Many colleges will offer you the world. But how many actually take
out in the world to introduce you to new perspectives, ideas, and possibilities? At King College, your Quest begins with academic opportunities you’re
unlikely to find at other institutions our size.
Find your passion among our mor e than 80 major s, concentr ations, pr e-pr of essional pr ogr ams, and minor s of f er ed in f ive schools. You’ll f ind major s that pr epar e you f or “hot” car eer f ields like spor ts management, digit al media, int ernational business, and nur sing.
b e g i n s
h e r e “I decided to come to King because of the small community environment. I was excited to have lasting, meaningful relationships with my professors, and the campus itself is beautiful and has a lot to offer.” Sarah Jessee (‘09) Nursing Major Gray, Tennessee
Apply your knowledge thr ough hands-on application with pr ogr ams on and of f campus. You might go as near as the King F or est to wor k on a science pr oject or as f ar as the Unit ed Kingdom to e xplor e the wor ks of f amed author s. King College does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, disability or age in its programs and activities. The following person has been designated to handle inquires about policy: James Donahue, Vice President for Business Operations, King College, 1350 King College Road, Bristol, Tennessee 37620, 423-652-6002.
At King, we want our students to understand their place in the larger
community. One of the ways we do this is by encouraging students to participate in domestic and international travel opportunities, allowing them to combine study with hands-on experiences. These trips include critical examination of the cultural, societal, economic, and reli-
gious characteristics of the places we visit.
Dr. Errol Rohr and Dr. Ray Bloomer with students in New Orleans, Louisiana
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See the world with a wide range of domestic and international travel opportunities extending from China to Ireland, available as early as your first semester. Broaden your knowledge of other cultures by experiencing them, rather than just reading about them in a book. And we do more than tell you what to pack - faculty and staff often accompany students on trips. Join the more than 25 percent of traditional undergraduate students who travel each year on study abroad, spring break, mission, and community service trips. Study abroad in the Tuscan village of Montepulciano, Italy, where you will learn about western culture, language, history, art, and literature with King College professors. Choose from courses such as early church history and existential philosophy and attend classes daily to earn credit.
King College is accredited by the Commission on Colleges of the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools to award baccalaureate and masters degrees. Contact the Commission on Colleges at 1866 Southern Lane, Decatur, Georgia 30033-4097 or call 404-679-4500 for questions about the accreditation of King College.
“When King College goes abroad, we, as faculty, hope to do something more than just take a trip with students. We want students to experience a place and culture rather than simply observing or passing through. In other words, when we travel with King students – we want to go alongside them, rather than just send them; we don’t want students to just `go there,’ we want them to `be there.’” Dr. Tracy Parkinson Dean of Faculty
Dr. Tracy Parkinson with study abroad students in Paris
Undecided on a major? Don’t worry. You’ll have plenty of time to
explore your options and discover your passions.
Your academic advisor will help you match your interests to a major and develop a four-year plan for achieving your goals. Thanks to the quality of our academic advising, most King graduates complete their degree in four years!
Majors and Concentrations Minors
Accounting Accounting & Finance American Studies Athletic Training Bible and Religion Biochemistry Biology* Business Administration Chemistry* Digital Media English* French* Finance Forensic Science Health Sciences Chemistry History* Interdisciplinary Studies International Business Management Marketing Mathematics* Modern Languages Music Music Education* Neuroscience Nursing Physical Education* Physics* Political Science/History Psychology Spanish* Sports Management Technical & Professional Communication Theatre Youth Ministry * = Education licensure
Bible and Religion Biology Business Administration & Economics Chemistry Coaching Economics Elementary Education English French History Intercultural Studies Leadership Management & Marketing Mathematics Middle Grades Education Music Philosophy Physics Political Science Psychology Secondary Education Spanish Technical & Professional Communication Theatre Youth Ministry
Education Licensure Endorsements
Pre-Professional Programs
Elementary (K–6) Middle Grades (4–8) Secondary (7–12) English As A Second Language (PreK–12) Biology (7–12) Chemistry (7–12) English (7–12) French (7–12) Geography with History (7–12) Government with History (7–12) History (7–12) Mathematics (7–12) Music Education (K–12) Physical Education (K–12) Physics (7–12) Spanish (7–12)
In addition to our majors, minors, and concentrations, King College has curricular tracs to prepare students for further study in many professional fields including the following: Pre-Dentistry Pre-Engineering Pre-Law Pre-Medical and Health Sciences Pre-Ministry Pre-Pharmaceutical Science Pre-Physical Therapy Pre-Veterinary Medicine
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King offers an educational environment in which students and faculty test each other’s thinking on a daily basis, giving you the opportunity to strengthen your knowledge and broaden your perspective.
