September Bulletin

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King Edward VI School

Start of Term Bulletin


14 September, 2018 chool has got off to a crisp start with the completion of the extended dining room ready for the start of term. At Stroud we have also completed work on a new 5 classroom building for Key Stage 1.

Our students have enjoyed an excellent set of academic results with a 99.7% pass rate at A level, 54% of grades at A* and A, 85% of A level grades at A*, A and B. 47% of grades at IGCSE were at A* and 73% A and A*. The Higher Education results have also been excellent with 97% of students proceeding to courses at the top 25 universities, 10 to Oxbridge and 11 to medical school. Sport has got off to a good start with good weather and excellent pitches with the pre-season South Coast Rugby competition at Wellington and some good results in the initial fixtures. Our students have enjoyed a wide range of opportunities over the summer holiday including the Summer Camp in the New Forest, the Goedgedacht team in South Africa, an expedition to the Galapagos and the water-sports trip in France as well as various Duke of Edinburgh expeditions. These visits continue to give our pupils enormous opportunities and I am very grateful to all who organised and managed them so effectively over the summer break.

CAR PARKING We would like to remind all parents that parking or obstructing the zig-zag markings outside the principal entrances to the School is a traffic offence. Please make a point of keeping these areas clear at all times, particularly when dropping off or collecting your children.

We welcome a number of new teaching staff: Mr Barley (Mathematics), Mrs Clement (Head of French), Miss Forsey (Director of Music), Mr Garnett (Director of Drama), Mrs Gilmour (Drama), Mr Jennings (English), Ms King (Geography), Dr Mayor (Physics), Mr Penn (P.E.), Mrs Rawson (English), Ms Rieuf (Spanish) and Mrs Roy (English).

Once again this year we are inviting parents and friends of King Edward VI School to join forces with our School choir and orchestra for the Carol Service at Romsey Abbey on Monday 10 December at 7.30pm.


If you sing and read a little music we would be pleased to welcome you into our SATB choir. There will be a few evening rehearsals for those who need to learn notes and then one massed rehearsal for pupils and adults.

There are also some internal changes of staff responsibility to note: Mr Jepson (Head of MFL), Mrs Hall (Co-ordinator of German), Mrs Arnold (Second in English), Mrs Henderson (Head of Lower School and First Year), Mrs Rugge-Price (Head of Third Year), Mrs Burnett (Head of Second Year), Mrs Walls (Assistant Head of Year in the Lower School and Head of Watts), Mrs Penn (Assistant Head of Year - Upper School), Miss Downing (Junior Science Co-ordinator), Miss McGinn (Charities Co-ordinator), Mr Sinclair (Partnerships Coordinator), Mr Brown (Acting Head of Geography). Mrs Oman is the new French assistant.

If you have sung in our adult choir previously you will automatically receive full details about repertoire and rehearsals. If you are a new parent to the School and would like further details please email Miss Forsey on Lockdown rehearsal As part of the School’s Critical Incident planning we will be rehearsing our Lockdown procedure with the whole school on the morning of Tuesday 25 September. These practices are already becoming as routine as the termly fire drills but something we all hope we never have to use in reality.

Prize Giving is on Friday 14 September and the Chief Guest is Felicity Aston MBE, Polar Explorer. I look forward to meeting you at this and other KES events throughout the term. AJ Thould Head

School Policies Parents can access all School policies on the website by clicking here.

We are thrilled to announce that we have been selected to host the BBC Children in Need programme in November this year, broadcast live from the Dobson Theatre. More details soon! 1

