Annual Report 2017-18

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King George V School Annual Report 2017-18

Contents Message from Principal


KGV’s Purpose, Vision and Values


School Priorities 4 School Evaluation 5 School Financial Report


Middle School Curriculum Overview


Year 9 Experience 7 Senior School Pathways 8 Student Outcomes & Destinations


CAS 11 Challenge Week 2017 12 KGV Alliance 13 School Council 14 Community Development 15 Student Council 17 PTSA 18 PTSA Accounts Summary 2017-18 19 Buildings & Facilities 20 Major School Events


Message from the Principal It has been a privilege to complete my first academic year as Principal of King George V School. Our school’s greatest asset is the quality of our students. When talent, commitment and hard work combine, remarkable things happen. The results and achievements of our students this year have been simply outstanding. The talent of our students is fostered and developed by our committed and passionate teachers, involved and engaged parents and a community that is proud of our school. We have also been able to cultivate the culture of improvement and innovation that sits at the heart of KGV’s values. Our great traditions and growth mindset will work to generate an exciting future for the students and community that we serve.

Mr. Mark Blackshaw, KGV Principal, King George V School

This 2017-18 Annual Report summarises the work, learning, activities and achievements of our learning community over the past 12 months, and highlights the ‘world of opportunity’ our students have at KGV. We are proud to have given our students a wealth of learning opportunities both inside and outside the classroom. Our extracurricular, Challenge Week, and Creativity, Activity and Service (CAS) programs provided our students with strong opportunities for experiential learning and community engagement at both a local and global level, which has helped to foster the sense of independence, collaboration and internationalism required for students of this generation. This past year our students maintained KGV’s tradition of academic excellence. The learning outcomes were once again very strong and reflect the talent and dedication of students, the commitment of our staff and the support from our parents. An exciting aspect of this Report are the matriculation data for our graduating Year 13 students who are currently studying at the best universities around the world and continue their learning journey to be the best they can be. It is truly a great reward for years of hard work and dedication to a program of study. What we hope also shines through in this Report is the sense of belonging and care that we are endeavouring to foster in each and every student. Our school is made up of 1800 individual stories, built on positive relationships and a personalised approach to learning, all of which is strongly evident in our new ‘Be your own remarkable’ purpose and the ‘school for one’ vision that was developed in the 2017-18 academic year. We hope you enjoy reading more about these guiding statements that summarise our value system and capture our vision for the future.


KGV Purpose, Vision and Values Our Purpose ‘Be your own remarkable…’

Our Motto

Honestas Ante Honores

Our Vision Our vision is toWe create a ‘school for one’,. A place where each and every person engages in remarkable learning to achieve at high levels and be the best they can be. As an agile school, we collaborate and innovate to make a difference in the communities we serve and lead.

Here we are gathered from many a nation, Arts to acquire that our peoples may serve. Characters moulded by strict regulation Honour demands we this motto observe:

Courage – we are brave, bold and do what is right

Honestas ante Honores Honesty first then glories Loud raise the echoing chorus Honestas ante Honores Bold as the Lion Crest Blazoned on every breast Loud let resound the chorus Honestas ante Honores

Resilience – we are all active learners and treat every challenge as an opportunity

Chivalry’s courtesies claim cultivation. Honour depends on such disciplined rule. Honour acquiring a good reputation, Honour the name of King George the Fifth School.

Our Values Honesty – we are truthful, respectful, fair and authentic


KGV School Song

Honestas ante Honores Honesty first then glories Loud raise the echoing chorus Honestas ante Honores

KGV’s Priorities The school priorities were documented and reviewed through our KGV School 2017-18 Improvement Agenda. The main areas in which we worked to improve over the course of the 2017-18 academic year were: • Improving parent engagement with and knowledge of KGV School • Redefining our purpose, vision and values • Seeking to improve the consistency of our planned, taught and assessed curriculum • Implementing MYP in the middle years • Remodelling our approach to professional learning and Professional Review and Development (PRD) by implementing a ‘Learning Sprint’ model • Further evolving our well-being model to establish a more proactive and data informed process underpinned by improved metrics • Developing a set of ‘guiding principles’ for ongoing HR reform to achieve reduction in HR budget, simplification in HR structure, transparency, alignment with curriculum programs and improvement priorities


School Evaluation KGV is accredited with the Council of International Schools (CIS) organisation. The CIS vision is to inspire the development of global citizens through high quality international education by connecting ideas, cultures, and educators from every corner of the world. CIS accreditation indicates that KGV has achieved high standards of professional performance in international education and has a commitment to continuous improvement. Specifically,, the award of accreditation demonstrates that the school:

