School Travel Policy 2010

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TRAVEL PLAN Wilton Road Southampton SO15 5UQ Tel: 023 8070 4561 Email: DfES No: 852 6006

Produced by Simon H Barker Chair- Sustainability Committee KING EDWARD VI SCHOOL, SOUTHAMPTON Travel Plan 2010 ____________________________________________________

A school travel plan is a written document which outlines a series of practical steps for improving children’s safety on the journey to and from school. The plan should result in benefits for pupils, parents and the wider community: it will assist pupils and parents in identifying healthy and sustainable transport options and help to reduce the numbers of cars on the road at peak times. In addition it will contribute to the improvement of the environment around the School. This plan has been produced with reference to the DfT/DCFS School Travel Plan Quality Assurance, information about which can be found at : a copy of which can be found here


About the school and consultation


School information: Location maps


The School’s bus system and alternative routes to school


Extra-curricular provision, staff and pupil surveys


Action plan


Appendices 1 Sample sporting fixtures chart


2 Staff and pupil travel survey results


3 Examples of staff and pupil questionnaires


3 School site plan with proposed changes



About the school King Edward VI School was founded in 1553and has been a feature of Southampton life in four different locations ever since. The School became independent in 1979 and now draws pupils from across south Hampshire from as far afield as Salisbury, Andover, Fareham and the New Forest. Parents for generations have chosen the School for its academic rigour, diversity of opportunity and the challenge offered by the range of sporting, musical and dramatic activities. The principal site is within the borough of Southampton, having in the past been one of the city grammar schools. It is located on Hill Lane on the west side of Southampton Common. The School population consists of some 975 pupils (aged between 11 and 18 years), 100 teaching staff and 60 support staff. We have no pupils with a statement of needs relating to travel arrangements. In addition the School’s sports facility is located at the Wellington ground near the M27 and M3 junction. The School also owns a rural studies centre on Dartmoor with accommodation for 24 pupils and up to 6 staff. The School is an independent co-educational day school and the Head Master is a member of HMC. The School day runs from 08.35-15.55 although many staff and pupils are on site before 08.35 and the operation of eight late buses at 17.30 indicates the extent of the School’s extra-curricular activities after 15.55. The School has a Sustainability Committee which consists of representatives of staff, parents, governors and pupils. There are two pupil groups which are concerned with sustainable issues. “The Green Team” is operated and run by staff and pupils concerned with developing aspects of sustainability within the School. “People and Planet” is a pupil body affiliated to the UK wide group campaigning on world poverty, human rights and the environment. The School also hosts a transport forum bringing together interested parties from across the Shirley area. The school aims state that in encouraging pupils to become responsible members of society the School should; encourage pupils to make informed judgements about the world in which they live in the light of limited resources and the need for sustainable development.


The King Edward VI School Site

The site has parking for 99 staff cars and 6 visitor bays. There is parking for 5 mini-buses inside the Kellett Road entrance. On the north side of the school there is secure, covered bike storage for 100 bikes. The site is bound by three roads. Hill Lane is a key secondary route into Southampton city. Wilton Road and Kellett Road are residential. Vehicles can normally only enter via the main Wilton Road and Kellett Road vehicle entrance, but there is provision for vehicle access via the gate at the south side of the DT block, in for example an emergency. The Area surrounding the School would be described as residential, though on the east side of Hill Lane is the Common, an extensive area of park land. Pedestrian access is via turnstiles at the Kellett Road and Wilton Road (DT block) entrances and on Hill Lane by the bus bays. The current system of pedestrian access allows a degree of separation between vehicles and pedestrians both on site and in the immediate surrounding area, as far as the school can influence this. There are several pedestrian islands on Hill Lane, though when crossing Hill Lane the use of the of the pedestrian crossing facilities at the Belmore Road and Raymond Road junctions is encouraged. The considerable number of pupils and staff that cycle to the school would normally enter via the Kellett Road gate. There are a number of dedicated cycle routes in the vicinity of the School though none that allows total access for cycles without using roads or paths. Most used by students are the cross Common routes from Highfield, Bassett and Portswood.

