KES Focus on learning Issue 22

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Issue 23

Independent Learning: What role does the teacher have to play? Independent Learning defined: There are more definitions of independent learning than I’ve had hot dinners, but one rather neat one that I’ve come across is this: “Independent learning is a process, a method and a philosophy of education whereby a learner acquires knowledge by his or her own efforts and develops the ability for enquiry and critical evaluation” Essentially in promoting independent learning we are encouraging and enabling our students to become self-directed in their learning experiences and to have more autonomy and control over their learning. In practice, most learning involves independent elements such as:

Finding and collecting information

Making decisions about what to study and when

Carrying out investigations or projects

Learners learning at their own pace using ICT or VLEs

Completing homework, extension work or coursework assignments

However, even within these independent elements there is a great deal of range over the degree of true independence a learner has. For example, we might imagine that homework would always represent independent learning – which it does to a degree – but think of the difference in learner experience and autonomy between completing a fairly tightly pre-defined worksheet compared after each lesson compared to completing a much more loosely defined, longer term project on a topic related to the lessons but not entirely driven by the classroom learning. Essentially true independent learning unshackles the learner from being tied down to very specific learning experiences and will allow them to direct themselves a lot more in determining exactly what they will learn about and how. Surely the teacher is redundant? A drive for independent learning within and beyond the classroom certainly means a change in role from the teacher. With more emphasis on learners taking responsibility for their learning the teachers’ role becomes one of leader rather than controller of learning. Instead of an ‘imparter of knowledge’ the teacher becomes a ‘facilitator of learning’ The role of the teacher is far from redundant. In fact, arguably, it is more important than ever. Old style ‘chalk and talk’ learning can realistically be completed by anyone brave enough to stand up in front of a class and with enough knowledge / memory or preparation to be able to impart the appropriate amount of information. At it’s worse, directed learning of this type is entirely pre-prepared, there is very little deviation and the teacher’s job is really just one of imparting information – and controlling the crowd!

Conversely, in an independent learning environment, the teacher’s role is a lot more complex. They need to have a far greater level of or access to skills and knowledge in order to respond to the inevitably far broader curriculum covered by pupils with diverse strengths and interests. They also need to be infinitely flexible in order to help facilitate a wide range of learning opportunities. Most importantly they need to hone the very difficult skill of teaching learners to learn – this is a lot harder than simply teaching facts and figures – but it is also infinitely more valuable to learners. Teacher as facilitator, mentor, coach and guide: Teachers are able to help learning in a myriad of ways and these will vary with every lesson and every student, but some key ways that teachers can act as facilitator, mentor, coach and guide are by:

Providing learners with resource materials

Whetting learners appetites to learn

Providing learners with opportunities to test out their learning

Giving learners feedback on their progress and

Helping learners to make sense of what they have learned

What’s so great about Independent Learning anyway? Directed learning, or teaching to the test usually results in pupils passing the exams and jumping through the hoops that the educational system requires of them. But it doesn’t prepare them at all for life beyond the classroom – and in most cases it squeezes out any passion, enjoyment or spark they might have had for learning in the first place. Independent learners have abilities that will stand them in good stead both during and beyond their education such as their ability to:

Acquire and deploy information

Communicate effectively using different media

Organise themselves

Problem solve and

Relate to others

How to promote Independent Learning: One of the most important roles of the teacher is to promote independent learning. There are a number of practices you can build into your teaching to encourage independent learning during every lesson. These include:

Giving pupils choices so they can reflect on their own interests and preferences

Encouraging group work so that learners can learn from each other

Collaborate with pupils to set shared learning goals

Involve pupils in lesson planning

Encourage pupils to reflect and plan in learner diaries

Encourage self and peer editing before work is handed in

Independent Learning needs teachers too! So in short, the teacher doesn’t become redundant once independent learning becomes firmly embedded. In fact, quite the contrary is true. The teacher’s role becomes more important than ever. It does, however, change beyond all recognition.

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