• Is devoted to its mission and vision for students • Has thought deeply about the services it offers to students, families and the community • Invests time and resources into achieving validation from a globally-recognized accreditation authority • Focuses on the quality of teaching and student learning, while safeguarding students’ well-being • Is committed to the development of the students’ global citizenship • Has a philosophy of education suitable for its students • Promises only what it can deliver • Is open to regular evaluation by its own school community and peer evaluators • Constantly seeks improvement in all areas of the school and plans strategically for the future. 2017-18 also saw the continued implementation of the International Baccalaureate Middle Years Program (MYP) at KGV School. In October 2018, the school will be undertaking an IB MYP accreditation visit, which will enable us to continue with the IB MYP implementation as the curriculum for our Years 7, 8 and 9 students. Over the 2018-19 academic year we will embark on a CIS self-study, which will begin the next 5-year CIS Accreditation cycle. This past year we also started our successful ROAR parent feedback forums. Parents have been instrumental in helping us prioritise the issues that matter. ROAR stands for:

• Reach Out – to our parent community to build connections and seek ideas • Appreciate – and celebrate the great things that are already happening and discuss how together, we can add value • Respond – to the ideas we generate with action and outcomes Across 2017-18 we conducted three ROAR sessions, which provided a wealth of information and feedback. We thank our parents for supporting us as we strive to make KGV an even better school for the students and community we serve.


ESF Stakeholder Survey This year we had a record number of staff, student, and parent responses to our bi-annual ESF Stakeholder Survey, which we used to inform our 2018-19 improvement goals and strategies. The survey was completed simultaneously with all other ESF schools in March 2018. The quantitative and qualitative data we received was extremely useful. To maximise the benefit the data provided us, we formed a focus group to unpack our staff, parent and student feedback. Some key aspects that emerged from the feedback were: • • • • • •

Staff workload Managing change Use of data Consistency of the classroom experience Parent communication strategies Assessment and reporting

We look forward to strategising ways to address each of these issues, and welcome further input from students, parents, teachers and staff on ways to improve in these areas.

School Financial


As of 31st August 2017

Actual 2017/18 HK$

Budget 2017/2018 HK$





13,860,483 203,766 3,805,960

13,285,228 203,766 2,340,000





(149,757,528) (12,356,517) (1,360,924)

(151,277,311) (12,866,002) (1,144,795)






Non-cash funding Staff Funding Total Non-Cash Funding Cash Funding Capitation & ICT Funding Government Grants Rental and Other Income Total Cash Funding Total Funding

EXPENDITURE Staff Expenses Other Expenses - Operational Other Expenses - Captial Total Expenditure Surplus/(Deficit)


Middle School Curriculum Overview This academic year we initiated the start of MYP implementation. The MYP builds on our students’ PYP experience and is designed to prepare students for their future learning, both at school and in life. Our teachers and staff have developed an engaging curriculum that uses an inquiry-driven and conceptbased approach. Units of learning are set within a global context and aim to develop the skills students need to be successful lifelong learners. The conceptbased approach helps to integrate students’ learning, and the global contexts provide relevance and meaning to how their learning fits into the world. Many of our staff have completed MYP training and we continue to forge links through our MYP networks and curriculum groups. The cross-foundation online unit planner and curriculum analysis tools enable us to plan for both horizontal and vertical progression, and helps us articulate our curriculum. We are optimistic about the results of the accreditation visit in October 2018. Students in Year 9 continue to study a skills-based curriculum. The Middle School Curriculum is planned across different subjects so that subject areas work together to teach students the skills they need for their future learning. The curriculum features several Interdisciplinary Projects designed to encourage students to develop their skills in real-world contexts and see the links between their subjects.


Year 9 Experience This year also saw the second iteration of the Year 9 Experience, an extended project that gave students the opportunity to make a difference in the community by taking action to solve a problem. Through working in teams, students developed their communication, collaboration, organisational and research skills. Mentors from inside and outside school supported students as they developed their ideas and resilience while refining their projects and honing their collaboration skills. The project culminated with an exhibition at which students shared their experiences with invited audiences. The exhibition showcased just how many creative and talented students we have in KGV and resulted in many positive changes in the local community.

