210 G Stewardship

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Leadership Principles from God’s Word:

STEWARDSHIP Module 201G Mario Denton Special recognition: Notes from Haggai Training in Maui- Dr Tom Oommen Leadership Principles from God’s Word: Stewardship

Passage to memorize 2 Chronicles 1:8-10 ‌Give me wisdom and knowledge, that I may lead this people, for who is able to govern this great people of yours

Leadership Principles from God’s Word: Stewardship

Only faithful stewards will be prepared for his return

Leadership Principles from God’s Word: Stewardship

Matthew 25: 14-30 • Leaders are stewards. The master refused to accept the servant who have buried the money • In fact he rebuked the lazy servant and punished him severely. Leadership Principles from God’s Word: Stewardship

You are a steward • We are all stewards of the resources, abilities and opportunities that God has entrusted to our care and each of us must give one day account of manner in which we have used them

Leadership Principles from God’s Word: Stewardship

Have you developed a stewardship mentality? • The time , talent, material, possessions and relationships we have been given are merely consigned to us by God for a few decades Leadership Principles from God’s Word: Stewardship

The parable of the Shrewd manager: Luke 16:1-9 • Read also Genesis 39: 1-41:57 • Help people to understand the contributions they can make • Cultivate your human resources

Leadership Principles from God’s Word: Stewardship

Qualities of a good steward • • • • • • •

Sincere Trustworthy Empathetic Wise and industrious Accountable Responsible and reproach-free Dedicated – single-minded

Leadership Principles from God’s Word: Stewardship

Leaders are stewards of human potential who have the greatest opportunity to encourage the development of their team members. (Dr. Paul J Meyer, Bridging the Gap)

Leadership Principles from God’s Word: Stewardship

Principle – 1: Matt. 25: 14 The Principle of Diversity • • • • •

Nobody has NO gifts Nobody has ALL gifts Everybody has SOME gifts: Eph. 4:7 According to God’s Grace: Rom. 12: 6 For the building of the Church: Eph. 4:12

Leadership Principles from God’s Word: Stewardship

Principle – 2: Ps. 119: 94 The Principle of Ownership • • • • • •

By creation By purchase By inheritance By being found By earning By winning

Ps. 139 I Cor. 6:19 Eph. 1:18 Lk. 10: 30-37 Gen. 29: 14-30 Col. 2:15

Leadership Principles from God’s Word: Stewardship

Principle – 3: The Principle of Partnership • • • • • • •

The principle of the yoke Matt. 11:29 Heirs of God Rom. 8: 17 Fellow-heirs with Christ Rom. 8:17 Heirs of the Kingdom James 2:5 Gentiles are fellow-heirs Eph. 3:6 Fellow-citizens with the saints Eph. 2:19 Fellow-workers with the Truth 3 John. 8

Leadership Principles from God’s Word: Stewardship

Principle – 4: The Principle of Delegated authority • • • • • • •

God and Adam Gen. 1:28, 2:15 God and Abraham Gen. 12:1-3 God and Moses Ex. 3:10 So send I you Jn. 20: 21 Go ye therefore Matt. 28: 19 Ask in My name Jn. 15:16 Christ and the Church Matt. 16: 17-19

Leadership Principles from God’s Word: Stewardship

Principle – 5: The Principle of Management By Objectives • No vested interests • Organizational interest above personal interest • For the building up of the Church: Eph. 3: 11-13 Leadership Principles from God’s Word: Stewardship

Principle – 6: The Principle of Rewards and performance • A reward for the righteous: Ps. 58:11 • Rewards are from The Lord: Isa. 62:11, Rev. 22:12 • Rewards are personalized: I Cor. 3:8, 14 • Rewards based on performance: I Cor. 3: 8,14, Rom.2:6 Leadership Principles from God’s Word: Stewardship

Principle – 7: The Principle of Accountability • Accountability is not optional but obligatory • Accountability at different levels – Accountability to God II Cor. 5:10, Rom. 3:19 – Accountability to our leaders: Heb. 13:17 – Accountability to peers: Gal. 6:1,2 – Accountability to ourselves Matt. 7:1,2 Leadership Principles from God’s Word: Stewardship

Challenges of Stewardship - 1 The ferocity of Satan’s attacks is directly proportional to God’s expectations and our potential.

