401 J From sucess to significance

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Module 401 J From Success to Significance MARIO DENTON PhD INTERNATIONAL FIELD CONTINENTAL PROGRAMME DIRECTOR AFRICA: MARKETPLACE Crown Companies Africa Director: FCCI Tel (w) + 27(0) 82 88 29903. e-mail address: mario@crown.org.za Website: www.crown.org.za

Overview • Short economic overview • EQ as a sustainable development tool • Career stages • Storytelling • From Success to significance • Regular Accountability audit

Brain Teaser: What do you see?


GDP World – Africa %?

This wealth map shows which territories have the greatest wealth when Gross Domestic Product (GDP) is compared using currency exchange rates. This indicates international purchasing power - what someone’s money would be worth if they wanted to spend it in another territory. For some their money will gain value when they move - others’ money will lose value. This facilitates the movement of some people, whilst severely limiting that of others. Wealth, as reflected by GDP per person, is highest in Luxembourg, Norway and Switzerland. It is lowest in Ethiopia, Burundi and the Democratic Republic of Congo.

What has God given us? Sustainable development Did you know that a 1% increase in Africa’s share of Global Trade will deliver 7 times more that Africa receives in aid.

Patents Granted

In 2002, 312 thousand patents were granted around the world. More than a third of these were granted in Japan. Just under a third were granted in the United States. Patenting something will allow the owner of the patent to charge others for the usage of an idea or invention. The aim is to reward the creator for their hard work or intelligence. But patents can prevent people from using good ideas because they cannot afford to do so. A quarter of all territories had no new patents in 2002, so will not profit from these in future years as others will.

War Deaths 2002

In 2002 there were an estimated 172 thousand war deaths worldwide. The majority of territories recorded no war deaths, all deaths shown here occurred in 80 territories. People in the Democratic Republic of the Congo suffered 26% of all war deaths in 2002. Nine territories accounted for 70% of all deaths. Burundi had the highest death rate due to war:


62 56





30 6


0 >150


>130 <=150



>110 <=130

>100 <=110

>90 <=100

>70 <=90

0 <=70



Source: Denton, M. MBA Elective on EQ, 2006

JOHN • Hallo Mario • My name is John and I am one of your MBA students who is currently attending your class. • On Saturday morning you discussed the three questions that can tell one so much about oneself, namely: Who am I? What is the reason for my existence? Where am I going? • You said that we could answer these questions and that you might be able to help us in this regard if we sent the answers to you. • I have answered the questions and would like to take the liberty to ask you for your comment.

Who am I? • As I’ve said, my name is John and I am 33 years old. I started my career as operations manager. • The business was subsequently sold and I was retrenched. I then became self-employed, but things did not work out as they should have. Now I am keeping myself occupied with odd jobs while studying for an MBA. • And this is where the problem lies. I have applied for a number of jobs, without success. I am married to a wonderful woman who is very understanding of my situation and me. • The problem is that one starts losing faith in oneself as one disappointment follows on the other. My wife is currently expecting our first child.

What is the reason for my existence? • In all honesty, I don’t really know. It is a struggle from one day to the next. I am only existing, not living! • I would like to live for my wife and child, but because of the problems and worries of every day I only see the here and now. • If I were to do an EQ test now, I would definitely be below the acceptable levels.

Where am I going? • • • • •

I am currently on the short list for a job again. I believe that should I be successful, it would be very difficult for me to make a real contribution to the success of the business. Furthermore, it is an accounting position – of which I have some experience but which I do not think is really my line of work. However, I am desperate and will do anything just to be able to work. It is a vicious circle. For most of the day you are doing something you do not really enjoy, only to be very frustrated by the time you arrive home at the end of the day when you would like to spend quality time with your wife and children

Qualitative feedback as an example • “There are few subjects in the MBA programme which provide you with the opportunity to improve yourself on a personal level. • Emotional Intelligence is one such course. It is real, it is relevant and it applies to your everyday life. • The focus of the majority of the courses is on how to make a business better, or how to measure a company or organisation. • Alternatively Emotional Intelligence focuses on how to make you better. It begins with an evaluation of your EQ, which is a measure of your emotional intelligence.

Qualitative feedback as an example “It then takes you on a trip through the various aspects of emotional intelligence, stimulating you to reflect on your own emotional intelligence competencies, competencies which you can use in both your personal and professional life”

Standout where you are.

P5 EQ Content Subscales 0

IntRApersonal EQ Self -Regard


Emotional Self-Aw areness






Self-Actualization 0


IntERpersonal EQ Empathy


Social Responsibly


Interpersonal Relationship 0


Stress Management EQ Stress Tolerance


Impulse Control 0


Adaptability EQ Reality Testing




Problem Solving 0


General Mood EQ Optimism Happiness

86 49 50


Areas of Enrichment



Ef fective Functioning

130 Enhanced Skills



Stages in your career Growth




Establishment Decline

Trial Exploration



Stand out

From success to significance 1. To begin with, could you share with us the vision and purpose of your organisation? 2. How do you see it and what makes you personally excited about it, and why you believe in it? 3. Do you operate on specific principles? Could you give specific examples of how that impacts your organisation?

