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Learning At Stroud
The children are taught through a mixture of adult-led and child-led sessions. Children learn best when they are highly engaged and motivated. We utilise the children’s interests and questions to develop their learning, as well as exposing them to new interests and opportunities for discovery.
Our curriculum is enriched through trips and visits as well as whole school events such as ‘Languages Day’. During these events the children take part in themed activities that provide inspiration and develop skills such as collaboration and communication.
At Stroud we emcourage our children to be ready, aware and kind.
Our facilities offer a wide range of exciting indoor and outdoor learning areas. All our classrooms lead out to a covered outdoor classroom and this then leads onto a large garden area. Many of our children choose to learn outside, so there are as many opportunities to learn and discover outdoors, as there are in. Beyond the Early Years area is a sports hall, swimming pool, farm and Forest School area, which our children access throughout the week. The children are taught by specialist teachers for PE, Swimming, Yoga, Ballet, ICT, Music, Forest School and in Reception, French.