41 Reaching your potential

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Reaching your Potential Module 404F My passion is people and the energy they have

Leadership Principles from God’s Word: Change and Innovation

Leadership Principles from God’s Word: Change and Innovation

Passage to memorize Acts 2: 44-47 ‌Everyday they continued to meet in the temple courts. They broke bread in their homes and ate together with glad and sincere hearts, praising God and enjoying favour of all the people

Leadership Principles from God’s Word: Change and Innovation

What is success? • 1. Knowing your purpose in life • 2. Growing to your maximun potential • 3. Sowing seeds that benefit others

Leadership Principles from God’s Word: Change and Innovation

Climbing the ladder There is no use whatever trying to help people who do not help themselves. You cannot push anyone up a ladder unless he or she is willing to climb himself/herself. Andrew Carnegie Leadership Principles from God’s Word: Change and Innovation

Consider a menu When we consider a menu we not only see the ingredients but the finished dish – we may even experience the pleasure its consumption will give ourselves and others Leadership Principles from God’s Word: Change and Innovation

There are two kinds of forethought Looking forward with pleasure Looking forward with apprehension

Leadership Principles from God’s Word: Change and Innovation

Select one problem • Select one problem you are currently facing. Describe it in one short sentence • What would it be like if you did not have that problem? Describe the situation in one short sentence

Leadership Principles from God’s Word: Change and Innovation

Resilience The ability to spring back, to recover

Leadership Principles from God’s Word: Change and Innovation

Your dreams • What are your dreams for yourself, children, your family…….. • Sometimes , our visions can frightens us. • Responsibility is not a burden. It is the ignition which switches on our internal engine Leadership Principles from God’s Word: Change and Innovation

Handle the change process in small steps • 1. • 2. • 3. • 4. • 5. • 6. • 7.

Reflective thinking Examine carefully Explore Try it Decide Commitment Let go of the old

Leadership Principles from God’s Word: Change and Innovation

Do you have untapped potential List the two or three areas in which you are not fully using your potential or you may have developed at all. Leadership Principles from God’s Word: Change and Innovation

Which are the things you feel threatened at this stage of your life? If you knew you had only one year to live which of these things would still be important to you? Leadership Principles from God’s Word: Change and Innovation

Questions for further reflection • Write down a big goal you have already achieved • List your ambitions • List some of your limitations • What are your greatest irritants?

Leadership Principles from God’s Word: Change and Innovation

Collapsing in a year! If your organisation was going to collapse in a year what would you do now to try to avoid that happening? Leadership Principles from God’s Word: Change and Innovation

Lasting change All real and lasting change starts on the inside, in our minds, and works its way out into reality Leadership Principles from God’s Word: Change and Innovation

Current versus future reality • Our idea of how things should look • We concentrate too much on current reality • Current reality is always changing • The clearer our current reality and vision, the clearer the gap between them Leadership Principles from God’s Word: Change and Innovation

We are picture-oriented • If our picture of current reality is brighter and clearer than our picture of the goal we will stick with current reality. • If current reality is stronger than the goal, we will after a little progress, return to current reality, and we will give up on the goal Leadership Principles from God’s Word: Change and Innovation

The next time • That’s not like me/you • I am too good for that or you are too good for that • The next time I intend to do….

Leadership Principles from God’s Word: Change and Innovation

Change your spouse, child colleague,… • Our power to do so is limited because we will working on them from the outside • Suppose, we changed ourselves, our attitudes towards them, our beliefs about them. • Would that change them? Leadership Principles from God’s Word: Change and Innovation

Celebrate your successes • Too many of us pass through our successes too quickly • What we need to do is to revisit them, privately, and give ourselves credit, quietly, for past achievement

Leadership Principles from God’s Word: Change and Innovation

Negative attitude • We are not born with our attitudes; we acquire them • We acquire them from our own experience of life and learning and from the people round about us • Do our attitudes help us go after the goal or do they get in the way? Leadership Principles from God’s Word: Change and Innovation

No Put-downs • For the next twenty-four hours I want you to play the above game • Eliminate all negative things about yourselves and others • In their place affirm positively yourself and the people round about you • If you slip up, do not quit; keep working on it Leadership Principles from God’s Word: Change and Innovation

The self talk of the pessimist versus optimist Pessimist


A person with a tendency to look on the bad, dark side of life, having a hopeless view of things

A person with a tendency to take a bright, hopeful view of things; always looking on the bright side

Leadership Principles from God’s Word: Change and Innovation

Self-talk • Self-talk is simply the conversation that each of us is carrying on with ourselves all day long. • It is estimated that about 50 000 thoughts go through our minds each day. • Every thought about every experience is recorded. Leadership Principles from God’s Word: Change and Innovation

Do you devalue yourself? When you devalue yourself, you lower your self-image and you self-regulate at that level Leadership Principles from God’s Word: Change and Innovation

Your self talk • Write down how you talk to yourself when you succeed. • Write down how you talk to yourself when, ocassionally, you fail. • We need to learn to control our self-talk to be positive and constructive. Leadership Principles from God’s Word: Change and Innovation

What do you value? • What makes you happy? • What maked you sad? • What do you dream about?