The Kellett Road access to the school. A large proportion of students travel to and from school on the KETA school buses. School buses stop in designed bus bays on Hill Lane; this allows pupils to access the site directly from their bus via the Hill Lane turnstile or the additional manually operated gate which allows a greater flow of pupils at the start and end of the day.

3 Hill Lane and the bus bays.

Deliveries are normally via the Kellett Road gate.

Under normal circumstances students on site and vehicular traffic are, as far as possible, kept separate. Inspite of old speed bumps visible, on a given school day pupils and vehicular traffic are now kept separate.

In addition to the day to day running of the School and its site King Edward’s partakes in a wide range of extra curricular activities and sporting fixtures. Appendix 1 gives an indication of how extensive these commitments are. It details the “typical” sports fixtures that the School undertakes in a “typical” term. In addition to these booked fixtures, sports teams may be involved in additional matches through competitions both locally and nationally. Though many of these fixtures occur outside of the normal school travel time and therefore do not feature as part of this plan however they do impact on the overall travel commitment of the School.


King Edward VI School, Wellington Sports Ground, the environs of Southampton


The School’s bus system (KETA) The School bus system at King Edward’s is extensive. At King Edward's we recognise how important it is to provide suitable transport for our pupils who come to the School from many parts of the county. At present the School transports on a daily basis almost 700 students who arrive in the School by approximately 08.15 and leave at 16.10 in the afternoon. To accommodate those who take part in after-school activities, late buses depart at 17.30 most evenings. The late buses do not necessarily run to the morning pick-up point but are designed to save the long drive into Southampton during the rush hour. The late bus stops only if requested by passengers as they board the bus. The late bus never runs on the first or last day of any term. In the first half of the Summer Term the Friday late bus departs from School at 1745. Thereafter it departs at 17.30. Starting points for the school bus routes

Walking routes to school Pupils, parents, staff and visitors can access the School site from Wilton Road, the rear of the School through Kellett Road or a pedestrian entrance off Hill Lane. The majority of pupils use Wilton Road, walking either from the Hill Lane direction and/or Upper/Lower Shirley areas. Cycling routes to school The school encourages cycling and Wilton Road has been identified by Southampton City Council as a convenient route for cyclists. Wilton Road leads to Bellemoor Road which is part of a commuter cycle route and continues across The Common and down The Avenue towards the city centre. There are other main link roads for cyclists’ use which serve the Shirley area. These include St James Road, Church Street and Dale Road amongst others. Public bus routes to school The school is served by public buses from Wilton Road. They are a number 5/fA and 21, run by First Buses. For more information on travelling by bus please visit and for Southampton councils travel information. Staff Cycle to school scheme The Cycle to Work scheme is a government initiative to encourage cycling to work by allowing employees to pay their employers for the hire of a cycle and related equipment from their gross pay i.e. before tax and national insurance are deducted. The employee must use the cycle or equipment in question, during the hire period, mainly for journeys to work. King Edward’s is operating the scheme independently.


Extra-curricular provision The School plays some sport on site but many field sports are played at the Wellington Sports Ground (SO50 9HT), or at away fixtures across a wide geographical area. The fixture list for one sample term in appendix 1 gives an indication of how extensive is our sporting provision for our students. This is an integral part of the School’s ethos but of course there is an inevitable additional burden on traffic movement. The School is also very actively involved in organising a range of cultural and educational visits and these take pupils across the UK and often abroad with 245 such visits made over the academic year 2007/8 involving 6,220 student trip. Several residential field trips take place, for example biologists go to Pembrokeshire and geographers to Swansea each year and many visits are made to local historical and cultural sites in the southeast, particularly to London for theatre and music. The School also owns a rural studies centre on Dartmoor and each year many students visit the New Forest and Dartmoor particularly as participants in the Duke of Edinburgh Award. In 2007 381 pupils made up some 57 expedition teams. Consultation The travel plan is required by law and has been produced in consultation with: The School Governors; through the Education and Academic Standards sub-committee The School staff; through the Sustainability Committee and staff surveys The pupils; through surveys, the School Council, the Green Team and the Sustainability Committee Parents via the King Edward VI Society Council; the Sustainability Committee and the Transport Forum Southampton City Council The minutes of various school committees; Sustainability, School Council and the E&AS Governor committee can be viewed to demonstrate consultation. See appendix 5 for a selection of excerpts.


