109 G Smarter goals

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GENERAL LEARNING OBJECTIVES Participants will be able to… • 1. Recognize that the personal vision emerges from God’s purpose for one’s life. • 2. Be convinced that setting goals for life and ministry is biblical. • 3. Prepare Personal Mission Statement. • 4. Integrate one’s goals to the mission which is formulated out of the vision. • 5. Write personal goals in the areas of ministry, family, finance, health, social, and intellectual growth.

When I say goodmorning I mean: G -od O -ffers us His O -utstanding D -evotion to M -ake us O -bedient & R -eady for a N- ew day with Him. I - nspire others please, and N - ever forget G -od loves you!

GOD’S PROMISES AND CHALLENGES FOR FINISHING WELL • Whatever you do, do well. Ecclesiastes: 9: 10. • This should be your ambition: to live a quiet life, minding your own business and working with your hands, just as we commanded you before. 1 Corinthians 4: 11. • Work hard and cheerfully at whatever you do, as though you were working for the Lord rather than for people… The Lord will give you an inheritance as your reward. Colossians 3: 23-24. • Unless you are faithful in small matters, you won’t be faithful in large ones. Luke 16:10.

Passage to memorize Joshua 1:9 “ Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be terrified; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go.”

Different people have different goals A Mother-in-law decides to see if her three son-in-law’s love her or at least appreciate her…

Different people have different goals • The next day while strolling along the river with her first son-in-law, she lets herself fall into the water and starts to drown. • Without hesitation, the son-in-law jumps in the river and saves his mother-in-law. • The next day, in front of his house, he finds a new car, a little Peugeot 206, with a little note on the windshield:

on u o -y k n a Th f of your l a h aw l e b n i er h t u. o o y m s e v o l who

Different people have different goals • She undertakes the same scenario with her second eldest son-in-law. This one too, dives into the river and saves his mother-in-law. The next day, he too, in front of his house, finds a new car: the same little Peugeot 206 with a little note on the windshield:

Than k beha -you on lf moth of your e who r-in-law loves you.

Different people have different goals • The same scenario occurs with the third son-inlaw, she falls in the water and starts to drown. He watches his mother-in-law drown while thinking to himself: I’ve been waiting a long time for this! The next day, in front of his house, he sees a brand new Porsche Carrera GT with a little note on the windshield:

n Thank-youoo behalf f a grateful . father-in-law

Setting SMART Goals

Specific Measurable

Attainable Realistic

Time based and Tangible

REAL CASE: An alumnus sharing his Goal Setting experience in Haggai Institute:

• “My goals included doubling the church's membership from 7000 to 14000 in five years; • Planting 200 churches; penetrating into either Mali or Niger and calling 20 people into the full-time ministry and training over 2000 lay leaders in church leadership emphasizing evangelism and church planting.

Case: An alumnus sharing his Goal Setting experience in Haggai Institute: • “I am glad to say that before leaving Ivory Coast, in 1996, we had exceeded our goals. The church had grown to over 23000; we had planted 278 new churches and we had established churches in both Mali and Niger with over 4000 lay leaders having been trained. • Ivory Coast became a model and the International Missions Board of our church obliged all other missionaries to set written goals as I had done.”

Helen Keller was asked: “What would be worse than being born blind?” She replied: “To have sight without vision” Do you have a clear personal vision statement for yourself, your team, and your ministry?

Goal Setting Definitions of Goals and Goal Setting • A Predetermined destination. • A clear Objective • A desired state of affairs of a system. • A statement of what one wants to achieve

Will it get the job done?

Benefits of Goal Setting Emotional • Goals define our direction: A directional guide like a compass point on a map. • Goals provides focus for our energy. • Goals help us set priorities: What's really important to you? (Your family? Your ministry? Your relaxation time? Your hobbies?) • Goals motivate us, instills a spirit of enthusiasm.

Probably, 75% of my personal success has come as the result of goal setting. The other 25% would be a combination of focus, desire, preparation, and hard work. Paul J. Meyer

Biblical Examples of Vision • Nehemiah – vision of a wall (Neh. 1: 1-11, 2: 1-8)

If a man has not discovered something that he will die for, he is not to live. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.