Senior School Pathways In 2018, KGV celebrated incredible student results in all our programs. Students on the BTEC and International Baccalaureate Diploma programs and IGCSE courses achieved truly commendable grades. International Baccalaureate (IB) Diploma Nearly 200 of our students completed the full IB Diploma, with a 98.5% pass rate. Of those students studying the full Diploma, 90% achieved 30 points or more and 25% achieved 40 points and above. Eleven students completed the very demanding Bilingual Diploma. Two students achieved the outstanding result of a maximum of 45 points. 81% of our students received 2 or more core points for their Theory of Knowledge Presentation and Extended Essay (EE). The most popular EE subjects were English, Economics, History and Psychology. Once again KGV students have achieved remarkable results and many of these students are now heading to highly respectable tertiary institutions around the globe. BTEC Our BTEC pathway is designed to give students personalised learning, the opportunity to specialise and a chance to create a portfolio of work to evidence their skills and abilities. We continue to be a centre of excellence for BTEC, as demonstrated by the three KGV students who received outstanding achievement awards from Edexcel. The confidence we have in BTEC is reflected in the outstanding BTEC results of our cohort, with a pass rate of 100% among enrolled students, and six students gaining the Level 3 Extended Diploma at triple Distinction star (D*D*D*), full marks at BTEC. Additionally, we extend our congratulations to students who also achieved the Level 2 BTEC qualification. Some students exercised the option to complete Mathematics and English courses to bolster their applications, and many of our students obtained places directly onto degree programs at top institutions in a wide range of countries. Our students have achieved many successes in and out of the classroom, and we are very proud of the connections our students have built with the business community through their work placements. Students who gained industry experience through work placements reflected on the many ways in which these opportunities allowed them to learn more about the industries they are interested in, and hone skills relevant to the careers they wish to pursue

IGCSE As always, our students achieved impressive results at The International General Certificate of Secondary Education (IGCSE), with some subjects using the new 9-1 grading system, and others using the original A*-E system. Nearly 250 students in Year 11 completed the IGCSE examinations and the results were outstanding. Two students received ten A* and/or 9 grades, and a further nine students received nine perfect scores. More than 32% of all grades received by KGV students were A* or 9, and 94% of all results were between A* and C. These results are truly phenomenal, and reflect the incredibly hard work our students have put into their academic development.


Student Outcomes & Destinations Notes on Destinations (Class of 2018)

There were 233 students in the class of 2018. Of those 233 students, 200 pursued higher education around the world, 17 students elected to take a gap year, one enrolled in military service and 15 others are yet to decide what their next moves might be. Of those students who chose to enrol in university, the most popular courses were: Business/Management (13%); Psychology (8%); Engineering (6%); Medicine/ Veterinary Sciences (6%); Law (5%).

The United Kingdom

Name of University


# of Students

University of Hong Kong






University of British Columbia



The Chinese University of Hong Kong



Loughborough University









University of Bristol



University of California - Berkeley



University of Exeter



London School of Economics and Political Science



The University of Kent



The University of Warwick



University of the Arts London



Cardiff University



King's College London (University of UK London)


Oxford Brookes University



The University of Edinburgh



University College London (University of London)



University of Toronto



University of Westminster



The United Kingdom remains the most popular destination of choice for our students, but the numbers have dropped since the peak in 2015. In total we submitted 146 applications to UK institutions, a slight decrease compared to 149 applications for the class of 2017, but an increase from the class of 2016’s 130 applications. This fall, 87 students will be beginning their tertiary study in the UK, with Bristol (5), Exeter (5), Loughborough (5), Kent (4), LSE (4), UAL (4) and Warwick (4) being the most popular institutions, closely followed by Cardiff, Edinburgh, King’s College, Oxford Brookes, UCL and Westminster.

Hong Kong

Though programs at top universities in Hong Kong remain very competitive, Hong Kong is still the second most popular destination amongst our students. In particular, our students demonstrate a great deal of interest in the University of Hong Kong (HKU), the University of Science & Technology (HKUST) and Chinese University (CUHK). Course popularity has not changed much over the years, and students wishing to stay in Hong Kong continue to exhibit much interest in studying medicine, law, and business. This past year’s cohort was very successful: a total of six students were accepted onto the extremely competitive medicine courses in Hong Kong, with five students pursuing medicine at CUHK and one at HKU. Three students are studying law at HKU, and six students are studying Business/Management in HKUST.

The United States

The number of students heading to the USA from the class of 2018 has increased to 29, as compared to 2017’s 19 students. While UC Berkeley (5) was the most popular among the class of 2018, most of our students elected to brave the cold on the east coast at universities including NYU (2), Cornell (2), Boston (1), MIT (1), Parsons (1), and UPenn (1) among others.


A total of 17 students from the class of 2018 chose to pursue higher education in Canada. This number is slightly lower than 2017’s 18 students and 2016’s 20 students. Though we have sent students all over Canada, this past year the most popular destinations were the University of British Columbia (7) and University of Toronto (5).


A total of 13 students chose to further their education in Australia, though most are still completing the application process and will beginning with the rest of their cohorts in early 2019. Among those few students who have decided on their final destinations, University of Sydney, UNSW and University of South Australia are among their options.

