Kingfisher Leadership news - June 2020

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Kingfisher Leadership

1st June 2020

Kingfisher Leadership news LEADING IN A TIME OF PAUSE Church has been operating in • to sit back and wait for things to ‘get back to ‘lockdown’ now for around 10 weeks normal’ so that you can start ‘leading’ again that sounds longer than any of us • to go into overdrive, having as many online imagined at the start of this, and there meetings and launching as many new initiatives as are likely going to be several more weeks possible, out of a fear of people losing momentum - months even - before we start reand interest. gathering for even the most basic, core services. Church Both of these options, I would will re-gather, not re-open, suggest, are a mistake. because you cannot re-open something that has not Embrace the A third, more creative option regarding closed. The church has how to lead in a time of pause is to pause: continued reaching out, embrace the pause, and to encourage those serving, offering hope, love, you lead to embrace the pause. In the support, having Sunday SELAH - To Bible, there is a word for pause - it is a services (online) and, within word that is used 74 times, 71 of those reflect, all of that, seeing many times being in the Psalms and the people come to Christ. At remember , remaining 3 times in the book of Kingfisher we have seen restate Habakkuk. The word is selah. well over 50 commitments to Christ at our online Being found most often in the Psalms, this Sunday services, which is is a clearly a musical term, but it has a phenomenal. deeper meaning than just pausing in a musical context. This is a very rich, creative and powerful word, and what better time to But in this time when so much of our embrace the ‘pause’ than now? And what greater ordinary, everyday lives is on ‘pause’, the leadership role could we have right now than to question that leaders must grapple with encourage those whom we lead - starting with is, ‘How can I lead in this time of ourselves - to embrace the ‘pause’? What does it ‘pause’?’ When none of the physical mean to ‘pause’ and how can we incorporate this gatherings are happening, when groups, into our own lives and encourage others to do the gatherings, activities, social interactions same? that we used to take for granted and There is power in the pause. We need to learn to that formed the setting for our pause. Even heaven pauses: leadership activities are now not possible - how can I lead? What should "When the Lamb broke the seventh seal, there was silence I be doing in this period of time? The in heaven for about half an hour." (Revelation 8:1, NLT) temptation is to launch in either of two directions: 1

Kingfisher Leadership

If heaven feels the need to pause , then so should we! Pause to do what? Well, three things: reflect, remember and restate There is power in reflection, there is power in remembering and there is power in restating,.. There is power in REFLECTION. That's the message of the song, 'Selah' that appears on the Kingfisher album Proclamations: 'Just look at the view, how far we've come, all that God has done...' ('Selah', from Proclamations)

1st June 2020

answers our prayer, we find that much more difficult to hold onto and remember the details of how we felt when the prayer was answered, the miracle happened, the provision materialised and so on. We have very selective memories, which means that we only remember the struggles and the setbacks in any real detail. And that robs us of confident assurance for the future, because if our hope is based on the Lord and we can't remember what He has done for us, we won't have the confidence to move ahead to the next, bigger challenge. That's why another psalmist makes this decision:

