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Admissions & How to Apply
Internal Candidates
If you have successfully completed your GCSE courses of study in the Upper School here, we expect you to be able to make the transition to our Sixth Form.
However, in making your A Level choices, remember to choose subjects that you enjoy, that you are good at and that are in line with your intentions for higher education.
All students must have at least three GCSEs at grade A/7 and at least three at grade B/6 or higher. Additionally, we expect all students to have achieved a minimum of C/4 grade in both English Language and Mathematics.
New subjects
If you intend to take a new subject in the Sixth Form, you should have done well at GCSE level in an equivalent subject.
The school’s policy is that we would normally expect a student to have a B/6 or higher at GCSE in the relevant subject or its near equivalent unless there are mitigating factors. An A/7 is preferable, however, and in a number of subjects such as Biology, Chemistry, Physics, Mathematics and Modern Foreign Language, it is the expectation of the school that a student achieves at least an A/7 at GCSE. This is to ensure that the student’s knowledge and skills are at a sufficient level to allow access to the subject in the King Edward’s Sixth Form and to offer the realistic prospect of a successful outcome at A Level.
Talk to your subject teacher before committing yourself to a particular A Level, and talk to your tutor about your intended combination of Sixth Form courses. Other sources of advice are Dr Thomas, Head of Upper School, Mr Culver, Director of Sixth Form, Mrs Millar, Director of Higher Education and the careers advice team.
Transition from Lower to Upper Sixth
The continuation of a subject into the Upper Sixth is dependent on achieving a pass grade in the Lower Sixth examinations. Students must study a minimum of three courses to full A Level.
General queries about the Sixth Form curriculum should be addressed to Dr Waymark either by emailing bmw@kes.hants.sch.uk or by calling 023 8070 4561.
External Candidates
If you have successfully completed your GCSE courses of study at your present school, we expect you to be able to make the transition to our Sixth Form.
However, in making your A Level choices, remember to choose subjects that you enjoy, that you are good at and that are in line with your intentions for higher education. All students must have at least three GCSEs at grade A/7 and at least three at grade B/6 or higher. Additionally, we expect all students to have achieved a minimum of C/4 grade in both English Language and Mathematics.
New subjects
If you intend to take a new subject in the Sixth Form, you should have done well at GCSE level in an equivalent subject.
The school’s policy is that we would normally expect a student to have a B/6 or higher at GCSE in the relevant subject or its near equivalent unless there are mitigating factors. An A/7 is preferable, however, and in a number of subjects such as Biology, Chemistry, Physics, Mathematics and Modern Foreign Language, it is the expectation of the school that a student achieves at least an A/7 at GCSE. This is to ensure that the student’s knowledge and skills are of a sufficient level to allow access to the subject in the King Edward’s Sixth Form and to offer the realistic prospect of a successful outcome at A Level.
The Admissions Process
Senior members of staff and subject specialists will interview Sixth Form candidates at the beginning of March. As a result of these interviews, and on the basis of a candidate’s potential GCSE results, either conditional or unconditional offers of a Sixth Form place may be made.
To learn more about joining our Sixth Form and to request an application pack, contact our registrar, Mrs Sheppard by emailing registrar@kes.hants.sch.uk.
Transition from Lower to Upper Sixth
The continuation of a subject into the Upper Sixth is dependent on achieving a pass grade in the Lower Sixth examinations. Students must study a minimum of three courses to full A Level.
General queries about the Sixth Form curriculum should be addressed to Dr Waymark either by emailing bmw@kes.hants.sch.uk or by calling 023 8070 4561.
Key Dates
Sixth Form Information Evening Thursday 21 October 2021
Sixth Form Tea Wednesday 1 December 2021
Sixth Form Interviews Saturday 12 March 2022
Sixth Form Offers Emailed Friday 18 March 2022