Others 9

We have also seen an increase in students choosing alternative countries in which to pursue further education. At least one student has chosen a higher education option in each of these countries: Austria (1), China (1), Germany (2), Japan (2), Korea (2) and Malaysia (1).

Higher Education Destinations by Country KGV Class of 2018


Creativity, Activity and Service (CAS) Creativity, Activity and Service provides a framework for experiential learning and offers opportunities for students to develop self-confidence, empathy and a willingness to help others. CAS also encourages students to make connections and understand they are members of local and global communities with responsibilities towards each other and the environment. CAS enables students to demonstrate attributes of the IB learner profile in real and practical ways. Students develop skills and attitudes through a variety of individual and group experiences that provide students with opportunities to explore their interests, express their passions, identify their goals and develop further actions for personal growth. CAS complements a challenging academic school life, providing a much-needed break from academia. With the introduction of MYP this year , we have begun the journey of embedding many of the philosophies embraced by CAS across the school. In particular, we are focusing on Service Learning, through developing a vision for taking Principled Action. This vision aims to create sustainable partnerships that have reciprocal benefits within our community, and to foster within our students the desire, confidence and ability to make a difference. We want to students to: • • • • •

Become effective project managers Use design thinking to solve problems Embrace responsibility and appreciate the consequences of actions Develop the ability to empathise with others Be able to communicate and connect with others

We know students will be successful when: • • • •

They make choices informed by principled action Their inquiry cycles are used to reflect on the impact of their work They create sustainable links with community groups They have an ability to persevere in ‘action’

With our school’s new, wider focus on learning through service, we hope students will carry on the excellent work seniors have previously achieved, and continue moulding KGV into a school that wants to make a difference in the community in which it is placed. In particular, we hope that our Year 7 students, fresh out of the Primary Years Programme (PYP), continue their ‘Action’ from the Year 6 Exhibition and develop it in their time at KGV. Whether that’s through creating a newly established club at KGV, or eventually using the same focus for their community project in Year 9, we encourage our students to indulge their passions while forging meaningful relationships with their community.


To help support the growth of service learning, KGV has begun partnering with Social Career (, a new, innovative platform that offers many volunteer and community engagement opportunities to our students. We will be able to track each student’s volunteer activities with the Social Career platform, and promote KGV student-led initiatives with our growing and established network of NGOs. The CAS Program continues to add richness to the KGV learning experience, and without it, KGV would not be the vibrant school that it is. We are extremely grateful to the students and staff who give their time freely to make the CAS Program such a huge success. Dean Beard CAS & Service Learning Coordinator

Challenge Week 2017 In 2017 over 600 KGV students travelled to destinations around the world, and over a thousand students engaged in new activities within Hong Kong. KGV believes strongly in the benefits of experiential learning; some things are learned best outside the classroom. Challenge Week provides an opportunity for students to roll up their sleeves and engage in activities that push them outside their comfort zones and expose them to situations, dilemmas, cultures and people they would not normally encounter. 2017 was the first year that students in Year 8 had an open choice of activity, and to our great surprise, the Great Race was enormously popular. Thanks to Mr James Fisher and his team of staff, over 150 students were challenged to navigate their way around Hong Kong, solve puzzles, undertake new activities and work as a team. Student feedback surpassed all expectations, and many students reflected on the fantastic time they had learning about their hometown while building friendships and honing their leadership and collaborative skills. Among the many great successes from Challenge Week was the trip to Moscow and St Petersburg a group of Year 12 students organised and supervised. The organising students got a taste of the responsibility, workload and complexity involved in running an overseas activity while adhering to all of our safety guidelines. The responsibility, planning and ingenuity shown by these students was exemplary. The activity with the largest student involvement was the Year 11 language immersion. The language immersion activities not only foster social and cultural development, but also produce more immediate academic benefits, as the entire week is conducted in the language the student is studying at IGCSE. The success of this program is evident when students undertake their oral exams a few months later. Over the past four years our data demonstrate that students perform more strongly in their oral examinations following Challenge Week, and also that students report more enjoyment of and motivation to improve in their language. Each of our students took part in activities that allowed them to form new friendships, expand their understanding of the world, push themselves out of their comfort zones, and challenge themselves mentally, physically and emotionally. Once again, our students represented KGV around the world with integrity, pride and honour, and we are very proud of them. Our teachers and support staff invested an incredible amount of time and energy in organising the logistics, safety and supervision of all the Challenge Week activities. Hearing the stories at the airport arrivals hall, watching students tearfully bid their new friends goodbye, receiving photos from around Hong Kong, and talking to students about their achievements makes all the work worthwhile.


