KESounds Summer Term 2017
Welcome to the third edition of KESounds. Despite the focus of the Summer Term inevitably being exams in some shape or form, there is always something musical on the horizon whether it be Evensong at Chichester Cathedral, Battle of the Bands, Proms on the Heart or practical music exams. It is also a time of farewells when we say goodbye to pupils. This year we lose a number of musical pupils who have given much back to the school with both their time and their talents. Their absence next year will be a loss to the department. To somewhat balance that, it is always good to welcome past pupils back to sing with the choir at the Service for Old Witleians or to play in the orchestra for Proms on the Heart. It is very moving to hear how important music was to them whether it was the Chapel Choir or music more generally. It is also encouraging to see so many requests coming in for music lessons as the next generation of pupils start in September. Both the Leavers’ Service and Prize giving was a showcase of the breadth of talent that the Upper Sixth possessed. While the end of term Service and Awards ceremony on the last day of term suggests that the musical future of King Edward’s is very promising indeed.
Contents ABRSM Examination Results
Chichester Cathedral Choral Evensong
Guild of Freemen Service
Percussion Showcase
Culture Club Film Gala
QMH Exeat Concert
Vocal Showcase
Department BBQ
Godalming Parish Church Lunchtime Concert
Proms on the Heart
Voice for Life
ABRSM Examination Results March Results came in during the Easter holidays of music examinations sat at the end of the Spring Term. Another outstanding set of results with 100% pass rate, 70% of which were merits and distinctions for our pupils. Again this is far above the national average. Congratulations to all pupils and their teachers.
Prep Test Angela Pan flute
Grade 2 Merit James Li clarinet Pass Julian Sanchez violin
Grade 5 Pass Samuel Dyer theory Merit Felix Rockhill theory
Grade 8 Distinction Ella Hu flute
Grade 1 Merit Harry Naylor bassoon Distinction Monty Nelson trombone
Grade 3 Merit Warrick Agar saxophone Boris Less clarinet
Grade 7 Distinction Jozef Gaszka organ
Chichester Cathedral Evensong Wednesday 26th April King Edward’s Chapel Choir has been enjoying much success over the last few years. The choir now boasts some 36 members across the age range from 1st Form to Upper Sixth. As the choir has expanded, so we have expanded our repertoire which has enabled us to have the opportunity to sing services in some of Great Britain’s most magnificent Cathedrals and Abbeys. And so it was on Wednesday 26th April that we found ourselves in minibus convoy trundling through the beautiful West Sussex countryside heading towards to the imposing spire of Chichester Cathedral. As we made our way through the cloisters to our rehearsal in the ‘song room’, we were able to appreciate the wonderful architecture of this 900 year old building adding yet more excitement and anticipation to the occasion. The Cathedral very kindly arranged tea and cake just before the service providing us with a much needed energy boost. The choir, now well versed in the ancient tradition of evensong, were on top form. The canticles for the evening, Noble in b minor, filled the Cathedral with a wonderful sound and was swiftly followed by Parry’s glorious setting of ‘I was Glad’. From the moment the organ begins its triumphant introduction to the first choral cloudburst, the resulting spine-tingling effect on the congregation was palpable. It was an honour and a privilege for the Chapel Choir of King Edward’s to be part of the daily offering of music performed in the Cathedral’s marvellous acoustics. We look forward to returning to Chichester next year. Mrs Victoria Attwater
Annual Service for the Guild of Freemen Thursday 27th April The Annual Service for the Freemen of the City of London takes place each year at the start of the Summer Term in the church of St Lawrence Jewry. Located in the shadow of Guildhall and designed by Sir Christopher Wren, it is a suitably grand church for such formal services. Having just sung Evensong at Chichester Cathedral the day before, the choir were in fine voice and sang with a clear enjoyment of the challenging music. Each year after the Service the choir are treated to a reception and presented with a cheque. The reception in the Cutler’s Hall was a relaxing event in grand surroundings. Our pupils were excellent ambassadors for the School as they spoke with members of the Guild. This was the final outing for the choir of what has been a very busy but wonderful year. Mr Stasio Sliwka
Percussion Showcase Thursday 4th May
On Thursday afternoon it was the turn of our percussionists to take to the stage in this year’s Showcase series tour through the different families of instruments. A diverse array of music was on display from all our performers such as Man on the Moon by REM, played by Warrick Agar, to the Manny’s blues by Pete Riley, played by Misha Seale. All the drummers showed off their stage presence with confidence and they should all be immensely proud of playing in this showcase. A special thanks to our percussion teacher, Mr Simon Whittaker, for getting our percussionists ready for this concert. Mr Theo Frazer