If you are not now making the progress you’d like to make It is simply because your goals are not clearly defined. Paul J. Meyer

Setting SMART Goals

Specific Measurable

Attainable Realistic

Time based and Tangible

SPECIFIC • • • • •

WHO is involved? WHAT do I want to accomplished? WHERE is the location? WHEN must it be done/completed? WHICH requirements & constraints to take into account? • WHY should it be done?


ATTAINABLE • Set high goals, but not unattainable ones. • Do I have the resources to achieve this objective?

REALISTIC Your goal is realistic if you truly believe it can be accomplished.

T: TANGIBLE Time Bound Without time frame goals remain dreams. Experience with your senses: • Taste • Smell • Touch • Sight • Hearing

"The bad news is: time flies. The good news is: you're the pilot." Michael Althsuler

Getting S.M.A.R.T.E.R. E – Enjoyable • You cannot succeed in accomplishing things that are pleasing to you soul. R – Rewarding

Goal one: Evangelizing •

I will influence my nation.

Goal two: Family •

I will have 4 hours of quality time with my family every week.

Goal Three: Spiritual • I want to walk close to God.

Goal Four: Physical • I want to be in my proper weight.

Goal Five: Finance • I will “I want” to give more to God.

Make it your ambition to have a quiet life. You are special. Mario

Stages of my adulthood • • • • •

Provisional Adulthood (Ages 20–28 ) Transition (Ages 28-30) Rooting (Ages 32-39) Midlife Transition (Ages 39-45) Re-stabilisation and Flowering (Ages 45-55) • Mellowing and Renewal (Ages 5565+)

Provisional Adulthood (Ages 20–28) • During this stage you are on your own and making your first commitments to work, marriage and family, and other adult responsibilities. • You put to use all the parental upbringing, education and advice that was part of your childhood and adolescence. • This is the time to explore the real world of career, and lifestyle.

Stages of my adulthood • 30 Transition (Ages 28-30) • Initial commitments of our life-style are re-examined as life begins to appear more complex. You begin to ask “What do I really want from life?” Long range implications of continuing with current career, community and lifestyle are challenged. This challenge will result in either change, or in re-affirmation to previous commitments. • Rooting (Ages 32-39) • Now is the time to get your head down and get on with life. It is a time when you might seek a mentor. During the midthirties you become aware of the passing of time and realise that time is running out to attain certain goals and dreams.

Midlife Transition (Ages 39-45) • Often termed “mid-life crisis”, this period can be one of acute personal discomfort where you may have to face the gap between youthful dreams and actual fulfilments. • Children are beginning to grow up and away from you and you start to ask self-searching questions, such as “What’s in it for me?” and “Why can’t I be accepted for what I am, not what “they” want me to be?” In their search, some people may turn to new careers and other directions in life.

Re-stabilisation and Flowering (Ages 45-55) • This stage can feel like the best time of your life, once you have gone through the discomforts of Midlife Transition. New stability can be achieved and careers often take a sharp turn upward. Life can become more stable as you focus on a few old and trusted values and friends.

Mellowing and Renewal (Ages 55-65+) • People become more satisfied with themselves, coming to grips with what they have and haven’t done. Retirements becomes a reality and with it, a change in lifestyle. This is a difficult step as nearly all of your life is geared to the world of work.

Different people have different goals • At a revival the preacher announced, • “All who want to go to heaven stand up.” • All stood except a drunk. Noticing him, the preacher then said: • “All who want to go to hell stand up.”

Different people have different goals • The drunk wobbled to his feet • “ You mean you want to go to hell?’ the preacher asked him. • The poor rummy replied, • N-no, not really, but I thought you looked kinda lonesome standing there by yourself.”





Different goal setting seasons

There is right season for everything - The seasons are not the same length. - The seasons has a beginning and en ending. - The seasons always come in sequence. - Crops of success may be cultivated in several areas simultaneously yet harvested at different times.

Manage your seasons effective to reap an abundant harvest In which season are you right now? - Winter – the season for planning. - Spring – the season for planting. - Summer – the season for perspiration. - Fall – the season for production.

Winter – the season for planning It is a time to envision the upcoming harvest. It’s a time for revisiting your dreams, setting new goals and making plans about how to fulfil your dreams.

Spring – the season for planting It is the time to plant the ideas from the winter season. It is the time for sowing seeds and paying the price for future success.

