Contact Person
Dr. Mario Denton Crown Financial Ministries Marketplace Programme Director for Africa Africa Director for FCCI (The Fellowship for Companies for Christ International) CEO STRONG MESSAGE BUSINESS CONSULTANT Let's keep the good marketplace vibes alive. Let's network. Tel (w) + 27(0) 82 88 29903. E-mail address: Website: and click on marketplace E-mail address: website: Skype: mario.denton
Dear Member I would like to welcome and congratulate you on your decision to join with other business leaders around the world who are committed to glorifying God in their business life. You are embarking on a journey with other members of your group that will challenge, encourage and strengthen you as you walk together. The personal and professional benefits you will experience outweigh any investment in cost, time, energy or money. You will benefit as you: Fulfil your role with excellence, utilising the shared business experience of the group • Making wiser and timely business decisions • Generating sound ideas and alternatives • Able to manage, respond and initiate change Have a competitive market advantage from having a dedicated group of business advisors on your side • Gained perspective from a diversity of backgrounds • Benefiting from the shared experiences of your colleagues
Find encouragement and support of like-minded business leaders • Building strength, hope, confidence and courage in your business leadership role • A highly confidential environment Have God-given power, wisdom, guidance, discernment and protection through • Prayer and the prayer support of your peers • Seeking God’s wisdom in the Bible • Discovering together and applying God’s principles to business Bringing an eternal focus to your role in business by integrating faith and work • Journey of discovering God’s purposes for you in business • Creating and sustaining value • Discovering what it means to be a Kingdom Company Your community benefits as you become a better business leader and God’s Kingdom benefits as you develop in using business for His purposes in the market-place. We are praying for you and appreciate your commitment as you step out in faith in this adventure. Sincerely yours in Christ Dr Mario Denton International Field Continental Programme Director – Marketplace for Crown Africa Africa Director for FCCI (The Fellowship for Companies for Christ International)
History 3
The beginnings of the Crown Companies Ministry are rooted in the activities of Crown Financial Ministries and Fellowship of Companies for Christ (FCCI). Crown Companies has links through CBMC International and Fellowship of Companies for Christ International (FCCI) to business leaders in over 75 countries. Crown Companies members benefit from this linkage in many ways, including conferences, international connections and member-only access to resources designed specifically for Christian business owners. Vision, Mission, Purpose and Core Values Crown Companies groups are designed for Christian business owners and professionals who have responsibility for “profit and loss” decisions. The key element in the formation of a Crown Companies group is that the members view each other as peers. By participating in your Crown Companies group you will belong to a growing number of business leaders who will increasingly, through God’s power, influence the way business is done in your respective workplace. 1. Vision — Crown Companies groups are about empowering leaders in business to be leaders in faith with the vision to “Transform business leaders to live their lives as ambassadors for Christ in the market-places of the world”. 2. Mission — In pursuit of Christ’s eternal objectives, to encourage and equip Christian business leaders in operating their companies and conduct their personal lives according to biblical principles. Acts 13:22: King David was a leader “after God’s own heart”. Transforming business leaders to live their lives as ambassadors for Christ in the market-places of the world. 3. Purpose — Establish vital relationships to: • Present Jesus Christ as Saviour and Lord
• Invite business leaders into a growing and intimate relationship with the Lord • Teach, encourage and equip leaders and groups to be accountable to one another and to be able to teach others • Serve the business community, enabling leaders to manage their careers and operate their businesses according to biblical principles • Form strategic local, national and global alliances with churches and other ministries committed to the work of the Gospel 4. Core Values • Absolute dependence upon God’s grace, provision, power and guidance • Continuous pursuit of holiness while seeking to be conformed into His Image • Bold proclamation of the Gospel in the market-places of the world • Persistent determination to train, teach and equip business and professional leaders • A dynamic, innovative leading-edge ministry committed to excellence Crown Companies • Provides a confidential environment to seek advice and wise counsel on business issues (Proverbs 24:6). • Provides a supportive environment by building trust (John 15:17). • Helps develop deeper intimacy with Jesus Christ (John 15:5). • Helps to live dependently on God through fervent prayer (James 5:16). • Provides an environment that will guide leaders to God’s agenda for their lives (2 Timothy 2:2). • Trains business leaders to apply biblical principles in business (Matthew 5:16). • Equips and motivates Christian leaders to be ambassadors for Christ (2 Corinthians. 5:20). • Leads to champions of ministry in the market-place (Hebrews 10:24, 25). Crown Companies group BENEFITS Crown Companies groups give the members:
• The opportunity for Christian business leaders with similar business responsibilities to present ideas, concerns and problems and receive godly counsel. • The means to find the answers and apply biblical principles to everyday business operations. • A competitive market advantage from having a dedicated group of business advisors on their side. • Encouragement and support from like-minded business leaders. • Access to the shared business experience of the group. • Accountability for business owners and professionals. Crown Companies groups promote: • Fulfilment of roles with excellence. • Making wiser and timely business decisions. • Generating sound ideas and alternatives. • Managing, responding to and initiating change. • Gaining perspective from a diversity of backgrounds. • Prayer and the prayer support of peers. • Seeking God’s wisdom in the Bible. • Discovering together and applying God’s principles to business. • Discovering what it means to run a company for God’s purposes (“Kingdom Company”). Crown Companies group membership provides: • Connection with peers throughout the world. • Web access to resources specifically for Christian business leaders.
