曾經有一種鳥,羽毛華美,鮮豔無比,叫做極樂鳥。 Long ago,there was a bird ,wearing gorgeous feathers,called Paradisaeidae.
雙瞳剪水。 Bright eyes.
歌聲空靈,藐視一切。 Brilliant songs.Despising all.
貪婪的人們發現了極樂鳥,拔下它們引以為傲的張揚的羽毛作為商品。 Greedy people were attracted to it and plucked the feathers for money.The swank feather.The pride. 用機器絞去它們雙腳,便於運輸。 They cut off the feet with machine for transport.
失去了雙腿和羽毛,卻死不了的極樂鳥覺得自己醜陋可笑。 Without the feet.Without the gorgeous feathers.And without dead. Paradiseaidae felt ridiculous itself.
Bird in wind without feet
曾經有一只無腳鳥,它的羽翼醜陋又殘破。 Long ago,there was a bird without feet.The wings were ugly and broken.
它把機器吞進身體,支撐著自己前進,驅動著自己前進,沒日沒夜的前進。 It had to swallow the machine whole to keep itself fly.Flying away.Flying away without day and night.
從這個白天向那個黑夜,從這個星球到那個宇宙,到很遠很遠。 From this day to that night.From this planet to that universe.
它一直唱歌古老的歌。 It sung an ancient song constantly.
感謝絞去它雙腳的機器,沒能殺死它卻讓它飛得更遠。 The machine didn’t kill it.The machine cut its feet off but made it fly farther than ever. 無止境的,沒有終點的前進,停下來的那一個,它幻化成...... Flying forward with no end.When it stopped,it turned to......
有個人他四處碰壁。 There was a man.He got into trouble on all sides in life.
他迷失方向,生活混沌。 He was lost and confused.
他聽說,有一種古老的極樂鳥,極富智慧,可以永生,美得讓人目酣神醉。 或許它能給他指引方向。 “找到它!” He learned that there was an ancient bird called Paradisaeidae. The bird was wise,eternal and extremely charming. “Maybe it will give my life direction.” “... ...” “Find it!” He murmured.
他逃離了紙醉金迷和物欲橫流。 Escaping from the extravagance city.
穿過骨骼交錯的橋樑。 Crossing the overlapping bridge.
走出迷宮般的秘境。 Walking out the mazy mystery.
從這個星球到那個星球。 From this planet to that.
見過了洶湧浩瀚。 Seeing the rough ocean.
見過了漫林碧透。 Seeing the thick wood.
攀上沒有盡頭的鐵索。 Climbing the rope without the end.
遠方好像有什麼! What’s there?In the distance!
島嶼嗎?顫動了,又沉睡著。 The island?Trembling but still sleeping.
時間已經不可計數,而極樂鳥卻還沒有找到。 Time flying,but the bird haven’t been found.
他在一推機器的中心,坐下,回想。 He was in the center of machines,sitting down and thinging back.
劇烈的晃動好像一個巨人要蘇醒了,古老的歌聲,響起來了。 The island trembled violently like a waking giant.The ancient song rung again.
可他還是沒有見到極樂鳥,在哪里呢?該去哪里呢? What about the bird?Where to go? 重要嗎?不重要了。 Important to know? Absolutely Not.
那從未停歇的一路的前進,已經給了他方向。 The persistent finding had given him the direction. The path he walked had shown the way.
圖/文/譯 陳軻 Ceskey Chan 《無腳鳥》是大一上學期最後一 個設計的起始點,揉和了我兒時的夢, 道聽途說的經歷和天馬星空的幻想。 這只無腳鳥已經在我心底飛了很久, 很開心能在大一的時候做一個由它開 始的設計,很感動在大二上學期這個 忙綠過後的節點,逼著自己讓這只無 腳鳥飛出來。
谢谢你给了它和我这个机会,有时候 真的要逼着自己做一些事,看看真正 的自己在干什么。