308 A Integrity

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Leadership Principles from God’s Word:

Integrity Mario Denton Module 308 A Leadership Principles from God’s Word: Integrity

Leadership Principles from God’s Word: Integrity

There's certainly something very ambiguous about which way this is meant to be up...

Leadership Principles from God’s Word: Integrity

Passage to memorize I Timothy 4:15-16 Be diligent in these matters; give yourself wholly to them, so that everyone may see your progress. Watch your life and doctrine closely. Preserve in them, because if you do, you will save both yourself and your hearers.

Leadership Principles from God’s Word: Integrity

The world wide cry for integrity • Lies are the rule and truth the exception. • Relativism = a key word today. • Situation ethics = a key concept today. • Growth of lawlessness = a by –product. Leadership Principles from God’s Word: Integrity

Definition of integrity • ‘When we speak of integrity as a moral value, it means a person is the same on the inside as he is on the outside. • There is no discrepencancy between what he says and what he does between his walk and his talk. • A person of integrity is the same person alone a thousand miles away from home as he is in the ministry or in his home. Billy Graham. Leadership Principles from God’s Word: Integrity

Ethics, morality and integrity • Ethics: refers to the defined standard of right and wrong; good and evil. • Morality is a lived standard of right and wrong, good and evil. • Integrity means the extent that a person’s ethic and morality are integrated. Leadership Principles from God’s Word: Integrity

1 Samuel 12: 1-4 • Here I stand. Testify against me in the presence of the Lord and his anointed Whose ox have I taken? Whose donkeys have I taken? Whom have I cheated? Whom have I oppressed? From whose hand have a accepted a bribe to make me shut my eyes? • If I have done any of these, I will make it right. Leadership Principles from God’s Word: Integrity

Read Matthew 23: 1-36 • A person claims to be a Christian and to live by biblical standards makes a ethical statement. • For that person to have integrity, then means he or she must live by the biblical ethic.

Leadership Principles from God’s Word: Integrity

Implications of violating integrity • Bitterness. • Loss of internal peace. • An easy prey for temptation. • Depression. • Substitution in the value system.

• Loss of self-respect. • Dishonoring to the name of Jesus. • Loss of power/authority of the Holy spirit. • Grieves the Holy Spirit; pleases Satan.

Leadership Principles from God’s Word: Integrity




from the


(Bob Garratt)

Leadership Principles from God’s Word: Integrity

People will let you down, but God never • Most important characteristic of a leader. • Followers want to know that you can keep your promises and follow through on your commitments. • God’s yes is always yes and his no is always no. Hebrews 13:8. Leadership Principles from God’s Word: Integrity

Codes of Conduct/Ethics Reputation is a priceless asset • Do you set a good example? • If you see something that does not look right or sound right, do you raise a concern or make a recommendation? • Do you treat others with fairness and respect? • Do you maintain high standards of conduct in your personal and professional life? • What do others really see? Leadership Principles from God’s Word: Integrity

Codes of Conduct/Ethics •

Do you promote teamwork in your ministry?

• Are you consistently open, honest, and truthful in your dealings with others? • Do you build and nurture the proper relationships? Are you totally compliant in meeting your commitment? • Do you conduct yourself every day in a manner that will cause people to trust you? Leadership Principles from God’s Word: Integrity


This is an amazing shot. This came from a Rig Manager for Global Marine Drilling in St. Johns, Newfoundland. They actually have to divert the path of these icebergs away from the rig by towing them with ships! Anyway, in this particular case the water was calm & the sun was almost directly overhead so that the diver was able to get into the water and click this picture. They estimated the weight at 300,000,000 tons. Leadership Principles from God’s Word: Integrity

What is below your surface in your life?

Leadership Principles from God’s Word: Integrity

What is below your surface in your life? Are you a God pleaser or a people pleaser? Leadership Principles from God’s Word: Integrity

Patrick Murphy’s four ‘C’s of Professionalism

Competence Commitment Conduct Character Leadership Principles from God’s Word: Integrity

Brian and his flat mate Brian invited his mother over for dinner. During the course of the meal, his mother couldn't help but notice how pretty Brian's flat mate was. Leadership Principles from God’s Word: Integrity

She had long been suspicious of a relationship between the two, and this had only made her more curious. Over the course of the evening, while watching the two interact, she started to wonder if there was more between Brian and his flat mate than met the eye. Reading his mom’s thoughts, Brian volunteered, "I know what you must be thinking, but I assure you, Mary and I are just flat mates." Leadership Principles from God’s Word: Integrity