Leadership Principles from God’s Word: Stewardship

Challenges of Stewardship - 2

No one is above the level of accountability

Leadership Principles from God’s Word: Stewardship

Challenges of Stewardship - 3 Irresponsibility is inexcusable

Leadership Principles from God’s Word: Stewardship

Challenges of Stewardship - 4

Responsibility is linked with accountability

Leadership Principles from God’s Word: Stewardship

Challenges of Stewardship - 5

People are more important than projects

Leadership Principles from God’s Word: Stewardship

The Stewardship of Money

Leadership Principles from God’s Word: Stewardship

Facing the Problem • The Lord spoke more about money than about heaven or hell (1:16 verses in the New testament) • Because of the way we handle money – – – –

People die of famine People have litigations and debts People struggle to make both ends meet Some are contented and comfortable

Leadership Principles from God’s Word: Stewardship

In the Beginning… • God made the world good • He made it with plenty • He blessed it • He intended that man should not be in want Leadership Principles from God’s Word: Stewardship

Consequences of the Fall • Sin created want • The blessing was replaced by a curse: Gen.3: 17-19 • The world became a place of disaster: Luk. 21: 10-21 • The earth became a ground of futility: Eccl. 1: 2-11 • Man became covetous Leadership Principles from God’s Word: Stewardship

God’s provision for the poor • He cares for the poor Isa. 5:8; 58:6-10) • Specific provisions: Ex. 23:10, Lev. 19:9, Deut. 14:28 • Jubilee restoration Lev. 25: 8-17 • Interest-free loanLev. 25: 35-38 • Sabbatical year Deut. 15: 12-18 Leadership Principles from God’s Word: Stewardship

Despite man’s sin • God creates – 2 Cor. 4:5, Heb. 11:3

• God sustains – Heb. 1:3, Acts 17: 24-28

• God Owns all – 1 Chron. 29: 10-16

• God provides – Acts 14: 16-17 Leadership Principles from God’s Word: Stewardship

Why is money important? • No amount of money can – – – –

Save a soul Build a character Evangelize a city Motivate a people group

– But without money these are not easy – Dishonesty in funds is holding back more revival than any other factor. Leadership Principles from God’s Word: Stewardship

Is money the master? • People use money to: – Buy freedom – Procure jobs – Gain education – Gain friends – Purchase loyalties – Establish power Leadership Principles from God’s Word: Stewardship

The Master is the one who decides • God or mammon? – Gehazi or Naaman – One thing is needful » Matt. 19: 16-22

– Without money what can you buy? Leadership Principles from God’s Word: Stewardship

A Good Slave or a Bad Master • The two masters • Money means the same in all languages • ‘Hallelujah’ means the same in all languages • One thing is needful • The world seeks higher standards • Honest trade practices • Honest audit and accounts • The Christian counter-culture • Income is time translated into money

Leadership Principles from God’s Word: Stewardship

Where are we headed? • The poverty trip: the poor get poorer • The prosperity trip: The rich fall into snares

Leadership Principles from God’s Word: Stewardship

Principle 1: The Principle of Ownership • God is the owner and we are stewards • The principle of ownership and earnership Leadership Principles from God’s Word: Stewardship

Principle- 2: The principle of the magic penny • We grow by giving • The more we give the more we get • No man is a fool who gives what he cannot keep to gain what he cannot lose.

Leadership Principles from God’s Word: Stewardship

Principle- 3: The principle of Jehovah Jireh • Where God guides He provides • Consider the birds and the lilies • So why worry?

Leadership Principles from God’s Word: Stewardship

Principle- 4: The radical principle • God is generous but man is covetous • God wants to give but man wants to grab • The poor in Spirit is not the same as the poverty mentality

Leadership Principles from God’s Word: Stewardship

The Difference is Determined by Our Relationship with God • • • • • • •

Poor in Spirit Recognize the need of God’s grace Is open and vulnerable Is grateful Trusts God to supply Is content Is faithful Shares with those in need

Poverty mentality • Feels needy and useless • Is independent • Feels He deserves more • Doubts is God really cares • Is usually discontented • Buries his talents • Shares problems

Leadership Principles from God’s Word: Stewardship

A beggars Attitude?