HIGHER EDUCATION Work Shadowing 2018/2019 The Higher Education & Careers Department will help Lower Sixth students find and organise work shadowing opportunities. Click here for details of how invaluable this opportunity is and how to participate in the 2018-19 scheme. Students intending to apply to Oxbridge, Medicine, Dentistry or Veterinary Science - the deadline for UCAS applications is 17 September. The deadline for all other UCAS applications is the week before half term (15 October). Deadlines for registering for additional admissions tests are: BMAT 1 October. All other tests (excluding Oxbridge LNAT) is 15 October. LNAT and UKCAT need to be registered for independently and are sat externally. UKCAT registration deadline is 18 September and the last date for sitting the test is 2 October. LNAT last date for registering for Oxford entry is 5 October and the last date for sitting the test is 20 October. The last date for sitting the LNAT for non-Oxford applicants is 30 January 2019. BMAT, Oxford TSAs and all other tests (excluding LNAT and UKCAT) are sat in School on 31 October. The generic registration form for BMAT and Oxbridge tests can be found on the School website. This needs to be completed before registering with the Examinations Office. Candidates are advised to check the School website here for full details of additional university admissions tests.

HOMEWORK TIMETABLES Homework timetables can be found by clicking here and referring to the year group you require.

Cybercrime Notification

When pupils are included on an upcoming trip, parents are to be aware of the following points:

If you receive an email from King Edward VI School/Stroud School purporting to amend our bank details please delete it. We will never communicate new bank account details by email. If you have any doubt about the legitimacy of an email alleging to be from us please contact us by telephone to clarify.

When parental consent is required for a trip, the School will email a consent form to parents which should be completed and submitted electronically.



Parents are responsible for ensuring that emergency contact details and pupils’ medical records are up to date and must notify the School nurse of any changes prior to a trip.

The School insures all pupils for accident and dental cover, whether in or out of school, 365 days a year. Please click here for further details of the scheme.

For further information about any upcoming School trips parents may refer to the website here or contact the School’s Co-Curriculum Administrator on

SIXTH FORM INFORMATION EVENING 7pm on Thursday 18 October This evening is an occasion for Fifth Year pupils and external candidates, to find out more information about the subject choices on offer and wider Sixth Form life. Teachers and Sixth Form students from all academic departments will be present, so this is an excellent opportunity to find out more about A Level study and discuss your preferred options.

The annual German trip to Aachen will run this year from Friday 14 to Sunday 16 December which includes two nights in the town’s beautiful youth hostel. Second and Third Year pupils will be invited, with priority given to those currently studying German. Full details will be sent to parents soon, but please contact Mr Jepson for further details in the meantime.

There will be short presentations from the Head and the Director of Sixth Form, as well as a chance to hear from Sixth Formers about their choices and the academic opportunities available in the Sixth Form. 2

European Day of Languages - 26 September 2018 Together with the Languages department, the Charities Committee is hosting a Bake Off competition on Monday 24 September as part of the celebrations. Bakes could be inspired by European recipes or represent languages in their appearance. Good luck bakers!

On Wednesday, 26 September, the Languages Faculty will be celebrating the European Day of Languages with food, games and prizes. Everyone is welcome to come along to visit our stalls, which will be set up in the Atrium at lunchtime. Your Child and Social Media Information Evening

Thank you all for your generosity with your preloved shoe donations. We have been able to send off 456 pairs of shoes to Sal’s Shoes who will distribute them to those in need worldwide.

17 September 2018 at 7pm in the Dobson Theatre Social media has many benefits however it also has areas

of concern. We have organised an information evening which has been designed to help KES parents understand how children are using social media. It is intended to be a practical session that offers advice on helping children manage their online lives, as well as demonstrating how some of the more popular social media platforms work. This will help parents make informed decisions about how their children use social media to interact with their peers.

KES PTA New Parent Wine Tasting Evening Friday 12 October Click here for more information. First Year Toy Appeal Fun Run The local toy appeal run by SCRATCH spread some festive joy to nearly 2000 children and young people last Christmas. We hope that we can help to increase this number this year. On Monday 15 October the First Year pupils, joined by some Sixth Formers, will run across the School dressed as their favourite toy or character to help raise money to buy Christmas presents for children in Southampton who may not otherwise receive one.

CLUBS AND SOCIETIES Co-curricular activities form an integral part of life at King Edward’s and we are very proud of the number of opportunities on offer. We would like our students to participate in at least two activities. Click here to view the extensive Autumn 2018 programme. Examination Certificates

Information and procedure to apply for financial support if your child wishes to enter the Sixth Form in September 2019 can be found by clicking Scholarships/Studentships.

