Bulletin May 2018

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King Edward VI School

May Bulletin 25 May, 2018


s I write, the weather has improved and relatively dry late May has been a welcome change allowing us to introduce summer uniform a little earlier than usual. Please remind your sons and daughters that normal School regulations apply throughout the examination period, particularly those relating to summer uniform. As ever, we ask pupils to be careful with the sun and to take appropriate measures to protect themselves from sunburn. There is a great deal to be said for wearing a good hat!

Annual Athletics Sports Day 2018 Friday 29 June 1.00pm until 4.50pm on the School field Parents and friends are warmly invited to attend and we would be delighted to see you. All events will take place during the afternoon, except Javelin which will need to be held in advance due to health and safety. Refreshments will be served in the Dining Hall.

Our summer sports teams have still had to dodge their fair share of showers with some disappointing cancellation of fixtures. That said, when they have been able to play they have met with considerable success against good competition.

All students should leave their iPADS at home on this day and are required on site until 4.50pm. If a pupil must leave before this time then agreement must be sought from their Head of Year in advance and the pupil will require a letter from home, also signed by their Head of Year.

Internal examinations for the First and Second Years have finished and examinations for the Third and Fourth Years begin after half term. IGCSE/GCSE examinations are in full swing and A levels begin in earnest in June. Students are busy with revision, or should be!

KETA buses will leave at approximately 4.50pm and there will be NO LATE BUSES For those who were unable to attend the Senior Concert last term, please click here for highlights of the evening.

Work is proceeding well with the extended dining room and we are on target for completion by the end of the summer holiday. We are looking forward to seeing our pupils enjoy the additional space and atmosphere provided by the refurbishment.

SCHOOL LUNCH REMINDER The deadline for changes to School lunch arrangements for the Autumn Term is: 4pm on Friday 29 June 2018

In spite of examinations we have enjoyed a range of activities from Second Year Camps, Duke of Edinburgh and a very well attended Careers’ Convention aimed at both the Upper School and the Sixth Form. There is much to look forward to on our return with the Science Festival, Sports Day, Endeavour, and the Swimming Gala. Most are subject, as ever, to the vagaries of the English summer weather.

The price for a lunch from September is ÂŁ4.50. It will not be possible to meet requests that arrive after the deadline. Please email dinners@kes.hants.sch.uk giving pupil name, tutor group and the change intended. No action is required if arrangements are to continue as at present.

A J Thould Head

Any request using the dinners@kes email address will be acknowledged.

DATA PROTECTION You may be aware that data protection law is changing this month and here at KES we are committed to making sure your information is processed correctly and kept safe. We have updated our Privacy Notice to explain what information we collect and why we collect it, how we use your information and your privacy rights. Our updated Privacy Notice will automatically come into effect on 25 May 2018 and can be found here. 1

Charity Commission Events There will be a fun run at lunch time on Friday 8 June in aid of the Honeypot Children’s Charity based in the New Forest, which enhances the lives of young carers and vulnerable children. Honeypot’s mascot, Bumble, will be attending and joining in the run too! Sponsorship money can be paid via KESPay here. Wear Blue for your Loo! The final non-uniform day of the year will be on Thursday 21 June. We are asking students to wear blue as we are raising funds to twin our school toilets with toilets around the world where sanitation may be poor. Sal’s Shoes. We will be collecting good quality, clean, used shoes on the final day of term. Please keep hold of any outgrown shoes or trainers which will be sent to children around the world in need of good quality footwear. More information to follow. Watersports 2019 18 - 25 August There are still a few places left on the Watersports 2019 trip which is open to all current First, Second and Third Year pupils. Click here for more information and to to secure your place.

25 to 27 JUNE The Science and Technology Faculty is delighted to introduce the School’s second three day Science and Technology Festival with many amazing talks, shows and activities throughout each school day. In addition, there will be some fascinating free shows and presentations open to pupils and parents each evening. Throughout the Festival, students will have the opportunity to watch and take part in many interactive and inspiring shows such as the Solar System show and a Pyrotechnic show. They will also be able to get involved in quizzes and interactive demonstrations during our first Science Street Fair. Parents are warmly invited to these exciting presentations which are taking place during the evenings: Monday 25 June: Tuesday 26 June: Wednesday 27 June:

7:00pm 8:15pm 7:00pm 8:15pm 7:00pm 8:15pm

Dr Guy Sutton – Mind and Brain in the 21st Century Huw James – The Science Behind Expeditions Dr Dean Burnett – The Idiot Brain Dr Mark Lewney – Rock Guitar in 11 Dimensions Professor Richard Holt – Misuse of Hormones in Sport and Leisure Matthew Tosh – Fireworks: Real Science or Just Bangs

These are ticketed events so please book your free tickets through the Dobson Theatre website here. NOTE: Please only book the tickets if you know you are definitely going to be able to attend. Much more information is available from the Festival web pages here. 2



A Level

Fifth Year Please be aware that replacements will be ordered for any school books not returned on or before Friday 15 June, 2018 and a charge made. Students studying German, Graphics and Additional Mathematics should return these books after the examinations on 18 and 19 June 2018. We will therefore not be able to refund or credit you for any books returned after these dates.

GCE results are expected on Thursday 16 August Results information CANNOT be obtained by telephoning the School Office or by contacting members of staff. Upper Sixth pupils will be able to collect their results in the Concourse between 9.00am – 11.00am. Results left uncollected will be posted home in the afternoon. Access to the School will ONLY be through the Wilton Road pedestrian gate and then via the Atrium and upstairs to the Concourse.

