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If your child is unwell, please fill in the absence request form on the Parent Portal: https://my.stroud-kes.org.uk/login

Any pupil who becomes unwell or injured during the school day is referred to the school nurse. If necessary, you will be contacted to discuss the best course of action.

Medicines, including cough linctus, anti-histamine, paracetamol and ibuprofen preparations, will only be administered to children when there is permission to do so.

If your child requires medication whilst at school, their medicine should be given to Matron in the medical room. A short-term medical needs administration of medication form must be completed. Please see Matron for these forms, or they can also be collected from the School Office.

If your child is prescribed antibiotics, please ensure they have had 24 hours of the course before returning to school. If your child has sickness or diarrhoea, they must be 48 hours clear of the last symptoms before returning to school. If they show signs of a temperature, please keep them at home until they have been 24 hours fever free. This is to stop the spread of infection.

Stroud School is Allergy Aware and caters for pupils with a wide range of medical needs, including but not limited to, gluten intolerance (Coeliac), nut and peanut, egg, and dairy allergies. We also cater for a wide range of cultural dietary requirements. Foodstuffs containing nuts should not be brought on site to reduce the risk of cross-contamination. Parents are requested to clearly label all food brought on site that may be shared or sold for charity events. Food brought in for celebrations birthdays should be clearly labelled and handed over to the form teacher.

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