That is not pausing to congratulate ourselves at how far we've come, but to reflect on all that God has "Let all that I am praise the LORD; done. In the context of the Psalms may I never forget the good things he REFLECT: it is pausing to reflect on what has does for me." (Psalms 103:2 NLT) just been sung or chanted. In the May I never forget. Four words context of life, it is pausing to “O our Lord, that spell out the difference reflect on the activity of God in our are you between faith and fear. May I never lives and in the life of our church not…” forget that time when, at the 11th and the world. Why do we not do more reflection? Because we are hour, the money came through. May generally focussed on what we do I never forget the person God put in not yet have, on the current lack or my path that I was able to the next challenge, on where we encourage or who was such a need to go next, on which blessing to me. May I never forget. mountain is next to climb. And we're called to be pioneers, not settlers, but But I will, pioneers that move forward with unless I bank confidence because they are reflecting on ‘May I never forget’… that memory the track record, the unfailing love, of the somewhere four words that spell Lord.That's why Ethan the Ezrahite opens safe and his one and only psalm with these words: out the difference allow it to between faith and "I will sing of the LORD’s unfailing love forever! grow and Young and old will hear of your fear… develop my faithfulness" (Psalms 89:1 NLT) trust in Jesus It is in reflecting on and remembering the Christ for the next time. What do those four unfailing love of the Lord that we find the words mean in your life? May I never courage to step forward and move into the new things that God is calling us to. One of forget. May you never forget what? the design features of human beings - at There is power in REMEMBERING. What least, fallen human beings - is that we have very selective memories. If someone has has God challenged and changed in your life? hurt us, lied to us, let us down or betrayed We talk a lot at Kingfisher about life change, us, we have no trouble in remembering every single detail, maybe for years to come. and it is relatively easy to see that life change, But if we pray for something and God at least in other people. The hard thing is to 2 Saturday, October 10th 2015 10am - 4pm

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Kingfisher Leadership

identify it in ourselves. The reason for that is that we can still see so much that has not changed, so we conclude that nothing has changed. But that is just not true, because we are on a journey with change happening all the time. Generally, at least in my experience, the change comes in the wake of the challenge, and the challenge is generally in the area of giving something up: an attitude, a habit, a crutch that I've been leaning on, an assumption that has become a limitation. Change comes as I choose to respond to the challenge to lay that down, give it up. We are on a journey of shedding what holds us back.

1st June 2020

"Finishing is better than starting. Patience is better than pride." (Ecclesiastes 7:8 NLT) He's not finished with you yet, but the patience to keep going from one challenge to the next comes from reflecting on the journey so far. Honestly, it was great to start on this journey, but finishing is better than starting; the end result will be worth all the challenge and change.

Here is an other challenge: Remember: how has God rescued you in the darkest moments? Now mostly we don't want to think about the darkest moments; we just want to wash our minds clean of them and move on to "Therefore, since we are surrounded by such better things. But we can learn a great a huge crowd of witnesses to the life of faith, deal and grow a great deal by reflecting let us strip off every weight that slows us REMEMBER: on those times. Those times when we felt down, especially the sin that so easily trips we were drowning, that hope was us up. And let us run with endurance the extinguished, that there just seemed no race God has set before us." (Hebrews 12:1 “O our God, way forward, no way back and staying NLT) did you where we were wasn't an option either. not‌â€? I have had to strip off many things and That place of no hope. Remember it? But I will continue to do so. I have had to God rescued you. You know He did strip off a dependence on alcohol to because you are still here. Still living; still help me relax. I have had to strip off a breathing. You got through that darkest fear of being rejected and humiliated as of times. Not on your own and not by I have stepped out and tried new your own determination. God was there. things for God, like writing and speaking more He stepped in and somehow gave you the courage widely and so on. The list goes on, but the pattern and the encouragement to keep going, one step at a remains the time. "Lord, give me today my daily bread". I just same: need your power for today. And because I have growth and chosen to take the stand 'May I never forget', I The change comes in change in my recall that He has rescued me in the past and that the wake of the life has He will do it again. challenge and there always come "Your unfailing love will last forever. Your faithfulness is challenge is generally in the wake as enduring as the heavens." (Psalms 89:2 NLT) of in the area of giving responding Do you remember God rescuing you in the past? something up to the Do you remember that time when all hope was lost, challenge when you had run out of plan Bs, when there was not to give up, but rather to keep persevering. So, no backup in place just in case God let you down? it's good to pause and reflect: what has God You remember that? Just take a moment to challenged and changed in your life? Reflect on this remember: nobody has such a gilded life that no and you will realise that things have not happened calamity has ever befallen them, and they have at random, they have happened with a purpose and never cried out in desperation to God. "Help! If you a reason. God has got you on a journey and that do not come to my rescue I will surely drown!" But journey is one of challenge and change, but with a 3 glorious end in view. In fact