During the 2017-18 academic year, we launched the KGV Alliance, a community partnership, powered by student ideas to create positive change. Three big ideas that drive this initiative: • Creating new ways for our school and students to engage with our community. A fundamental goal of the Alliance will be bringing our business community, alumni, parents, community partners, teachers and students together on regular occasions across the year. • Providing opportunities for student voice by allowing our students to pitch ideas with the aim of creating partnerships and seeking support. • Creating positive change as our moral imperative, where we deliberately seek to positively influence our local and global communities. As our KGV Vision states, ‘as an agile school, we collaborate and innovate to make a difference in the communities we serve and lead.’ As a school we look forward to further developing this engagement initiative as we deliberately seek to provide opportunities for our students to connect with our community.


School Council It has been another successful year for the School Council. Unfortunately, this year was Neville Shroff’s last as the Chairman of our School Council. Neville has been a great contributor to our school over many years, and he has left KGV a better place due to his wisdom and contribution. The subcommittee structure continues to work well and allow a careful focus on important aspects of school life. The following key issues dominated School Council business: • Ongoing facilities development • Human Resources reform and the establishment of our HR Guiding principles •

Feedback on the school improvement agenda and priorities

• Ongoing financial oversight • Strategic communications advice • Feedback on innovations such as the Innovation House concept and KGV Alliance • Advice regarding our reworked purpose, vision and values


Community Development Message from Community Development Office Over the past year, the KGV School Community Development Team has continued to work on creating an engaged and supportive community network to strengthen the relationships between stakeholders and establish links that benefit both the school and community that surrounds it. Our community is comprised of our most loyal supporters and ambassadors, and we are so grateful for the many ways in which it supports our students. The office focused heavily on creating communication strategies to keep students, parents and alumni informed of the school’s progress so they can remain engaged in upcoming initiatives and events. An engaged community network allows the school to benefit from the skills and expertise of our community, and encourages its members to offer their mentorship and guidance to our students. Building on previous years’ alumni mentorship programs, Higher Education activities, Careers Fair, University mock interviews, Year 9 Experience and other experiential learning programs, we have developed the KGV Alliance, a platform for our students to present their ideas to the community, and possibly create partnerships between our students and alumni and friends of the school. The KGV Alliance Since launching the Alliance in June, we have had an audience of 200 professionals from the wider community come to campus to hear pitches from students and learn more about our school’s vison for the future. Eight companies have offered partnership opportunities to support our students in taking their projects to the next level, and have collectively donated HK$35,000 to support the event. To continue this initiative, we endeavour to establish a sustainable partnership structure and a donation program to fund Alliance events, keeping it financially independent from the school’s budget. Alumni News Alumni relations building and strengthening is a key function of the Community Development Office, and we strive to keep former students actively involved in alumni events, bringing greater awareness to our school heritage and strengthening our ethos. Embracing technology as an effective means of communication, we are able to include our alumni – who live all around the world - in our regular emails and newsletters. We also use social media extensively to share triumphs, birthday messages, photographs, events and news, allowing all members of our community to be a part of celebrations and sorrows alike.


This past year we had alumni travel from all over the world to attend reunions for the Classes of 1991, 1997 and 2007 at KGV. Our current students had the opportunity to act as ambassadors, sharing current learning experiences and guiding alumni on tours to see both the old and new buildings on campus. Insightful and engaging conversations are abundant at these events, and often build considerable interest in engagement and participation in school activities among former students and their families. With interest in continued engagement with KGV growing, and impressive alumni talent, we drafted alumni teams to compete in school sports events. Graduates from 1996 to 2014 competed against our staff and students in our whole school Swimming Gala, and our alumni cricket team played against our students at the Alec Reeves Memorial Cricket Games.

