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Sixth Form Support and Guidance
We have an experienced counsellor on-site throughout the school day. Students can book a confidential slot with the counsellor for support, whether it’s school related or not.
School Nurses
We have a team of school nurses on-site throughout the school day. Students can pop in and see the nurses at any point.
Our Chaplain, Mr Robinson, offers the opportunity for an informal chat for those of all faiths and none.
Your tutor will play a key role in your time at King Edward’s Sixth Form. Your tutor will get to know you well, monitor your progress and support and guide you. You’ll have time with your tutor every morning.
Curriculum Support
All students at King Edward’s have, as a matter of principle, equal access to the school’s curriculum, notwithstanding any disability or identified learning difficulties. Sixth Form students, who have been assessed with a Specific Learning Difficulty and are on the Curriculum Support Register, will be monitored and their provision based around their SEN reviewed annually. Examples of support that can be offered by Curriculum Support include: study skills, literacy and social emotional intervention.
Sixth Form Pastoral Team
Your Head of Year has an office in the Concourse and is available every day before school, and at numerous points throughout the day, to talk to you about any aspect of your school life or academic, personal and social development. They will offer practical and emotional support throughout your two years in the Sixth Form.
Careers & Higher Education Support
We have an experienced team dedicated to supporting each student during their time with us.
A flexible work experience programme is available to all students, providing an insight into an array of possible careers; subject-specific and career-specific Careers Conferences are advertised regularly; Sixth Form Careers lunches provide students with the opportunity to meet people in different occupations (medicine, law, IT, engineering, science, finance, media, etc) and begin networking, whilst The Foundation Studies programme of short courses offers insight into different aspects of preparation for life after King Edward’s such as presentation skills and basic budgeting.
The annual HE and Careers Fair, provides students with the chance to meet representatives from most of the top 25 UK universities, plus the Armed Forces, Gap year companies, Apprentice Organisations and employers. Representatives are available for information and advice on choosing both a higher education and specific subject options at university.
We also hold a Careers Day for all Lower Sixth Formers, offering external support for building CVs and a digital work profile. All members of the Sixth Form will undergo a ‘work-place’ practice interview and more tailored practice interviews are offered to all those requiring them for university applications or work experience.
In Summer Term, University Open Day visits are arranged. Students considering Higher Education are strongly urged to view potential institutions.
Towards the end of the academic year the Lower Sixth are introduced to the central UK university applications programme, UCAS APPLY and are encouraged to research various courses or other options that appeal to them. Students are also able to attend Personal Statement workshops to gain a better understanding of how to write the best personal statement of their own and advice is given to all members of the Lower Sixth on the whole application process. Through the year students are also introduced to other possible HE routes other than attending a UK university - such as studying abroad or doing a Higher or Degree level apprenticeship.
Informal careers advice continues to be given throughout the Upper Sixth Year as students progress through the university application process and during the Summer holidays, a Post Results Clinic is available to offer advice to those candidates on receipt of their A Level results.