Certificates for examinations taken in the summer will be distributed early in November to Fifth and Sixth Form students through Group Base. These certificates are valuable documents and will be required for future university applications and prospective employers throughout your son/daughter’s working careers. They cannot be replaced.

The deadline for applications is the end of October 2018.

New Parents’ Evening 27 September, 2018 at 6.30pm Parents of new pupils in the First, Second and Third Year are invited to the School Hall where snacks with wine and soft drinks will be served by the KES PTA.

Parents’ Evenings Please click here to access dates for Parents’ Evenings this academic year Uniform Feedback

The Headmaster, the KES PTA, Mrs Henderson, Head of Lower School, and Mr Allen, Assistant Head (Digital Strategy & IT), will be presenting from the stage at 7.15pm. The evening will give you the opportunity to understand the transition process, and will try to answer some of the questions you may have on moving to a new school. If you have not yet made your choice of seminar to visit after the main presentations, please click here and if you require any particular access arrangements, please do contact Mrs Henderson in advance of the event on

If you have any feedback on the service and products offered by Stevensons, our uniform suppliers, please email Miss Smith on before Friday 21 September. Staff and Parent Prayer Meeting A prayer meeting will be held on Tuesday 2 October between 1pm and 2pm in the Commemoration Room All welcome to an informal prayer gathering with refreshments 3

DATES FOR YOUR DIARY Friday 14 Sept Monday 17 Sept Thursday 27 Sept Friday 28 Sept Tuesday 2 October Friday 5 Oct Monday 8 Oct Thursday 18 Oct Monday 22 Oct -Thursday 1 Nov Friday 2 Nov

Prize Giving in the Dobson Theatre Please note: Social Media Parents’ Evening A more comprehensive calendar which is New Parents’ Evening updated and reviewed Non Uniform Day regularly, is available Lower Sixth Welcome Evening on our website. Open Evening: School ends at 3pm INSET Day Sixth Form Information Evening Half Term Special Arrangements for GCSE and GCE Examinations 2019 INSET Day PLEASE NOTE that the deadline by which the School can approve special arrangements in public examinations for students with specific learning difficulties or disabilities, such as extra time, the use of a word processor or other arrangements, is coming up soon. If your child has so far been undiagnosed and yet you suspect he or she may have special educational needs, then it is essential that, in the first instance, you contact Mr Smart, the Head of Curriculum Support, as soon as possible and no later than Thursday 18 October 2018, before the beginning of the autumn half term. Further information can be found in the School’s Curriculum Support Policy here.

KETA TRANSPORT - TEMPORARY BUS PASSES Pupils wishing to obtain a temporary bus pass to enable them to travel on a different route must arrange this through the Main Office giving at least 48 hours notice. Parental permission must be agreed by the Main Office before a temporary pass is issued and will only be available on buses where there is spare capacity.

OPEN EVENING FRIDAY 5 OCTOBER, 2018 We would be delighted to welcome any current parents to attend our Open Evening. Any pupil staying to help on the evening needs to give their name to Reception to arrange a meal by 4pm on Monday 1 October.

SPORTING NOTES Sporting Expectations: Parents are reminded that students are expected to be available if selected for sports fixtures either during the school week or at the weekend. It is fair to assume that if a student is in groups 1 or 2 in games lessons they are likely to be asked to be involved.


Sports Website All fixture details can be found on http:// and this is where team sheets can be found once they have been added. Transport arrangements for away sports fixtures Travel for Saturday away fixtures by Coach will depart from and return to Wellington Sports Ground. Travel for Saturday away fixtures by Minibus will depart from and return to Hill Lane. Travel to away fixtures during the school week by either coach or minibus will depart from and return to Hill Lane. Parental Support Parents, families and friends are welcome to come and support our teams in their matches and are invited to take refreshments after the fixture. Please do remember that we are working hard to develop sports performers who not only strive to be as good as they can be but more importantly enjoy their sport. Please ensure that support from the side-line is in keeping with this and sets the right example to our students. Please follow this link for further information. 4

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