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Whoever we are, we engage with businesses every day. Studying an A level in Business will give you insight into this world of commerce as well as offering a gateway to a number of university courses and career options. Business graduates remain amongst the most employable, not surprising given the disciplines that an A level business qualification covers.
With a focus on helping pupils to become good decision makers, business students develop essential managerial skills, alongside techniques to help them become problem solvers. Pupils will engage with the world of business through the context of current business developments and consider questions such as:
• Should all businesses act ethically? • How can smaller businesses compete against multinational giants such as Alphabet and Facebook? • Are business mergers a good idea? • How can business leaders motivate their workforce? We do not just focus on large public limited corporations but also on the smaller businesses that make up 99% of UK businesses as well as not for profit organisations and charities. Pupils today are considering the impact of a global pandemic as well as Brexit on the future of commerce.
The course is suitable for many careers and degree courses including business and international business, banking and finance, advertising and promotion, law, public relations, human resource management and business administration.
Topics include:
1. 2.
4. Managers, leadership and decision making Decision making to improve performance in marketing, operations, finance and human resources Analysing the strategic position and direction of a business Managing strategic change
Pupils are assessed by three examinations at the end of year two which include a combination of multiple choice, short answer, essay and data response questions.