Honors Program If intellectual challenge is especially important to you, you’ll want to be a part of the Jack E. Snider Center for Honors. As a member of the Honors program, you will: • Participate in exclusive courses that stimulate thinking and allow for creative response. • Travel to Salzburg, Austria, for a week of study, cultural exchange, and sightseeing. •
Be recognized at graduation and receive notation on your final transcript, allowing you to share this distinction with prospective employers.
• Serve both the campus and the larger community by tutoring and mentoring. • Connect with others at the Honors House, your own personal space to study or just hang out. Students with a 3.0 GPA or higher and who have scored at least a 28 ACT or 1260 SAT will be invited to participate in the program.
For more information about the Jack E. Snider Center for Honors, contact the Office of Admissions, 800.362.0014 or admissions@king.edu.
International Study Program of the Salzburg Seminar | Salzburg, Austria
“The Snider Honors program was not merely an addition to my academic pursuits. The program allowed me to understand more deeply who I am, what the world is, and how I am meant to fit into the chaotic glory of this journey we call life.” Amanda Holmes (‘08) Youth ministry intern at St. Columba Presbyterian Church in New Zealand
School of a r t s a n Your Quest begins with our Core curriculum, expressing our values through early exploration of King’s School of Arts and Sciences. The Core will give you the skills, ideas, and knowledge you need to pursue your major and minor programs with confidence and good judgement. Personal attention from professors and advisors will allow you to explore and discover who you are and what you want to do in life. Our faculty are focused on teaching as their first priority and are committed to your success in the classroom and after graduation. Your major advisor will offer guidance related to decisions regarding curricular choices, internships, graduate school options, and career planning, as well as provide academic support. You will also have a student liaison to lend support with questions related to registration and records, student affairs, billing and financial aid, and information technology. King’s School of Arts and Sciences combines classroom learning, group interaction, research, and communication skills to prepare you for the next step of your journey. Many of our graduates receive assistantships at prestigious graduate schools and are paid for earning their advance degrees. The global emphasis, and the fact that senior faculty teach most courses, translate to advantages for King students in the job market and graduate school.
Follow the Path...
Where Will You Go?
...of successful School of Arts and Sciences graduates such as:
The sky’s the limit with a degree from the School of Arts and Sciences at King. Past graduates have pursued careers in:
• Kayla Lindsey, ‘09 - beginning the master’s program in English Literature at Appalachian State. • Carrie Elswick, ‘09 - prior to gradua tion was already working as a freelancer in design and marketing. • Rachel Barker, ‘08 - pursuing master’s degree in opera at Westminster Choir College. • Warren Beck, ‘08 - working for the Teach America program in Harlem. • Solange Adams, ‘08 - attending law school at University of Tennessee. • Robert McRae, ‘07 - pursuing a Ph.D. in mathematics at Rutgers University. • Bradley Long, ‘07 - pursuing Master of Divinity at Princeton Theological Seminary. • Nathan Davis, ‘07 - attending medical school at Wake Forest University.
