108 Business Forum Facilitators Guidelines

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Dr. Mario Denton Crown Financial Ministries Marketplace Programme Director for Africa Africa Director for FCCI (The Fellowship for Companies for Christ International) CEO STRONG MESSAGE BUSINESS CONSULTANT Let's keep the good marketplace vibes alive. Let's network. Tel (w) + 27(0) 82 88 29903. E-mail address: mario@crown.org.za Website: www.crown.org.za and click on marketplace E-mail address: marden@mweb.co.za website: www.strongmessage.co.za Skype: mario.denton

MARKETPLACE FORUM FACILITATOR’S GUIDELINES Crown Companies Group Structure, Meeting information and Guidelines Well-run meetings contribute to increasing the value of your Crown Companies group experience. This section contains: A) Group Structure and Mechanics


B) Meeting Information C) Group Facilitator Guidelines A) Group Structure and Mechanics • Each group generally has no more than 8 members and each group decides on the maximum number of members. • Forum groups meet monthly for 4 hours. A rotating schedule is developed, with each member making a focus presentation about twice a year. • Crown Companies meetings are work — they fit into the workday. • Although the purpose of Crown Companies group membership is not for networking to do business with other members, it is recognised that some members may naturally desire to do business with other members of the Crown Companies group. Members doing business are to declare this to the group. If, as a result of doing business together, problems develop, a distancing in relationships may occur if the problems are not addressed. Should a dispute arise, it is understood and agreed that the members will resolve the matter within the group. • In the interest of growing openness and transparency, members are encouraged eventually to share financial statements as part of a presentation. The appropriate time for sharing financial statements will be determined by the presenter and the facilitator as part of the agenda planning process. • Attendance must be FAITHFUL. • BE ON TIME (Everyone’s time is valuable).


• RULE: Members will be asked to reconsider their participation in the Crown Companies group if they are absent more then 3 times per year excepting unusual circumstances. • Your Crown Companies group is not a Bible study group or a prayer group. However, prayer and seeking the Scriptures are integral to an effective Crown Companies group experience. In addition to starting and ending the meetings in prayer, the group is encouraged to pray after each member makes a presentation, gives an update with a specific request, and before or after each training session. • Prayer partners are assigned between meetings using the Prayer Partner cards provided by Crown Companies. Prayer partners are encouraged to meet or connect by phone between meetings. Crown Companies members routinely share the encouragement and support they receive in this area. • Crown Companies members are also encouraged to call an emergency meeting with available members if an urgent issue or opportunity arises rather than wait for the formal meeting. Many Forum groups choose to meet informally in between the monthly half-day meetings. Instructions: • Each member fills out his/her own card. • Exchange card with another member. • Share or explain prayer requests. • Pray regularly and specifically. • Phone or meet with prayer partner between meetings. • Change prayer partners at each meeting. • “Most Wanted” are those who you desire to become followers of Jesus Christ.


Prayer Partner Card Name: ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Phone: ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Date: ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------E-mail: ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Personal: ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------(Spiritual Growth): ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Family (Spouse, Children): ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------



Business: ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Most Wanted: ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Contact your prayer partner between meetings for updates. Expect God to answer prayers. Look for opportunities to ask the group “Is this an answer to prayer?� New Members


• New members may be added to your group only when there are fewer than the maximum number of members that each group establishes. • A prospective member may be a referral from one of your members, from members in other groups in other cities, from churches or from website inquiries. • The group facilitator or one of the members of the group speaks with a prospective member to determine a fit for Crown Companies and/or your group, using the following criteria: – Company size, level of responsibility – Business conflicts (competitors) – Consider any previous personal and business relationships with other members. Usually it is better to have members who do not know each other in any other way. – Compatibility with other members – Reasonable travel time and distance • Present prospective group member’s applicable information to members for approval before inviting him/her to a group meeting. • Prospective member attends a Forum meeting on a trial basis and will be asked to: – Describe business, including a brief history – Tell about family – Share where he/she is in his/her spiritual pilgrimage – Expectations of being in a Crown Companies group – Sign the confidentiality statement • Unanimous acceptance is required by the group member and prospective member. • Your group may decide to take the initiative to be involved in the start of a new group or host a Crown Companies Showcase. Guest Policy • Guests are not encouraged at meetings due to the confidential nature of meetings.


