Bulletin June 2012

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King Edward VI School

June Bulletin 28th June, 2012


he major news that we announced just before half term was the acquisition of Stroud Preparatory School which will now be known as Stroud – the King Edward VI Preparatory School.

CHANGES TO PE & GAMES KIT From September 2012, boys will use navy shorts and girls will use navy skorts for PE. White shorts/skorts will no longer be required.

The intention is to combine the best features of King Edward’s and Stroud by sharing, where appropriate and feasible, the facilities, staff and resources to give each pupil the best education we can from the early years until university entry, while preserving the particular identities of the two schools so that each retains its distinctive character and style.

It is recommended that boys have two pairs of navy shorts due to the muddy nature of rugby.

Annual Athletics Sports Day 2012 Friday 29th June 1.00pm until 4.45pm on the School field

The leadership team at Stroud will continue to provide the best possible impartial advice about which secondary school is appropriate for each child’s future, considering the wishes of parents and looking at a range of options. Entry procedures to King Edward’s will remain unchanged.

Parents and friends are warmly invited to attend and we would be delighted to see you on the day All students are required on site until 4.45pm. If a pupil must leave before this time, agreement must be sought from their Head of Year in advance and the pupil will require a letter from home, also signed by their Head of Year

Head Master

KETA buses will leave at approximately 4.45pm

Reports for First to Fourth Year pupils will be posted to parents on or before Wednesday 18th July.

SCHOOL LUNCH REMINDER The deadline for changes to school lunch arrangements for the Autumn Term is: Wednesday 4th July

‘Looking Forward’ Evening for Fourth Year Parents th 11 July at 7pm in the Dobson Theatre

The price for a lunch from September is £3.35 The Student Guidance team will examine the implications of A level choices and Mr Courtney will look at how we assess students’ strengths and weaknesses. The Sixth Form team will also be looking at options for the future.

It will not be possible to meet requests that arrive after the deadline Please email dinners@kes.hants.sch.uk giving pupil name, tutor group and the change intended No action is required if arrangements are to continue as at present

Ultimately, we want our students to be better able to make decisions about their own academic careers, and the evening should help you as parents to help them to do so.

Any request using the dinners@kes email address will be acknowledged 1

Parents’ Guide

Staff & Parent Prayer Meeting with communion celebration Tuesday 3rd July 1pm - 2pm This will be held in Room M1

The most up-to-date version of the Parents’ Guide is available on the School’s website under the Information/Parents’ Guide tab or by clicking here. There is a modified version for parents of Sixth Form students.

JUNIOR HOUSE Junior House is a House based competition, where teams from each House play against each other in the sports that are appropriate to the term. It takes place on a limited number of Friday evenings and it is compulsory for all members of the Second and Third year. Matches on these evenings finish by 5.15pm.

Over the past twelve months we have added sections regarding Uniform, Supervision of pupils, Parents Information Evenings, Child Protection, Sex and Relationship Education, Internet Safety and Substance Abuse. Additions or changes have also been made to the existing sections on the Bike Shed, School Site, Lockers, School Meals, Communication, Medical Room, KETA buses and Detentions.

Junior House is an integral part of the School educational experience as it provides opportunities for pupils to learn to play in a team and for them to realise the importance of the individual within the context of a group situation. We also hope that they will enjoy the experience!

If you would like a printed copy of the Parents’ Guide please do not hesitate to contact Mrs Wood, the SMT Secretary at psw@kes.hants.sch.uk and she will be happy to send you one.

It has been disappointing in the past that some pupils have not been able to attend Junior House due to appointments, music lessons or weekends away. These pupils not only miss out on the experience of Junior House, but they also let down other members of their team.


By publishing the dates in advance, it is intended that a clash with any other activity can be avoided.

Tuesday 4th September

The dates are as follows:-

NEW PUPILS Year I Years II & III Year IV Lower VI

Term Autumn 2012 Spring 2013 Summer 2013

8.40am to 3.55pm 8.50am to 3.55pm 11.00am to 3.55pm 8.30am to 3.55pm

Dates September 14thand 28th October 5th, 12th and 19th February 8th March 1st, 8th, 15th and 22nd May 10th (with May 17th as a reserve date)

ALL OTHER PUPILS Year II & III 1.45pm to 3.55pm Years IV & V 1.45pm to 3.55pm Lower VI 8.55am to 3.55pm Upper VI 9.00am to after 12.30pm

Third Year Theatre Studies Evening Wednesday 4th July

(Prepositors and First Year/Lower School Prefects will be needed during the afternoon)

Third Year Theatre Studies students will be performing extracts from plays ranging from comedy to the supernatural

Wednesday 5th September Normal school times apply.

The performances start at 7.30pm in the Dobson Theatre. 2

If you drop off and pick up your child from the school please see letter regarding parking from Hampshire Constabulary.

WATERSPORTS 2013 Details of the 2013 Watersports trip are now available by clicking here. Open to current First, Second and Third Year pupils, the trip is based around Lac Biscarosse, near Bordeaux and activities include windsurfing, sailing, canoeing, body boarding and mountain biking.

EXAMINATION RESULTS GCE (A and AS) results will be published on

Thursday 16th August GCSE results will be published on

Thursday 23rd August If you would like your son or daughter to take part in this exciting trip please send back the reply form as soon as possible as numbers are limited.

Please see the Examination page on the website for post results help and information


DATES FOR YOUR DIARY Friday 29th June Tues 3rd July Wed 4th July Thur 5th July

Friday 6th July Sun 8th July Tues 10th July Mon 9th July Wed 11th July Thurs 12th July Friday 13th July

Sports Day Visit of new Third Year pupils and parents House Debating Competition Lower Sixth English Literature trip: Lovaton: returns 6th July Visit of new First Year pupils and parents Second Year Normandy Exchange: returns 8th July Dale Fort Biology trip: returns 11th July Third Year WWI Battlefields trip: returns 6th July Royal Society Summer Science Exhibition Visit of new First Year pupils and parents Activities Day - Olympic Celebration Day Fourth Year Geography trip: returns 9th July Extended Project trip: Lovaton: returns 12th July Cancer Research Race for Life Fourth Year Looking Forwards Day House Dance Competition Swimming Gala That Certain Uncertainty: Theatre Royal, Winchester That Certain Uncertainty: Theatre Royal, Winchester - Matinee/Eve Summer Camp trip: Swanage: returns 18th July

For the most up to date calendar events please click on: http://www.kes.hants.sch.uk/

Swimming Gala This year sees a slightly different flavour to the lower school swimming Gala at Southampton University Jubilee Pool with the inclusion of a special vintage Olympic event – the Plunge.

FABRIC REQUEST Have you any old bits of fabric that you no longer require i.e. bolt ends, curtains, etc? If they are clean and not too worn the Design and Technology department would like them. In the second year students make bags from recycled fabric so any usable bits would be great.

Spectator space is limited. Full details can be found here: http://www.kes.hants.sch.uk/events/swimming-gala THAT CERTAIN UNCERTAINTY! Theatre Royal, Winchester July 11th & 12th at 7.30pm The cast of 70 pupils will be performing a revised version of the musical comedy about love, life and quantum physics at the Theatre Royal in Winchester. As tickets are on sale to the general public we advise that you make your bookings in good time. Tickets can be purchased from the Theatre Royal box office on 01962 840440 or via the website www.theatreroyalwinchester.co.uk

There will be a special matinee and introductory lecture on Thursday 12th July at 2.00pm. This is primarily for local schools but tickets can also be purchased at the above address. 4

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