Activity TIME 1. Introduction a. Welcome, review agenda, assign prayer partners and open with a prayer
b. Use the devotional in the manual or ask the question: “How has God been at work in your life since the last meeting?” (15 minutes) 2. Crown Companies P2P Teaching a. Pathway to Purpose — Crown Companies recommends P2P resources for each meeting. Typically this a 20-minute video presentation followed by discussion time. b. The group decides in advance who will facilitate this discussion. c. Some groups elect to use devotionals or provided case studies. d. Alternatively, a guest speaker or another Crown Companies member may be invited to the group for a question-and-answer session. (45 minutes) 3. Member Updates using forms provided. (40 minutes) 4. Coffee & Phone Break. (10 minutes) 5. Focus Presentation a. The member prepares to make a focus presentation by using the Focus Presentation Worksheet and meeting with another group member prior to the meeting. (60 minutes) 6. Issues, Presentations and Prayer a. Each member shares issues identified in the Member Update section to receive input and prayer. (60 minutes) 7. Administrative Items and Closing Prayer a. Review Meeting schedule for the year and annual retreat b. Review assignments and details for the next meeting: i. Meeting host and food arrangements ii. Focus presenter and other issue presenters iii. Devotional Leader
iv. Crown Companies P2P Teaching facilitator c. One member prays to formally end the meeting d. Ask prayer partners to exchange prayer cards (10 minutes) FORUM SAMPLE AGENDA The following is the proposed Forum agenda for a standard 4-hour meeting: Crown Companies presentations 1. Clarifying Questions: Once the group member with the issue has presented it to the group, allow ample time for clarifying questions. You will undoubtedly need to intervene when eager solution providers jump in with ideas too early in the process. 2. Solutions: Once the group members are satisfied that the real issue has been identified and they have all of the relevant information, move to ideas for solutions. Let this be relatively free-flowing. Make sure you call on anyone who hasn’t spoken: “Mary, what’s your take on this?” 3. Suggested Course of Action: Begin wrapping up the discussion by asking everyone to formulate a one-sentence course of action based on their experience and the discussion: “Okay, no more discussion. I’d like each of you to distil your thoughts into a one-sentence statement to answer the question — If you were Joe, what would you do? I’ll give you a minute to write it down.” Have members write down their suggested course of action. After one minute, go around the table and have each group member give his or her recommendation. The person with the issue may not respond, only listen. Alternatively the course of action can be written down on a separate piece of paper, signed and handed to the presenter.