• Advertising and design • Arts management • Astrophysics • Computers • Dentistry • Engineering • Government and foreign service • International communication or business • International law • Journalism and publicity • Laboratory science and research • Mathematics and statistics • Medicine • Performing arts • Pharmacy • Physical therapy • Programming • Psychology and counseling • Public administration • Publishing • Social work • Teaching • Translating
L e ar n m or e : a r t sa n d sci e n c e s . k in g . e d u
d sciences P r o g r a m H i g hl i g h t s •
American Studies: Explore the relationships among American music, theatre, history, literature, and fine arts in this integrated program that offers a concentration in American arts and culture. The broadness of this major provides an excellent foundation for a variety of careers in fields such as education, research, writing and editing, information management, law, politics, advocacy, business, and even entertainment.
• Biochemistry: Prepare for medical, dental, veterinary, and pharmacy professional and graduate programs. (By the way, King graduates enjoy tremendous success getting into their top-choice graduate and professional schools.) •
Biology: Choose from several tracs including general biology, cell and molecular biology, education certification, and pharmacy dual-degree programs.
Chemistry: Focus your interest through one of the two tracs - one that prepares you for graduate study, teaching, the chemical industry, or government work, or another that prepares you for health sciences careers and medical school.
Digital Media: Prepare for a career in web page design, information architecture, web application development, e-commerce, or online advertising and marketing. Gain a solid foundation in technical communication and business, as well as a background in computer science.
• English: Study a range of British and American literature with a variety of courses designed to enable you to identify and discuss major trends and themes in our literary heritage, which will prepare you for careers in such areas as writing and publishing, teach ing, law, and ministry. •
Forensic Science: Apply a love of science toward the good of society, public health, and public safety with this major that takes you to research laboratories and crime scenes.
• History: Examine national and global trends through a study of European and American history, plus courses that focus outside of American and European traditions, such as those of Africa and Asia. A bachelor’s degree in history provides an excellent founda tion for secondary teaching, archives and museum work, or research, as well as for advanced study in history, political science, law, and journalism. • Interdisciplinary Studies: A compre hensive program of study with a major in interdisciplinary studies that’s avail able to students who wish to design a unique program of study that is not offered by the College. This option will allow you to pursue a degree that combines two or more areas of study that meet your career goals. ...continued on next page
P r o g r a m H i g hl i g h t s • Languages and Literatures: Broaden your knowledge and understanding of other cultures with the study of French, Spanish, ancient Greek, and Latin - or a combination of languages through classroom work and study abroad. Your study of language and culture will complement your work in any other field, making you more marketable and more prepared for the global community. •
Mathematics: Prepare for careers in areas such as computer programming, security code analysis, statistical analysis, actuarial science, teaching, and research.
Neuroscience: Explore the relationship between the brain, consciousness, and behavior through this popular interdisciplinary major that prepares you for careers in medicine, research, and teaching.
Performing and Visual Arts: Discover and develop your creative talents through programs in music, church music, and theatre. You might be part of a King choir that performs at Carnegie Hall or travels to Scotland and England. Students often have opportunities to direct, design, and
conduct through classroom experience and participation in a variety of student organizations. •
Physics: Expand your knowledge of the principles of classical and modern physics, including classical mechanics, electricity and magnetism, quantum mechanics, optics, astronomy, thermodynamics, and advanced laboratories. You might explore the stars in our astronomy research courses or participate in research labs through an internship at Vanderbilt. Many of our graduates enter the field of medical physics where they research and develop new cancer treatments.
• Political Science: Develop an under standing of the organization and func tions of political systems, institutions, and processes in the United States and the world. The political science major serves as a foundation for our pre-law program, preparing students for law school, a path often pursued by King graduates. Others find opportunities in a variety of areas in public relations firms, political campaigns, lobbying and advocacy groups; local, state, and national government; management and consulting; and teaching, journal ism, and public planning.
