701 Sustainability through Crises

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MODULE 701 CHECKLIST FOY LEADING YOUR COMPANY THROUGH A CRISIS Contact Person Dr. Mario Denton Crown Financial Ministries Marketplace Programme Director for Africa Africa Director for FCCI (The Fellowship for Companies for Christ International) CEO STRONG MESSAGE BUSINESS CONSULTANT Let's keep the good marketplace vibes alive. Let's network. Tel (w) + 27(0) 82 88 29903. E-mail address: mario@crown.org.za Website: www.crown.org.za and click on marketplace E-mail address: marden@mweb.co.za website: www.strongmessage.co.za Skype: mario.denton


Answering the Call… ...With a CEO’s Emergency Checklist As we continue to address the current challenges we are facing globally, we promised a checklist to be used as a tool for each of us to plan and move ahead with intentionality - ensuring that we both respond effectively to the situation, and leverage this opportunity for maximum Kingdom impact. Here is a list for CEO/Owners and senior executives as we chart the course for our companies (can you tell there were pilots in the room?). Oh, yes, and even though I too often cringe when I hear these words from James, nevertheless, the principle is too important not keep on our screen – especially since “The joy of the Lord” is our strength, and it is that joy that will draw others to ask why we are different at times like this. “Consider it all joy, my brethren, when you encounter various trials, knowing that the testing of your faith produces endurance. And let endurance have its perfect result, so that you may be perfect and complete, lacking in nothing. But if any of you lacks wisdom, let him ask of God, who gives to all generously and without reproach, and it will be given to him.” (James 1:2-4 NASB)

Checklist for Leading Your Company through a Crisis PILOT’S EMERGENCY CHECKLIST First and Foremost - Fly the airplane.


It is your job to fly the plane. You have been trained to do this, and no one else can do what you have been so well prepared to do.

God has put you in this place at this time (John 15.16). No one else is better to do this than you. He has equipped you to carry out His purpose in this circumstance, no matter how grim (Phil 4:13).

Maintain control. Don’t panic. Don’t “eject”. Remember your training. Focus on what you need to do, not on the distractions around you. Keep your eyes on your instruments. Use them to guide you, not your feelings. In particular, watch the instruments to maintain the correct attitude relative to the ground. Don’t trust your instincts to know up from down. Trust your instruments and follow your training.

Focus on what you have: · God’s promise of direction (Prov. 3:5-6) and wisdom (Jas. 1:5). · God’s promise to provide for you (Phil 4:19, Jer. 17:7-8, Matt. 7:7-8, John 14:13, Is 41:10). · The Spirit of power (2 Tim 1:7). The love of God (Rom 8:39)


You may feel alone and desperate, but God will not forsake you (Deut 31:6). He has you on the radar screen with a purpose to bring you safely to your destination. Don’t give up (Eph 4:30). Do not rely on your feelings. Do not let your actions be swayed by the world around you. Rely on God’s Word. Trust God and follow His direction with trust and confidence in his love for you. Evaluate the present situation and assess your resources.

Evaluate the present situation and assess your resources.

· Check the fuel tank selector.


· Check your instruments, including fuel quantity.

First, check the most critical resources. ·

Check the vital signs for your business: cash, inventory, orders, payables, receivables, and whatever the important factors are to your business.


Know your situation for what it is.


Analyze what you can control and what you cannot control, then with God’s guidance; determine what is important and focus on the things you can control.

· Check the engine conditions: temperature, oil pressure, RPM. · Follow your checklist.

Ask the copilot to help. Continue to fly the airplane.

Rally your management team and employees to help with the current needs (Prov 15:22). Be courageous (Josh 1:9). Run the business under God’s direction.

Contact Air Traffic Control.

Connect with God to get direction.

· Let them know your situation.

· Pray regularly and continuously. (Phil 4:6-7, Col 1:9-12, Matt 6:6).

· Ask them for help. · Study Scripture relevant to the situation. · Listen to what they say. · Seek wise counsel (Prov 11:14) from your FCCI group or other advisors who share a Christian Worldview. Continue to fly the airplane.

· Listen – really listen -- to God’s voice speaking into your situation (Deut 30:20). · Maintain a quiet heart. Operate and control your business under


God’s direction.

Develop a plan and take action.