Culture Club Film Music Gala Saturday 6th May
Culture Club was off to the Royal Albert Hall once again but this time for an evening of film music played by the London Philharmonic Orchestra. Upon arrival the mood was one of excitement as the group tucked into picnics in Hyde Park before making their way into the auditorium. The Royal Albert Hall was full to capacity with audiences eager to hear the LPO play a vast array of film scores such as Titanic, Star Wars and even Frozen Let it go. Another fabulous evening for the Culture Club rounding off this year’s trips. Plans are already afoot for next year’s selection of trips. Mr Theo Frazer
Exeat Concert Friday 12th May It’s been a wonderful school year for concerts thus far. Our twice termly Exeat Concerts never fail to attract a crowd and the QMH Exeat Concert on 12th May was no exception. The concert was open to any Queen Mary House boarder or day pupil to come forward and showcase their talent to a captive audience. The Dance Studio became our venue during this exam season and as the 2.30pm curtain call approached it was full of students and parents ready with cameras and applause. Needless to say, they were not disappointed. The concert was opened by pianist Thomas Clarke playing a lively Scottish melody; he returned later in the programme this time with his violin to play a traditional Norwegian song. This international theme was continued by our next few performers. Pianist Tobi Ajose took us to Asia with his strident performance of ‘Tiger Prowl’ and then it was off to Poland with violinist Amari Lake and his steady rendition of ‘The Grey Dove’ by Komorowski. We then made a swift about turn when pianist Chelsea Kepdep Semou made us all think of summer holidays to come with a lovely Spanish melody. Two of our QMH kit players, Warrick Agar and Alistair Hashemi were in action to get the foot tapping going. Trombonist Monty Nelson transported use to the land of musicals playing ‘One hand, One Heart’ from West Side Story and he also returned on piano to play the unforgettable ‘Imagine’, by John Lennon. The stage and screen theme continued, Clemence Trovo gave a moving performance of ‘What I did for Love’, from A Chorus Line. Violinist Maria Olayinka made us remember the wonderful Judy Garland with her performance of ‘Somewhere over the Rainbow’. Harvey King who performed the Star Wars theme on saxophone having received just 2 lessons was a real inspiration to any shrinking violets! Whilst we are on the subject of shrinking violets…. Harry Naylor, Ben Charles, Ben Garrett were all on top form, Ben G and Ben C as pianists and singers and Harry on guitar and vocal. The concert was followed by a splendid tea in the Recital Room; not a crumb was left. We look forward to the next performance from QMH. Mrs Victoria Attwater
Vocal Showcase Friday 9th June
Friday 9th June saw the last, but by no means least, of our informal Showcase Concerts, as the singers took to the stage to show us just how far they have come this year. All styles and genres were on show; sombre pieces such as Music for a while by Purcell, to the musical delights of Singing in the Rain (from which the musical gets its name). Solos and duets a plenty in this full programme of music delights for a wonderful evening, and one that ended our showcase season for the year on a high note. Warm thanks to our singing teacher Mr Danny Standing and to all the visiting music teachers who organised a lovely season of Showcase Concerts this year. After this year’s success, these are set to become a regular feature of the department. Mr Theo Frazer
Department BBQ Monday 19th June
It was a beautiful Monday in June. The birds were singing (in tune), the sun was shining (hard), what more could we ask for on a Monday on top of our orchestra and choir rehearsals? It could only be the annual Music School Summer BBQ! And so it was. The festivities began in earnest at 6.00pm. The new Tandoori oven had been heating up for some time in readiness for the splendid chicken kebabs that duly made their way from the kitchen. Venison sausages, steaks and a multitude of salads and sides were also on the menu and beautifully prepared and presented by Chris and his team. The cooking was done with aplomb by Mr Sliwka and Mrs Attwater. There were cold drinks in abundance, as well as the obligatory strawberries and ice cream. Just when we thought we couldn’t manage anything more it was time for the entertainment to begin in the form of Karaoke. The Recital Room became the venue where we all flocked to listen and sing along to some old favourites, as well as some more ‘modern’ numbers found by the more ‘modern’ music students. Extensions were sought and given by kind House Staff and the dancing began in earnest with ‘The Time Warp’ quickly becoming a new, firm favourite for many of the party goers left with enough puff. Ideas were planned for many, many different musicals in the coming years, who knows, they may well happen on the strength of talent on display at this fantastic event. Much fun was being had by all, but all good things must come to an end and so, with a heavy heart, the Music School BBQ came to a close for another year.