• Guests are allowed provided they are potential group members, a facilitator trainee and only if the guest has been cleared by the facilitator and the group. • Guests should arrive on time and plan to stay for part of or the whole meeting as determined by the group. • Guests should not participate in the discussion unless invited to contribute. • Guests should be prepared to introduce themselves with a brief description of the business, family, spiritual pilgrimage and what they hope to gain from being in a group. B) Meeting information Typical Crown Companies Forum Meeting Agenda This is an overview of a typical agenda for a four-hour Forum meeting. 1. Introduction (15 minutes) a. Welcome, review agenda, assign prayer partners and open with a prayer. b. Use the devotional in the manual or ask the question: “How has God been at work in your life since the last meeting?” 2. Crown Companies P2P Teaching (45 minutes) a. Pathway to Purpose — Crown Companies recommends P2P resources for each meeting. Typically this a 20-minute video presentation followed by discussion time. b. The group decides in advance who will facilitate this discussion. c. Some groups elect to use devotionals or provided case studies. d. Alternatively, a guest speaker or another Crown Companies member may be invited to the group for a question-and-answer session. 3. Member Updates using forms provided for each meeting (40 minutes) 4. Coffee and Phone Break (10 minutes)


5. Focus Presentation (60 minutes) a. The member prepares to make a focus presentation by using the Focus Presentation Worksheet and meeting with another group member prior to the meeting. 6. Issue Presentation and Prayer (60 minutes) a. Each member shares issues identified in the Member Update section to receive input and prayer. 7. Administrative Items and Closing Prayer (10 minutes) a. Review Meeting schedule for the year and annual retreat. b. Review assignments and details for the next meeting: i. Meeting host and food arrangements ii. Focus presenter and other issue presenters iii. Devotional Leader iv. Crown Companies P2P Teaching facilitator c. One member prays to formally end the meeting. d. Ask prayer partners to exchange prayer cards. Meeting Preparation • One week before each meeting call or send out an e-mail reminder— agenda, date, time and location. • Continually reinforce punctuality. Most groups run on tight schedules If a member is late it puts strain on the schedule for everyone. • Pray before you leave for your meeting: – That the Lord will make you sensitive to His Spirit’s leading. – That you will have wisdom and discernment in your facilitation role. – That you will focus as much on the person as you do on his/her problems. – That the Lord will bring Scripture to your or the members' mind as it pertains to the issues being discussed. – That the group will model the love of Christ.


– That each member will grow closer to Christ as a result of this meeting. • An effective meeting is an orderly meeting. The facilitator is in charge of keeping the meeting orderly. Assign a timekeeper to assist in this. Roles and Discussion Guidelines • Make sure the members know their role and your role. Tell them ahead of time that it is your responsibility to try and keep to the schedule as stated in the agenda. • Let them know that you or a group member may be forced to steer the discussion back on track if it is necessary to do so in order to properly address the issues in the allotted time. • It is important that each member feels that his/her input is valued. Make a point of drawing out the opinions of those who might be shy or lack self-confidence. • Avoid monopolisation — Some people simply enjoy talking. For others there may be a component of pride. You can interrupt by giving the “time out” sign and saying: “Allen, because I want to make sure I’m hearing you right, are you saying…” “Linda we appreciate that view, so Marguerite, what is your take on this subject?” • Discourage side-bar discussions that don’t involve the whole group. “Henry, could you and Jack hold that thought and maybe continue it at the break?” • Keep the meeting moving along the agenda time line. • Frequently, the best thinking comes fast and early. Belabouring an issue is seldom worth the loss of momentum. • If the group keeps veering off the subject in areas not directly related, you will need to invoke the “keep focused” ground rule. • Suggest the use of a “Parking Lot” list to capture items that can be pursued later, but are not the focal point for this part of the meeting. • Using the Focus Presentation Worksheet is key to a good plan. Make sure presenters have this tool well in advance of the meeting.


– Spend time or have another group member spend the time to go over the worksheet with the presenter prior to the meeting. – Encourage the presenters to put together any written materials that will help explain or provide background to the issue. – It may be helpful if the members have access to these materials prior to the meeting so they can familiarise themselves with the information ahead of time. C) Group Facilitator Guidelines What Makes a Crown Companies Group Meeting Effective? 1. Members feel good about themselves and the group. 2. Members willingly and openly share their ideas and concerns. 3. Members work together constructively and positively to help solve problems, enhance their businesses and grow personally. 4. Members leave the meeting believing their valuable time was not wasted and that they made a positive contribution. 5. Members have applied biblical principles to their personal and business issues. 6. Members have prayed for each other. 7. Members have grown closer to each other and to God. Good Facilitator Habits • Asking rather than telling. • Initiating conversation vs. waiting for someone else to initiate. • Willing to spend time in building relationships vs. always being task-oriented. • Asking for others' opinions before offering your own. • Negotiating rather than dictating decision making. • Listening without interrupting. • More like a coach than a scientist. • More like a friend than an acquaintance. • More like a shepherd than a sergeant. • Offer grace umbrellas to your members.