Summer – the season for perspiration It’s the time for regular cultivation and fertilization. To fulfil your mission will require that you abandon your agenda and accept God’s agenda for your life. You must say, like Jesus, “Father,… I want your will, not mine” (Luke 22:42 NLT)

Fall – the season for production The time to produce the rewards of your planning, planting and perspiring. It is the time to celebrate the accomplishments of their hard work.



Red alerts

Blue sky

Seasonal self checks

What is GOLDEN about you? • What do you do well, what makes you stand out and what are you known for? • What are your assets? What are your advantages/credentials? • What experience do you have?

RUSTY • What looks a bit RUSTY inside you in terms of way of doing things? • Where are you not focused right now? Where are you loosing your edge? • What can you do better? What could be improved?

BLUE SKY • Where is the BLUE SKY and opportunities in your life? • Are there opportunities to cooperate with other like minded people? What could be developed?

RED ALERTS • Where are the RED ALERTS in you right now? • Where are you vulnerable? What problems are you currently having that may develop into crises? • What current opportunities may soon disappear and never come your way again? • Where are you “under pressure”? • What obstacles do you face?

Repurpose your Ministry Source: Doug Johnson

Set some challenging goals …go into all the world…

…make disciples…

…and preach the good news…

Make the difference. Stand out wherever you go. Be a lighthouse to the lost. Make it your burning desire. Mario


• "No person was ever honored for what he received. Honor has been the reward for what he gave." Calvin Coolidge "Be faithful in small things because it is in them that your strength lies."-- Mother Teresa "Try not to become a man of success but rather try to become a man of value." -- Albert Einstein

A dream • A dream is a wish your heart makes. Annette Funicello • There is more to life than increasing its speed. Gandhi • Every day do something that will inch you closer to a better tomorrow.- Doug Firebaugh • Each one of us has a fire in our heart for something. It's our goal in life to find it and to keep it lit. Mary Lou Retton

Jesus said: Take what I have given you and change the world!

Blessings from Mario Denton Let's keep the good coaching vibes alive. Let's network. Become a member of the Strong Message People and Change Management Coaching Forum. Tel (w) + 27(0) 82 88 29903. e-mail address: marden@mweb.co.za Website: www.strongmessage.co.za

Copyright. All rights reserved • No part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by an information storage and retrieval system without permission. • Regarding permission to reprint material from this material, please write to Dr Mario Denton

CD-ROM copyright • After permission you are free to copy this material. Should you wish to become part of this winning concept, the following will apply: • Please commit yourself to inform us of the results regarding the effectiveness thereof. • Full acknowledgement must be given to the author(s) in writing. Please bring the following information in at the end of your presentation of any of the material that you used from the CD. Special recognition Denton, M. Self Paced Authentic Leadership Website: http://www.strongmessage.co.za marden@mweb.co.za Cell +27 82 88 29903

Speak slower • A man told his wife, “ Today I found out that men speak 100 000 words a day whereas women speak 200 000 words a day.” • “Why do you think this is so?’ asked his wife. • “Because you women speak twice as fast.” • “ No,’’ the wife corrected him, “ It’s because , when we speak to you men, we have to repeat ourselves.”

Speak slower “ WHAT? Could you say that again?’

Feedback 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

How well was the objective of the subject explained? How well did you understand the subject? How well does the subject relate to your needs? How well did the faculty involve you as participants? How well were visuals & teaching aids used? How well did you follow delivery? [Tone, speed, accent, etc.] 7. How well was class time managed? 8. How friendly, approachable, enthusiastic, and humorous was the faculty? 9. How motivated are you to practice what you have learned? 10. How well did the subject meet your expectations?

Clarifying an ministry’s mission 1. What organisation should we be in? 2. Why do we exist? 3. What is unique/ distinctive about our organisation? 4. Who are our principal customers, clients or users? 5. What are our principal services, and segments, present and future?

Clarifying an ministry’s mission (Continued)

6. What are our principal outlets and distribution channels, present and future? 7. What is different about our organisation from what it was 3 and 5 years ago? 8. What is likely to be different about our ministry 3 to 5 years in the future? 9. What are our principles concerns, and how are they measured? 10. What issues are important in our organisation’s future?

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