Mrs Victoria Attwater
Lunchtime Concert Godalming Friday 16th June Our final stop this year in our external Lunchtime Concert series was at St Peter and Paul in Godalming. Traditionally the preserve of the more seasoned performer from the Music School; 16th June saw the opportunity for some of our youngest musicians to test out their performance prowess on the general public. We had a wonderful array of instruments and music from our 1st Form contingent, Saxophonist Warrick Agar made us lose ourselves for a few minutes with Mussorgsky’s Pictures at an Exhibition. Trombonist Monty Nelson transported us to gangland New York and Bernstein’s West Side Story. Max Manzi was on fine treble form with a beautiful rendition of Ireland’s Spring Sorrow and completing the line-up for the 1st Form we heard Scottish Jig from pianist Thomas Clarke. For any young musician, performing can be a daunting prospect but luckily our youngsters had the help of more senior pupils to inspire them in their musical endeavours. Our new Heads of Chapel Choir from the Lower Sixth, Ella Garrett and Charlie Rudge were very much on song. Charlie sang the famous Italian aria ‘Caro mio ben’ and Ella gave a very moving performance of ‘A Chloris’ by Hahn. The 5th Form was also well represented. Violette Foley sang two of her exam pieces, by Copland and Pergolesei, with a beautiful, clear tone. This was followed by Felix Rockhill who played wonderfully on euphonium and trombone. Last but not least, our organist Josef Gaszka performed some repertoire from his recent grade 7 exam including the thrilling ‘Suite Gothique’ by Boellmann and the entrancing ‘Musette’ by Ibert. A splendid performance by all with much promise from the younger generation of King Edward’s musicians. Please do join us in September as we begin our concert series again starting at Christ Church in Woking. Mrs Victoria Attwater
Proms on the Heart Saturday 1st July
Now in its third year, it was good to see so many parents, pupils, Old Witleians and staff enjoying music, sunshine and refreshments provided by KESPA. Holding any event outside leaves us at the mercy of the weather, the wind in the case of music and difficulties with sound. However, the informal atmosphere and sunshine more than compensated. This year the focus was very much on ensembles both small and large to take to the stage. Whilst some ensembles were well established, there were many new ones to make their debut. In all there were fourteen ensembles performing with over one hundred pupils involved. From large ensembles involving all of Queen Mary House, to smaller ensembles such as the three bands, all preformed with aplomb and made for an evening of real entertainment. There was something for everyone with the traditional pomp and circumstance of the last night of the proms to the one solo of the evening sung stylishly by Isobel Craig. The evening was one of real celebration of talent from across the school and it was great to see some of the 5th Form and Upper Sixth coming back to School to perform. As well as any profits from the KESPA refreshments going to the School, the Charity Committee was raising money for the School’s two chosen charities; the NSPCC and Nyumbani UK. Mr Stasio Sliwka
Battle of the Bands & KESW has got Talent Monday 3rd July Although at this time of the year numbers at school can be somewhat depleted with the Upper Sixth, Pre-Sixth and 5th Form having finished, what was clear from Monday 3rd July is that KESW has still got plenty of talent. Although KESW Has Got Talent is not a first for the School, Battle of the Bands was. The name Battle of the Bands was perhaps a pseudonym of sorts as Houses were given a blank canvas on which to create a music video. This might feature a band or live music performed by the House, or alternatively, the use of technology might be employed to produce a track using a pre-existing song and adapting it. Despite the inevitable problems when using technology, the end results were all varied in their approach. Taking into account the judges vote, as well as a pupils vote using Firefly, the winner was Grafton with music composed and performed by Oscar Warford and the video produced by Daniel Varbanov. These videos were interspersed with a variety of live acts from a comedy routine, to musical performances and who could forget the palpable tension towards the end of the competition. Would bottle flip work first time – yes it did much to the delight of the audience. This was an evening of fun arranged by Fr David and the Charity Committee raising money for the School’s chosen charities.
