Basher Basics: Grammar_ True or False Activity

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Gr a m m ar le it T Or e ru T goes Fa lse he r e

A Gra mmar

A C t i v i t y!

This error-busting bunch has been policing part of speech for centuries, Put your gnarly skills to bad and there’s not agrammar verb form gone work these way-hip activities or an with incomplete sentence slouching featuring the Basher grammar gang. around inside a paragraph today


that can slip anything past them. How about you? Do you know your grammar rules well enough to handle this activity?

A nswer Ke y

In st ruc tors Page Grammar True or False 1. True 2. False 3. False 4. True 5. False 6. False 7. False 8. True 9. True 10. False


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Grammar T rue or False Read the following statements about grammar rules. Indicate if a statement is true or false by writing “True” in front of all of the statements that are true, and write “False” in front of all of the statements that are false.

__________ 1. J oin independent clauses together with conjunctions. __________ 2. M ake collective nouns singular when the members act individually. __________ 3. P lace a modifier at least three words away from its subject. __________ 4. For greater impact, use the active voice __________ 5. N ever use a comma to separate a dependent clause from an independent clause. __________ 6. D on’t capitalize the first letter of a person’s profession when it is used as part of their title. __________ 7. D on’t capitalize adjectives that are formed from proper nouns. __________ 8. W ords ending in “ing” are not verbs unless they have a helping word. __________ 9. O nly the last noun gets “’s” when two or more nouns own, or are related to the same thing or person. _________ 10. A phrase can only come before the noun it describes.

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