2 minute read
From the Director of Sixth Form
The Sixth Form years are such an exciting and formative time, and it is a real pleasure to lead students through these years and see them develop into confident, well-informed and well-rounded young adults, ready to move on to the next stage of their lives.
In terms of the curriculum, so many students blossom when they are able to choose and concentrate on the subjects that really light their fire. We offer a full range of 26 subjects in the Sixth Form at King Edward’s, all academically rigorous, and all taught in small groups of around ten students by specialist teaching staff. For some students narrowing the choice of subjects is difficult, whilst for others the choice is clear. All students are encouraged to make their choices against the three touchstones of enjoyment, ability, and fit with future higher education and career plans. The academic curriculum is enriched at King Edward’s through the Foundation Studies programme in which all students participate. It combines a core set of life skills in areas such as politics, personal finance, presenting and public speaking, road-readiness for young drivers, and university and career planning, with optional courses in areas such as cookery, travel safety, art appreciation, and even powerboating and drone building. Time spent in the classroom is not the only vital part of the King Edward’s Sixth Form experience. Time and again, former pupils tell me that some of their most enduring and fondest memories are from participating on the sports field, school trips and expeditions, charitable endeavours, performing on stage or in the concert hall, leading assemblies or helping younger students develop academically and socially. These experiences are fun and enriching for their own sake but, in addition, employers increasingly tell us that in a crowded field of graduate applicants, it is the skills and character formed in opportunities outside the classroom that mark out the most highly prized employment candidates. Our annual Careers Fair, networking lunches and work experience opportunities all contribute to our students’ understanding of the careers marketplace and the skills and attributes needed to succeed.
The Sixth Form is a time for growth and development both in and out of the classroom. Here at King Edward’s we aim to provide a rich diet that allows you to reach your academic potential, but also to learn to win with grace and lose with dignity, to establish the characteristics of confidence with humility, and the desire to contribute to the wider communities in which we live.
I hope you like what you see in this guide, and I look forward to meeting you and talking more about what we’re doing in the Sixth Form at King Edward’s to ensure it remains a fun and rewarding place to be. Mr ND Culver