Attitude is a little thing that makes a big difference

Leadership Principles from God’s Word: Stewardship

Principle- 5: The principle of God’s sovereignty • The Sovereignty of God is basic • Poverty is not necessarily a result of unbelief • The blessings of the Lord are not necessarily material • Faith is not a magic word Leadership Principles from God’s Word: Stewardship

Principle- 6: The principle of audit (accountability) • • • •

Sources of income Sources of expenditure What is being withheld What is being given – – – – – –

Tithes Offerings Investments Gifts Taxes Payments – just or unjust?

Leadership Principles from God’s Word: Stewardship

Principle – 7 Manage Your Finances • • • • • •

Find out where the money comes from Find out where the money goes Create a monthly budget Keep records accurate Plan for the future Monitor financial cautions

Leadership Principles from God’s Word: Stewardship

Possessions • Do I really need it? • Do I use it enough to justify having it? • Would it be more useful to someone else? • Is it worth the time and money I spend on it? • Is the virtue of simplicity at stake? • List some of the things that you can do without and start dispossessing them. Leadership Principles from God’s Word: Stewardship

Financial success

We spend too much time trying to find out how to become rich and not enough time trying to understand why we should become rich. Leadership Principles from God’s Word: Stewardship

Right ways of earning money • Hard work • Saving • Investing 30 • Inheriting

2 Thess. 3:18 Prov. 21:20 Matt. 25:14Prov. 13:22

Leadership Principles from God’s Word: Stewardship

Wrong ways of earning money • • • • • •

Stealing Exod. 11:1 Fraud Lev. 19:13, Mark 10:19 Usury Ps. 15:5 Cheating Prov. 11:1 Unjust gains: Prov. 21:26; Jer. 22:13 Extortions Ezek. 22:12, Lk. 3:13

Leadership Principles from God’s Word: Stewardship

Other wrong ways of earning money • Non-payment James 5:4 • Borrowing Ps. 37:21 • Free consults • Gambling Prov. 28:22 • Lotteries

Leadership Principles from God’s Word: Stewardship

Remember… • There is enough for everybody’s need but not enough for one man’s greed (Mahatma Gandhi)

• If you really want to be rich count the things that you possess which money cannot buy. Leadership Principles from God’s Word: Stewardship

What money can buy…. • A bed but not sleep • Food but not appetite • A house but not a home • Medicines but not health • Knowledge but not wisdom • Amusement but not happiness • Companionship but not relationship • What you want but not what you need • Good life but not eternal life Leadership Principles from God’s Word: Stewardship

Financial Traps • Debts 22:7 • Irresponsibility • Wrong values • Get-rich quick • Selfishness • Wrong priorities

Rom. 13:8, Prov. Matt. 25: 14-30 Luke 12:15 Prov. 28:22 Prov. 11:24,25

Leadership Principles from God’s Word: Stewardship

Financial Demands • Recurring expenses • Essential clothes • Distance to travel for work and worship • Family size • State benefits • Nature of work • Work ability (earn-ability)

Leadership Principles from God’s Word: Stewardship

The General Principles of Giving

Leadership Principles from God’s Word: Stewardship

Why people give • • • • • • •

To spite others Due to fear or guilt Peer pressure Request Recognition Gratitude Love

Leadership Principles from God’s Word: Stewardship

Giving to God • We do not give because He needs • We give in recognition of Divine Ownership: Isa. 43:1 • We give in appreciation of Divine grace. • Eph. 2:8

• We give as a token of surrender: Rom. 12: 1 Leadership Principles from God’s Word: Stewardship

Giving to God.. • Tithes (Mal. 3) • • • • •

Not confined to the Law Abraham tithed before the Law Grace deserves greater demands God does not change Refusal means to rob God

Leadership Principles from God’s Word: Stewardship

The Tithes • Levitical Tithe – Lev. 27: 30-33, Num. 18: 20-29, 2 Chron. 31: 5-12 – Exclusively for the Levites and who also tithed

• Celebration Tithe – Deut. 14: 22-27 – Annually at the Temple

• Triennial Tithe – Once in three years for the Levites, the Poor and the Foreigners

Leadership Principles from God’s Word: Stewardship

It was a problem when I was rich!!