Staff and pupil surveys In December 2008 an extensive survey was carried out of staff and pupil transport to and from School. The results are given in appendix 2. The majority of pupils use the School’s own bus service but a small minority in the 6th form use their own cars. A significant number cycle or walk to School. It should be noted that some pupils who were in a “car alone” were in fact being dropped off by parents on their way to work in Southampton, a journey that was being made anyway. The survey was carried out by Simon Barker- Chair of the School’s Sustainability Committee. It is anticipated that the survey will be repeated every 24 months. Both surveys were taken of the “whole school” ie staff and students, however as is the nature of such data collection the response was not 100% The following graph gives an indication of responses by year group: 200 100

responses number

0 1






responses U6 staff th

Typical response in Lower School, and from staff, was around 70%, however in the Upper School and 6 form this dropped to around 30%. The nature of surveys of this type, even in a school setting is that there is reliance on responses, and upper school years are notorious in their dismissal of such data collection tools. Key points from the surveys 1.


In spite of students being predisposed to “greener” transport options it is not surprising, given the School’s extensive catchment area and distances involved, that the options for walking and cycling are for some pupils beyond consideration. A number of points were raised as a result of the 2008 survey. They included:   

More crossing facilities and cycle paths on the road and flat roads Fewer cars Better road crossings on Hill Lane that allow for improved observation of motor vehicles including zebra crossings  Alternative routes that avoid the main road  Improved foot paths for pedestrians  Improved cycle lanes  Better and more secure cycle storage Comparisons are made with a similar survey carried out in 2007


B. Pupil travel survey Question 1:

What year are you in?

Lower 6th, 34, 9%

Upper 6th , 31, 8%

1st yr 1st yr, 92, 24%

5th yr, 44, 11%

2nd yr 3rd yr 4th yr

4th yr, 26, 7% 3rd yr, 66, 17%

2nd yr, 94, 24%

5th yr Lower 6th Upper 6th


Question 2:

How do you come to school most days

Train, 4, 1%

Car alone, 49, 13%

Walk, 36, 9%

Cycle, 22, 6%

Walk Car alone Cycle

Bus Timetabled or school, 264, 68%

Car share, 11, 3%

Bus - KETA

pupil travel 2007

walk Car (alone) Car Share

33, 8% 23, 5%

2, 0%

Cycle Other

61, 14% 33, 8%

Car share Bus Timetabled or school Train

6% of pupils travel in on either school or scheduled bus route. As can be seen in a comparison of the two surveys, there is a slight change in the % of students coming to school on the bus system; however this may just be down to the year on year changes to pupil numbers. Similarly changes to car use may just be down to statistical significance.

282, 65%

Unfortunately whilst a scatter plot of postcodes is available for schools whose catchment is wholly within Southampton borough such a graph in not available given the wide catchment of pupils from King Edwards


Question 3:

Why do you come to school that way? Easy for you or your parents

No bus or train available, 3, 1%

Other reasons, 62, 14% Easy for you or your parents, 192, 44%

Personal Safety, 6, 1% Distance from school – far, 113, 26% Lack of walking/cycling facilities, 1, 0%

Cheap Distance from school – near Lack of walking/cycling facilities Distance from school – far Cheap, 8, 2%

Distance from school – near, 52, 12%

Personal Safety No bus or train available Other reasons

Other reasons; Easy for parents; lack of walking/cycling facilities; social; too far to cycle/walk; distance from School.

Why do you come to school that way? Distance from school – far 2007 Distance from school – near Cheap Personal Safety Easy for you or your parents

104, 25% 239, 58%

64, 15%

4, 1% 4, 1%

In both surveys ease of use is the major reason for transport choice. This question does not really give any useful data as ease of use may be because of attitudes, a factor that it may be possible to change, or because a parent is working in Southampton and drives to their work daily, allowing the child to be dropped when passing. Equally ease of use may cover the student who gets the School bus as both parents work from home. However both surveys do give an indication of some students who would consider alternatives (ie bike) if appropriate facilities were there.


Question 4:

How do you go home from school on most days?


