Kingfisher Leadership
1st February 2021
Kingfisher Leadership news Regaining an abundant perspective So far, 2021 is not proving to be the new start that so many of us hoped for. With new, variant strains of the COVID virus found in the UK, in South Africa, in Brazil, that are more transmissible than the original strain, this battle seems far from over, even with the arrival of several vaccines. Leaders, as we have seen in previous Leadership Newsletters, are called to be ‘Hope Carriers’, those who are able to discern and articulate vision in compelling ways. So, in the midst of this ongoing pandemic, what is the vision? What hope is God challenging leaders to proclaim and live out? Around the Kingfisher Family, that vision of hope is spelled out in Ephesians 3:20-21,
ourselves and those we lead to be living our lives at. We might not be experiencing an abundant level of provision right now, but we are definitely challenged to live with an exceeding, abundant perspective. And out of that perspective, Paul writes, “I can do everything through Him who gives me strength.” (Philippians 4:13, NIV)
An abundant perspective chooses to come into agreement with God’s view of things.
"Now to him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to his power that is at work within us, to him be glory in the church and in Christ Jesus throughout all generations, for ever and ever! Amen.” Immeasurably more. Or, as another versions puts it, exceedingly, abundantly more. That is the level at which He operates and at which we are to expect His power to be at work. That is the level of expectation we are called to encourage
This is the level of confidence He is challenging us to live at. How do leaders cultivate an exceeding, abundant perspective? Perspective is an attitude towards, or way of regarding something. An abundant perspective is a way of looking at the world from the perspective of expecting the God who is able to do exceedingly, abundantly more than all we ask or imagine to act in exceeding, abundant ways. An abundant perspective chooses to come into agreement with God’s view of things. Coming into agreement is about Confession - allowing our confession to mirror God’s declaration for this world. We have become so used to living within restrictions and lockdown rules (and rightly so; we must do all we can to see off this evil virus). However, our perspective should not be learning to live with what we cannot do, but rather learning to live with what we, through Christ , should expect. 1
Kingfisher Leadership
Four confessions leaders need to learn and lead others to adopt: Confession # 1 - IN CHRIST I AM NOT DEFEATED. It really doesn't matter how daunting or difficult the future seems, or the current situation seems, the issue is not what is facing you, but what is supporting you...if you are IN CHRIST, then all the resources of heaven are supporting you, and you will not be defeated! “For God has not given us a spirit of fear and timidity, but of power, love, and self-discipline.” (2 Timothy 1:7, NLT) Confession # 2 -I BELIEVE THAT WHAT YOU SAY ABOUT ME IS TRUE: NO WEAPON FORMED AGAINST ME WILL PROSPER We have His mighty power at work within you to accomplish infinitely more than we might ask or think. He is calling us to regain our Godly confidence, to prioritise being spiritually nourished and to dare, even in the midst of this pandemic, to live boldly for Him, expecting Him to accomplish exceedingly, abundantly, more than all we can ask or imagine.” “Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go.” (Joshua 1:9, NIV) Confession # 3 -As my confidence in Him begins to waiver, I BELIEVE THAT I AM YOUR CHILD.; NO WEAPON FORMED AGAINST ME WILL PROSPER. That confession opens the door to your greatest effectiveness. Only you can be you, and God didn't make a mistake when he made you ‘you’. So be you! Father, I am your child. No weapon formed against me will prosper.
1st February 2021
Confession # 4 - As I begin to wonder if God really does know what he is doing, my confession is: I BELIEVE YOU KEEP YOUR PROMISES: NO WEAPON FORMED AGAINST ME WILL PROSPER. God does not just try to keep His promises - all His promises are backed by all the honour of His name (Psalm 138:2). Saturday, October 10th 2015 As the- evangelist Smith Wiggleworth once said: 10am 4pm “Great faith is the product of great fights. Great The Location: testimonies are the outcome of great tests. Great The Events triumphs canRoom, only come out of great trials.” Westgate Street Building, Gloucester. When all we can see are battles, great fights, great tests, great trials, we need to confess the truth - “I believe you keep your promises. No weapon formed against me will prosper.” "For all of God’s promises have been fulfilled in Christ with a resounding “Yes!” And through Christ, our “Amen” (which means “Yes”) ascends to God for his glory." (2 Corinthians 1:20 NLT) To enable us to experience Abundant Life and to live abundantly, there are some free resources available. “My Confession” - a collection of 30 Biblebased confessions enable us to grow an abundant perspective. Now available to download in PDF format, free of charge. “Spiritual Pathways Growth Plan” - a tool that helps us discover how God has best ‘wired us up’ to draw close to Him. Linking our God-given personality with Psalm 23:3, “He restores my soul. He leads me in paths of righteousness for his name’s sake.” (ESV). Now available to download in PDF format, free of charge.
Kingfisher Leadership
1st February 2021
Available for free download in PDF format from our website:
What are ‘Spiritual Pathways’? God has made each one of us unique. As the Psalmist says, we are ‘fearfully and wonderfully made’ (Ps. 139:14). Psychologists tell us that there are over 18,000 different personality traits and each person is a unique combination of those personality traits. It is, therefore, not surprising that we do not all express our relationship with God in the same way. Although we should all pray, worship Him and read the Bible, different pathways will particularly enable different personalities to be nourished by Him.Focussing on seven of these pathways, this resource enables us to identify the most helpful way of drawing close to and being nourished by Him. This resource identifies the following pathways: intellectual, relational, serving, worship and activist, describes them and helps you to understand how best to use them to draw close to God and find spiritual nourishment.
Confession: coming into agreement with the truth
What we fix our thoughts on, what we think about, has a profound impact on what we hold to be true. But more than that, our lives are impacted by what we speak out what we make our confession. Speaking out the truth of who wear re, how God sees us and what God promises us, releases us from defeated, destructive lives and leads us into life in all its fulness as we embrace the truth of who we are and what God has promise us as we are ‘In Christ’’My Confession focusses on 30 truths from the pages of the Bible, leasing us to make thirty powerful confessions that radically impact our thoughts, our circumstances - our very lives. 3
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