“I had three internships while at King. The summer after my freshman year, I interned at the Knox County Sheriff’s Office in their crime scene unit. The next two summers I interned at the Y-12 National Security Complex in Oak Ridge, Tennessee. Dr. Pickard was pivotal in helping me secure these handson experiences. As an advisor, he understands what’s necessary and what isn’t - he knows the ins and outs. His guidance and leadership were invaluable.” Kayla Flanigan (‘09) Forensic Science/Political Science Major Strawberry Plains, Tennessee
“The faculty in the School of Arts and Sciences are committed to helping students explore our disciplines in order to develop skills that can position them in twenty-first century workplaces, as well as top graduate and professional schools.” Dr. Katherine Vande Brake Dean, School of Arts and Sciences
P r o g r a m H i g hl i g h t s • Psychology: Gain a comprehensive understanding of experimental psy chology and develop skills in counsel ing through a study of the human mind and behavior that blends reflec tion and spirituality with intellectual growth. A bachelor’s degree in psy chology will prepare you for such careers as case worker, counselor aide, social service director, child protec tion worker, family service worker, group home coordinator, as well as graduate programs ranging from psy chology to law. • Technical and Professional Commu nication: Prepare for communication careers ranging from advertising to journalism to marketing. Build your communication and writing abilities with internships and hands-on learn ing projects. Learn to translate techni cal information into easy-to-under stand language.
• King College and the Appalachian School of Pharmacy in Grundy, Va., have partnered to offer the region’s only “three plus three” joint Bachelor of Science and Doctor of Pharmacy program. After you complete King’s three year pre-pharmacy program and meet the Appalachian School of Phar macy admissions requirements, you’ll be granted preferential consideration for admission into the pharmacy pro gram. Students who successfully com plete the first year of pharmacy school will have a Bachelor of Science in Biol ogy degree conferred upon them.This is the shortest pharmacy degree completion program in the region.
• Youth Ministry/Bible and Religion: Prepare for a life of service with a solid academic foundation in Bible, theol ogy, church history, youth ministry, and philosophy that provides a bal anced perspective and a Christian worldview. These programs will give you an advantage in seminary or grad uate school, as well as in careers rang ing from ministry to business to edu cation to law.
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School of e d u c a t Our teacher education licensure programs incorporate field experiences across the curriculum - helping you confirm your choice of major and define potential career options. In addition, your preparation will culminate with a professional semester of student teaching during which you’ll put all you’ve learned into practice.
Follow the Path... ...of successful School of Education graduates such as: •
Rebecca Suetterlein, ‘08 - teaching 6th grade mathematics at E.B. Stanley Middle School, Washington County Public Schools, Va.
• Chris Hale, ‘08 - teaching Latin and Spanish at Richlands High School, Richlands, Va. • Monica Fischer, ‘08 - teaching mathematics at Virginia Middle School, Bristol, Va. • Sarah Bryant, ‘08 - enrolled in King College’s M.Ed. program. • Lindsay Adams Marshall, ‘08 - teaching Spanish at the Academy at King, Bristol, Tenn.
Where Will You Go? All graduates and program completers in academic years 2002-2003 through 2007-2008 were employed or pursuing graduate studies within nine months of licensure. Many School of Education graduates pursue graduate or professional school immediately following graduation or on an ongoing basis.
“King College faculty members take their roles as academic advisors very seriously. The School of Education is no exception. As early as the first semester, we help students create four-year plans for completing their educational programs. Early conversations about majors and minors offer students the time to explore and to think about their varied interests. These days it is critical to craft an educational program that is marketable, so it is very common for our students to major in one thing and add an additional endorsement or minor in something totally different or craft their own major so they can be prepared for the careers they choose. Attention to planning makes this work.” Dr. Cara Everett Anderson Dean, School of Education
“King has a great reputation, so it is easier to get a teaching position. King College continuously turns out great teachers, and school systems are aware of this. I benefited most from the hands-on experiences I received. Teaching is completely different when you get out into the field to try out all the theories you learned in the classroom. The course work is challenging, but when I look back, I realize that those times prepared me for the work force.” Jeff Mustard, Alumnus Social Studies Teacher, Tennessee High School Bristol, Tennessee
ion P r o g r a m H i g hl i g h t s Teacher Education Whether you want to teach children or teenagers, King’s education program will prepare you for licensure in Tennessee and other states. Our interdisciplinary studies major provides preparation for careers in elementary and middle school teaching (grades K-6, 4-8). In addition, we also offer programs leading to teacher licensure in several secondary education (grades 7-12) disciplines. A major in biology, chemistry, English, French, geography/history, government/ history, mathematics, physics, or Spanish - combined with a secondary education minor - will prepare you for teaching in grades 7-12. You can also explore additional endorsements in English as a Second Language, government, and geography.