From success to significance 4. Can you point to a couple of examples of how those principles have served you and your organisation well during tough times? 5. Your organisation’s motto is: …. Can you elaborate on that?

From success to significance 6. Could you share with me how your faith has affected your career? (Faith refers NOT to religion, but rather to your beliefs.) 7. Tell us the first thing you do every morning at the office and what your habits are throughout the day. 8. As a leader, I often find myself learning more from the mistakes and challenges in my life rather than the successes. Can you share some of the mistakes or big challenges that you have faced and how you overcame those?

From success to significance 9. What other CEO’s do you admire? 10. In your opinion, who is the greatest leader who ever lived? 11. We have a lot of young leaders who look to men/women who have “been there and done that.” What counsel would you give young executives/managers/supervisors who really want to build a great and enduring organisation/department/unit?

From success to significance 12. How do you want to be remembered, both personally and professionally? 13. How do you want your employees to remember you? 14. If you could live your life over again, what two things would you do differently?

From success to significance Do you still want to make a lasting impact on your organisation and leave a legacy behind worth remembering? Reflect now on the following questions

1. Are you content with who you are becoming? • Your profession does not consume you as a person. • Are you more than you do or have? • When the time comes for you to leave your title and power, will you have anything to fill the vacuum?

1. Are you content with who you are becoming? • …Throw off your old evil nature--the old you that was a partner in your evil ways--rotten through and through, full of lust and sham. Now your attitudes and thoughts must all be constantly changing for the better. Yes, you must be a new and different person, holy and good. Clothe yourself with this new nature. (Eph. 4:22-24 Living)

2. Do you have a quiet centre to your life? For many of us our life motto seems to be, "When in trouble, when in doubt, run in circles, scream and shout."

2. Do you have a quiet centre to your life? There is an important difference between the fast track and the frantic track.

3. Are your prayer life improving? • Do your decisions have prayer as an integral part • Do you make decisions out of your desires and then immerse them a sanctimonious sauce you call prayer?

3. Are your prayer life improving? Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer…present your requests to God. (Phil. 4:6a,c)

4. Are your humility genuine? • There is nothing so arrogant as false humility. • Humility is not denying the power that you have but admitting that the power comes through you, not from you.

4. Are your humility genuine? Do nothing out of selfish ambition or vain conceit, but in humility consider others better than yourselves. (Phil. 2:3)

5. Is obedience in small matters built into your reflexes? Good intentions count for little.

6. Do you have joy? Doubt dilutes joy. Does your joy extend into your suffering; understanding that your suffering is your maturation?

6. Do you have joy? • Consider it pure joy, whenever you face trials of many kinds, because you know that the testing of your faith develops perseverance. • Perseverance must finish its work so that you may be mature and complete, not lacking anything.

"I have no regrets with my life." • QUESTION: Given your present focus, direction and secret inner life, will you, toward the end of your life, be able to say "I have no regrets with my life." Or will it be, "If only I had…"

I am not an optimist. I am a prisoner of hope!

From success to significance “The

• • • •

Accountable Man” suggests accountability questions to ask each other as it relates to our relationship with God:+ When did you take time to worship God this week? How much prayer time did you find this week, and was it quality time with God? Describe your prayer life this week to your partner(s). Did you find adequate time to do devotional and reflective reading this week? In Scripture? In other sources? How did you and your spouse meet with God together this week?

From success to significance “The

Accountable Man” suggests accountability questions to ask each other as it relates to our relationship with God:+

• What did you thank God for this week? • What has been a struggle area for you in your devotional life this week? • What do you see as the number-one need to address in the coming weeks in your relationship with the Lord? • Do you feel you have accomplished your spiritual aims for the week? • In what ways did you feel God was blessing you this week? What disappointment (if any) consumed your thoughts this week

Learning, application and commitment • One of the principles that I have learned from this lesson was … • I intend to apply this principle in my market place by: ….. • With the help of the Holy Spirit, I will begin applying this truth immediately.

Jesus said: Take what I have given you and change the world!

Seminars and workshops • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •

Leading as servant Clarifying vision and mission Leading a company with scripture Foundation of a Kingdom business Customer service excellence Developing balanced Goals Forming the leadership team House keeping and safety Measuring what is important Leading a company for Christ Creating a passion for excellence Praying the foundation for leading accompany The role of encouragement Life changing small groups Committing your business to God: Understanding the DNA of Financial freedom

Two weekly or monthly forum meetings – – – – – – – – – – – –

Doing Business God’s way The Purpose of Profits in Business Funding God’s work Treating employees fairly Compensation for employees Following God’s Rule for the business Patience, Fairness and consistency Hiring decisions Firing decisions Selecting a manager Protecting your business Committing your business to God

Blessings from Mario Denton

Let's keep the good marketplace vibes alive. Let's network. Become a member of the Crown Companies Marketplace Coaching Forum. Tel (w) + 27(0) 82 88 29903. e-mail address:mario@crown.org.za Website: www.crown.org.za

Closing comments

You can live a life full of abundance. You are a loved and valuable person. Believe in yourself. Cheer yourself up. God has a wonderful plan for your life. Mario and Mariene

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