Pshe at kes 2017

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“Pupils’ personal development is excellent and fully meets the School’s aim of developing self-confidence and independent young people who have a strong sense of community.” ISI Report 2012

“Pupils’ personal development is enhanced by a comprehensive personal, social and health education (PSHE) programme” ISI Inspection 2012

Fortnightly time-tabled PSHE lesson with tutors. Time also available during the extended Wednesday morning tutor time. Programme enhanced by a collapsed timetable day. Designed to complement the Junior Science curriculum and Extended Studies Programme.

Autumn Term: ground rules, anxieties, expectations and study skills, learning profile, appropriate technology use, organisation Spring Term: bullying, families and feelings, self esteem, friendships Summer Term: revision and exam preparation, challenge booklet (team building and building positive relationships)

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Basic drug facts Alcohol Safer Social Networking Cyber Bullying: PJM Communication and Team Building Skills Basic Budgeting

Junior Science addresses several PSHE themes. Cell division, specialised cells, tissues and organs help with understanding health; series of lessons on puberty, reproductive systems and contraception; sequence of lessons on energy and fuels encourages debates on environmental issues. Extended Studies includes topics on conservation, first aid, food and nutrition, international awareness and dance (team work). Nursing staff cover menstruation (girls only) and personal hygiene with pupils in small groups.

“The behaviour code, and the system of rewards through the merit system are reinforced by an effective PSHE programme” ISI Inspection 2012

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Short PSHE lessons delivered by tutors during Wednesday morning tutor time (2 year programme). Programme enhanced by two collapsed timetable days – one for each year group. 3rd Year pupils sit Fast Tomato careers profiling test as part of the School’s careers programme. 3rd Year Biology covers nutrition, digestive system, respiration and smoking Bullying workshop for all 2nd Year pupils Presentation on SRE, including pornography, to 3rd Year pupils.

Autumn Term: organisation, bullying, benefits of sleep, consumer rights, smoking, depression, relationships (parents, friends, opposite sex, same sex), self esteem, healthy lifestyles, managing strong feelings, assertiveness, 2nd Year PSHE Day. Spring Term: Subject option choices, jobs, careers, challenging stereotypes, learning disabilities and autism, self esteem, 3rd Year PSHE Day, 2nd Year Bullying Workshop, 3rd Year SRE Talk Summer Term: internet safety, study skills, how to revise, summer health challenge (sun safety and healthy eating in alternate years).

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Internet Safety and Gaming Being a Digital Citizen Friendships Body Image Managing your Money Why People Work

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Careers Matching Mental Wellbeing Emerging Leadership Politics (Voting Systems) Harmful Substances (Drugs and Alcohol) Managing New Technology

“Pupils find PSHE lessons, which include guidance on internet safety, relevant and interesting and enjoy the many outside speakers.� ISI Inspection 2012

PSHE provision complements topics covered by academic subjects studied by all students e.g. three sciences address risk, environmental issues and sex education  GCSE RS taught to all 4th Year pupils  Guest speakers invited for pupils cover: i. Drug education (4th Year) ii. Alcohol (4th Year) iii. Contraception, peer pressure and delaying intercourse (5th Year)  4th Year Programme is enhanced by collapsed time-table day. 

5th Year Private Study Period used to cover: i. Testicular and Cervical cancer ii. Managing exam stress: AD  All 4th Year pupils take Morrisby career profiling test.  All 5th Year pupils have an individual careers interview. 

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Internet Safety and Sexting Personal Finance Self esteem Contraception STIs Leadership and Team Work

“Members of the sixth form also benefit from Open

Forum, a programme of stimulating lectures which encourage them to think more deeply about themselves and the world around them.� ISI Inspection 2012.

PSHE delivered via the School’s Foundation Studies (General Studies) and Open Forum Programmes. PSHE Coordinator and Head of Foundation Studies liaise closely as this is developed. LVI Programme is enhanced by collapsed time-table day.