Interdisciplinary Studies in Education This program is just as the name suggests - a balanced study of four academic disciplines - math, science, language arts, and social sciences, plus methods courses in English as a Second Language. The interdisciplinary studies major offers flexible and creative course combinations. You can pursue one of three options: • •
A program of study with a defined major in interdisciplinary studies. This non-licensure major offers excellent preparation for careers in human services, child care and early childhood education, recreation, youth ministry, missions, and other service-oriented professions.
Music Education (K-12) Consider a career as a music educator, pursuing either vocal/general or instrumental/general. Graduates will be qualified to teach in private and public sectors, K-12.
Physical Education You can expand your career options with a major in physical education (K-12), athletic training, or a minor in coaching. You’ll select from courses in physical education that are designed to equip you with knowledge, skills, and field experience in selected fitness and sports activities.
Tennessee licensure in grades K-6 in a program that combines a minor in elementary education, and a modified general education core with concentration in four academic areas. Tennessee licensure in grades 4-8 in a program that combines a minor in middle grades education, a modified general education core, and concentrations in two academic areas.
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King’s education program is approved by the Tennessee State Board of Education.
School of b u s i n e s Through King’s School of Business and Economics, you’ll acquire a basic knowledge in every aspect of the profession - accounting, business communication, economics, finance, management, and marketing. You’ll also choose an area of expertise from among our six majors. You’ll witness firsthand the impact of globalization on world cultures by traveling to other countries to study business practices and sociocultural effects, tour historic and cultural sites, and visit international corporations. Through our International Business Studies Program, you could travel to Pacific Asia or Europe.
Follow the Path... ...of successful School of Business and Economics graduates such as: • • • • •
Stacy Wingate, ‘09 - received a scholarship from the Tennessee Society of Certified Public Accountants to pursue her Master of Accountancy degree. Marcus Gillette, ‘09 - investment advisor, Edward Jones, Richmond, Va. Chris Headrick, ‘08 - assistant store manager, Walgreens, Asheville, N.C. Andre Franco, ‘08 - working on Wall Street, New York, N.Y. Richard Crain, ‘07 - staff accountant, Pizza Plus, Inc., Blountville, Tenn.
“The most valuable lesson I have learned since being at King is to push myself even when things are going rough. I know I have the potential, and I can make it if I just try. Being a student here pushes me that extra mile and beyond academically.” Eunice Owolabi (‘12) Business Administration Swannanoa, North Carolina
Test Your Knowledge Through internships, you’ll have the opportunity to test classroom theory, network with professionals in your chosen field, and gain practical work experience. Internships often lead to full-time job offers upon graduation. In recent years, students have interned at such companies and organizations as: • • • • • • • • • • •
Bristol Chamber of Commerce Dana Corporation Electro Mechanical Federal Pacific First Bank and Trust King Pharmaceuticals Merrill Lynch Northwestern Mutual Paine Webber Tri-City Airport Authority United Asset Management Company
The King College Students In Free Enterprise (SIFE) Team has won the regional championship for 18 consecutive years. Students present their programs to a panel of local and national business leaders and entrepreneurs who rate the overall effectiveness of each team’s efforts.
s & economics P r o g r a m H i g hl i g h t s Accounting An explosion of new businesses, changing financial regulations, and closer scrutiny of company finances has accountants in high demand. Our accounting program will prepare you for careers in such areas as public accounting, auditing, taxes, consulting, personal financial planning, and teaching.
Finance and Economics You’ll develop a theoretical understanding of the economy through advanced courses in economics, applied finance, investments, corporate finance, and business research methods. This background will prepare you for careers in the financial services industry, including banking, insurance, investments, international finance, personal financial planning, and real estate.