4. Ask the member: Ask the member with the issue, “What did you hear?” When the issue presenter knows this is coming, he or she will pay serious attention to everything said during the meeting, particularly to everyone’s final statement. Role of the Members in Presentations • Make notes of clarifying questions while the issue is being presented. • Listen without interruption. Pay attention to body language, facial expressions and tone of voice to determine what the host is feeling. • The following points need to be kept in mind as a presentation is being made: 1. What is it that the presenter wants from the group? 2. What is the main issue? 3. What are the underlying issues? 4. What biblical principles apply? 5. What emotions are you hearing from the presenter? 6. What emotions are being stirred in you by the presentation? 7. Focus on the problem or issue. Avoid being judgmental and offering a “quick fix” or single solution. 8. It is best not to interrupt during the presentation. Make notes of clarifying questions you need to ask at the end of the presentation. Roles during Presentations • Appoint a timekeeper. • Appoint a person to take notes for the presenter. • Facilitator manages the group dynamics and interactions by encouraging members to take initiative and participate effectively. • Facilitator creates a safe place for the presenter by making sure the members use appropriate language protocol. Provide feedback • Listen — Focus on the feelings first and the issue second. Use reflective listening and don’t deny members their feelings.
• Accept — Accept others without judgment. Don’t use “you must” or “you should”. Put your critic and your cynic on hold. • Question — Ask thought-provoking questions. Make a positioning statement before asking a question. Avoid starting questions with “why”. • Respond — Speak from your own experience, rather than give advice. Use “I” statements and be specific and brief. Some Questions for Members to Ask of a Presenter 1. Have you prayed about this specifically? 2. What biblical principles apply to this situation? 3. Do you have “peace of mind” as you pray about the decision/direction? 4. Are you committed to do what God shows you before He shows you what to do? (John 7:17) 5. What are the key assumptions you are making? 6. What do you assume it will really cost? 7. What do you assume will be its real benefits? 8. What does your spouse think? What would he or she say if we asked him or her? 9. Should you seek other counsel or professional counsel on this decision? 10. Is this the best timing? Why not? If not now, when? If someone held a loaded gun to your head and forced you to decide in the next two minutes, what would you decide? Why? 11. How is your personal balance or imbalance possibly affecting your perception of this problem? 12. What is the appropriate context for the issue on the table? 13. What is the central cause (principle violation) of the problem or roadblock? 14. What are all your options? What are the top three? Which is the best? 15. How can you move towards the ideal? 16. What did you learn in dealing with this problem? 17. What would Jesus see needs to change if He walked through the business? 18. What has become clear to you since last we met?
It is best not to interrupt during the presentation. Make notes of clarifying questions you need to ask at the end of the presentation. Focus Presentation Guidelines Issue Selection — Prayerfully consider which issue or opportunity to present to your group. Use the questions below to select “core” important issues or opportunities. • Is something heavy on your shoulders today? • What stressful transitions are you experiencing? • If the group could remove one burden from your shoulders, help you come to a decision on one issue, hold you accountable for doing what needs to be done, what would it be? • Evaluate issues. Are they important or just urgent? The group should deal with only important issues. • Where do you see yourself ten years from now? What three specific things that you would do in the next year would move you in the right direction? In the next 90 days? In the next six months? • How do you see yourself spiritually? Are you willing to ask the members to share where they think you are? Ask them to tell you how to get where you need to be. • What causes 80% of your frustration, tension and pressure? Why? What brings you 80% of your pleasure, joy, fun? Why? • What tree have you been swinging your axe against lately? How can the group sharpen your axe? What blind alleys are you walking down? • What three changes could you make to see a 50% difference in the morale of your management team? Or in yourself (if a sole-proprietor)? • If Jesus was the President of your company, what would He do differently? • How are you doing in the use of your business for God’s purposes? Think in the areas of: Personnel Finances
Customer/Client relations Organisation Marketing – Sales Personal life balance Prayer life Relationship with Christ Marriage – Family: impact of each on the other Preparing to make a presentation — Use the Focus Presentation Worksheet provided in each meeting. When a member is preparing to make a major presentation, he/she should meet with one of the group members or facilitator in advance of the meeting. This discussion greatly assists the member in presenting and assists the group in understanding what is being presented. It has been said that a problem well defined is half solved. Not knowing is OK. When a presentation is made, it can be valuable to the presenter to know that being confused and not having an answer is an acceptable outcome. Some decisions aren’t ready to be made yet, require much prayer, need examination of the biblical principles, require waiting on the Lord for timing and direction, etc. These points are often missed in our goal-oriented way of thinking. One of the ways to affirm the presenter is to state this acceptance explicitly — “It looks as if George has done a thorough job outlining his dilemma and listening to our feedback. It also looks as if the decision isn’t ready to be made yet. I just want to affirm that George has our support and prayers whether or not he makes a decision. If he does make a decision, he has our support, no matter what he decides.” Proverbs on Godly Counsel • 9:8 - 9: a wise man welcomes instruction and reproof • 10:17: heeds instruction • 11:14: no guidance — failure • 12:15: a wise man listens to advice • 13:18: poverty if instructions are ignored • 15:12: a scoffer will not go to the wise