Train, 3, 1%

Walk, 39, 10% Car alone, 46, 12%

Car alone Cycle

Cycle, 21, 5% Car share

Bus Timetabled or school, 266, 69%

Car share, 11, 3%

How do you go home from school? 2007

67, 15%

23, 5%

37, 8%

33, 7%

2, 1%

Bus KETA walk Car (alone) Car Share

Bus Timetabled or school Train

Not surprisingly there is a close correlation in both 2007 and 2008 between how students travel to and from school on a daily basis.


282, 64%


Question 5:

Why do you go home from school that way? Easy for you or your parents

No bus or train available, 3, 1%

Other reasons, 51, 12%

Distance from school – near

Personal Safety, 9, 2% Distance from school – far, 106, 25%

Lack of walking/cycling facilities, 3, 1%


Easy for you or your parents, 198, 46% Cheap, 9, 2% Distance from school – near, 47, 11%

Lack of walking/cycling facilities Distance from school – far Personal Safety No bus or train available Other reasons

Other reasons; Easy for parents; fun; good fitness; easier for parents who have to work + drive other siblings to school; distance from School – far, lack of safe cycle paths; bus because it’s more sociable; I like cycling, it is faster so I can get up later; it is faster than the bus; I would like to be able to drive my own car; bus - because I can talk to my mates; because it is good for the environment; eco-friendly; also a form of exercise!


Question 6:

Given the choice how would you like to travel to and from school?

Train, 54, 15%

Walk, 48, 13%

Walk Car alone

Car share, 70, 20%

Car alone, 83, 23% Cycle, 102, 29%

Cycle Car share Train

Question 7: If you do already walk or cycle, or wish to start, is there anything that would help make your journey easier or safer? For example, cycle storage, improved footpaths, crossing facilities or cycle training. more considerate motorists; more crossing facilities on main roads; I think that it would make cyclists’ journey a lot safer if they had their own cycling facilities so they are off the road; carry as few bags to and from school; safety on The Common; a better bike shed; more storage; could make The Common a bit of a safer place to go alone; free breakfast on arrival; I think that The Common should have more cycle paths and also they should have more cctv cameras because I don’t really feel that safe walking/cycling in the winter or summer in case there are any chavs and I can't walk on the main road because it is unsafe; I find that it would be much easier for my parents if I had taken the cycle proficiency course at the beginning of the year. Is there a possibility of more of these courses, more often, with more pupils? Also, we find The Common could be lit better, and if it was it would shorten the time of my journey at winter times; they shouldn't have put the crossing on Raymond Road so near the end of the road, it is dangerous because it is hard to tell what is coming, there should be a crossing further down the road. I don't know anyone who crosses there. They all think it is too dangerous. No. A good crossing facility has recently been made. Question 8: Is there anything you dislike about your journey to and from school? If so, please give details below: bad traffic on The Avenue; get in at 8.10- school doesn't start until 8.40; several comments about buses being late and about an equal number about them being early!


Question 9:

Do you own a bicycle?

no, 35, 9% yes no yes, 348, 91%

Question 10: Are there any other comments you would like to make about the things that influence the way you travel to school? Nothing is done to stop cars parking on the yellow zig-zag lines, always the same cars parking there at 4pm; I would like to get the train but there is not a bus from the station to the School and it's not practical to walk to and from the station twice a day with school bags and art folders.




The majority of staff drive to work but 51 staff own a bicycle and a number cycle to School, particularly during the summer months, The staff cycle to work scheme has seen a positive take up. A number live very locally and walk to work. The School provides car-parking for 99 staff. Some part-time staff have to park off-site. The main points noted by staff were as follows: Key points for those who walk or cycle with regard to safety and security:  Lower car speed with a 20mph speed limit in built up areas and/or speed camera to enforce the 30mph limit  More secure bike racks and not just a central location  Extra room on trains  Improved cycle lanes round town and road crossings on Hill Lane  Ensure that the underpass on The Common is always passable particularly to avoid flooding  The turn into Kellett Road from Hill Lane is dangerous; bicycles have problems there  KES bike kit available from the School ?  Staff changing rooms to be reviewed  Less marking / work to take home Particular concerns raised with regard to the nature of the journey to and from school        

