Kingfisher Leadership News, April 2020

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Kingfisher Leadership

1st April 2020

Kingfisher Leadership news Leading in times of CRISIS “It is in times of crisis that good leaders emerge” (Rudy Giuliani)

2020 is not the year we were expecting. Who could have predicted that, in the space of just three months, the world would have effectively closed down, with every routine of life disrupted and derailed for billions of people worldwide? Whole countries in lockdown, churches worldwide unable to meet together, over one million people infected by COVID-19. This is a time of crisis the like of which the world has not experienced in living memory. The question arises:


How are we to lead during such a time?

As Rudy Giuliani rightly says, good leaders emerge at just such times. Why is that? Because they understand what is needed in a time of crisis.

In a time of crisis, people need…

Communication. When leading during change and crisis, leaders must over communicate. Crisis causes people to feel isolated and confused. We cannot rely on the same levels and modes of communication that were sufficient in more peaceful times. Your church or ministry is in lockdown? Find new ways of connecting with people. Consider carefully the message you are going to communicate - don’t over-simplify or over-promise things that you can’t deliver. Communication needs to be clear, honest, positive and consistent. It also needs to be as personal and ‘human’ as possible, hence the weekly video updates that are currently being produced on Kingfisher’s social media platforms.

Calmness. This does not mean that the leader should be falsely confident, because honesty is always the best policy for effective leadership, and this is especially true during times of crisis. Calmness is about radiating a Godly confidence - God is not panicking and neither, therefore, are we. Our confidence is in Him and so we can remain calm in this crisis because God is still God, He knows what He is doing and He will bring us safely through this time.

Communication, calmness, perspective, hope 1

Kingfisher Leadership

1st April 2020

.Perspective. God is still God. He is still in control. He still answers prayers. He still has a plan. Our hope is still in Him and our Home is still in Heaven. In a time of crisis, perspective can easily become undermined with people losing a grip on the confidence we have as children of God. Our role as leaders is to firmly maintain the Godly perspective and consistently encourage others to maintain a Godly perspective. God has lost none of His power, and He has abandoned none of His plans. Satan may intend to harm us through this, But God intends to bring us through this and bring good out of it! A good leader will encourage others to hold onto this perspective.

Hope. “In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.” (John 16:33, NIV)

Yes, times are difficult right now, with lockdowns, financial uncertainties, isolation, and so on. But there is hope ahead, because God is still at the centre of our lives. He still has plans and purposes that will give us a hope and future (Jeremiah 29:11) As a leader, you are a Hope Carrier. Nehru once said, "Crises and deadlocks when they occur have at least this advantage, that they force us to think." (Jawaharlal Nehru). That is partly true, but a greater insight is this: “Crises and deadlocks when they occur have at least this advantage, that they force us to our knees.” This is the time for great leadership. Communicate God’s grace, peace and protection. Keep calm - God is not panicking and neither need we. Lead people to the right perspective - God is still God, He still performs miracles, still answers prayers, still works in this world, still offers us our true home - Heaven.

NEW RESOURCE Straight from the pages of the Bible - how we can stand against fear in these uncertain times, replacing the fear that we feel with truth from the Bib le. 48 'Fear Nots' selected from the pages of the Bible to give you hope and courage… AVAILABLE to download via the kingfisherfamily Facebook page, the Kingfisher Tredworth Facebook page, the Kingfisher Westgate Facebook page.

48 ‘Fear Nots’ straight from the pages of the Bible to strengthen you in times of di!culty


Saturday, October 10th 2015 10am - 4pm


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