• 15:22: without counsel plans go wrong • 19:20: listen to advice — gain wisdom • 20:18: plans are established by counsel • 24:6: multiple counsel — safety Confidentiality Explained Confidentiality is critical in Crown Companies. Confidentiality must be total and absolute and clearly understood by all members. The discussion of any member’s personal or business issues is not permitted outside the Crown Companies group meeting. This includes keeping meeting notes and the manual itself as confidential documents. Review and discuss the case studies below in your group. Confidentiality Case 1: Do small issues matter? Jim walked through the front door of his house an hour later than expected. His wife, Jane, knew he had been at a Crown Companies meeting. She was very supportive of his involvement and never questioned him about what had taken place at the meetings. She knew the value of confidentiality and had learned to live with the awkwardness this sometimes caused. Jim was clearly drained when he came in the door. He hugged Jane for an especially long time, even for him. When they were going to sleep that night Jane heard him sigh. Then he said, “Honey, I can’t tell you how much I appreciate how you communicate with me. I know that if we have problems you’ll talk to me about them instead of letting them build up until it’s too late. I just feel lucky right now.” As Jane lay there in the dark she thought back to that morning when Jim’s Crown Companies group agenda had been out on the breakfast table. The only item on the agenda had been a presentation from Henry.
REMEMBER NOTHING. Assume everything said in your meeting is confidential, no matter how trivial. NOBODY. Do not talk to anybody, including your spouse, outside of your group unless the “holder” of the information gives permission. NEVER. Confidentiality is FOREVER even after a member leaves the Crown Companies group. Confidentiality CASE 2: You mean I’m not supposed to tell anybody? Crown Companies #1 had been the first group in the area. The members were proud of how they had kept their group active during that time and how they had followed protocol closely. Each meeting began and ended with an affirmation of the group’s commitment to confidentiality. At a recent meeting, Paul mentioned in his presentation how difficult it had been to not share a piece of news with his wife. At that point, Hugh said, “Well of course confidentiality doesn’t go that far. My wife is my best friend. I tell her everything. She won’t tell anybody else.” In the ensuing discussion it appeared that two other members also had situations where they shared “because the people I tell won’t tell anybody and because I don’t think they know any Crown Companies group members”. Crown Companies #1 was the first group to fold in the area. WHY? Confidentiality CASE 3: If I don’t tell you everything, you won’t figure out who I mean. The executive returned from his Crown Companies group meeting and remarked to his boss, “You won’t believe what some people will do. There’s one guy in my group who has a brass picture-frame manufacturing company with 60 employees. He’s tight
on cash, so he isn’t depositing his employees' payroll withholding tax. He and his sister own the business 50/50 and she is the sales manager, but now they’re not talking, so he doesn’t know what’s he’s doing in sales and she doesn’t know what he’s doing with the payroll tax withholdings.” When asked by the boss whether telling this story might violate the group’s confidentially guidelines, the executive responded, “I kept it confidential. I didn’t tell you who the company was.” Annual Crown Companies Retreats An annual retreat is an excellent opportunity for the group to get together and build deeper relationships between members. A retreat can be designed to help a group revitalise itself and it can help a well-run group to maintain its performance. Because of their importance, we strongly encourage annual retreats for all Crown Companies groups to help improve group health, effectiveness and spiritual growth. The group facilitator and Crown Companies staff will assist the group to customise a retreat to meet the needs and expectations of the group. Experienced retreat facilitators, speakers, group diagnostic tools and other resources can be incorporated to enrich your time together. It is important to schedule some recreational or fun time into the agenda. Here are some recommendations to follow in retreat planning: 1. Plan Ahead — Make sure all members can commit to the same date. Decide early whether outside resources are to be used. 2. Retreat Objectives — Survey your group to establish the retreat purpose, venue, recreational activities and budget. (NOTE: each group is responsible for the cost of their retreat.) 3. Assign Member Roles — Travel coordinator, programme director, recreational coordinator, facilities/lodging, etc. 4. Select Programme — With the assistance of the group facilitator or Crown Companies staff select the programme content.
