1st June 2021
Kingfisher Leadership news LEADING PEOPLE TO PRAY This July sees the 7th annual International into the next challenge. To pray for bold Day of Prayer, as believers from all around faith is to choose to trust God at a higher the world commit to focussing on and level, as the stakes just go on getting praying for the needs of this world, bigger. Trust is at the heart of the leader’s interceding for King sher churches and walk with God, and so we need to be ministries in various countries around the continually praying for bold faith in each world, and this year step that we take particularly crying out to God for release from the Pandemic. 2) Kingdom courag It is a powerful time Leadership Leaders are continually faced throughout the International with challenging situations, with is in uence. Family, but it also highlights tough decisions, with awkward How those conversations. We need courage the central, key role that leaders have in terms of prayer. to not just opt for what is safe, for we lead If leadership is in uence, then popularity, or for what is easy. pray says a we leaders need to be aware Kingdom courage is courage to that we are either in uencing do what is necessary to see the lot about people to pray in a committed, Kingdom of God more fully our own faith- lled manner, or not. To manifest here on earth in uence others to have a prayer life healthy, authentic prayer life 3) Servant in uenc requires that we have one rst. We long to see the ministry grow Unfortunately, leaders all-tooand more people to come to often struggle in this area, with their know and follow Jesus Christ. This means prayers being little more than distracted that in uence will grow - but not in uence cries for help as they are buffeted by one in order to get people to do things our demand after another. Whatever else we way, but to encourage people to follow pray for - and the Bible says we should Jesus more closely. It was He who said: pray about everything (Philippians 4:6) "Anyone who wants to be rst must be the there are seven core prayers that should very last, and the servant of all.” (Mark become a way of life for every leader 9:35, NIV), and so our prayer must be Pray for ‘Lord, increase in me a servant heart so 1) Bold fait that I can in uence more people to follow Leadership is not safe and comfortable you.’ Leadership is about we are constantly on the edge of launching
King sher Leadership
King sher Leadership
1st June 2021
His Kingdom, not our kingdom! Lord , keep my heart oriented towards serving others, rather than requiring that they serve me 4) Personal strengt The bigger the ministry the more demands we face. The more demands we face, the greater the need for God to strengthen us. Do not overlook your personal needs in prayer - you need increased physical stamina, a deepening of your spiritual hunger, a more enduring, Godly character, the ability to withstand the temptations that surround every leader. ‘Lead me not into temptation, Lord, but deliver me from evil’. 5) Godly wisdo You say, “I am allowed to do anything” — but not everything is good for you. You say, “I am allowed to do anything”—but not everything is bene cial.” (1 Corinthians 10:23). Knowledge is useful, but wisdom is the ability to balance up both side of this verse… knowing not just what I can do, but what I should do - not just what is possible, but what is bene cial. Too many leaders have their calling shipwrecked by getting involved in things they should be giving a wide berth to, on the basis that they feel they are owed, that they will get away with it, that they need some comfort. Free will leads to the rst part of Paul’s statement: ‘I am allowed to do anything’. Godly wisdom is able to discern, not what I can get away with, but what will lead me closer to Jesus and help me grow as a servant leader
them. They struggle to understand that the whole basis of our relationship with Jesus Christ is grace - God’s unmerited favour. We leaders are not the creators and sustainers of the universe - God is. This is not an invitation to live a life of halfheartiness and compromise - indeed, as Paul asks: “Shall we go on sinning so that grace shall increase? By no means!” (Romans 6:1). This is an invitation to see leadership as partnership and that there is forgiveness available through confession and repentance. Praying for a greater awareness of God’s grace should be a central feature of a leader’s prayer life 7) Spiritual authorit We know that spiritual authority is released as we come to understand and walk in our identity as sons and daughters of God. I do not want to lead just in my own authority, relying on my personal ability to get people to do what I want them to do. I want to be released into Godly authority as I come to rest in my identity as a dearly-loved child of God. Spiritual authority brings God’s power to your teaching, key leadership moments, prayers for the sick and suffering, visioncasting, and empowering leaders. Your spiritual authority grows as your identity in Christ deepens. This month, you and I have the incredible privilege of leading those in our church or ministry to pray in our International Day of Prayer. But the depth, power and reality of those prayers will also bring clarity to the state of my own prayer life as a leader. Why? Because leadership is in uence
6) Grace Leaders commonly struggle with the underlying belief that it is all down to 2
Saturday, October 10th 2015 10am - 4pm
Come to receive a fresh touch from
King sher Leadership
1st June 2021
Coming up on 25th June 2021: King sher Family International Day of Prayer
2021 •
Catch a fresh vision of what God is doing in this world
Become part of a huge army of prayer warriors, interceding for the Holy Spirit to intervene and bring breakthroughs around the world
Experience the power of prayer as thousands of others around the world pray for you, your church and your country