At the 2018 graduation ceremony, Alumni Dr Peter Woo, class of ‘99, Mahesh Harilela, class of ‘83, Selma Masood, class of ‘96 and Neville Shroff, class of ‘67 presented awards to our graduates. These alumni all hold prestigious positions around Hong Kong and serve as excellent role models for the students. On Friday 18 November, our Principal, Mark Blackshaw, hosted his first KGV School Annual Dinner in the Piazza Garden at KGV. This was the highlight of the year with 220 alumni, parents, staff and friends attending. In the footsteps of tradition, the evening started with the singing of the school song, Honestas Ante Honores. This set the stage for the anticipated high-quality performances by our students, followed by superb food and drinks for a long night of chatter and laughs. The atmosphere was friendly and good humoured, with plenty of feedback from guests commenting on how strong our community relationships are. Like all great events, we were supported by our loyal sponsors and donors. Principal’s Outstanding Alumni Award This award is given as tribute to the contribution an alumnus has made. We look for a candidate who stands out because of their achievements in Hong Kong and who goes beyond what would be expected in pursuing a career. Loletta Chu, class of ‘77, is the 2018 recipient of the award. Loletta was the winner of the 1977 Miss Hong Kong Beauty Pageant, and is an avid photographer and philanthropist. She has worked tirelessly for Wai Yin Association, a charitable institute which she founded in 1982, and other charities including Hong Kong Community Chest, Hong Kong Philharmonic Society, Hong Kong Breast Cancer Foundation, ORBIS China, Habitat for Humanity China, Myanmar Cyclone Nargis Fund, Sichuan Earthquake Fund and many more. She was accorded ‘The Women’s Foundation Leadership Award 2008’ in the Philanthropy Leader category. We welcome any suggestions you may have for next year’s winner. Perhaps you know of a KGV alumnus who is doing something remarkable. We would very much like to hear of anyone you think should join this prestigious club! The Lion Fund The Lion Fund is an important part of our school’s ongoing growth and improvement. Our goal is to provide a diverse range of opportunities for our students, whether it be in academics, the arts, sport or community development. Last year we were to provide this diversity of opportunities and experiences because of the donations we received. The extra funding enabled the school to purchase new design technology equipment, drones, class room lighting and subsidise the Language Immersion Program. The Lion Fund is an opportunity for all to make a difference, no matter how large or small the contribution. Your support will make learning at KGV School an extra-special experience. We look forward to your continued support of our Lion Fund! To give now, visit kgv2.php?page=index. Yasmeen Ashraf Communication and Community Manager


Student Council All decisions made by the school will almost always bear their greatest effects on the students, which is why the need for a powerful and honest representation of student voice is so great. As the only fully autonomous committee run within the school, the KGV Student Council has once again succeeded in fulfilling this need. The steadfast devotion of the Student Council members to advocating for the opinions, ideas, and perspectives of the student body is accompanied by a firm resolve to challenge existing precedent. This has brought a wide array of policies to fruition. To name a few, we have collaborated with the Senior Leadership Team to reorganize Monday school schedules, replacing tutor time with one-to-one sessions wherein students can discuss anything from their personal wellbeing to the writing of university references. We have also collaborated closely with the PTSA to update the student diaries and digitize KGV’s lost and found system. Additionally, we have organized information sessions with Ivy League university alumni, introduced the IGCSE speech day attainment award, and rescheduled Year 13 graduation to take place after exams so that students can truly celebrate after jumping over the final hurdle of their KGV education. Various media ranging from a suggestion box to an Instagram account have provided us with the policy ideas of fellow students, and we have worked to implement the suggestions we have received. One notable suggestion we have acted upon is the increase in the availability of the weights room for student use.


We would like to thank the Senior Leadership Team and the student body for their support and willingness to accept and adapt to change. Without close collaboration between students and teachers, galvanising student voice would not have been possible. The student council hopes to continue to uphold KGV’s values of honesty, courage and resilience by acting as an independent and efficient platform for students to voice their concerns and ideas. On behalf of KGV Student Council Natalie Kainz and Ismet Ozer

PTSA Academic year 2017-2018 has been a productive and successful one, packed with numerous events and activities to bring the community together. We are proud to have been able to support KGV, its parents and the students through our wide variety of events and workshops. The funds raised were contributed to the school by donating to the various projects we committed to. This year our main focus has been on supporting the needs of students as the enhanced uniform requirements were introduced. We would like to thank our valuable committee members who dedicate time and effort towards supporting the school and our events, the school staff we work with to build a better learning environment, the wider KGV community who we engage with to make an impact and our PTSA staff who work efficiently in supporting the school and our community. Sponsorships We generously contributed funds to several school projects to support the learning and development of our students: • • • •

Year 11 Language Immersion Program, Final Instalment - $139,000 Hebe Haven 24 Hour Yacht Club - $9,000 KGV Under the Stars - $3150 Public Spirit Prize - $500

We have pledged to contribute another $150,000 towards the 2018-2019 Year 11 Language Immersion Program to support our students with these valuable learning opportunities. Events & Socials We offered a wide range of talks and workshops from professional speakers for our parents and students to help enhance their learning experience. Thank you to all our speakers who provided us with these valuable sessions: • • • • • • • • • •

Cyber Safety talk – Year 7 induction day – Lewis Glover Career of the Future – 15 November – Anna Champion Anti-drugs parents talk – 30 November - HK Christian Service PS33 Parents as coach workshops (series of 4 sessions) – 9-30 January Your Sweet (Tooth) “TRUTH” – 5,6 & 7 Feb – Shaira Sakhrani Parenting teenagers course – 3-31 May – Ryan Rudolph Bullying workshops – 8 March – Amanda Barton ‘Lose the sugar keep the sweetness’ parent talk – 26 March – Shaira Sakhrani Demystifying the University Applications Process – 23 May – Careers Department Brain Spa workshops – 5 & 19 June – Ray Heath