5. Accommodations and Recreation: • Be sure facilities and location offer privacy for meetings and prayer. • If possible, each member should have his/her own bedroom unless sharing rooms is agreeable to all. • Hold group sessions in a comfortable atmosphere. • Plan meals so that time is not wasted in restaurants. Limit dining out to one evening. Consider cooking in or having a caterer come in. • Recreation — Plan activities the whole group can do together. Horseback riding, sailing, hiking, rafting and rope course are good examples that more easily involve the whole Forum. Be creative. Ask your group what would appeal to them. Have your group complete the online evaluation prior to planning your getaway and protect it like you would an important client meeting. More extended time together will help develop the relationships necessary for an effective group experience. Retreats are an excellent opportunity for groups to get together and build deeper relationships between members. Group Commitment To be signed by Member. Keep a copy and mail original to ………………………………………………………. I understand the Vision of Crown Companies and hereby commit to this Crown Companies group as follows: Please tick each box: I will seek to glorify God in my business and personal life. I will submit to the accountability of this group inasmuch as they follow Christ. I will be involved in the meeting dialogue and the lives of my fellow members. I will attend faithfully and be at the meetings on time and commit myself to complete the specific 12-month theme and curriculum. I will assist the group facilitator in his/her role and consider facilitating the group if asked. I will assist or participate in regional Crown Companies Chapter events.
I will pay the membership administration fee either monthly or by prepaying annually. I agree to have my contact information listed in the confidential member directory. Print Name: Date:_ Signed by: Crown Companies Member A member in good standing agrees with the Crown Companies Affirmations, signs and submits: • Group Commitment Form • Confidentiality Statement • Registration Form Confidentiality Statement To be signed by Member and/or Guests. Keep a copy and mail original to …………………………………………………….. Proverbs 25:9b, 10: Do not declare the secret to another, lest he who hears it expose your shame. The purpose of the Crown Companies group is to help the company CEO, President, Owner, Managing Partner or key decision maker within a company to glorify God through his/her life and in business. This is a process of discipleship and growing in Christ that will lead to present Jesus Christ as Saviour and Lord in the business. Crown Companies groups provide an opportunity for Christian business leaders to meet in a confidential setting with other leaders of similar business responsibilities to represent ideas, concerns and problems, and receive godly counsel.
The members meet faithfully to help each other apply biblical principles to the everyday operation of their businesses. In keeping with a high degree of trust, each member signing this statement agrees to maintain the highest level of confidentiality and will not disclose personal or business-related items or issues presented and discussed during the Crown Companies group meeting to anyone outside the group (including spouse) unless specific permission is obtained. If any member fails to maintain this level of confidentiality by discussing or disclosing any material or conversation or any information from the Crown Companies Member Directory to any parties, this member may be brought before the Crown Companies group and dismissed from any further proceedings in connection with the Crown Companies group. Proverbs 11:12–14: "He who is devoid of wisdom despises his neighbour, but a man of understanding holds his peace. A talebearer reveals secrets. But he who is of a faithful spirit conceals a matter. Where there is no counsel, the people fall; but in the multitude of counselors there is safety." Proverbs 11:9a: The hypocrite with his mouth destroys his neighbour. Date:_ Signed by: Crown Companies Member Witnessed by: Crown Companies Facilitator
Contact Information Payment Information Membership Registration Form Forum Fee Available payment options include annual or monthly payments. Crown Companies is committed to maintaining the confidentiality, privacy and
accuracy of personal information it collects and uses regarding its members, participants, donors, and independent contractors. Crown Companies does not rent, sell or trade personal information. We periodically send mailings and other communications about Crown Companies/CBMC, our programmes and services. If you do not wish to receive these communications, please contact us. Business Name: Business Street Address: Card Number: Expiry Date: Signature: Date: Signature: Date: Phone: Cell: E-mail: Facilitator Name: City: Province: Postal Code: I have read and agree with the Crown Companies Affirmations.
