401 B Travel light

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TRAVEL LIGHT Module 401 B Mario Denton Marketplace facts: Travel light

Marketplace facts: Travel light

Overall purpose of this series on Marketplace To understand and learn from various marketplace facts so that you can: • Be more effective and anointed wherever you are in the marketplace. • Adapt and benchmark your marketplace practices and principles discussed in this series. • Use these material to facilitate the work of evangelism.

Marketplace facts: Travel light

Travel light

Marketplace facts: Travel light

Travel light • Do not be too dependent on things. • Become less and less dependent on the material things and activities of this world and become more dependent on Him.

Marketplace facts: Travel light

Travel light • As a follower of Jesus Christ do not become too comfortable in this world, because you are here for but a short time.

Marketplace facts: Travel light

Travel light • Your possessions, positions, work, ministry, finances, plans and even relationships are all to be secondary to my focus on Him and the eternal. • Your entire lifetime is but a moment in all of eternity with Him.

Marketplace facts: Travel light

Travel light • When Jesus prayed for His disciples and for us in John 17, He stated, They are not of this world. • Hebrews 11:13 says that they died in the faith . . . having confessed that they were strangers and exiles on the earth. Marketplace facts: Travel light

Travel light • In 1 Peter 2:11 we are referred to as pilgrims or aliens.

Marketplace facts: Travel light

Travel light • Joseph reminded his family of God’s promise to return to their homeland in Genesis 50:24.

Marketplace facts: Travel light

Travel light • Do you feel like a pilgrim, exile, sojourner, or alien in a foreign land? Well, you should! • God has given you responsibility for multiple assets in the marketplace, so do not get so attached to the physical. Marketplace facts: Travel light

Travel light • As each year goes by, as loved ones go to heaven, as we see the futility of possessions, and as our health deteriorates, we should long more to be in Heaven with Him. • That’s our true home!

Marketplace facts: Travel light

Travel light • God wants us to have our focus on both the temporal and the eternal. • That’s our true home! Marketplace facts: Travel light

Prayer Focus • Father, In the name of Jesus, I surrender myself to walk in the Word in the marketplace. Your word living in me produces the Life in this world. • The word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path. It makes my way plain before me. • I boldly and confidently say that my heart is fixed and established on the solid foundation – the Living Word of God! Amen Marketplace facts: Travel light

Learning, application and commitment: James 1: 22-25 • “Do not merely listen to the word, and so deceive yourselves. • Do what it says. • Anyone who listens to the word but does not do what it says is like a man who looks at his face in the mirror and, after looking at himself, goes away and immediately forgets what he looks like. • But the man who looks intently into the perfect law that gives freedom, and continues to do this, not forgetting what he has heard, but doing it - he will be blessed in what he does.” (NIV) Marketplace facts: Travel light

Learning, application and commitment • One of the principles that I have learned from this lesson was … • I intend to apply this principle in my market place by: ….. • With the help of the Holy Spirit, I will begin applying this truth immediately. Marketplace facts: Travel light

Jesus said: Take what I have given you and change the world!

Marketplace facts: Travel light

Sources and acknowledgement CHRIST@ WORK NEWSLETTER • •

Copyright Notice FCCI- Limited permission to copy without altering text or profiteering is granted subject to inclusion of this copyright notice. Copy is limited to member and/or FCCI small group use. Unauthorized use of FCCI, Christ@Work, Crown Companies, their trademarks or logos is strictly prohibited.

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The “Facts of the Matter” is also available through the Internet: www.factsofthematter.org. R. Dwight Hill. Slides compiled by Mario Denton. Please commit yourself to inform us of the results regarding the effectiveness thereof should you wish to use this material.

Marketplace facts: Travel light

Blessings from Dr Mario Denton as the Africa: Continental Program Director - Marketplace

Let's keep the good marketplace vibes alive. Let's network. Become a member of the Crown Companies Marketplace Coaching Forum. Â Tel (w) + 27(0) 82 88 29903. e-mail address:mario@crown.org.za Website: www.crown.org.za Marketplace facts: Travel light

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