Traffic speed/ cutting through Refused access to train because too many bikes on board Proximity of cars when walking Issues with some inconsiderate parents who drop off near the School Traffic intensity, especially in the morning Being stuck in traffic for such a short journey Volume of traffic on The Avenue from 8-8.45am and knowledge that my commuting does not match my otherwise quite green credentials! Length of journey and the unpredictability of the traffic

Other comments    

I prefer train+cycle to train+walk, but do need secure cycle storage I am heavily influenced by time. Sometimes I just don’t make enough time to walk or cycle so it’s so much easier just to jump in the car Links to other schools and local residents would be helpful so that a combined strategy could be developed and pressure brought to bear on the highways, planners and council. There is no satisfactory public transport, walking takes too long, and I often have a lot to carry. I'm often in a hurry at the end of the day too, so walking is too long. Car seems to be the only option at present.


A. Staff travel survey Question 1:

How do you come to and from school on most days?

Other , 13, 14% Train, 2, 2%

Walk Walk, 9, 10%

Bus, 0, 0%

Car alone Cycle

Car share, 2, 2% Cycle, 10, 11%

Car share Bus

Car alone, 57, 61%

Train Other

Other typically; bus/ car/ train combination.

The 2007 Survey demonstrated a similar staff travel pattern.

2007 survey result

Question 2:

Why do you come to school that way? Easy other, 22, 22% No bus or train available, 1, 1%

Cheap Easy, 23, 23% Cheap, 2, 2%

Personal safety, 1, 1% Distance from school- far, 38, 39%

Distance from school- near, 11, 11% Lack of walking and cycling facilities, 1, 1%

Distance from school- near Lack of walking and cycling facilities Distance from school- far Personal safety No bus or train available other


Other typically: child to drop off; marking etc to carry; difficult connection to public transport. Not surprisingly the reasons for staff choice over travel are largely unchanged.

2007 survey result

Question 3:

Given the choice how would you like to travel to and from school?

Car share, 9, 11%

Train, 5, 6% walk, 15, 19%

walk Car- alone Cycle

Cycle, 20, 25%

Car- alone, 32, 39%

Car share Train

Question 4: If you do already walk or cycle, or wish to start, is there anything that would help make your journey easier or safer? For example, cycle storage, improved footpaths, crossing facilities or cycle training. Cycle paths - down and up Hill Lane; cycle lanes through forests as in Holland; dedicated cycle tracks away from cars; helmet, lights, cycle training; bike rack by science block where it used to be; better enforced traffic speed; improved footpaths and better gritting in icy weather; access through Wilton Road gate; I would like to cycle/train mix. However cost and standard of train facilities not great; cost of annual travelcard is in excess of ÂŁ1000 and difficult to find in one hit; other employers (HCC) do have scheme in conjunction with Cycle to Work, that enables purchase of Annual Rail Card on a non-interest monthly payment scheme. Question 5: Is there anything you dislike about your journey to and from school? If so, please give details below: Distance, trafffic-jams during busy period, dead-time!; poorly planned and implemented roadworks; traffic. A lot of traffic. Level of traffic Question 6: Are there any other comments you would like to make about the things that influence the way you travel to school? Unfortunately, car is convenient for the distance but would prefer train/cycle !; public transport in my area is slow, infrequent, unreliable and expensive; using the car brings flexibility at lunchtimes for shopping etc; cycling or using another form of transport to school would necessitate a change of lifestyle for the whole family - not just me; I use the car for personal errands and shopping either before work or on the way home after work; large amount of kit to transport in each day; Hill Lane needs a cycle lane and wider pavements; Winchester Road and Hill Lane both need reminders to drivers that they are within a 30mph area.


Summary of Travel Survey Results: Pupils The overriding feature of the School’s travel planning is the number of students who travel in daily on the school bus system. This factor alone typically taking some 670 pupils (out of a population of 970, 69%) to and from Southampton and beyond. Changes to this number are clearly annual and effected by the location of students in years 1/ 3 and 6 as they join the School. However the survey has also indicated some aspects of pupil travel that need to be addressed, specifically: cycling to school; routes, better road crossings on Hill Lane, alternative routes that avoid the main road. Cycle storage. th Driving: 6 form car use and parents making the journey just to drop off “the school run” need to be considered for action Staff Staff car use is reducing; increased awareness, lifestyle changes, cost, bike to work scheme all play a part in this, but the nature of the job means that on certain days even the most eco responsible member of staff will have too much to carry to travel by public transport or bike. The concerns raised in the survey by staff echo those of pupils re cycling. However with an appreciable number of staff walking to school on a daily basis the concerns for safe crossings and driver car speeds are more noticeable.


