Kingfisher International family news March 2020

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MARCH 2020


Kingfisher Family responds to worldwide pandemic We are living in unprecedented times - at least for our lifetime. Around 20% of the entire human race is currently in lockdown as the result of the Covid-19 pandemic, with nearly 2 million infected and more than 120,000 having died so far. With churches around the world being closed, Christian communities are finding different, creative ways to minister to people, body, soul and spirit.

are beginning to surface of a large scale increase of the number of people accessing the Christian message online, through visits to Christin websites, through attendance of online churches, with a rise in the number of people committing their lives to Christ. At Kingfisher in the UK, the past three weeks has seen over 20 people indicating their decision to ask Jesus Christ into their lives, with many others asking for prayer.

In the UK, Kingfisher has launched a successful online church, with three services being made available every week.

These are times when everything is being shaken and all the old certainties are crumbling around us. Jesus Himself predicted that things in the world would get worse and worse as the end draws near, and what we are living through right now would definitely be in line with that. But Jesus has overcome the world, and in this dark times, the Church is taking the light of Christ into the world in creative, compassionate, caring ways.

In India, believers are praying fervently in their own homes for an end to the pandemic. In Africa as well as in India, churches are organising food aid for families in their local communities. In the Philippines, a Food Aid programme has been launched by local churches with the help of local government in Rio Chico in the north of the country. Food packages are also being distributed among the Dumagat families.

The Covid-19 pandemic will pass, tragically leaving death and destruction in its wake. It will pass, but will we get back to normal? Do we even want to get back to ‘normal’, with its busyness, its distraction, its consumerism? Or is there an opportunity here, to move on to a new normal - an opportunity for people to reset priorities and continue to care for one another, with the church leading the way in this? There is a well-known saying that seems so appropriate for this time: ‘The world at its worst needs the Church at its best’.

Back in the UK, Kingfisher Treasure Seekers has also launched a Food Aid programme in association with Gloucester City Homes, packaging and distributing food parcels to vulnerable and isolated people. A partner of Treasure Seekers, Wiggly Worm, has been cooking meals, freezing them and then distributing them to people who are able to reheat them and enjoy a hot meal.

As and when the world emerges from this pandemic, may we, the Church, continue to be at our best, bringing love, hope and LIFE to this lost and broken world.

All over the world, Christians are rising to the challenge of sharing Christ’s love in practical, tangible ways. As mentioned above, we have a vision to minister to the whole person, and reports




Coronavirus relief efforts and IDOP

Dumagat Education Program update

Prayers, Praise and a new resource


Coronavirus relief efforts around the Fam

From the UK to the Philippines, believers are getting involved in practical initia and hope to vulnerable and isolated people. Here are some examples:

Coronavirus relief efforts around the Family

From Pastor Joseph Maravanyika in Zimbabwe: Greetings from Zimbabwe, we really appreciate your continued encourage these Zimbabwe like many other nations has recorded three corona virus cas one. Due to covid 19 pandemic, the government has closed schools and o are authorizing a gathering of not more than 50 people. As a church we are and Sunday service we will have two services to accomodate and minister other. Unfortunately we cannot do live streaming due to our limited resources our church members not being technology compatible so we are trying to sou and hand washing soaps as a preventive measure for us and the church mem

From the UK to the Philippines, believers are getting involved in practical initiatives to bring help and hope to vulnerable and isolated people. Here are some examples:

From Pastor Sam Atwal in India:

Food being gathered to be Food being gathered to be di distributed hard hit by the pandemic to families hard hit by International Day of Prayer - 2020 the Our annual International Day of Prayer is happening this year on Sunday, June 28th pandemic it is needed more than ever! In the midst of a difficult and challenging year, with over 1 From Pastor Sam Atwal in India:

From Pastor Joseph Maravanyika in Zimbabwe: Greetings from Zimbabwe, we really appreciate your continued encouragement in times like these Zimbabwe like many other nations has recorded three corona virus cases it has claimed one. Due to covid 19 pandemic, the government has closed schools and other institutions and are authorizing a gathering of not more than 50 people. As a church we are having home groups and Sunday service we will have two services to accomodate and minister and encourage each other. Unfortunately we cannot do live streaming due to our limited resources and with most of our church members not being technology compatible so we are trying to source hand sanitizers and hand washing soaps as a preventive measure for us and the church members at large.

firmed Covid-19 deaths worldwide and rising, the need to stand together in fervent, b supportive prayer around the world has never been greater!

On June 28th, we will be joining thousands of other believers worldwide, coming toge out to the LORD for Him to bring healing to the nations:

From Aileen Pajarillaga, school teacher in

Fromare Aileen Pajarillaga, schoolwill teacher in the Philippines,and delivering foo “Then if my people who called by my name humble themselves pray and gat families theandPhilippines: face turn from their wicked ways, I will hear from heaven and will forgive their sin their land.” (2 Chronicles 7:14, NLT)


Each National Director leading the nations in prayer for each other, beseeching God t food to use this time to draw multitudes to Himself, to turn whatever Satan has intended fo victory for His parcels toName!

