108 B Tips for Facilitating a Group

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Group Facilitator Guidelines Module 108 B Transform business leaders throughout Canada to live their lives as ambassadors for Christ in the 1 marketplaces of the world. 1

(2 Cor. 5:20, Rom. 12:2) “Empowering leaders in business to be leaders in faith�


Tips for Facilitating your Group 

Goal: A God honoring effective meeting.

What makes a Corpath group meeting effective? 1. Members feel good about themselves and the group. 2. Members willingly and openly share their ideas and concerns.

“Empowering leaders in business to be leaders in faith”


Tips for Facilitating your Group 3. Members work together constructively and positively to help solve problems, enhance their businesses and grow personally. 4. Members leave the meeting believing their valuable time was not wasted and that they made a positive contribution.

“Empowering leaders in business to be leaders in faith�


Tips for Facilitating your Group 5. Members have applied biblical principles to their personal and business issues. 6. Members have prayed for each other. 7. Members have grown closer to each other and to God.

“Empowering leaders in business to be leaders in faith�


Tips for Facilitating your Group 

A good group meeting begins with a good plan. 

Review the meeting agenda prior to opening the meeting with a season of prayer.

Use the “Update” and Communication Starters” guidelines as a tool to start the meeting well.

“Empowering leaders in business to be leaders in faith”


Corpath Forum Agenda 

First Segment (45 Min.) 

10 min. – review agenda, assign prayer partners and opening prayer.

30 min. – Communication Starter or Updates.

5 min. – Identify and prioritize presentations for this meeting and the next

“Empowering leaders in business to be leaders in faith”


Corpath Forum Agenda 

Second Segment (60 Min.) 

Teaching, devotionals, DVD’s or studies chosen by the group in advance from the recommended “CorPath to Purpose” or other resources.

Includes presentation and discussion time.

Conclude time with a season of prayer

“Empowering leaders in business to be leaders in faith”


Corpath Forum Agenda 

Third Segment (120 Min.) 

Presentations by group members using Presentation Worksheet guidelines 

Major “Host” presentations

Other presentations identified in previous meetings or in the updates / communication starter section

Follow-up on commitments from previous meetings

“Empowering leaders in business to be leaders in faith”


Corpath Forum Agenda 

Fourth Segment (15 Min.) 

Finish well and on time 

Confirm and clarify host and presenters for the next meeting and the schedule for the year (including retreat).

Assign members responsibilities for next meeting

After closing prayer have prayer partners exchange prayer cards

“Empowering leaders in business to be leaders in faith”


Tips for Facilitating your Group 

A good group meeting begins with a good plan. 

Using “Presentation Worksheet” is key to a good plan. Make sure presenters have this tool well in advance of the meeting.

Spend time or have another group member spend the time to go over the worksheet with the presenter prior to the meeting.

“Empowering leaders in business to be leaders in faith”


Tips for Facilitating your Group 

A good group meeting begins with a good plan. 

Encourage the presenters to put together any written materials that will help explain or provide background to the issue.

It may be helpful if the members have access to these materials prior to the meeting so they can familiarize themselves with the information ahead of time. “Empowering leaders in business to be leaders in faith”


Tips for Facilitating your Group 

Meeting Preparation 

One week before each meeting call or send out an email reminder – agenda, date, time, and location.

Unless you are sure that everyone knows how to get there, include good directions.

Continually reinforce punctuality. Most groups run tight on time. If a member is late it strains the schedule for everyone.

“Empowering leaders in business to be leaders in faith”


Tips for Facilitating your Group 

Pray before you leave for your meeting: 

That the Lord will make you sensitive to His Spirit’s leading.

That you will have wisdom and discernment in your facilitation role.

That you will focus as much on the person as you do on their problems.

“Empowering leaders in business to be leaders in faith”


Tips for Facilitating your Group 

Pray before you leave for your meeting: 

That the Lord will bring scripture to your or the members mind as it pertains to the issues being discussed.

That the group will model the love of Christ.

That each member will grow closer to Christ as a result of this meeting. “Empowering leaders in business to be leaders in faith”


Tips for Facilitating your Group 

An effective meeting is an orderly meeting. The facilitator is in charge of keeping the meeting orderly. Assign a time keeper to assist in this.

Make sure the members know their role and your role. Tell them ahead of time that it is your responsibility to try and keep the schedule as given in the agenda.

“Empowering leaders in business to be leaders in faith”


Tips for Facilitating your Group 

Let them know that you or a group member may be forced to steer the discussion back on track if it is necessary to do so in order to properly address the issues in the allotted time.

It is important that each member feel that their input is valued. Make a point of drawing out the opinions of those who might be shy or lack self confidence.

“Empowering leaders in business to be leaders in faith”


Tips for Facilitating your Group 

Avoid monopolization - Some people simply enjoy talking. For others there may be a component of pride. You can interrupt by giving the “time out” sign and saying: 

“Allen, because I want to make sure I’m hearing you right, are you saying…”

“Linda we appreciate that view, so Marguerite, what is your take on this subject?”