Mr Stasio Sliwka
Voice for Life The international Voice for Life programme run by the Royal Society of Church Music (RSCM) was set up this year to develop and support younger members in their introduction to the choir. The lower school students have been to weekly lunchtime sessions focusing on a broad range of topics related to the choral and liturgical aspects they are part of in Services throughout the school year. From the first week pupils have made good progress building a solid foundation on their vocal technique as well as important skills of singing in a choir. An intake of 23 students in the programme has yielded great results in internal and external examinations. This culminated in members being awarded the second and third stages of award for internal exams. Emily Tapley was recently awarded, with commendation, the bronze (Dean's chorister) award for choral singing from the RSCM. This has been a fantastic start to the programme and we look forward to seeing the members develop further in the future.
Mr Theo Frazer
Autumn Term Calendar Wednesday 20th September 4.30pm
Annual Countess of Munster Trust Masterclass for pianists Alexandra Vaduva
Wednesday 20th September 7pm
Annual Countess of Munster Trust Concert with pianist Alexandra Vaduva
Friday 22nd September 2.30pm
Exeat Concert – Selborne Room GCSE pupils
Wednesday 27th September 5pm
Choral Evensong – Southwark Cathedral
Friday 29th September 9am – 4pm
Musical Day of Discovery Pre-Sixth – Music School
Sunday 1st October 12.30-2.30pm
KESPA BBQ – Exhibition Hall
Monday 2nd October 12:40pm
Christchurch Woking Lunchtime Concert
Tuesday 10th October 4.15pm
Knapton Music Scheme Launch 1st Form Music School
Thursday 12th October 9am-4pm
KESW Orchestral Day
Friday 13th October 10.45am
Admissions Ceremony - Chapel
Friday 3rd November 2-5pm
Perfecting Practice in Music – Workshop given by Paul Harris
Friday 3rd November 7pm
Music Scholars’ and Music Prefects Concert– Recital Room
Tuesday 7th November 5-7pm
ABRSM Theory Selborne Room
Wednesday 8th November 4.45pm
Choral Evensong – Busbridge Church 150th Anniversary same music
Thursday 9th November 4.15pm
Brass Showcase – Music School
Sunday 12th November 10.30am
Remembrance - Chapel
Tuesday 14th November 7.30pm
Music for Youth Proms Royal Albert Hall – Culture Club
Wednesday 15th November 4.15pm
Guitar Showcase – Music School
Saturday 18th November 9.30am-12noonWorkshop for those taking music exams this year Thursday 23rd November 4.15pm
Wind Showcase - Music School
Friday 24th November 2.30pm
Exeat Concert – Selborne Room performance concert
Friday 1st December 11.15am-1.05pm
Dress Rehearsal for School Concert
Friday 1st December 7pm
School Concert – Charter Hall
Monday 4th December (week of)
ABRSM Practical Examinations – Recital Room
Tuesday 5th December 4.15pm
Piano Showcase – Music School
Wednesday 13th December all day
Choir rehearsals for Carol Service
Thursday & Friday 14th & 15th December Carol Services