Kingfisher Leadership

God did come to your rescue, whether in ways that you were expecting or in ways that you were not. In ways that were apparent or in ways that were not. And He always will. He will always be there to rescue you in your darkest moments. So... "Friends, when life gets really difficult, don’t jump to the conclusion that God isn’t on the job. Instead, be glad that you are in the very thick of what Christ experienced. This is a spiritual refining process, with glory just around the corner." (1 Peter 4:12-13 MSG)

1st June 2020

circumstances and not on the thing you are so desperately hoping for or needing, but on the character of God. Just like a character in the OT called Jehoshaphat did. When

How do you keep yourself positive until God’s ‘yes’ comes? SELAH - you pause and reflect

faced with a desperate situation that threatened to wipe There is power in RESTATING. What are you Israel off the face of the map, he turned to God and trusting Him for right now? You may not have had poured out his heart to Him. Then he had one of those your breakthrough yet, but that does Selah moments. It's recorded in 2 Chronicles 20. not mean that the breakthrough is Here are the highlights of the Selah moment: not coming. The situation may have been going on for so long that you "O Lord, are you not...O our God did you are more than tempted to give up not...O our God will you not...?" (2 Chronicles and stop believing, but this isn't 20:6-12, NASB) God's ability in question here, or RESTATE: We've looked at this before. It is the key to His interest in blessing you with a hanging on while waiting for God's breakthrough.; it is His very “O our God, breakthrough. It is the essence of the Selah character. Because He has said, He will you moment. O Lord, are you not...o our God did will. That is what the psalmist was you not...o our God will you not?. not…” hanging onto even when things were desperately difficult: How can you lead in a time of ‘pause’? Learn "I have made a covenant with My chosen; I have sworn to David My servant, I will establish your seed forever And build up your throne to all generations." Selah. (Psalms 89:3-4 NASB) What are you trusting Him for right now? Pause and reflect on this. Beyond the doubt and the pain of waiting lies the issue of God's character. Not His ability. Not His interest. Not even His feelings about you. His character. He is a God who keeps His word. He is a God who is well able to say 'no' and say it loud and clear, and so if He hasn't said a loud and clear 'no', there is every reason to believe that the 'yes' is on its way. In fact, whenever your circumstances say 'no' or the outcome before your eyes says 'no', you are one step closer to God's 'yes'. How do you keep yourself positive until the 'yes' comes? Selah: you

the power of Selah, put it into practice in your own life and encourage those you lead to do the same. You can start right now, by doing what Jehoshaphat did: EXERCISE: SELAH...pause. Reflect - O Lord, are you not? Remind yourself of his character. Remember - O our God, did you not? Remember what He has done in the past. Re-immerse yourself in faith. Restate - O our God will you not? Restate your trust in Him. He is the Lord, He does not change. (Malachi 3:6,NLT) Selah - the power of reflection. Offer Jesus Christ a Selah moment and just see what He will do with it! 4

Kingfisher Leadership

1st June 2020


Coming up on 28th June 2020:

Kingfisher Family International Day of Prayer Be part of changing thew world through prayer. Join in prayer with National Directors and international ministry partners as they pray for the nations in the Kingfisher Family. Video to motivate and focus prayer available on the resources page of and Also available on Kingfisher church’s YouTube channel


ID P GIFT DAY On Sunday, June 28th as an expression of our commitment in prayer for believers in desperate need around the world, we are holding a Gift Day - an opportunity to give financially. Your gift will make an incredible difference to those who are struggling to survive in countries that have no infrastructure to cope with the Coronavirus pandemic. “What good is there in your saying to them, “God bless you! Keep warm and eat well!”—if you don't give them the necessities of life? 17 So it is with faith: if it is alone and includes no actions, then it is dead.” (James 2:14-18, GNB)

You can now give online by credit or debit card - just go to the ‘giving’ page on the or website


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