Run as series of presentations, mainly delivered by outside speakers, in both LVI and UVI Speakers chosen so that a wide range of topics are covered (travel, health, online profiles and social issues) Presentations intended to be thought provoking and to encourage students to see the world through the eyes of others

Combination of presentations and short courses that provide students with key skills and useful information ď ˝ Programme includes: i. Reading for Research ii. PSHE talks on sexual diversity, domestic abuse, HIV/ AIDS iii. Road Ready iv. Into Work v. Introduction to financial management vi. Presentation skills vii. Introduction to UCAS and Higher Education viii. Politics ď ˝

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Double session on adolescent development and mental health Session on HE Session with personal tutor to discuss early progress and any plans for life after KES Double session on substance abuse, including so-called “legal highs”

For students studying 3 rather than 4 subjects to A2 and who are not doing the Extended Project Students choose from a range of courses developed to suit all tastes and talents (some practical, some cerebral) Emphasis on enjoying new experiences and having a break from examination driven study

“The School ……… offers training in handling adolescent development and parenting issues” ISI Inspection 2012

Various PSHE Evening Talks and Workshops:

Autumn Term: i. Legal and illegal drugs  Spring Term: i. Internet safety  Summer Term: i. Two Talks on Understanding your Teenager’s Behaviour ii. Life with a Teenager Evening: Parents choose 2 from a selection of 4 workshops 

Choice of 2 from 4 workshops:  Teenage mental health: Richard Moore  Mindfulness: Annie Davison  How to survive and enjoy your child’s teenage years: Jan Symes  Understanding Your Teenager’s Temperament: Lorraine Lee

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1st Year 2 sessions on PSHE Day (drug facts, alcohol) 3rd Year Session on drugs, including alcohol and caffeine 4th Year Two 1 hr talks to whole year group– Alcohol (from recovering alcoholic), Illegal and Legal Drugs (effects on individuals and society) LVI 1.5 hr talk with discussion for whole year group on all aspects of drug use and misuse Parents Evening talk to parents about all forms of drugs

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1st Year Two sessions on PSHE Day: Safer Social Networking, Cyber Bullying also sessions in tutorial lessons Lower School Session on Internet Safety and Gaming during 2nd Year PSHE Day. Internet tracking and damaging sites covered in Wednesday morning sessions. 4th Year Session on sexting and e-safety during 4th Year PSHE Day LVI Online profiles and e-safety covered in Open Forum Parent Talk Evening talk to parents covering practical steps parents can take to minimise risks to which their child is exposed and to provide advice to share with their child

1st year Human reproduction covered in Junior Science (name and function of male and female body parts, sexual intercourse and fertilisation, pregnancy and birth, menstrual cycle, puberty, methods of contraception). Menstruation covered by nursing staff with 1st Year girls. Lower School Various sessions on relationships during Wednesday extended tutorial time. SRE Talk to 3rd Year by Alex Fryer about consent, alcohol and pornography and developing healthy respectful relationships. Upper School Sessions on 4th Year PSHE Day on STIs, contraception and internet safety and sexting. Private study session during 5th Year covering testicular and cervical cancer. Talk by Alex Fryer about contraception, peer pressure and delaying intercourse. Human reproduction, inheritance and genetics and AIDS covered in GCSE Biology. LVI Sessions in LVI FS programme: sexual diversity (2 sessions), HIV/ AIDS.

1st year Session on 1st Year PSHE Day on Simple Budgeting Lower School Wednesday morning session on consumer rights. Session on managing your money during 2nd Year PSHE Day: 4th Year Session during 4th Year PSHE Day on personal finance LVI Series of sessions in FS programme: introduction to financial management

Lower School (i) Three Wednesday morning sessions over 2 year programme: (ii) One session on why people work during 2nd Year PSHE Day. (iii) Session on careers matching/ researching a career during 3rd Year PSHE Day. (iv) Careers option talks given to both 2nd and 3rd Year pupils before option choices. (iv) 3rd Year pupils take Fast Tomato careers profiling test. Upper School Pupils introduced to Career Department facilities on tutor group basis. All 4th Year pupils take Morrisby Careers Profiling Test and receive individual feedback. Every 5th Year pupil receives individual careers interview. 6th Form Students work with tutors/ Careers Department/ Director of Student Guidance as University applications and future careers considered. Work experience placements organised for pupils who want them. UCAS sessions, Personal Statement preparation, gap years covered in LVI FS. Individual advice, ongoing throughout LVI and UVI

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