“Empowering leaders in business to be leaders in faith”


Tips for Facilitating your Group 

Discourage side bar discussions that don’t involve the whole group. 

“Henry, could you and Jack hold that thought and maybe continue it at the break?”

“Empowering leaders in business to be leaders in faith”


Tips for Facilitating your Group 

Recognize the need for pushback (i.e. diffusing dogmatism). When a member is unreasonably stubborn and unwilling to listen to differing opinions.

A key decision is whether to handle this publicly or privately.

“Empowering leaders in business to be leaders in faith”


Tips for Facilitating your Group 

An example of a public way to do it: 

“Ben, I know you feel passionate about this. We all know conviction is a good thing. But its important that we remain open to considering new options. So could we all just take a deep breath, and push back from this a little?”

“Empowering leaders in business to be leaders in faith”


Tips for Facilitating your Group  Address

the “elephant” in the room.

 If

everyone is avoiding the obvious for some reason, have the courage to bring it out into the light and discuss it.

“Empowering leaders in business to be leaders in faith”


Tips for Facilitating your Group 

Address a “problem” member in a timely manner.

Pray for the Lord’s direction and study the Biblical Conflict Resolution material.

 Consult

with your Corpath staff member

“Empowering leaders in business to be leaders in faith”


Tips for Facilitating your Group  You

may have to ask member to move another group or resign.

Meet privately with the person to determine how the problem can be resolved

 Failure

to act decisively may cause the collapse of the group. “Empowering leaders in business to be leaders in faith”


Tips for Facilitating your Group  Almost

all people problems can be traced to Spiritual problems.

 Through

prayer and Godly counsel the problems can be addressed if the party(s) involved are open to God’s leading. “Empowering leaders in business to be leaders in faith”


Tips for Facilitating your Group  Keep

the meeting moving along the agenda’s time line.

 Frequently,

the best thinking comes fast and early. Belaboring an issue is seldom worth the loss of momentum.

“Empowering leaders in business to be leaders in faith”


Tips for Facilitating your Group 

If the group keeps veering off the subject in areas not directly related, you will need to invoke the “keep focused” ground rule.

Suggest the use of a Parking Lot to capture items that need to be pursued, but are not the focal point for this part of the meeting. “Empowering leaders in business to be leaders in faith”


Tips for Facilitating your Group 

Good facilitator habits: 

Asking rather than telling.

Initiating conversation vs. waiting for someone else to initiate.

Willing to spend time in building relationships vs. always being task-oriented.

“Empowering leaders in business to be leaders in faith”


Tips for Facilitating your Group 

Good facilitator habits: 

Asking for others opinions before offering your own.

Negotiating rather than dictating decisionmaking.

Listening without interrupting.

“Empowering leaders in business to be leaders in faith”


Tips for Facilitating your Group 

Good facilitator habits: 

More like a coach than a scientist.

More like a friend than an acquaintance.

More like a shepherd than a sergeant.

“Empowering leaders in business to be leaders in faith”


Tips for Facilitating your Group 

Offer grace umbrellas to your members.

Remind your members that the group is to be a “safe place.” Ideas are being judged, not people.

If there are disagreements, make sure they are directed to the issue and not to the person. “Empowering leaders in business to be leaders in faith”


Tips for Facilitating your Group 

Do not hesitate to stop the meeting and go to prayer at any time you feel that the meeting has reached an impasse or that the flesh is getting in the way of the Spirit.

You will be amazed at how much difference it will make during the remainder of the meeting.

“Empowering leaders in business to be leaders in faith”


Tips for Facilitating your Group 

Look for ways to weave the Corpath vision and mission into the discussion in a natural way. 

Encourage members to surrender their lives to Christ.

Encourage members to let Christ live through them.

Encourage members to let Christ do more through them than they are capable of doing themselves.

Encourage members to be thankful and give God the glory for progress that is made between meetings

“Empowering leaders in business to be leaders in faith”


Tips for Facilitating your Group 

As a leader of leaders, boldly lead.

As a leader of leaders, boldly serve.

As a leader of leaders, boldly encourage members to steward their businesses with love, excellence, humility, and generosity.

“Empowering leaders in business to be leaders in faith”


Tips for Facilitating your Group 

As a leader of leaders, boldly remind members that they are not working to serve themselves, a supervisor, or a board of directors.

They are working to serve the risen Lord, the King of Kings, the creator of the universe.

The are serving almighty God Himself!

“Empowering leaders in business to be leaders in faith”


Tips for Facilitating your Group  In

the end, the greatest measure of success will be to hear the words, “well done good and faithful servant.”

“Empowering leaders in business to be leaders in faith”


Group Facilitator Guidelines Transform business leaders throughout Canada to live their lives as ambassadors for Christ in the marketplaces of the world. 36 36

(2 Cor. 5:20, Rom. 12:2)

“Empowering leaders in business to be leaders in faith�


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