Action Plan For King Edward VI School - 2010 Aim 1: Increase travel awareness Objective: Increase awareness amongst site users of the consequences of travel and the impacts on others SMART Target Measures/Initiatives Tasks/Action Responsibility Priority of Timescale of Review and Completion Initiative (High, Tasks/ with Date Medium or Low) Actions Working Group Ensure 100% site Make STP Publish STP SHB Medium 1 year April 2010 users have available to on school access to the STP parents, staff and website and are aware of pupils by Sept2010 forthcoming initiatives by March 2010.


Will target be continued?




Will target be continued?





Partly School cycle to work scheme

Yes On going education

Aim 2: Reduce car use and congestion and encourage alternatives Objective 1: Reduce car trips and car parking SMART Target Measures/Initiatives Tasks/Actions and Completion Date Maintain the Information Letters/ blue number of Campaign to reach sheets to be children travelling all students and sent to pupils to/from school by staff by July 2010. and staff. car alone at 12% Posters to be by September displayed 2011. Aim for around year on year school reduction in staff Introduce staff Investigate street parking. incentives to introduction reduce number of of Staff staff driving to incentives school by scheme to September 2011 school. Reduction of on Letters/ blue street parking by sheets to be staff by September sent to staff.

Responsibility (Specify role)

Priority of Initiative

CFN/ green team


Timescale of Tasks/ Actions current

Review / Working Group termly

HM/ Governors


1 year

Oct 2010

CFN/ Green Team






Investigate increasing the provision of facilities for cyclists by September 2012. Increase staff awareness and use of Bike to Work scheme

Posters to be displayed in staff areas.

Highlight scheme with new and existing staff, news letter etc.



3 years






June 2010 Some take up. Ongoing with staff changes.



Aim 3: Promote Safety In and Around the School Site Objective 3: Improve Safety In and Around School Site SMART Target Measures/Initiatives Tasks/Actions Responsibilit and Completion Date y (Specify role) Maintain accident level at 0% by September 2012.

Investigate limiting staff access to school site to specific time slots by September 2012.

Display advisory signage in area around school by December 2009. Lobby for statutory speed restrictions on surrounding roads within 1km (20mph) by spring 2013

Lobby for traffic calming measures on surrounding roads within 1km by spring 2013.

Priority of Initiative (High, Medium or Low)

Timescale of Tasks/ Actions

Investigate limiting staff access to slots Traffic and pedestrian separation built into site alterations. What signage are you placing. Who will make the signage? Lobby for measures to be put in place through engaging with pupils and parents. Hold local cluster school group meetings

HM/ Govs


3 years

Review with Working Group Oct 2010


Will target be continued?



2 years

Oct 2010

Partly met. New parking areas and traffic system allows this.





Oct 2009


Southampton Council



4 years+

Spring 2011

Southampton School Travel Forum. Annual meetings with council and other schools in the area,





Summer 2009

Yes Southampton School Travel Forum. Annual meetings with council and other schools in the area,


Travel plan submitted to council. Lobby for measures to be put in place.



1 year+

Autumn 2010




Spring 2011

The initials above refer to staff within the School. Where more than one set of initials occur then the overall responsibility rests with the first set of initials. If A named person leaves the school/ changes role in the school then responsibility rests with the replacement IE: HM = Headmaster


KWG = Assistant Bursar Facilities SHB= Chair Sustainability Committee CFN= Green Team Staff member The Targets in the STP will be reviewed by the date shown. A full review and re-survey will be carried out in Autumn 2010


Apendix 1 Sporting fixtures Spring Term 2008 Netball 2008 (Fixtures in bold type are played at Wellington) Netball 2008 (Fixtures in bold type are played at Wellington)