• Remind your members that the group is to be a “safe place.” Ideas are being judged, not people. • If there are disagreements, make sure they are directed at the issue and not at the person. • Do not hesitate to stop the meeting and go to prayer at any time you feel the meeting has reached an impasse or the flesh is getting in the way of the Spirit. You will be amazed at the difference it will make during the remainder of the meeting. • Look for ways to weave the Crown Companies' vision and mission into the discussion in a natural way. • Encourage members to surrender their lives to Christ. • Encourage members to let Christ live through them. Goal A God-honouring effective meeting • Encourage members to let Christ do more through them than they are capable of doing themselves. • Encourage members to be thankful and give God the glory for progress that is made between meetings. • As a leader of leaders, boldly remind members they are not working to serve themselves, a supervisor, or a board of directors. They are working to serve the risen Lord, the King of Kings, the creator of the universe. They are serving almighty God Himself! Conflict Resolution • Recognise the need for pushback (i.e. diffusing dogmatism) when a member is unreasonably stubborn and unwilling to listen to differing opinions. • A key decision is whether to handle this publicly or privately. • An example of a public way to do it:


“Ben, I know you feel passionate about this. We all know conviction is a good thing. But it's important that we remain open to considering new options. So could we all just take a deep breath, and push back from this a little?” • If everyone is avoiding the obvious for some reason, have the courage to bring it out into the light and discuss it. • Address the “elephant” in the room. • Address a “problem” member in a timely manner. • Pray for the Lord’s direction and study the Biblical Conflict Resolution material. • Consult with your Crown Companies staff member. • You may have to ask a member to move to another group or resign. • Meet privately with the person to determine how the problem can be resolved. • Failure to act decisively may cause the collapse of the group. • Almost all people problems can be traced to spiritual problems. • Through prayer and godly counsel the problems can be addressed if the parties involved are open to God’s leading. In the end, the greatest measure of success will be to hear the words, “Well done good and faithful servant”. Focus presentation guidelines INSTRUCTIONS for Group Problem Solving: 1. Presenter completes Focus Presentation Worksheet (Steps #1 – 6) prior to the meeting or before the presentation begins. 2. The group facilitator assigns a person to take notes for the presenter during the issue presentation. 3. Presenter describes issue or opportunity and for 25% of the allotted time the group listens. 4. Each group member asks one clarifying question before a free-flowing discussion of observations, options and suggestions. 5. Group members write a short suggested course of action to share with the presenter, using the Recommendation Cards provided by group facilitator.


6. Presenter summarises what they have heard, actions they commit to and how group can assist in follow-through. 7. One of the group members prays for the presenter and the future steps. STEP #1 Describe the issue: one or two sentences that get to the heart of the issue. STEP #2 It is significant because: reputation, people, products, vendors, integrity, witness, dollars, family, etc. STEP #3 Relevant background and influencing factors/obstacles: points that explain all the key facets, future, etc. STEP #4 Applicable biblical principles and considerations. STEP #5 What has been already done? What options have been considered? Or my ideal outcome is: STEP #6 Help the presenter wants from the group: What result do I want from the group? For example, alternative solutions, options I am missing, confidence regarding the right decision, identification of consequences, where to find more information, critique of the current plan. Course of Action: Group members conclude with a written one- or two-sentence suggested course of action. This is typically shared with the presenter in the meeting, using the Recommendation Cards provided by the group facilitator. Presenter summarises: What they have heard. Actions they commit to. How the group can assist through prayer and action.

Dig deeper and learn more (Optional) This section includes various support material for further inspiration and encouragement and relates to the material covered in this section ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------


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Date of completion

Group leadership training Group facilitators Guidelines

Material adapted by Dr. Mario Denton Mario is the International Field Continental Programme Director – Market-place for Crown Africa, the Africa Director for FCCI (The Fellowship for Companies for Christ International) and the CEO of Strong Message Business Consultancy. He is an international teacher and industrial psychologist and uses his strong academic and corporate background and his uniquely effective coaching to help people tap into their inner being; to utilise their strengths and expand their skills to make a difference in the workplace. He and his wife, Mariene, are based in Cape Town, South Africa, and are blessed with three grown sons.

Servant Copyright. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by an information storage and retrieval system without permission. Regarding permission to reprint material from this material, please write to Dr Mario Denton:


Unless otherwise noted, Scripture quotations are from The Holy Bible, English Standard Version, copyright Š 2001 by Crossway Bibles, a division of Good News Publishers. Used by permission. All rights reserved.


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