CROWN COMPANIES AFFIRMATIONS You as business leader… • Believe Jesus Christ is the Son of God and have personally accepted His gift of salvation. • Believe the Bible is God’s inspired revelation and endeavour to live in obedience to its principles and commands. • Are a member in good standing of a local church and support the work of Christ through the church by your time, talents and financial resources. You as business leader strive through the company… • To share the Gospel of Jesus Christ with its employees and also its customers, competitors, suppliers and other business contacts. • To take an active part in the development of the spiritual life and Christian testimony of its employees.
• To operate in accordance with the commands and principles of Scripture in dealing with its finances and personnel and in administering its policies. • To regularly give a portion of its financial and personnel resources in meeting various Christian responsibilities in accordance with Scripture. This pertains to the needs of its employees as well as others, and may be accomplished through direct gifts or through contributions to agencies and ministries. You as business leader strive, through the company, to maintain a biblical perspective recognising… • That there is one God, eternally existing in three persons: the Father, Son and the Holy Spirit. • That the Bible is God’s written and inspired revelation and is the primary authority for life. • The deity of Jesus Christ, His virgin birth, sinless life, miracles, death on the Cross to provide for our redemption, resurrection, bodily ascension into heaven, present ministry of intercession for us, and His return to earth in power and glory. • The personality and deity of the Holy Spirit, His power to perform the miracle of the new birth in unbelievers and to indwell believers, enabling them to live a godly life. • That we are created in the image of God and because of sin was alienated from God — that alienation can be removed only by accepting, through faith, God’s gift of salvation that was made possible by Christ’s atoning death and resurrection. • That Jesus Christ is the Head of the Church, and all believers are to assemble together regularly for worship, for edification through the Scriptures, and for mutual encouragement. Jesus Christ commanded all believers to proclaim the Gospel throughout the world and to disciple men and women of every nation. The fulfilment of that Great Commission requires that all worldly and personal ambitions be subordinated to a total commitment to Him who loved us and gave Himself for us.
Membership, Fees, Donations and Scholarships Explained Integrating faith and work in a Crown Companies group can be hard work but experience has shown that while the financial rewards of being in a Crown Companies group may be huge, the emotional and spiritual rewards through the encouragement from peers are much greater. The financial model for the Crown Companies ministry is to charge group members an administrative fee that members can claim as a business expense. This fee partially covers costs for Crown Companies to train and coach group facilitators, operate the ministry, develop materials and resources, maintain the website, and perform basic administrative functions. Crown Companies, in addition to the membership fees, relies on donations from members, member companies and friends to support this ministry. In addition, field staff are responsible to seek financial support for salaries and benefits. Business Forum Meeting Frequency: Monthly Duration: 4 – 5 hours Commitment: High Accountability: High Leadership Member Facilitator Membership Admin. Fee Can fees be waived, reduced or deferred? Crown Companies does not offer waivers of administrative fees. How do we administer fees? These administrative fees are treated as a business expense and Crown Companies provides invoices for the membership fee.
Members have the option of paying fees monthly or annually. How are memberships cancelled? The member must provide written notification to either the group facilitator or Crown Companies office. The Crown Companies office will notify the group facilitator and appropriate Crown Companies staff of the possible status change. The member leaving the group will be contacted for an exit interview, which can also be filled out through an online evaluation. The interview is to acknowledge the possible contribution to the group, to review the member's experience, to gather suggestions, to review his/her future plans, which may include rejoining a Crown Companies group or starting a new group in a new area, and to confirm the appropriate correspondence he/she wants to receive in the future. How can I make a donation? Giving should never be at the expense of a member’s church giving. Proverbs 9:9: "Give instruction to a wise man, and he will be still wiser. Teach a righteous man, and he will increase his learning.”