Sat 19 January th

Sat 19 January


Mon 21 January Wed rd 23 January th

Sat 26 January nd

Sat 2 Februar y th

Wed 6 Februar y th Sat 9 Februar y

Divisional Tourname nt St.George ’s Weybridg e Ballard School St.George ’s Weybridg e Churcher’ s College

Bryanston School Norman Ct Portsmout h Grammar Portsmout h Grammar

Wed Talbot th 13 Heath Februar y th Mon 25 Ryde Februar School y Wed Ballard th 27 School Februar y st Sat 1 Hamp Mar Coll rd Mon 3 Ballard Sch Mar th Tues 4 Ballard Ma Sch th Wed 5 Ryde Sch

S e n I o r s

S e n I o r s B




10.00a m 2.15pm


2.15 pm


10.00a m 10.00a m 1.30pm 1.30pm 2.30pm


U 16

U 16 B

U 1 5

U1 5 B

U 15 C

U 14

U 14 B


U 14 C

U 13

U 13 B

U 12

U 12 B


165 A

1411 B












1 99

A s

1 t










10.00a m 11.00a m 3.45pm


































Tou r H














[C&D] A A




Ma Thurs th 6 Ma th Sat 8 March Wed th 12 Mar Thurs th 13 Mar th Sat 15 March Wed th 19 March Wed th 26 March th Sat 29 March

Ballard Sch Ryde Sch Hamp Coll Ryde Sch Dauntsey s School College Tourn





10.00a m 2.30pm






2.45pm 2.45pm 1.00pm





























InterHouseLord Wandwth College


H o 2.00pm










Boys Rugby st


Date H

Sat 5 Jan


Sat 12 Jan Wed 16 Jan Sat 19 Jan

Churchers College Millfield School Millfield School

Sat 26 Jan

Bryanston School

Wed 30 Jan

Wed 6 Feb

Millfield School Portsmouth Grammar School Millfield School

Sat 9 Feb

Ryde School

Wed 13 Feb

Stroud School

Tues 26 Feb

Canford School

Thurs 28th Feb

Canford School

Sat 1 Mar

Seaford College

Sat 1 March

Stroud School St. George’s College Weybridge

Sat 2 Feb

Sat 8 March


10.3 0




S 9.00

U15 B S 9.00


3-0 3-0





U14 S 10.30

U14 B S 10.30



U13 S 12.00

U13 B S 12.00





S 1.30

S 1.30



U16 3-4 1-2 1-1

3.00 2.40

S 2.30 1.30



3.15 1-4 1-3





11.3 0

3-1 4.15


S 11.45



4.30 4.30

S 4.30


S 4.30

12.1 5














S 11.00

S 12.15


S 1.30

S 10.00


10.4 5

S 9.30 12.00





10.3 0 9.30




Wed 12 Mar

Stroud School

Sat 15 Mar

Lord Wandsworth

Mon 17 March

Hampshire Collegiate

Wed 19 March Wed 19 March Tues 25 March Wed 26 Mar

Bedales School

W4.3 0 W3.0 0


S 2.45

S 1.45




W 2.30




W2. 00

4.15 S4.3 0

S 4.30


4.30 W4.3 0

Stroud School Hampshire Collegiate School Hampshire Collegiate

Thurs 27 Mar

Hampshire Collegiate

Sat th 29 March

Lord Wandsworth

Tues st 1 April

Invitation IX


4.30 W 2.30


4.30 S 3.00

W 2.00 3.00 W 6.00 W 6.00


S 2.00 2.00


S 6.00 S 6.00


Appendix 3 Staff Survey 1. What is your home postcode? 2. How do you come to and from school on most days? 3. Why do you come to school that way? 4. Given the choice how would you like to travel to and from school? 5. If you do already walk or cycle, or wish to start, is there anything that would help make your journey easier or safer? For example, cycle storage, improved footpaths, crossing facilities or cycle training. Staff Travel Survey 2008-9 Walk Car (alone) Cycle Car Share Traveling with another person who does not live in the same house Bus Train Other (please specify) Easy for you Cheap Distance from school – near Lack of walking/cycling facilities Distance from school – far Personal Safety No bus or train available Other reasons (please state below) Walk Car (alone) Cycle Car Share Traveling with another person who does not live in the same house Train Why? 6. Is there anything you dislike about your journey to and from school? If so, please give details below: 7. Are there any other comments you would like to make about the things that influence the way you travel to school?