In the year ahead, we are working closely with the wellbeing team to bring together the best resources for our full range of parent and students talks in alignment with the school’s wellbeing initiative. In addition to the above professional speakers series, we organised a variety of social and cultural events throughout the year to engage with parents and students and to bring the community together: • • • • • • • • • • •

Year 7 induction day – 17 August 2017 – Sausage Sizzle stall for Year 7 parents Year 7 parents coffee morning – 19 September 2017 Diwali lunchtime celebration – 13 October 2017 Mini sizzle during parent evenings – 7 various parent evenings Lunch with the Principal – 16 November Sausage sizzles for students – 12 December 2017, 30 May 2018 Staff Christmas lunch – 14 December 2017 ESF University Fair Sausage Sizzle – 29 January 2018 Chinese New Year lunchtime celebration – 13 February 2018 ESF Carnival – 17 March 2018 Coffee morning – 1 February 2018

Committee Our new committee for 2018-2019 was elected at our recent AGM held on 3 October. Mei Paul, Sonali Vora and Minjung Miang stepped down from our committee. We thank them for their continuous contribution towards the school and PTSA activities. While we are disappointed to see the departure of Mei, Sonali, and Minjung, we also want to extend our warmest welcome to our new committee for the Year 2018-2019: Kim Gan – Chair

Matthew Yip

Rowena Chan

Stephen Hon

Shilpa Dhanuka

Meghna Agarwal

Madeline Lok

Reena Khanna

Purvi Shah

Douglas Pulsford

Kevin Yuen

PTSA Shop We continue to commit to running an efficient shop that sells school uniforms and stationeries for the convenience of our students and parents. The PTSA also handles the Lost & Found located at the back of the shop. Our main focus this year has been to support, procure and implement the new uniform requirements of the school. This has involved adding new ESF logos to the uniforms, and changing the minimum length of the skort to adhere to the new uniform standards. Additionally, we took over the optional PE winter uniform items, including a mid-layer top, leggings, and track pants. These items have been ordered and will be stocked for the coming winter season. We have worked relentlessly with our uniform suppliers and the school to ensure quality standards are met and our school image is reflected in our students’ attire. Student ID card Our students carry a student ID card with a privilege scheme that enables them to enjoy discounts from exciting outlets. The PTSA continues to sponsor the cost of providing student cards to our students. For the year ahead we established some new collaborations, such as with local businesses.

The largest event we held was the ESF Carnival at KGV to celebrate ESF’s 50th Anniversary in Mar 2018, and we thank everyone who attended and contributed for assisting us with this successful celebration.


PTSA Account Summary 2017-18 Actual Year to 30/06/2018 HK$

INCOME PTSA Membership Shop sales Other income Government Grant Total Income

589,600.00 2,228,382.00 134,625.00 12,767.00 $2,965,374.00

EXPENDITURE Staff expenses Other expenses - Operation Shop Purchases Donations to school


571,746.00 244,647.00 1,696,406.00 151,150.00

Total Expenditure


Surplus / (Deficit)


Buildings and Facilities This year we have continued to invest in improvements across KGV’s campus to enhance the quality of our learning and working environment. During the summer, the ICT Classrooms were redecorated and equipped with new furniture, most of the DT classrooms were repainted and new, large lockers arrived for incoming Year 7 students. We have installed new displays in multiple locations across the school, and we encourage our students to express their creativity and ideas on our walls. The Student Development team has a new office and the Vice Principals have moved out into new spaces across the school to create more communal space and new venues for interviews and counselling. The school has invested a lot of resources and time into ensuring the continued tradition of athletic success at KGV. Students can now enjoy the swimming pool’s balmy water, as it has a working heat pump, and work plans to renew the old pipes and build a covered shelter next winter have been completed. PE2 has a new floor and the courts have been re-painted and fitted with post-guards, and the next project will be to replace the volleyball court surface. The gym changing rooms now have air conditioning and the floodlights have been changed to LED. The Canteen, a centre of student gathering, has a new paint scheme, awnings to better weather-proof the balcony, a new cool-room and a much improved kitchen area to give the staff a fighting chance of preparing food for our 2200 students and staff. Leo’s Cafe has a new service point and a larger counter to better serve the demands of our students, and The Bowl has a stand-up bar where students can commune and eat together. The final improvement - a new Piazza Cafe - is planned to be finished by half-term. KGV is committed to ensuring our facilities are safe, and a great deal of preventative and restorative maintenance is necessary on a large and historical site such as ours. An endless maintenance schedule of fixing air conditioners, leaking roofs, ‘termited’ doors and peeling paint is necessary and our real estate requires an awful lot of upkeep. That said, we are hugely fortunate to have such a wonderful site with extensive trees and green boundaries, and the purchase of many passive mosquito traps and active prevention measures makes it possible to enjoy them!