THEME ONE: THE KINGDOM WAY OF DOING BUSINESS Crown Companies Forum 12-month Curriculum—THEME THE KINGDOM WAY OF DOING BUSINESS. SOME FUNDAMENTALS o Month 1: Doing business God’s way o Month 2: The purpose of profits in business o Month 3: Funding God’s work
o Month 4: Treating employees fairly o Month 5: Compensation for employees o Month 6: Following God’s Rule for the business o Month 7: Patience, fairness and consistency o Month 8: Hiring decisions o Month 9: Firing decisions o Month 10: Selecting a manager o Month 11: Protecting your business o Month 12: Committing your business to God
THEME TWO: THE CHALLENGES CHRISTIAN LEADERS FACE Crown Companies Forum 12-month Curriculum—THEME: CHALLENGES CHRISTIAN LEADERS FACE o Month 1: Sustainable planning o Month 2: Expanding your business Potential: Part One o Month 3: Expanding your business Potential: Part Two o Month 4: Having confidence in your vocational call o Month 5: Driving Corporate Values deep into the organisation and Building strong leaders o Month 6: Decisions- Walking in Discernment and Managing the tension between work demands and family o Month 7: Culture- Creating a work environment friendly to then gospel and Guiding the business through workforce reduction
o Month 8: Difficulties- persevering through challenges. Success- defining success beyond the bottom –line and Focus- Staying centred amidst daily pressures o Month 9: Does your business reflect the Glory of God: You are the salt of the earth o Month 10: Does your business reflect the Glory of God: You are the light of the world o Month 11: Winning at work without losing at Life- An Introduction o Month 12: Winning at work without losing at Life- Essentials for Change
THEME THREE: MAKING PEOPLE MANAGEMENT THE DIFFERENTIATING FACTOR Crown Companies Forum 12-month Curriculum—THEME MAKING PEOPLE MANAGEMENT THE DIFFERENTIATING FACTOR IN THE WORKPLACE o Month 1: Clarifying the mission and vision o Month 2: Developing balanced goals o Month 3: Servant leadership o Month 4: Forming the leadership team o Month 5: Building the leadership team o Month 6: Measurement o Month 7: Managing performance o Month 8: The role of encouragement
o Month 9: Managing problem staff: Part one o Month 10: Managing problem staff: Part one o Month 11: Sustaining and maintaining Kingdom business principles o Month 12: Finishing strong
THEME FOUR: ORGANSATIONAL EXCELLNCE o Month 1: Creating a passion for excellence o Month 2: Organisational and personal scorecard o Month 3: Business integrity for success today o Month 4: Customer service excellence: Part one o Month 5: Customer service excellence: Part two o Month 6: Housekeeping o Month 7: Expanding your business potential o Month 8: Recovering from Business disaster o Month 9: Sales and marketing o Month 10: Talent review o Month 11: Business change o Month 12: Continuous improvement
THEME FIVE: BUSINESS A MINISTRY o Month 1: Foundation of a Kingdom business o Month 2: Building a kingdom business o Month 3: Business a ministry o Month 4: Committing your business to God o Month 5: Leading a company for Christ: Part One o Month 6: Leading a company for Christ: Part Two o Month 7: Leading a company with scripture o Month 8: DNA of Financial Freedom o Month 9: Prayer the foundation o Month 10: Small group training o Month 11: Finishing with your calling: Part one o Month 12: Finishing with your calling: Part two
THEME SIX: ENTREPRENEURSHIP BY THE BOOK o Month 1: Passion, calling, gifts of an Entrepreneur o Month 2: Business planning o Month 3: Stewardship o Month 4: Financial systems and control o Month 5: Location o Month 6: Managing growth o Month 7: Inventory control o Month 8: Operational issues
o Month 9: Integrity o Month 10: Building the team and Employee motivation o Month 11: Stress management o Month 12: Maintaining sustainability
Forum planner Group: ___________________________________________________ City: __________________________ Facilitator: MEETING HOST date • time • Location Month January February March April May June July August September October November December
Retreat Date: ______________ Time: ________ Resource: _______________ Material adapted by Dr. Mario Denton Mario is the International Field Continental Programme Director – Market-place for Crown Africa, the Africa Director for FCCI (The Fellowship for Companies for Christ International) and the CEO of Strong Message Business consultancy. He is an international teacher and industrial psychologist and uses his strong academic and corporate background and his uniquely effective coaching to help people tap into their inner being; to utilise their strengths and expand their skills
to make a difference in the workplace. He and his wife, Mariene, are based in Cape Town, South Africa, and are blessed with three grown sons.
Servant Copyright. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by an information storage and retrieval system without permission. Regarding permission to reprint material from this material, please write to Dr Mario Denton: Unless otherwise noted, Scripture quotations are from The Holy Bible, English Standard Version, copyright Š 2001 by Crossway Bibles, a division of Good News Publishers. Used by permission. All rights reserved.