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Fearless linguists who opted to study Latin in 3rd Form may continue to GCSE. The study of Latin at King's Bruton fosters a set of high-grade, transferable skills that are highly valued by universities and employers alike using a curriculum based on both skills practice and application of knowledge. Latin trains our pupils to have critical expertise, which is essential for making them forceful communicators.
In the 4th Form we build on our previous study, and delve into culture. The specified programme of study changes slightly year upon year, but current 4th Form pupils are studying the Eruption of Vesuvius and its effects on Pompeii and Herculaneum, which raised two cities, preserved in very different ways, to the ground. In 5th Form, pupils are studying ‘Superstition and Magic’, stories from Greece and Rome: a sorceress teaches young ladies how to deceive young men; an alarming dream comes true for Pliny; Dido, scorned so heartlessly by Aeneas, prepares a curse for him.
Pupils will sit 3 papers at the end of their 5th Form year:
1. Latin language: pupils will translate passages of unseen Latin on the themes of mythology and history
2. Themed Latin literature: analysis of passages of lightly adapted Latin on a particular theme.
The current theme is Superstition and Magic
3. Narrative Latin literature: analysis of an extended passage of Latin literature. Passages for this cohort will be either the mythology Ceyx and Alcyone or Boudicca’s Rebellion
The department also offers various co-curricular trips and activities; please see the school website for full details. Beyond GCSE Sixth Form pupils who have enjoyed their GCSE Latin may wish to extend their classical knowledge by beginning A Level Latin, (OCR board) following prior consultation with the Headmaster and Deputy Head Academic. Please contact the Head of Department for further guidance, reassurance and information.
Mr Lovell Head of Classics dbl@kingsbruton.com