Major School Events

Swimming Gala

KGV Careers Fair Over 40 corporations from a variety of industries came to the KGV Careers Fair yesterday! The annual Careers Fair aims to provide students the opportunity to learn first-hand from industry professionals about their jobs.

Speech Day This is our official school prizegiving and an opportunity to recognise excellence from our students.

The event was a triumphant success. Our Y9 students found it immensely useful, especially when they are at the crossroads of making their options choices. A huge thank-you from all of us at KGV to those attended.

Sports Day One of the highlights of our Interhouse Sports calendar when the school community comes together and competes towards a common goal; to triumph on Sports Day.


Speech Day This is our official school prizegiving and an opportunity to recognise excellence from our students.

Christmas Carol Concert

Interhouse Knitting


Spring Concert

Interhouse knitting is an annual charity event when each house knits as many squares as possible; competing to knit the most squares for the championship position.

The student team of 15 lead by Shanti, had been working on the show since the beginning of the school year. They put together a team of models, backstage crew, technical team and student designers from across ESF and other schools by holding auditions and looking at portfolios. They made sure they had a diverse range of participants that were equally dedicated to the show and the vision of raising money for Children’s Heart Foundation. Using their own initiative they contacted sponsors for raffle prizes, donations, clothing ranges, gift bags, food and beverage. Their excellent media team reeled out professional standard promotional material throughout the run up to the show. And finally on the night everyone had a fantastic time, admiring the efforts of every single participant.

Our performances include music from our Orchestras, Jazz Band, Soloists, IHM Ensembles and the KGV Choir along with the year 7 Choir.

All the finished squares will be put together to make blankets for children in-need in Tibet.

Graduation Ceremony EoMD

KGV Graduation Ceremony 2018 was a triumphant success this year. We were privileged to have our distinguished alumni Mr Neville Shroff (Class 1967), Ms Loletta Chu (Class 1977), Mahesh Harilela (Class 1981), Selma Masood (Class 1996) and Dr Peter Woo (Class 1999) to present the mortarboards to all our graduates.

Our students came together to let out the best talent for their houses and gave their best performances on EoMD this Year!

Interhouse Music

ESF University Fair This annual event provides students with information on higher education institutions and this year 185 from around the world participated. It was a great opportunity for our students to explore different institutions and countries.

Students have been working very hard over the last few weeks in preparation for our annual IHMusic competition which took place today. Our theme this year is ‘Elements’ and we saw performances from each house in both the Middle and Senior Schools on Solo Vocal, Piano and Instrumental categories. The whole school came together for the grand finale after lunch to watch the 8 Ensemble performances.

We were also honored to present that Ms Loletta Chu with this year’s KGV Principal’s Outstanding Alumni Award. She has an excellent reputation in Hong Kong for dedicating her life to making a difference to the underprivileged. Her philanthropic giving contribution has impacted many individuals and communities locally and overseas. She is an avid photographer and has used her art to raise funds for charities. She works tirelessly for Wai Yin Association, a charitable institute which she founded in 1982. Graduates, parents and staff celebrated the occasion after the formal ceremony at the cocktail reception. We would like take this opportunity to congratulate all KGV graduates and best wishes for your future endeavors.

the Rugby World Cup – William Webb Ellis Trophy


ESF 50th Anniversary Carnival

Kindness Week

About 2,000 ESF students, parents, staff, alumni and friends enjoyed a fun-filled afternoon at the ESF Carnival on 17 March, celebrating ESF’s 50th Anniversary.

A week to promote positive behaviour in our community and to remind ourselves that small acts of kindness can make a big difference in our lives and the lives of others. We are part of a global movement focusing on and recognising the value of kindness.

The World Rugby Organization kindly linked via the Hong Kong Rugby Union with KGV School and offered the wonderful opportunity of hosting the William Webb Ellis Trophy as it commences a yearlong promotional campaign prior to the 2019 Rugby World Cup Competition to be held in Japan. The trophy will be passing through Asia, travelling to Beijing, Malaysia, Singapore and many more rugby hot spots.


KING GEORGE V SCHOOL 2 Tin Kwong Road, Homantin, Kowloon, Hong Kong Tel: (852) 2711 3029 | Fax: (852) 2762 9806 | Email: WWW.KGV.EDU.HK


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