• But now it is easy…..

Leadership Principles from God’s Word: Stewardship

Additional giving • • • •

Offerings Gifts Taxes The second mile giving • Do not give in order to get (except from God) – Luke 6: 38

• Keep it secret • When the heart is right the purse will open • Remember Leadership Principles from God’s Word: Stewardship

The beauty of giving • • • •

What we give He takes What He takes He cleanses What He cleanses He fills What He fills He uses

• We trust God with our lives. But do we trust Him with our money? Leadership Principles from God’s Word: Stewardship

Ten Commandments for Financial Success 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Recognize God as the Provider Focus on needs, not wants Invest what you want to get back Invest on the front end Be patient

Leadership Principles from God’s Word: Stewardship

6. Do not be deterred by crop failure 7. Put your money where you want your heart to be 8. Rejoice 9. Expect results 10. Give God the glory

Leadership Principles from God’s Word: Stewardship

Experience a paradigm shift • Perspective change: the material world exists because of the Spiritual • Re-define needs • Have a heart of gratitude (I Thess. 4:17) • Identify with those in need • Become a faithful giver • Examine assets Leadership Principles from God’s Word: Stewardship

Commitment to giving • We have not thought about it • We have not understood it • We feel we may not be able to keep up the giving • We have been too lazy to do anything about it • Our commitment to the Lord is not right Leadership Principles from God’s Word: Stewardship

Prayer Focus • Father, I ask you to give me a complete understanding of what you want to do in my life, and I ask you to make me wise with spiritual wisdom. • I roll my works upon You, and You make my thoughts agreeable to your will and so my plans are established and succeed. • I have the mind of Christ and hold the thoughts, feelings and purposes of His heart. Amen Leadership Principles from God’s Word: Stewardship


Leadership Principles from God’s Word: Stewardship

Learning, application and commitment: James 1: 22-25 • “Do not merely listen to the word, and so deceive yourselves. • Do what it says. • Anyone who listens to the word but does not do what it says is like a man who looks at his face in the mirror and, after looking at himself, goes away and immediately forgets what he looks like. • But the man who looks intently into the perfect law that gives freedom, and continues to do this, not forgetting what he has heard, but doing it - he will be blessed in what he does.” (NIV) Leadership Principles from God’s Word: Stewardship

Learning, application and commitment • One of the Biblical truths (principles) that I have learned from this lesson was … • I intend to apply this truth (principle) in my business/Ministry by: ….. • With the help of the Holy Spirit, I will begin applying this truth immediately. I ask and expect my group to hold me accountable for this and to check with me periodically to determine if I am doing so. Please ask me ….. Leadership Principles from God’s Word: Stewardship

Jesus said: Take what I have given you and change the world!

Leadership Principles from God’s Word: Stewardship

Blessings from Mario Denton Let's keep the good coaching vibes alive. Let's network. Become a member of the Strong Message People and Change Management Coaching Forum. Tel (w) + 27(0) 82 88 29903. e-mail address: marden@mweb.co.za Website: www.strongmessage.co.za Leadership Principles from God’s Word: Stewardship

CD-ROM copyright • You are free to copy this material. Should you wish to become part of this winning concept, the following will apply: • Please commit yourself to inform us of the results regarding the effectiveness thereof. • Full acknowledgement must be given to the author(s) in writing. Please bring the following information in at the end of your presentation of any of the material that you used from the CD. Special recognition Denton, M. Self Paced Authentic Leadership Website: http://www.strongmessage.co.za marden@mweb.co.za Cell +27 82 88 29903

Leadership Principles from God’s Word: Stewardship

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