Leadership Principles from God’s Word: Change and Innovation

Let it go Say goodbye to yesterday. Yesterday end last night.

Leadership Principles from God’s Word: Change and Innovation

Positive self-image “ I see myself as…………….

Leadership Principles from God’s Word: Change and Innovation

Questions for reflection • What is the self-talk like within your team/department? • Where is it taking place? • How would you like it to be? • What can you do when you hear negative talk around you?

Leadership Principles from God’s Word: Change and Innovation

Comfort zones An area of perception and association within which the individual or the group can function effectively without fear or uneasiness Leadership Principles from God’s Word: Change and Innovation

Comfort zones • Yes but ….. • What if….. • Life is a “can’t” • The reason for the above are to be found in our comfort zones • Do we really want to change

Leadership Principles from God’s Word: Change and Innovation

Affirmations • There is a lot of negativity around us. • The negative self talk of others will drag us back. • It is essential, therefore, that we affirm at least twice a day, vividly , with emotion. Leadership Principles from God’s Word: Change and Innovation

Inspiration… Simply means breathing goodness into ….

Leadership Principles from God’s Word: Change and Innovation

See yourself as a tree • 1.What kind of tree are you? • 2. Are you deciduous or not? • 3. Do you have fruit or flowers or both? • 4. What are your branches and leaves like? • 5. Do you have to be pruned? Leadership Principles from God’s Word: Change and Innovation

See yourself as a tree • 6.Have you been pruned already? • 7. What kind of root system do you have? • 8. How often do you need water, sun and fertilser? • 9. Do you have birds nesting in yoour branches? Leadership Principles from God’s Word: Change and Innovation

See yourself as a tree • 10. Do you have insects in your bark, which are destroying you? • 11. Are your leaves, fruit or flowers poisonous? • 12.Do you have thorns? • 13.What is your function? Do you provide shade or are you a fruit tree Leadership Principles from God’s Word: Change and Innovation

Living a puposeful life • 1. Who am I? • 2. Why do I exist? • 3. Where am I going?

Leadership Principles from God’s Word: Change and Innovation

The four levels of happiness Immediate gratification or pleasure

Happiness Levels

Obsession with achievement Doing good for others Looking for ultimate being, truth, goodness, unity, beauty, love

Leadership Principles from God’s Word: Change and Innovation

The function of goal setting Viktor Frankl, in his book “ Man’s Search for Meaning”, about his life in the concentration camps showed that people with goals had a better chance of survival that those who were guided only by the routines of the camp. Leadership Principles from God’s Word: Change and Innovation

Goal setting 0: No goals as yet

1-2: Goals set, but no progress is being made 3-4: Goal set, and progress is already being made in a halfhearted way 5-6-7: Goal set, and progress towards the goal is being made in a satisfactory way. 8-9: Beginning to see the goal accomplished; close to achieving the goal 10: Goal accomplished Leadership Principles from God’s Word: Change and Innovation

Goal setting • • • • • • •

Personal Marriage Family Health physical Mental health Social Vocation/job

• Education • Community service • Retirement • Recreation/leisure time • Spiritual

Leadership Principles from God’s Word: Change and Innovation

We need to be REAL to be Successful -REAL • R - Relationships - Have Good relationships with people. • E - Equipping Others - Must train; coach & develop others. • A - Attitude - Have a positive Attitude - You choose your attitude. • L - Leadership - Be a Good Leader - You cannot go where you have not traveled. John C Maxwell

Leadership Principles from God’s Word: Change and Innovation

Isaiah 51:10 • It was You Lord, who dried up the sea and made a path through the water, so that those You were saving could cross. - God can do the impossible. - He can make a way in an impossible situation. Leadership Principles from God’s Word: Change and Innovation

Isaiah 51:10 • He parted a sea to save a nation. He can make a way through your situation and save you. PRAYER: Lord, I trust and believe that YOU will make a way for me. Bring me out on the other side, I pray. Amen. Leadership Principles from God’s Word: Change and Innovation

Prayer Focus • Father, I ask you to give me a complete understanding of what you want to do in my life, and I ask you to make me wise with spiritual wisdom. • I roll my works upon You, and You make my thoughts agreeable to your will and so my plans are established and succeed. • I have the mind of Christ and hold the thoughts, feelings and purposes of His heart. Amen Leadership Principles from God’s Word: Change and Innovation

But as for me and my household, WE WILL SERVE THE LORD. Joshua 24:15.

Our choices influence our lives. This influence extends to those around us. Choosing to serve the Lord is a vital choice. As for you, what will your choice be? Leadership Principles from God’s Word: Change and Innovation

But as for me and my household, WE WILL SERVE THE LORD. Joshua 24:15.

DECLARATION: As for me, I choose to serve the Lord! No matter what tomorrow brings or what it has in store, I will serve the Lord. PRAYER: Lord, I dedicate my life to You afresh. As I make this choice I pray that You will use me to touch the lives of others. Amen. Leadership Principles from God’s Word: Change and Innovation

Take what I have given you and change the world!

Leadership Principles from God’s Word: Change and Innovation

Leadership Principles from God’s Word: Change and Innovation

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