went: Very well, although we did not complete Ben’s death scene we still managed to shoot most of it as well as some shots of gore inside. We went to film the main track and realised at 6:30pm it was too dark therefore we now know to go and film the track earlier. We should aim to film it around 6pm. Due to this being an opening for a horror our questionnaire stated that it would be most effective to film at night however the natural lighting is too dark therefore we have to film around sunset (5-6pm). Although this is a challenge we aim to have the majority of our filming done within a week.
SATURDAY 14TH MARCH 2015 People present: Bronte and Ellie Equipment: Shoulder cam and tripod Camerawoman: Bronte Actors/Actress’: Ellie Scenes: Tracks How it went: This was successful as we managed to film the track well however there was the small problem of the public walking into shot and in the background.
FRIDAY 13 TH MARCH 2015 People present: Mr Jones, Olivia, Bronte and Ellie. Time: 11am – 12:40pm. How it went: During our media lesson, Mr Jones came and spoke to our group. We discussed how the group wasn’t working and Olivia decided to leave the group. From now on our group just consists of Bronte and Ellie. Because there are now only two of us within SkyPlex Studios we decided to cut out Imogen’s death as this reduces the pressure on us.
SUNDAY 15TH MARCH 2015 People present: Bronte and Ellie. Equipment: Tripod and camera. How it went: We successfully filmed the intro (close up of feet, rear angle and action match) to the track.
MONDAY 16TH MARCH 2015 How it went: From 11:30am – 1pm we completed a new shot list (due to Olivia not donating the original one) this was successful as we now have a clear idea of what we are doing. From 5pm – 8:30pm we filmed the track that is set at night, without blood, this was successful as we are happy with what we produced. During the period of time that we were out filming, we also filmed some short shots just to test the lighting, and to see if there was anything we could add into our montage horror opening.
People present: Bronte and Ellie. Equipment: Tripod and camera. How it went: Today was successful. The shots we aimed to film were completed; makeup was tested to create what we felt real as possible.
MONDAY 16TH MARCH 2015 People present: Bronte and Ellie. Props: Blood and make-up. Equipment: Shoulder cam, Tripod and Camera. Time: 11:30am – 1pm. 5pm – 8:30pm. Actors: Ellie. Camerawoman: Bronte. Scenes: Tracks.
THURSDAY 2ND APRIL 2015 People present: Bronte and Ellie. Equipment: Tripod and camera. How it went: Filming today went well as what we aimed to have filmed was successfully completed.
TUESDAY 14TH APRIL 2015 People present: Bronte, Scott and Ellie. Equipment: Tripod, Shoulder-cam and camera. How it went: We began to film the ending to our horror opening – which was Ellie following Scott. However, we were unable to complete this due to there being too many people in the area we were located in.
TH People present: Bronte and Ellie. Equipment: camera. Tripod and How it went:
After looking over our original shots of Ben, we decided to go back out and add to what we had filmed, and re-film shots that we thought weren’t to a high standard.
SUNDAY 19TH APRIL 2015 People present: Bronte, Sasha and Ellie. Props: Make-up, camera and lighting. How it went: Today was successful as it was pretty simple and quick to complete. Sasha’s makeup turned out to a high standard which is what we aimed for.
FRIDAY 17TH APRIL 2015 People present: Bronte and Ellie. How it went: Today we researched film’s famous for being gory (such as Hostel) to gain inspiration from the DVD covers/disks covers. We decided that looking at major franchises covers for their films will help us create at cover that reflects the horror genre, and successfully target a specific market (e.g. teenagers).
MONDAY 27TH APRIL 2015 People present: Bronte and Ellie. How it went: On this day we filmed a few extra shots, of Ellie’s mouth with fake blood dripping out to symbolise that she has eaten her victims.
THURSDAY 23RD APRIL 2015 People present: Bronte and Ellie. How it went: Today we managed to film the beginning of Bronte’s death, the shots of Ellie pushing Bronte’s head under water. It was difficult positioning the tripod and camera around the bath to get everything in shot however we managed to work around the bath using high angles. We could not film the rest of her death, as it was too dark outside.
WEDNESDAY 29TH APRIL 2015 People present: Bronte, Scott and Ellie. How it went: Here we were able to film the one movement shot of Ellie following Scott, which we will use as the ending scene for the film to then start.
People present: Bronte and Ellie. How it went: We filmed the rest of Bronte’s death making sure it is the goriest and extremely gruesome as this will be the last death seen. Most slasher films are an 18 therefore we need to show everything which we have no done for the other deaths as much therefore we made sure that Bronte’s death was visible (although this was difficult without professional special effects).
FRIDAY 1ST MAY 2015 People present: Bronte and Ellie. How it went: Although we did not plan to carry on filming after April, after watching our edited film we wanted to add more single shots. Here we filmed the shots of meat, blood, and weapons.
MONDAY 4TH MAY 2015 People present: Bronte and Ellie. How it went: We will edit our opening for it to be finished.
SATURDAY 2ND MAY 2015 People present: Bronte and Ellie. How it went: On this day we filmed the shots of Ellie taking the drugs and alcohol to show the audience why she is killing the people, the rest of the film will then show the audience why she is taking them and what exactly they do to her.