Dumagat This International Day of Prayer we are getting practical. As a way of demonstrating o and support for our brothers and sisters around the world, many of whom are starving families tute as a result of this pandemic, we shall be having a special GIFT DAY, where all bel invited to give a financial gift which will then be distributed to the Kingfisher Family a world.

INTERNATIONAL DAY OF PRAYER 2020 - SUNDAY JUNE 28TH. Be part of changing this world

International Day of Prayer Sunday 28th June 2020 Our annual International Day of Prayer is happening this year on Sunday, June 28th - and this year it is needed more than ever! In the midst of a difficult and challenging year, with over 100,000 confirmed Covid-19 deaths worldwide and rising, the need to stand together in fervent, believing supportive prayer around the world has never been greater!

id p 2020

Each National Director leading the nations in prayer for each other, beseeching God to restore us, to use this time to draw multitudes to Himself, to turn whatever Satan has intended for harm into victory for His Name! This International Day of Prayer we are getting practical. As a way of demonstrating our love for and support for our brothers and sisters around the world, many of whom are starving and destitute as a result of this pandemic, we shall be having a special GIFT DAY, where all believers are invited to give a financial gift which will then be distributed to the Kingfisher Family around the world.

On June 28th, we will be joining thousands of other believers worldwide, coming together to cry out to the LORD for Him to bring healing to the nations: “Then if my people who are called by my name will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, I will hear from heaven and will forgive their sins and restore their land.” (2 Chronicles 7:14, NLT)

INTERNATIONAL DAY OF PRAYER 2020 SUNDAY JUNE 28th Be part of changing this world



Update from the Dumagat Education Program The DEP and the Lords Light Christian Fellowship in Rio Chico joined together to provide a Covid-19 Relief Operation, supporting families in need in Bulak, Sibug and Rio Chico. Donations were also given from Kingfisher church in the UK and from other individuals who were keen to support this worthy cause. 350 households benefitted from this operation including the DEP students in Sibug and Bulak.

On Thursday 9th April, families in need were given a bag containing 2 kilos of rice, 2 cans of sardines, 1 can of tuna and 5 packs of coffee with creamer. Thank you to all those who helped to pack the 350 bags, and to everyone who donated.



Prayer requests and things to Praise to God for The Philippines



• A growing sense that the Lord wants to use the Coronavirus pandemic to move in a new way in Spain and Europe

• Despite of being very unwell with Covid symptoms including difficulty breathing, Pastor Noels’ daughter Kz, was healed by our prayers

• In a time of lockdown where churches cannot meet together physically, that we have been able to encourage each other at all levels through internet meetings • A desire to go deeper in God whilst we are shut in, to know His heart better, to understand the times and be prepared by Him to minister in a new season

• For the help of Kingfisher church in helping poor families meeting there needs in our place

PRAYER NEEDS FOR THE NATION: • For families as they are shut in together 24/7, usually in tiny flats with nothing more than a balcony outside, that the tensions and frustration will lead them to seek help in their relating • For retired people in Old People’s Homes, where so many of Coronavirus deaths have occurred, and those seeking to care for them • With so much fear (together with grief for those who have died), that people will cry out to the Prince of Peace KINGFISHER CHURCH PRAYER NEEDS: • For healing and strengthening for two Fellowship of the King congregations as they seek to move forward after a testing period and to bring forward new leaders • That the Lord will give us new opportunities to connect with those who are spiritually hungry and to disciple them into saving faith in Jesus • With the major economic effects of the pandemic becoming clearer, that the churches will be able to give an example in caring for the needy

PRAYER NEEDS FOR THE NATION: • Healing the world of this virus, to supply the daily needs of the people, wisdom for the government on how to end this pandemic, protection to all frontliners, and for a vaccine to end this virus KINGFISHER CHURCH PRAYER NEEDS: • to finish the ongoing church building in Pantay to use for His glory. Let God bless us with blessings for its completion FAITH TARGET FOR THE NEXT SEASON:

FAITH TARGETS FOR THE NEXT SEASON: • That we will learn better how to love one another as Jesus first loved us • That we will continue to grow in becoming a people who look out to those around us with the compassion of Jesus • That they Lord will clarify specific ways for each congregation to do this

• To finish the church building in Pantay this year and to start a worshipping congregation there this year

New resource available Fear Not booklet Straight from the pages of the Bible how we can stand against fear in these uncertain times, replacing the fear that we feel with truth from the Bible. 48 'Fear Nots' selected from the pages of the Bible to give you hope and courage…

Available to download via the kingfisherfamily Facebook page, the Kingfisher Tredworth Facebook page, the Kingfisher Westgate Facebook page. If you would like a pdf version of the booklet, please email


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