Student Survey 1. What is your home postcode? 2. What year are you in? 3. How do you come to school on most days? 4. Why do you come to school that way? Travel Survey 2008-9 1st year 2nd year 3rd year 4th year 5th year Lower Sixth Upper Sixth Walk Car (alone) aCycle Car Share Traveling with another person who does not live in the same house Bus Timetabled or School Train Easy for you or your parents Cheap Distance from school – near Lack of walking/cycling facilities Distance from school – far Personal Safety No bus or train available Other reasons (please state below) 5. How do you go home from school on most days? 6. Why do you go home school that way? 7. Given the choice how would you like to travel to and from school? 8. If you do already walk or cycle, or wish to start, is there anything that would help make your journey easier or safer? For example, cycle storage, improved footpaths, crossing facilities or cycle training. 9. Is there anything you dislike about your journey to and from school? If so, please give details below: Walk Car (alone) Cycle Car Share Traveling with another person who does not live in the same house Bus Timetabled or School Train Easy for you or your parents Cheap Distance from school – near Lack of walking/cycling facilities Distance from school – far Personal Safety No bus or train available Other reasons (please state below) Walk Car (alone) Cycle Car Share Traveling with another person who does not live in the same house Train Why? 10. Do you own a bicycle?


11. Are there any other comments you would like to make about the things that influence the way you travel to school? yes no


Appendix 4 School site plan with proposed changes for the next 5 years

When currently considering changes to the School site, the School will make every effort to minimise any impact on school travel and the surrounding community.


Appendix 5 Meeting minutes with reference to the school travel plan Minutes of the Sustainability Committee 6 – 12-07 SHB outlined the main objectives of the recent Travel Plan which is currently going through Southampton City Council. SHB outlined how this project had high expectations with 90 schools in the area. Cllr Samuels was fully supportive of this travel plan outlining that this could be a good template for other schools to use and take the lead from. SHB: Travel Plan survey was inclusive to 5-16 year olds. Sixth form issues of car parking and travel arrangements needs action in the future. KES is working in conjunction with other local schools under the transport forum with interested parties such as council members and planning office. Issues discussed 6 weeks at the meeting however there were some concerns. Changing safety scheme budget £200,000. Traffic calming around schools, increasing 20 mph school/residential. Jenny Butler/Imogen Pierce attended meeting as student representatives. MINUTES OF



SHB; travel plan in final stages of school adjustment and council approval, hopefully. MINUTES OF THE SUSTAINABILITY COMMITTEE 30-9-08 Travel survey (SHB) consideration of incentive scheme questions on the staff travel survey. Cllr Samuels asked whether pupils/staff were aware of the likely timeframe (2-3 years) of the removal of street parking around the school? Issues with Hill lane traffic were raised specifically the right turn off Hill Lane into Kellett Road. Cllr Samuels suggested contacting the council. This specific issue had not been raised at the Schools Transport Forum. SHB and Cllr Matthews to do this. A recent accident on Hill Lane is causing the council to re-consider this stretch of road. MINUTES OF THE SUSTAINABILITY COMMITTEE 12-3-09 Travel Surveys: Discussion re staff travel survey. (produced Autumn Term 2008) 19 staff members have to date taken up the schools bike scheme. Concern expressed that there is not enough staff changing/ clothes storage facilities and this could be the current obstruction to more staff cycling more often. (shb to raise with RVM). 3 car parking spaces will be reallocated when the Curriculum support building is constructed to comply with an earlier planning application that was submitted for the oversite works, therefore retaining on site the same number of parking spaces. Local cycling facilities ( ie lighting on Common, Hill lane traffic (speed and volume) and crossing points are still considered to be barriers to more staff and pupils cycling regularly. The school bus scheme is well subscribed and not considered a viable option for staff. MINUTES SUSTAINABILITY COMMITTEE 14-5-10 SHB commented that the School Travel Plan was still being revised. It is due another survey in the Autumn term, SHB to e mail the last one out and invited ideas for questions. A general discussion arose with some interesting local options discussed, Cllr Matthews putting forward some interesting local options with reference to parking.


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