International Business In a growing global business environment, those who can work across boundaries and hold a broad understanding of the international marketplace have their choice of jobs. As an international business student, you can participate in the International Business Institute, a 10-week summer study abroad program that brings together students from several American colleges and universities. The program integrates classes - taught by lecturers from fields ranging from private business and finance to government and academia with visits to corporate headquarters, manufacturing plants, and governmental and international agencies.
for careers in production management, services management, purchasing sales, human resource management, and government service.
Marketing Learning to analyze, develop, and direct comprehensive marketing plans for companies, service organizations, and associations will prepare you for a broad spectrum of positions. An internship can lead to full-time employment in such areas as retail, advertising and promotion, public relations, market research, logistics and transportation, industrial development, strategic planning, marketing analysis, and international marketing.
Sports Management Growing interest in athletics has led to administrative and supervisory positions with sports enterprises and organizations. This interdisciplinary program combines courses with practical experiences to prepare you for careers in schools, sports clubs, professional sports teams, community recreation departments, sports marketing firms, sports authorities, and sports merchandising.
Management Our management program will help you get your foot into entry-level management positions with courses on subjects such as industrial and organizational psychology, operations management, international business, and small business entrepreneurship. You’ll be well-qualified
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b u si n e s s . k in g . e d u
School of n u r s i n A quality nursing program is built on a holistic philosophy that promotes caring relationships and critical thinking. Its curriculum promotes diversity, social tolerance and justice, and personal, interpersonal, and professional development. It supports mission work and an interdisciplinary process that focuses on the physical, spiritual, and intellectual dimensions of health. That’s exactly what you will find at the King College School of Nursing.
Diverse Experience You’ll learn from faculty who bring expertise and experience in the following areas to the classroom: • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •
Adult health Community nursing Health assessment Healthy lifestyles Interdisciplinary congregational health Labor and delivery/ postpartum Leadership and management Maternal-newborn child health care Mental health Nursing ethics Nutrition and wellness Pathophysiology Pediatric and family nursing Professional nursing Nursing research Research
Follow the Path... ...of successful School of Nursing graduates such as: • • • • •
Casey Newton, ‘07 - works at St. Thomas Hospital, Nashville, Tenn., in Telemetry Unit and works with heart transplant patients. Bridgett Campbell, ‘06 - works in General Medical Surgical Peds. at Duke University; she has recently worked on a terminal illness project gathering data by interviewing families of pediatric cancer patients. Katie Witcher, ‘06 - works at Wellmont-HVMC in ICU/ Step-down and as Clinical Educator in April 2007. Jessica Flanary, ‘06 - works in Surgical Oncology at Ft. Sanders Park West Regional Medical Center in Knoxville, Tenn. Meghann Underwood, ‘05 - works as a staff nurse in the Emergency Room at Vanderbilt University Medical Center while she pursues her master’s degree in the Acute Care Nurse Practitioner program at Vanderbilt University.
“It is really encouraging to know that there are no wrong questions. Anytime I was unsure how to do any procedure, my professors were there to walk me through it.” Bethany Brickey, Alumna Nursing, Kingsport, Tennessee
Learn more: nursing.king.edu
g King has partnered with Wellmont Health System to offer our nursing program in Kingsport, Tennessee, as well as our main campus. Wellmont scholarships are avaialable for the last two years of the nursing program, and graduates of this nursing program are offered priority consideration for employment with Wellmont after passing the NCLEX.
Dr. Kathy Wilkinson assisting a nursing student
P r o g r a m H i g hl i g h t s As a nursing student... ...you’ll develop key competencies to promote, maintain, and restore health through planned classroom and clinical experiences, including our nursing skills laboratory, which is equipped with computerized mannequins. You’ll develop working relationships with faculty who are highly qualified as practicing professionals, nurse practitioners, and educators. They’ll help you find summer externships where you’ll continue building on your classroom knowledge. The high quality of King’s nursing program is evidenced by the significant number of our students who are recruited for key positions before they graduate. Many receive offers for positions from their first-choice employer. You’ll apply classroom knowledge and gain hands-on experience through: •
Learning experiences at the area’s finest hospitals as well as community settings such as nursing homes and health departments. You’ll gain acute and critical care experience in four major hospitals, including top-rated cardiac and oncology units.
