1 minute read
The Lower Sixth Timetable
Your Lower Sixth timetable will be made up as follows:
• 11 class periods in each of your A Level subjects • 4 periods of Games • 1 period of Open Forum • 2 periods of Foundation Studies • 5 periods of Private Study • 9 periods of supervised study for those on 3 subjects
The aim of Private Study is to provide time for you in School to build on what you do in class in a relatively independent manner - by reading around your subjects, researching topics in depth or preparing written or other assignments. Of course it’s not expected that you will spend every minute of every such period working: you need to take time to have a break and have a coffee, read the paper or talk with friends. But you will be expected to manage your time sensibly and organise your independent work effectively. You will find the Sixth Form study area and the Library & Resources Centre are good places for this kind of study. It may be possible to use other areas, eg Art, DT, Music or IT facilities by arrangement with the appropriate staff.
They may set you particular pieces of work to be completed in those periods or expect you to have done some reading or research in them. The key thing is that they - and you - will expect there to be an outcome, which might be a completed piece of work or evidence that you have increased your knowledge or skills. The teacher-guided nature of the Directed Study for those taking three subjects will help you work on additional subject specific skills. If you are uncertain about how best to manage your Private Study time, your tutor and subject teachers will be able to give you good advice.