T he
Cro ss wor d o f
T ec hNo lg y
y g o l o n h c e T A
! y t i v i t C A Technology uses science to make more useful materials, and better, more efficient machines. One scientist usually builds upon those inventions that came before, fitting missing pieces in the right spot to make improvements and-voila!- another piece in the puzzle.
Light Bulb
A nswer Ke y
In st ruc tors Page Technology Crossword
1. smartcard
2. spacesuit
4. userinterface
3. barcode
11. cellphone
5. internet
12. explosives
6. satellite
13. toilet
7. microchip 8. flashmemory 9. paper 10. telephone 14. lever
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Technology Crosswor d
Across 4. A helpful device that allows control of an electric keyboard
11. Roaming communication device that uses a network of cells
1. A plastic card with a tiny microprocessor chip embedded in it 5
12. Materials that cause rapid and violent chemical reactions
7 6
9 8
13. Teams up with sewers to make our lives easier 4 10
2. A tough and reliable protection for astronauts 3. A printed code made from solid bars and gaps 5. A vast network of interconnected computers
9. A thin sheet used for writing and wrapping
6. A Computer-controlled device orbiting Earth
10. A telecom device that transmits
7. A nother name for “an integrated circuit� 8. L ightweight, portable memory used in electronic gizmos
encoded sound as electricity
14. A simple device for changing the size of a force
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