Senior capstone experience. You’ll develop management and leadership skills during a clinical experience in a variety of management situations such as adult health, women’s and newborn and child care, case management, home health, hospice, critical care, long-term care, and/or a family practice office setting.
• Mission trips. You’ll have the oppor tunity to participate in mission trips to Honduras, India, Brazil, and Italy. You’ll also have service learning opportunities in Washington, D.C., with local blood drives, Coats for Kids, and free health clinics in Johnson City, Tennessee. • Research. You’ll critique current nursing research articles and gain a deeper understanding of research activities through projects that promote the benefits of evidence-based nursing practice.
Our Bachelor of Science in Nursing (B.S.N.) program offers a baccalaureate degree to prelicensure and registered nurse students. The program is built on a broad base of learning and is reinforced by King’s outstanding natural sciences and mathematics division. Our traditional nursing program can be completed in eight consecutive semesters (four years). Because it’s designed to accommodate both full- and part-time students, you’ll interact with classmates who represent a wide range of ages, backgrounds, and experiences. Many of whom have transferred to King to complete their final two years of schooling, while others are starting a second career. We help all students acclimate to college life through individual program planning and small group orientations. King’s nursing programs are approved by the Tennessee State Board of Nursing and accredited by the Commission on Collegiate Nursing Education (CCNE), which is the accrediting arm of the American Association of Colleges.
King graduates get in and get out. More than 80 percent of all graduates who enroll at King complete their degree in four years. You’ll save time and money - and get a head-start on your peers in the job market. The national rate, according to a 2009 National Center for Education Statistics survey, indicates that only 63 percent of degree-seeking freshmen who enroll in four-year colleges and universities earn a bachelor’s degree in four years.
With an Education from King College... ...Your Quest could take you anywhere on the planet. You might find yourself on the trading floor of Wall Street, working in a hospital, or teaching in a classroom in a region of the country where you never imagined living, contributing to the vitality of your hometown, sharing your talents at an advertising agency on one of the coasts, ministering on the mission field half a world away, or in numerous other careers and places. Your options are endless! •
An average of 85 percent of our recent graduates who sought employment were employed within their major field six months after graduation.
• More than 80 percent are accepted into their first-choice graduate or professional school.
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s u c c e s s Your Path to Success The Career Services staff at King will help you arrive at your destination. As early as your first semester, you’ll begin exploring major and career options, internship possibilities, graduate and professional schools, and more. We’ll help you write an effective resume and cover letter, practice interview techniques, build a credential file, and complete job searches and graduate school admission processes. Our Career Services staff will work with you to match your strengths and interests with potential careers.
Visit Join us for a visit of the King College campus! Contact the Office of Admissions at 800.362.0014 or admissions@king.edu; we’ll make all the arrangements. To learn more about official visit days or to take an online tour, go to visit.king.edu.
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Name______________________________________________ Telephone______________________________________ E-mail Address_______________________________________ Parent E-mail Address____________________________ High School GPA______________ PSAT or SAT scores: verbal, math_____________________ ACT score___________ Possible major(s)_______________________________________________________________ r Undecided From the list below, please rank 1-3 (with 1 being the highest) the three characteristics most important to you. _____ Liberal arts/general education _____ Cost _____ Career preparation _____ Personal and professional development _____ Major field _____ Active social life _____ Graduate or professional school placement Please check any information that you would like to receive from your admissions representative over the next few months: r Academic departments r Campus life r Study abroad r Career counseling r Graduate success r Campus security r Information for parents Please check all those activities you expect to participate in while in college: r Intercollegiate athletics r Outdoor recreation opportunities r Religious activities r Intramurals r Community service and outreach projects r Drama/Music r Academic Clubs r SGA (Student Government Association) Do you have a special interest or talent we should know about?______________________________________________ Have you ever been on campus? __________ Do you have access to a home computer?__________ What is your ideal distance from home to college? __________ hours How interested are you in attending King College? r First choice r Very interested r Somewhat interested