About a week later, Mary came to Brian saying "Ever since your mother came to dinner, I've been unable to find the beautiful silver chutney jar. You don’t suppose she took it, do you?" "Well, I doubt it, but I'll email her, just to be sure." So he sat down and wrote:

Leadership Principles from God’s Word: Integrity

Dear Mother, I’m not saying that you ''did'' take the chutney jar from my house, I’m not saying that you ''did not'' take the chutney jar. But the fact remains that it has been missing ever since you were here for dinner. Love, Brian

Leadership Principles from God’s Word: Integrity

Several days later, Brian received an email from his Mother which read: Dear Son, I’m not saying that you ''do'' sleep with Mary, and I'm not saying that you ''do not'' sleep with Mary. But the fact remains that if she was sleeping in her own bed, she would have found the chutney jar by now. Love, Mom Leadership Principles from God’s Word: Integrity

Where does your footsteps lead you?

Leadership Principles from God’s Word: Integrity

Returning to wholeness • Call sin, sin. Making restitution. Using God’s Word to become what He intends me to be.

Leadership Principles from God’s Word: Integrity

Being ethical: Helpful questions • Who am I trying to please? • Does it hinder others? • Could I do it any better? • Is there any risk being seen as appearance of evil? • If subject to public opinion, would it hold? Leadership Principles from God’s Word: Integrity

Leadership Principles from God’s Word: Integrity

Returning to wholeness: becoming part of an accountability group

Leadership Principles from God’s Word: Integrity

E t h i c s & Leadership Respects Others Builds Community

Ethical Leadership

Manifests Honesty

Serves Others

Shows Justice

Share Leadership

Provide Leadership

Value People

Servant Leaders...

Display Authenticity

Develop People

Build Community

Leadership Principles from God’s Word: Integrity

Better keep yourself clean and bright; you are the window through which you see the whole world. George Bernard Shaw

Leadership Principles from God’s Word: Integrity

As they say, “Gossip is like mud thrown against a wall; it may not stick, but it leavesLeadership a mark” Principles from God’s Word: Integrity

A good leader will definitely leave some tracks behind him or her. Thomas Macauley said: “The measure of a person’s real character is what he/she would do if he/she would never be found out”. Leadership Principles from God’s Word: Integrity

Whoever is careless with the truth in small matters cannot be trusted with the important matters. Albert Einstein

Leadership Principles from God’s Word: Integrity

Makes you think If you going down the wrong road, it will never become the right road. You have to stop, get a new map and begin again. C. S. Lewis

Leadership Principles from God’s Word: Integrity

Prayer Focus • Father, In the name of Jesus, I surrender myself to walk in the Word. Your word living in me produces the Life in this world. • The word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path. It makes my way plain before me. • I boldly and confidently say that my heart is fixed and established on the solid foundation – the Living Word of God! Amen Leadership Principles from God’s Word: Integrity


Learning, application and commitment: James 1: 22-25 • “Do not merely listen to the word, and so deceive yourselves. • Do what it says. • Anyone who listens to the word but does not do what it says is like a man who looks at his face in the mirror and, after looking at himself, goes away and immediately forgets what he looks like. • But the man who looks intently into the perfect law that gives freedom, and continues to do this, not forgetting what he has heard, but doing it - he will be blessed in what he does.” (NIV) Leadership Principles from God’s Word: Integrity

Learning, application and commitment • One of the Biblical truths (principles) that I have learned from this lesson was … • I intend to apply this truth (principle) in my business/Ministry by: ….. • With the help of the Holy Spirit, I will begin applying this truth immediately. I ask and expect my group to hold me accountable for this and to check with me periodically to determine if I am doing so. Please ask me ….. Leadership Principles from God’s Word: Integrity

Jesus said: Take what I have given you and change the world!

Leadership Principles from God’s Word: Integrity

Blessings from Mario Denton Let's keep the good coaching vibes alive. Let's network. Become a member of the Strong Message People and Change Management Coaching Forum. Tel (w) + 27(0) 82 88 29903. e-mail address: marden@mweb.co.za Website: www.strongmessage.co.za Leadership Principles from God’s Word: Integrity

CD-ROM copyright • You are free to copy this material. Should you wish to become part of this winning concept, the following will apply: • Please commit yourself to inform us of the results regarding the effectiveness thereof. • Full acknowledgement must be given to the author(s) in writing. Please bring the following information in at the end of your presentation of any of the material that you used from the CD. Special recognition Denton, M. Self Paced Authentic Leadership Website: http://www.strongmessage.co.za marden@mweb.co.za Cell +27 82 88 29903

Leadership Principles from God’s Word: Integrity

Leadership Principles from God’s Word: Integrity

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