Upper Sixth Please be reminded that after taking account of outstanding monies and school textbooks which have not been returned we aim to refund your deposit at the earliest opportunity. Please be aware that replacements will be ordered for any books not returned on or before Wednesday 27 June, 2018. We will therefore not be able to adjust your deposit balance or reimburse you for any books returned after this date.

Post Results Clinic For those Sixth Form students who need support or advice concerning the immediate next stage of their career, a face-to-face Post Results Clinic is available on: 16 August from 9.00am - 12.30pm & 2.00pm - 4.00pm 17 August from 9.00am -12.30pm & 2.00pm - 3.30pm Upper Sixth students currently holding offers are reminded that they will need to have their UCAS identification number and specific offer details with them.

SPORTS NEWS We will be holding pre-season training sessions for Rugby and Girls’ Hockey in August, please click here for further details.

GCSE GCSE results are to be collected on Thursday 23 August between 9.00am and 11.00am from the Sixth Form Concourse. Entrance will be via the Wilton Road pedestrian gate only and then via the Atrium and upstairs to the Concourse.

Lost Property Clearout! There are a large number of mobile phones, iPods, jewellery and watches, as well as items such as reading glasses and mobile speakers in the School lost property. These items will be disposed of or donated to charity at the end of term if they are not claimed by students. All items are held in Mr Collinson’s office.

The PTA is looking for a new chair and a willing volunteer to co-ordinate OBNO. If you can help, please contact Jill Leask on PTA-Chair@kes.hants.sch.uk.

Uniform Event Stevensons will be in the Sports Hall on 11 July between 3-6pm with a full range of school uniform for sale. OBNO will also have good quality second hand items for sale at the same event. Current students may attend for a fitting session with Stevenson’s from 4pm onwards. We also have OPRO, a dental organisation that specialises in mouthguards visiting on the day. Click here for more information. Senior Pupils We are most grateful to Will Thompson for his leadership as Head of School over the last year, ably supported by his deputies Maddie Burton, Ben Millar and Senior Prepositor, Daisy Porter. School duties are also carried out by our Prepositors and Heads of House together with the Lower School Prefects. They have all worked very effectively with a varied range of responsibilities and opportunities to develop their team work and leadership skills. The new Head of School is Evie Wateridge, assisted by Eve Henley, Senior Prepositor, Colin McCann and Becky Williams as Deputy Heads of School. 3

DATES FOR YOUR DIARY Fri 25 May Mon 4 June Wed 6 - Wed 13 June Thurs 14 June Fri 15 June Mon 25 to Wed 27 June Wed 27 June Friday 29 June Thurs 5 to Fri 6 July Wed 11 July Fri 13 July

Break up for summer half term Upper Sixth leave of absence Second half of summer term commences Third & Fourth Year Internal examinations Lower Sixth Parents’ Evening Fifth Year Book Collection Science Festival Leavers Day Sports Day Endeavour Lower School Swimming Gala End of Term

KETA BUSES School finishes at 2.55pm on the last day of term and all KETA buses will depart at 3.05pm THERE WILL BE NO LATE BUSES

Leavers’ Celebrations This year’s Fifth Year pupils have taken the initiative to organise their own Fifth Year Prom on 20 June. Likewise, the Upper Sixth Form leavers have organised their own Leavers’ Ball on the evening of 29 June. We understand that both Upper and Lower Sixth Formers have bought tickets for the Ball. As parents, we thought you would wish to know that the School is not assisting with any arrangements for these events and therefore can accept no responsibility for the conduct of the evening nor for the welfare of the pupils, their behaviour, accident or damage either at the events or during their travel to and from the venues. We do, however, wish them every success in what we hope will be both enjoyable and memorable events.

PARENTS’ EVENINGS 2018/2019 Year


Lower Sixth

Tuesday 2 October 2018


Thursday 15 November 2018


Wednesday 5 December 2018


Thursday 24 January 2019

Upper Sixth

Thursday 7 February 2019


Tuesday 26 February 2019


Tuesday 5 March 2019

Lower Sixth

Wednesday 12 June 2019

TRIPS & VISITS INFORMATION HUB Trips taking place over the summer half term are as follows: Third Year French trip to the Opal Coast D of E Gold - Lake District D of E Bronze - New Forest Second Year Camp First & Second Year Spanish trip - Catalonia

25 - 28 May 29 May – 2 June 30 May – 1 June 30 May – 2 June 31 May – 4 June

Parents must ensure all new passports include the holder’s signature if required.

TERM DATES 2018-19 Autumn Term 2018 Tuesday 4 September - Thursday 20 December (Half term Monday 22 October to Thursday 1 November incl.) Inset Days: Monday 3 September, Monday 8 October, Friday 2 November & Friday 30 November Spring Term 2019 Tuesday 8 January - Friday 29 March (Half Term Monday 18 February to Friday 22 February incl.) Inset Days: Monday 7 January & Monday 18 March Summer Term 2019 Wednesday 24 April - Friday 12 July (Half Term Monday 27 May to Friday 31 May incl.) Inset Day: Tuesday 23 April PLEASE NOTE CHANGE OF INSET DAY DATE FROM 31 AUGUST TO 3 SEPTEMBER 2018 4

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