Basher Basics: Punctuation_ What's My Mark Activity

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W hat 's

My ma r k ? n o i t a u A P unc t

! y t i v i t AC You’ve met exclamation point, a loudmouthed guy who loves to bark out orders, the heavy-duty comma cops, who keep the fast lane clear for Sentence’s main idea. And you said hello to awe-inspiring Hyphen, who conjures up brand-new expressions with the flick of a pen! Now, let’s see how much you’ve really learned about them.

Clause Comma

A nswer Ke y

In st ruc tors Page What’s My Mark? 1. Ellipsis


2. Introductory Comma 3. Quotation Marks



4. Contraction Apostrophe 5. Question Mark 6. Hyphen



7. Semicolon


8. Exclamation Point 9. Parentheses 10. Colon




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W h at 's

my Mark ?

Question Mark

Read each Basher Punctuation clue below. Then write the name and the punctuation mark it describes in the box.

1. Row of three dots that needs to be used with caution 2. Used after introductory words at the start of some sentences 3. Used for direct speech 4. Used in place of missing letters 5. Shows that a sentence is asking something 6. Used to connect words 7. Joins two whole sentences that are closely connected 8. Ends a sentence that expresses forceful emotion


9. S een hugging explanations and additional information 10. U sed to mark a clear break in a sentence before an explanation

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