Figure out your next steps and take action.

· Determine the best strategy.

· Prepare the plan and follow it.

· Initiate the plan. · Inform the passengers appropriately. Be honest and real. Prepare them for the ride.

· Serve one another as God has commanded us (John 13:34). · Prepare the business for the turmoil and changes. Just waiting for business to pick up is unwise.

· Prepare the cabin. · Stay in control. An out-of-control airplane will crash.

· Inform your employees and shareholders appropriately. Be honest and real. Prepare them for the ride. · Stay in charge of the moment and business. Stay committed (Rom 12:10).

Continue to fly the airplane. Maintain control all the way to the ground. Everyone can survive that way.

· Plan for survival. Don’t write an obituary or sing a dirge.

Continue to run the business. Maintain control as events turn, in spite of external pressures and forces (Rev 12:10, 1Pet 5:8). Everyone can survive that way (Ps 100:2, Phil 2:14).

Dig deeper and learn more (Optional) This section includes various support material for further inspiration and encouragement and relates to the material covered in this section ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------4



701 A 701 B

When the fig tree is barren Storytelling

Date of completion

Inviting Jesus Into Your Life The Bible makes it clear that we have to do something to accept the gift that God offers. This is an act of faith. The Disciple John writes, “God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in Him will not perish but have everlasting life.” John 3:16 Believing involves an act of faith based on all that we know about Jesus. It is not blind faith. It is putting our trust in a Person. In some ways, it is like the step of faith taken by a bride and a bridegroom when they say, “I will,” on their wedding day. The key is three things: Sorry... Thank you... Please...

“Sorry” You have to ask God to forgive you for all the things you have done wrong and turn from everything that you know is wrong in your life. That is what the Bible means by “repentance.”

“Thank you” You believe that Jesus died for you on the cross. You need to thank Him for dying for you and for the offer of His free gifts of forgiveness, freedom and His Spirit.

“Please” God never forces His way into our lives. You need to accept His gift and invite Him to come and live within you by His Spirit. If you would like to have a relationship with


God and you are ready to say these three things, then here is a very simple prayer you can pray that will be the start of that relationship: Dear God - I am sorry for the things I have done wrong in my life. Please forgive me. I now turn from everything that I know is wrong. Thank you that Jesus died on the cross for me so that I could be forgiven and set free. Please come into my life by Your Holy Spirit to be with me forever. Thank you, Jesus. Amen Now what? If you have prayed this prayer, it is important to tell someone! This may be your Group Director, a fellow member of the group, perhaps a boss or co-worker who accepted this great gift of life at an earlier time. Then, find a way to get connected in a local church that loves Jesus and has a heart for the new believer.

Progress Report James 1:22-25 “Do not merely listen to the word, and so deceive yourselves. Do what it says. Anyone who listens to the word but does not do what it says is like a man who looks at his face in a mirror and, after looking at himself, goes away and immediately forgets what he looks like. But the man who looks intently into the perfect law that gives freedom, and continues to do this, not forgetting what he has heard, but doing it-- he will be blessed in what he does.” (NIV) Name




________________________________________ Participant’s Name: ________________________________________ The Biblical Truths (Principles) I learned from this module: 6


------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------I intend to apply this Truth (Principle) in my business by: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------________________________ _______________________ Participant









INFORMATION. FCCI team under auspices of Doug Hunter after the 29th FCCI global marketplace conference.

Material adapted by Dr. Mario Denton Mario is the International Field Continental Programme Director – Marketplace for Crown Africa, the Africa Director for FCCI (The Fellowship for Companies for Christ International) and the CEO of Strong Message Business Consultancy. He is an international teacher and industrial psychologist and uses his strong academic and corporate background and his uniquely effective coaching to help people tap into their inner being; to utilise their strengths and expand their skills to make a difference in the workplace. He 7

and his wife, Mariene, are based in Cape Town, South Africa, and are blessed with three grown sons.

Servant Copyright. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by an information storage and retrieval system without permission. Regarding permission to reprint material from this material, please write to Dr Mario Denton: Unless otherwise noted, Scripture quotations are from The Holy Bible, English Standard Version, copyright Š 2001 by Crossway Bibles, a division of Good News Publishers. Used by permission. All rights reserved.


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